
Chapter 2: Volume 1 - CH 1

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Chapter 1 - Every Day is a Bothersome Day

"I did wear clothes. I don't sleep nude you know, it's just that around the

time of dawn I couldn't go back to sleep so I took them off... No problem, I

did put on perfume... Just like that actress from before—"

Erica got up all of a sudden.

At the same time, the blanket began to slide off the clearly unclothed upper

torso, and her bountiful cleavage was revealed from below.

Godou immediately caught the falling blanket.

"Erica, put on some clothes! Please! Please put on your clothes first!"

"Yes—then, first let's wear... the underwear in the second drawer from the

bottom, Godou can pick whichever ones you prefer..."

To Godou who just heard a terrifying sentence, Erica smiled faintly.

A different smile from the usual devil's smile, it was a true and innocent

smile. Perhaps because she had just risen from bed, the crafty witch was

acting a little more honest.

Frightened by this fresh feeling, Godou continued to beg.

"Don't joke around, choose it yourself!"

"Still lacking in ambition eh? Ah, help me take out the ones I was wearing

yesterday, did they fall on the ground?"

"Those are underwear. Is it really ok to leave them somewhere that men

can see?"

"It's fine if it's Godou, for you are special. Even seeing my naked body is

totally fine for you."

"No way, that is completely out of the question. An-anna-san, please could

you bring something for Erica to wear? Please, quickly!"

To Erica's words which made Godou panic, Arianna calmly smiled and ran


Godou's recent mornings pretty much all felt like this.

Part 2

The high school division of Jounan Academy, Year 1, Class 5.

Here was the classroom of Erica and Godou, and by the way, the two were


Actually Erica was originally seated much further away, but on the first day

she transferred, she suddenly gave that speech.

A month ago, during homeroom in the morning.

The foreign student from Italy had introduced herself with perfect


Afterwards, Erica, who had been seated next to a window, began smiling

as she hummed proudly to herself. Then she proceeded to casually walk to

Godou's seat and suddenly announced.

"First of all I must make this clear, I, Erica Blandelli have already promised

my future to someone, and that is this person, Kusanagi Godou. —hoho,

from today onwards we will always be together, Godou."

As she delivered those words, she deftly embraced Godou who

desperately wanted to flee, and kissed him upon the cheek.

Elegantly capturing Godou who had been on alert—this must surely count

as a miraculous skill—Erica then began to give a speech.

Two people in love, who cannot be separated even for a moment.

And so she hoped for cooperation to obtain her rightful seat belonging by

his side.

"There can be no place for me to sit except beside Kusanagi Godou.

Would you help us who are in love, and accept such willfulness?"

Godou was shocked that Erica made such a request.

No, no matter how you look at it, that is totally unreasonable. One was truly

speechless at this choice of action.

The surrounding classmates all suddenly left their seats, and started to

reorganize themselves to accommodate Erica's seating request. Even the

teacher had nothing to say.

At that time, Erica must have been using magic similar to hypnosis.

And so it came to be, the two of them were seated next to each other, and

their relationship was officially recognized within the class.

"Hey Godou, let's go for lunch, Arianna prepared sandwiches for me


Erica joyfully said as the bell rang for the lunch break. Godou immediately

began to feel his body being pierced by vast amounts of murderous intent.

—It's that guy Kusanagi again, we see this every single day!

—Ch! Our Erica, why would she go with that guy!

—If this level of hate can become a murder weapon, I, I will be able to kill

this guy!

—You boy, even hell is too mild for you!

"Hey! Erica, why don't you try having lunch with other girls for once? I will

go to the school cafeteria."

Pressured by the indescribable stress, Godou attempted to offer a


The dark aura exuded by the surrounding boys has been intensifying

through each passing day.

Jealousy, hate, revulsion, murderous intent, enmity. If a measuring device

existed to quantify these negative emotions, who knew what values would

be recorded in this classroom?

"What are you talking about? Even for the girls, everybody supports us.

Don't ruin the mood with such words."

Godou sighed at Erica's simple response.

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Erica Blandelli's political and negotiation skills can truly be horrifying.

