
Chapter 3: 3

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I got dizzy after barely two hours of sleep. During my lunch break, I slept for about 20 minutes, but it wasn’t enough. Fortunately, no errors were found during the document check.




I coughed and closed the last file.


“Seo-yu ssi, you seem completely sick today. Did you have a lot of fun last night?”


“Ah, why are you being so insensitive again?”


The chief section approached me with a smirk.


“What do you mean insensitive, I was just saying it out of envy~ You’ve never completely cut contact with your ex-lover. Was it alpha yesterday? Huh?” 


The logistics staff who work the night shift are unaware that I am Omega, but the office staff who work during the day are aware. So there are times when I just want to work in the logistics room. 


“Seo-yu ssi, get some sleep tonight. How old are you and you still lose control at night? Oh right, you’ve been always energetic, hmm?”


“If you say another word, I will report you for sexual harassment within the company, so say more. I’ll take the settlement money.”


“Hahaha, it’s not as scary as it looks.” 


The chief section smirked and walked away as if surrendering. Should I tell his wife? I have the phone number.


In the past,  when that chief section bastard took a day off due to excessive drinking. His wife called on his behalf, claiming that his phone had broken. The phone number still remains since then.


I picked up my cell phone and looked through the call log, lest I ever get it right.




I hesitated with the unsaved number in front of me.


The chief section was my interviewer and my resident registration card clearly shows the word “extremely enthusiastic Omega”. That’s most likely why he made such an obvious move on the first day of the company dinner.


And I was easily fooled by the trick…


I feel a sense of shame.




I sighed and turned off the phone screen.


Let’s get ready for work…


It was an elevator-free building, so I was coming down the stairs to the fourth floor and my head was spinning. I stopped by the cafe on the first floor because I thought I would faint if I didn’t have coffee.




“Oh, you’re here. Hot americano, right?”


The boss who recognized me was already familiar with my usual order.


“Are you taking a coupon stamp today?”


“Yes, please.”


With a little humility, I held out the coupon. I’ve been going to this cafe since I started working for the company and it’s been four years since. I used to take the coupon stamp without forgetting it, but I haven’t been able to do so recently.


‘Don’t take coupon stamps, you look pathetic. It’s really embarrassing.’


When I was in a relationship, I couldn’t take a coupon in front of Park Jin-cheol because I heard his words on the way out after taking the coupons. We had a huge fight that day. When we got back, I didn’t just take out the coupon because he was staring at me whether I took it or not.


“I give three stamps for you. Even the ones you didn’t take last time.”


“Really? Thank you. I will be a regular customer for the rest of my life.”


“Yes, come often~.”


The boss must have heard Park Jin-cheol’s sarcastic remarks, but he remained kind and friendly, showing no signs of offense. He appears to be my age, but his social life appears to be one level higher than mine.


‘Do you have a girlfriend? You know what? I’ve seen you go out with a girl before. How does it feel to go out with such a sweet person? I also want to date a kind person.’


Even if it is not within your means, your imagination is free.


I left the cafe, enjoying the warm and soft aroma of coffee.


The place I decided to meet that high school kid and his older brother was at a high-end Korean restaurant.


I didn’t even know there was such a place in Mapo-gu. Should I have worn a one-piece suit instead?


“Hello, how can I help you?”


As I walked around the entrance, an elegantly dressed employee approached me.


“I have an appointment here.”


“Are you Mr. Seo-yu?”


“Yes, that’s right.”


“We have someone waiting for you. Come on in.”


It was ten minutes before the scheduled time, but they were already here.


I followed the employees inside. After a few more floors in the elevator, a long and wide hallway appeared. The employees stopped in front of a large door in the middle.


“Should I go in here?”




I took a look around. This was the door. Surprisingly, this floor seemed to have only one room.


What kind of restaurant… It’s not even a hotel…


I opened the door with a confused feeling.


And as I opened the door, I was frozen.


“You are here.”


I almost unintentionally spit out the words, ‘A gangster?’ to the man who greeted me coldly.


