Cake and Necromancy

Chapter 4: Chapter 4: A necromancer, an elf and a dragon walk into a castle.

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Chapter 4: A necromancer, an elf and a dragon walk into a castle.

Ossilo stared at the red beast that was lazing amidst the skeletons. Mana enveloped the beast, and he turned into a man with a long mane of red hair and the greenest eyes that Ossilo had ever seen. He was also quite naked, which unnerved the elf.

"Here, put this on," Octavian came forward with a bundle of clothes. Consisting of a tunic, pants, and underwear. "Everything will fit."

"You prepared for me?" The red head asked. Then, he turned to Ossilo. "And, you have a pet?"

Ossilo sputtered. He was not a pet. Who did this dragon think he was, calling him as such?

"My soulmate, one of the two," Octavian told the dragon turned human. "You are the second."

"That is not how soulmate magic bonds work," the red-haired man said with a shrug. "There can only be one soulmate for a person. Bonds like this don't make harems. Besides, soulmates don't exist."

Ossilo watched as Octavian sputtered at that. It brought him no small among of satisfaction to know that the man could be railed up so easily. Perhaps, if Ossilo had insisted on the absurdity of what Octavian was claiming from the start, he could have been allowed to leave.

"He stole all the mana from the world," Ossilo said, looking pointedly at the dragon.

"Oh, that is wonderful," that was not quite the reaction that Ossilo had expected to get. The man was busy putting on his clothes. Ossilo blinked a couple of times.

"He can also take your mana," Ossilo tried to get the man on his side again, only to be answered with a snort.

"I can fight without it," the man said matter-of-factly. Ossilo ran a hand over his face.

"Neither of you can fight my armies to a standstill," the necromancer said, more than a little proud from the fact. "Much less defeat them."

"I don't like your lack of faith," the dragon said, and Ossilo got a surge of hope in his chest. If he played his cards right, he could put the two against one another.

"Dragon, I..." Ossilo was interrupted when the orbs of the dragon locked on him. He looked down because of the intensity of the stare. Something told him to make himself as small as possible.

"Don't intimidate him. I need either of you to break my curse," Octavian said, and the two turned to him.

"What curse?" Ossilo managed to get out. Octavian had prattled on about vampirism yesterday and nothing else.

"I can't leave the castle if I am not bonded to a soulmate," Octavian said. The dragon-man looked to the castle in question.

"You know, curses like these are usually done because of cursed objects. I can take care of your problem, but you will have to give me all your treasure," now, the dragon-man was dressed. Ossilo noted that all his clothes complimented his muscled figure. Something the elf was sure that the necromancer had done on purpose.

"You'd do that for me?" Octavian asked, stars in his eyes.

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"For the treasure," the dragon corrected him. "My name is Frederik, by the way."

Ossilo's eyes widened. A dragon was giving his name to them willingly. Such a thing was seldom. Octavian walked in the direction of the castle, and the skeletons parted before him. The two followed. One, because he stood to gain a lot, the other because he didn't want to remain outside with the skeletons.

"Now, I didn't exactly steal the mana out of everything," Octavian told them, as they entered the treasury. Ossilo's eyes threatened to bulge out of his sockets when he saw the piles of gold and jewelry just scattered around.

"What did you do?" Frederik asked, curious.

"Well, I just stole it from the humans. As in, from this generation of humans. The next one will have mana, just as normal," at that Ossilo was glad. But he paled when he considered the implications.

"The dungeons are going to get out of control," Ossilo said, more to himself than to the other two. "Humans will be enslaved by mobs."

"The elves and dwarves too," Octavian said, not caring much. "Here we are. Find what is keeping me in the castle and burn it, Frederik. All this is yours upon completion of the task."

Frederik flexed mana into his fingers, and a crown flew to him. He took it and looked at it from all sides. It was a simple gold circled with rubies. Nothing special. If one didn't look at the mana.

The mana was a patchwork of all kind of mana from mobs and humanoids. There was the mana of a Lich, woven with the mana of an elf. Frederik's nose scrunched up at that.

He turned into a dragon, which startled Ossilo, and then ate the crown. Puffs of smoke began to escape his mouth and soon, there was a shift in the mana in the air.

Octavian all but ran to the entrance of the castle, the two close behind him. Then, he went as far as he normally could venture, and took a deep breath.

"Well, here goes nothing," Octavian then took one step forward, then another. He barked a laugh and jumped in the air. He was finally free.

Ossilo watched as the necromancer did something that didn't fit in the profiles of necromancers, and laid down on the grass and began to flap his arms around. The skeletons too began to cheer, although their cheering came out as more of a tortured howl.

"I do love gigs like this one," Frederik wrapped his arms around Ossilo, and held him close.

"What are you doing?" Ossilo asked, his voice muffled by Frederik's chest.

"Imprinting," the dragon said, as if that explained everything.

"You what now?" Ossilo had heard of dragon mating habits and imprinting, but, surely, this was not that.

"You are the sole healer left in the world that can use mana. Therefore, precious. I collect precious things and people. Say, how do you feel about becoming a vampire and spending eternity with me?" Ossilo whined deep in his throat. What was with strangers trying to talk him into becoming a vampire?

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