She was definitely not a person with a good attitude at receiving others. In

fact, the first time she met Godou, she was mostly arrogant and cold.

However, as long as she willed it, she can be a diplomatic expert who gets

along well with anyone.

She possessed beauty and elegance beyond the daughters of high class

families, extraordinary eloquence of speech, social strategy which neither

compromised nor created conflict, first impressions convincing others that

she was a special existence, and exceptional charisma fitting for a leader.

If a person of such a disposition were to get serious, no high school

student in Japan would be her match.

Even when her character is so prone to doing as she pleased, Erica's

actions have not garnered any ill talk behind her back. Godou truly

admired this accomplishment.

The trouble was this—Erica's total disregard for hiding her affections

towards a specific boy was greatly problematic.

Due to the well wishes of the girls, as well as the anger of the boys, hate

and admiration had combined to double the pressure on Godou.

"But then, it would be nice to have lunch outside once in a while. Since

today's weather is fine, how about the central courtyard? To go to the

benches there, wouldn't that be great?"

"Sorry, only that choice is impossible, let's eat in the classroom."

Godou immediately answered to the smiling Erica.

The central courtyard was where not only high school students but many

middle schoolers passed by, especially during the lunch break. One must

avoid such attention seeking actions at all costs in a place seen by so

many people.

"Then how about as usual, I'll go buy the drinks, what do you want?"

"Tea then, the non-sweet type."

Alternating between buying drinks and bread was the agreement they had

decided beforehand.

As Erica left to fulfill her turn to buy drinks, Godou began to prepare the

area for lunch.

Laying out the napkin and placing the lunchbox on it, there were Italian

cold cuts, sandwiches containing ham and vegetables, as well as olives in

plastic containers, apples, etc.

A lunch prepared by Arianna, full of European style.

Recalling the first time when Erica just moved here, the memory remains

fresh in Godou's mind when he lectured Erica for planning on bringing wine

and champagne bought from the hotel as drinks for lunch.

"What's the matter, Takagi?"

Since the boy who sat behind him seemed to be saying something, Godou

ventured to ask.

Godou was already quite tall, but Takagi was taller still, reaching nearly

185cm in height. He should be in the Kendo club.

"Godou, let me share with you some good news. Right now, all the boys of

our Class 5 are enduring the accumulation of rage and hate towards your

atrocious acts, as if ignoring our existence..."

"I'm sorry, but the one ignoring others is Erica, not me."

"Ch! Whenever you talk about yourself, you always think you are in the

right! You think you're so special—fine, if you're going to be that way, we

will take emergency measures."

Takagi spoke decisively.

Why? He—no, including him, all the boys staring at Godou had their eyes

full of strong determination, it's almost like those of two boxers in an

undecided match, dodging each other's attacks and waiting for an

opportunity to counterattack.

"Emergency... measures?"

"Yes. We will fight poison with poison. If you won't heed the feelings of us

men, then we will retaliate with the appropriate measures! ...To be frank,

we already sent someone to report to the other class next door."

"Why the class next door... Could it be!?"

"Ho, you realized it. But it's too late. We tried to avoid this until now

because it hurts us too. But in order to torment you, we dare to walk the

path of pain."

As Takagi gave a speech full of heroic sacrifice, she arrived.

Mariya Yuri of the First Year, Sixth Class.

Godou's sister Shizuka's upperclassman at the tea ceremony club she

belonged to, the one who represented the Japanese wizardry world, and

the Hime-Miko whose appearance never failed to catch Godou's attention.

As she entered the door to Class 5, Godou found her walking over to him.

"Kusanagi-san, may I borrow a moment of your time?"

"Yes, yes, what is it?"

The number one top beauty in the school alongside Erica, was asking with

a sharp glare.

Her beauty was like sakura flowers blossoming quietly on the mountain

side, and felt neither arrogant nor ostentatious.

One could easily fall into obsession just by watching her.

"I am reminding you precisely because this is inappropriate. I am in a

different class, and cannot report you to the discipline committee...

However, the students in this class only hope you will not ignore them."

"Uh, umm..."

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