Even when seated, he seemed to be taller than 190cm with broad shoulders and forearms the size of my head. He was dressed in a black suit, but his sexy tight fit was enough to draw my attention to him.


His hair was neatly pulled up without leaving a single strand of hair, he had a sharp bridge nose, a firm jawline, and his eyes look so emotionless because he didn’t have double eyelids.


Overall, there was a sense of cold oppression. Furthermore, the scar from the right cheek to the chin left an unfavorable impression on ordinary people.


Of course, I am not an ordinary person.


I immediately smiled and sat across from him.


“Hello, Sang-hoon ssi. You came early.”


“It’s Sung-hoon, you asshole!”


The high school kid, who was sitting on his knees in his school uniform, raised his head and yelled.


“Oh, you are over there? I’m sorry. I can’t remember your name well… haha.”


“Crazy bastard… “


“Choi Sung-hyun.”


The older brother warned his younger brother by calling his name. He bowed his head and closed his mouth. It was so intimidating that I even wanted to lie flat on my face.


Even when I took off my coat and put it next to me, I was still coughing. Thankfully, the room was warm. The older brother looked at me quietly and opened his heavy mouth.


“Did you catch a cold?”


“A little. Haha, I won’t pass it to you.”


To suppress my coughing, I drank the tea on the table.


There were three on the table, so one must be mine.


“You know why I called you, right?”


“Yes, of course.”


I recited the lines I had prepared. It cost 3 million won, so I practiced a lot.


“Sung-hyun is such a good student which is rare these days! I wouldn’t be here right now if Sung-hyun hadn’t stopped me from making an extreme decision because I had a hard time. Thank you so much, and thank you to Hyung-nim for raising him so well. I’ll pay for all of the car repairs.”


Of course, all the expenses will come from the high school kid’s wallet.


I looked up at the older brother brightly after I had finished speaking, but I was discouraged by his deep and indifferent eyes.


“Don’t lie.”


The older brother, as expected, did not believe me. Even in the acting about my pitiful life, the man remains cold.


“Choi Sung-hyun caused an accident while trying to stop someone from jumping into the river, do you think I’ll believe it? That Choi Sung-hyun saved someone?” 


It was a sharp remark but I didn’t lose my smile.


“In any case, he also said that Hyung-nim would not believe it. But it’s the truth. If not, why would I lie? There is nothing to gain by lying like this.”


“I’m sure you took the money without a second thought.”


“What? Money?”


“How much did you get?”


The older brother asked without a change in his expression. It was a determined voice, and I wondered, ‘Did this high school kid leak the plan?’


I took a quick look at the high school kid, who had a look on his face that said, “If you can’t convince my older brother here, there will be no money.”


“I’m asking you how much did you get.”


“Ahaha. You really don’t trust people. I didn’t take any money.”




Perhaps my reply was too absurd, and the cold eyes change a little. The high school kid in the corner of the room shook his head. His face had turned pale.


“Hey, y-you, why are you talking casually-.”


“He did it first.”


I blinked as if it didn’t matter. The high school kid stuttered and fixed his gaze on me and his brother.


“I’m not sure how old he is, but he did it first, so I’m going with the flow. There is no reason for me to be polite to strangers who talk casually to me without my permission.”


The older brother cocked his brow and looked down at me. A cold eye indicated a cold personality. Anyway, I had no idea that a person who called me to talk about their brother would be so arrogant.


That cold stare on my face felt like it was going to crush me to death. I got goosebumps on the back of my neck because his cold stare made me feel he wasn’t looking at humans.


Damn, should I just use honorifics again…


The man remained silent. He just gave me a cold stare. As a result, I couldn’t even open my mouth and my conscience was attacked as well.


To be honest, it’s true that I took the money without hesitation!


“Th-this, crazy bastard who does he think he is to speak-… !”


“Choi Sung-hyun.”


“Huh, yes, Hyung. I will not curse.”


Meanwhile, the high school kid was scolded by his brother for being overly excited on his own. As a result, I was no longer under the gaze of the older brother. As soon as his gaze shifted away from me, I returned my gaze to the table.


Are you a real gangster? How can your eyes be so emotionless?


You are reading story Bye-Bye at

To use the honorific again.


“Your words and actions do not seem to be those of someone who attempted suicide yesterday.”


Fortunately, the older brother stepped down first. I breathed a sigh of relief inwardly.


“I don’t want to die anymore. I was able to overcome it thanks to Sung-hyun’s help.”


“How much money did you get?”


“Well, I didn’t get it. Aren’t you too sure? You should have a little trust in your younger brother.”


I brought back the smile that had faded due to tension on my face. I considered using my Omega appeal. Because I didn’t look like an Omega, I had to smile prettily and release a little pheromone. However, I did not do it for fear of offending the older brother.


“To be honest, he looks like a teenager who’s very interested in cars. How excited must he have been to get one as a gift? The day he finally drove it out, he met a man who was about to jump to his death and saved his life, so I think it’s fate. Hyung-nim aren’t you proud?”


‘I was trying to commit suicide.’


“Yes, yes, it’s true. I tried to jump into the Han River. Think about it. Why would I be in the middle of Mapo Bridge at that time if I wasn’t planning on killing myself? It’s cold and raining outside.”




“Sang-hyun broke the car because of me and was so worried that I would report him. It’s illegal for a minor to drive, but if it hadn’t been for Sang-hyun that day, I would have died. So please think about it with an open mind that he was driving to save one person.”


“It’s Sung-hyun.”


“… Ahaha, I can’t memorize people’s names very well. Whether it’s Sung-hyun or Sang-hyun…”


I smiled with my eyes while concealing my twisted heart.


“We should give Sung-hyun something like a brave national award. Shall I notify the Seoul Metropolitan Government?”


“It should be a brave citizen award.”


Whether it’s the public or citizens I don’t really care…


“Anyway, you should be proud to have such a wonderful younger brother, and I will treat you to today’s meal. I owe the price of my life, haha.”


Of course, I will charge Choi Sung-hyun later.


“The meal has already been paid.”


From the beginning to the present, the man has had a consistent low tone. He seemed to have a cold personality, not showing much enthusiasm for anything. How are brothers so different?


The man’s black cell phone on the table then began to vibrate. The man prepared to get up by looking at the screen with only his eyes.


“I don’t believe you, but I’ll leave first. I will contact you later.”


“Ah… Are you going?”


I was so happy that I asked without even realizing it. I was in a hurry to control my expression, so my face became awkward with a forced smile.


“You can stay a little longer…”




“But if you’re really busy, you can go.”


“Then I’ll go.”


Are you making fun of me?


The man’s voice seems to have a faint laugh in it.


The harsh impression is a little better as there is a little laughter in those cold eyes. It’s just that I’m not sure if it’s cynicism or a genuine smile.


“The meal will be delivered after I leave. Have a meal with Sung-hyun.” The man stood up in his seat. Even the knee-up movement was composed and disciplined.


When Choi Sung-hoon and I stood up at the same time, the physical difference between us became even more obvious. I was compelled by instinct to scan the man’s body with my eyes.


As if it were a scene from a movie, the man took the suit coat from the hanger and began putting it on his arm. With his determined eyes, cheek scars, and even a ghastly physique, he would look great in a noir film.


“What’s wrong?”


The man noticed my gaze as I watched his long, hard fingers slowly button the buttons. I felt bad for staring so intently, so I spoke up.


“You have a great body and broad shoulders. Those square shoulders.”


“It’s an inverted triangle.”




“Then I will contact you. Please take a rest. Sung-hyun-ah, see you tomorrow.”


“Ah, yes, Hyung!”


Choi Sung-hyun responded aloud.


The man opened the door.




I was taken aback and almost fell backward at that moment. There were apparently two big guys in black suits waiting in the hallway where no one was!


At first glance, it seemed to be ten people. When and how did they appear silently, and why are they waiting in the corridor for a man? The phrase “death disposal” came to mind at the time, but I shook my head.




Among them, a man with glasses about the same size as him approached the man with a tablet PC. He said something in low voices, presumably aware of my presence, and another man of his size closed the door.


“What the hell.”


I took a seat on the spot.


“Hey, kid. Is your brother really a gangster?”


“No? He works in the financial sector.”


Choi Sung-hyun, who had regained his spirit, sat comfortably in his seat when his older brother left.


“How dare you look at my brother and speak casually to him? Is there a problem with your head? You’re a lunatic, aren’t you?”


“Do you want to be beaten by a lunatic?”


“I had no idea there was a big human who dared to speak casually to my brother. You’re lucky to be alive. You’d be dead if there was a knife here.”


“You said you weren’t a gangster.”


“Do only gangsters kill people? Ordinary office workers, too.”




I’m not sure which world you’re referring to. An ordinary office worker kills people because they spoke casually to them, and what kind of company refers to the higher up as ‘boss’?


I stretched my legs out to relax my tense body.


“How old are you?”


“Older than you.”


“And don’t call me you. Put honorific on it. Come on, before I tell your brother.”




“So, how old is your brother?”


“Thirty, will be thirty one next year?”


Thirty? I was surprised to know he was younger than I had thought.  The flowing force seemed to be at a certain stage.


He seems to knew that I’m in my early twenties, so I thought he must be upset when I spoke casually earlier.


“Why are you surprised?”


“I expected him to be older. Your brother looks so mature that he seems to be in his mid-40s and…”


I want to have sex.


“…because he looked like that-.”


“He looks like that because of the scar. It’s because he always wears suits and has his hair slicked back. When he has his hair down, he seems to be in his twenties. And what’s the deal with Alpha looking so young?”


Now that I think about it, it was a severe brocom. His older brother looked quite scary, but he still admires him that much? Choi Sung-hyun, who was flapping and siding with his brother looked quite cute.


Well, the reason he called me today was to warn his underage brother not to drive again. He’s a great brother.


I couldn’t help but think of my brother. We used to be close. Because I liked it so much, I thought it was a mask.


When I came home after eating a lot of expensive dishes, the desolate atmosphere was waiting for me again.


Tuesday night at 11 p.m., a vague time to go anywhere.


I washed up and went to the refrigerator to get a can of beer.


A table for four.


A closet with one of the doors missing.


A chair with a curved back.


And a refrigerator that is making noise.


Things will lean and break down if you live in one place for a long time. But I have no intention of moving.


The owner has not raised the deposit for over 10 years.


I sat down in front of the television and drank the entire can of beer. While brushing my teeth, I was watching a drama in which a woman was crying in a man’s arms.


After taking my cold medicine, I jumped into bed.


Both the doors of the bedroom and the small room were opened and the TV was turned on.


Nevertheless, how can this loneliness disappear? Is there ever going to be a day in my life when I don’t feel lonely?


Cough, cough.


I stared blankly at the ceiling


It’s not that I haven’t tried to find a hobby that I enjoy. I also joined a photography club, purchased and watched a DVD of a well-known film. I played online games and even traveled alone.


However, while watching a movie, I only commented about the male actors. I left a club after being caught flirting with two people at the same time. In games, I fell in love and quit when my relationship ended, and while traveling, I dropped by a local gay club and had a one-night stay with a beta.


I feel ashamed when I think of the past.


My life really.


I didn’t think it would be easy to fall asleep, so I just woke up.


The eleventh ancestral rite is over.


I can’t live like this forever. I should stop dating Beta. I want to create a peaceful and happy family. If I’m going to live, I want to live as a part of a happy family.


I’m not even young anymore, so I need to get married before I turn another year older. There are ways to contact my little father, but that’s the last resort.


Let’s look for an alpha and omega dating site. Isn’t there a chance that if I smile prettily, say I’ll work and do housework, the passionate old alphas will choose me?


But I just stared at the ceiling and did nothing.


I’m sick of it. I’m sick of life. I’m tired of even thinking about this. It’s too boring.


What do people do for a living?


What the hell are people doing with this terrible time?

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