Can You Hear It?

Chapter 2: Nightmares can’t hurt you

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David was glad to finally be home, after the hours spent listening to that damn noise in his office he could finally relax and watch his favorite show that played only an hour after he gets home. David entered his house with nobody coming to greet him, its been that way for a few years now. His wife passed eight years ago but his daughter Jen moved out only two years ago, it was hard at first coming home to a quiet and cold place but as time went by he got used to it, besides he got to see his daughter almost everyday at the station.

David's after work routine was mundane to say the least, a shower then he makes himself something that his wife used to make then he would sit at the dining table alone with only his thoughts. David hated that part of the night the most but it had become ingrained in him when his wife and daughter would join him for dinner every night in the past. Perhaps he should force himself to shift his habits it might improve his mood, maybe even find a small hobby as a distraction.


That noise seemed to be stuck in his head like a bad song, he just wanted to relax but it seems he can't even do that. David decided that he would go to bed early tonight too right after his show ended.

David prepared for bed, dressing in his usual nightwear of a simple white pajama shirt and warm pajama pants. The bed was a godsend for his weary mind but the same question was running through his mind, 'how long will it take for the new guy to get scared off, this town was strange for those that lived here and a nightmare for those that didn't'.

David drifted through darkness, as he became aware of his surroundings he noticed he was in his office at the station but it was empty except for a light from just outside of his vision. David decided that leaving the office was the only choice he had so he left and was greeted by the back of a woman. The woman turned and the scenery changed to David's dining room, she was looking at him with eyes of a deep vibrant green.

David knew the woman but the eyes were so distracting that he became frozen, whether through fear or confusion or even shock he said what he was thinking.

"Mariele" David was stunned, it was like a specter wearing her face.

"David" The specter repeated the noise he heard all through the day but it was so much clearer and louder yet still sounded so alien.

A sound tore through his dining room, a drum of noise accompanied by a magnificent flash of pale green, much like her eyes. David recoiled at the noise, it had sounded like a chorus of people all calling his name but more. When David looked back she was gone and he was left alone again.

Jackson was in his office at the station preparing to head out and start on the interviews that he thought were going to be just so much fun for sure (sarcasm). Before Jackson got even halfway through the door he saw Jen pacing back and forth rather nervously, he decided he should make a good impression with the Chief so he went to see what might be bothering her.

"Everything alright Jen" Jackson said.

"Oh, yes, I think" Jen said trying to cover her distress and failing.

"Are you sure, I'm willing to help if I can" Jackson offered only for formalities sake.

"No, I'm sure it's fine but dad didn't come in yet and he's usually always on time" said Jen with a sigh.

"I'm sure he's just running late, though he did look tired when I saw him yesterday so maybe he just took the day off" Jackson said trying to ease her worry.

Jen was still worried as her father would tell her when he was taking a day off as that could affect her work, mostly be making it easier but still she was worried.

"How about this I'll stop by his house when I have the chance, I'm about to start my investigation" Jackson said to reassure her that nothing was wrong.

"Um, alright, because you're a detective I'll trust you with this. I'll give you the address" Jen said with a appreciative tone.

She wasn't worried about her father getting hurt as he had all the training from his military days still but that doesn't mean she wanted to send just anybody to check on her father. Jen was all he had left after her mother passed and she wanted to make sure nothing happened to him as him living alone in a house with so many old memories and the stress of his job could weigh on him.

Jackson took the address and left Jen with a goodbye before heading out to his car and started his investigations. As Jackson was driving towards his first house he noticed the distinct lack of people and animals outside their houses, he looked up to the sky and saw why, the sky was dark and ominous like a big storm was approaching. Jackson should really pay more attention to the weather reports, this storm will definitely be a nuisance if it started pouring on him, he didn't bring an umbrella.

Jackson decided it would be best to stop and get an umbrella since he was out already. Jackson found a simple clothing store and went in to see if they had any but he also came for another reason, to see if they had any trench coats in stock.

Jackson found a nice looking black trench coat and a bin for umbrellas that were thrown in without care. Jackson went to the clerk to purchase his items.

"Evening, this all for you" said the Clerk in the standard retail way.

"Yea" Jackson said simply, he couldn't wait to try on the coat, just one step closer to his childhood.

"You're that new detective that people are talking about aren't you?" said the clerk suddenly.

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Jackson was confused, nobody should have known he was moving to this town as he didn't know anybody in it, unless the station announced it for whatever reason which he doubted as they had no reason to do so.

"Yes, how did you know" Jackson said somewhat guardedly.

"Small towns always spread news fast, especially when its on the stranger side" said the clerk mysteriously.

 "What do you mean 'strange'?" asked Jackson curiously.

"The last detective - the one you replaced - disappeared without any trace, like he was swept up in the wind never to be found." said the clerk.

"The last one disappeared? How?" Jackson exclaimed.

"Far as I know he was investigating that Ethan bastard" the clerk said not caring that he was cursing in front of a customer.

"Right, what did this Ethan do?" Jackson said trying to pry all that he could from the clerk.

"Aside from calling me and everyone else a green eyed monster and other various insults, he was a murder suspect I believe." the clerk said disappointed that he didn't have more to say.

"Sounds about right, aggressive and seemingly unstable would make a perfect suspect" Jackson said looking at the clerks eyes and seeing that they were a bright blue not at all close to green.

"Anyway have a nice day detective Jackson" said the clerk with his returning professionalism.

"Yea, you too" Jackson said and left the store with the umbrella in hand and the coat around him.

Jackson got back into his car when it suddenly dawned of him that the clerk knew his name without him even giving it. Jackson looked down to his neck where his badge usually hung only to see it wasn't there, he looked in his pocket and found he hadn't put it on yet so he did so but that was a chilling experience. Perhaps the station really did tell the people here that Jackson was coming to replace the other detective but did they say his name as well or was the clerk just incredibly knowledgeable about the affairs of the police in this town.

While the recent event still uncomforted Jackson he decided that dwelling on it will get him nowhere, besides maybe the clerk really was one of those people that followed up on what cops where doing and all the cases they got. Jackson continued with his original assignment and soon arrived at the northern district.

Jackson pulled into the driveway of the first person he was to interview and saw that another two cars were parked in front of him, so they were home and with at least two people inside maybe more. Jackson's old habits were kicking back in now and his eyes were searching for the best cover he could find while also looking for any windows that may have a direct view of him. His walk was calm but his eyes were searching everywhere for potential threats.

Jackson arrived at the door and surveyed the area near the door, no side windows and some furniture on the porch that were far enough away he could dive without hitting them. Jackson stood beside the door with the handle close by and knocked, old habits kept him from knocking while in front of the door.

almost a minute passed and there was no response, Jackson was starting to get nervous. The door flung open with a "What" that jolted Jackson into action, his hand went for the holster but didn't take the pistol out and his eyes were focused on the area behind the person in the doorway.

"Um, hello ma'am, I'm detective Jackson and I would like to ask you some questions if that would be alright with you?" Jackson said with a strain to his voice.

The woman that answered the door was maybe 5'6 with shoulder length blonde and red hair, she looked like she was in her early 20s and was somewhat fit though it was hard to tell behind her baggy t-shirt and sweatpants. She looked at Jackson for a moment.

"Who are you" she said seemingly still half asleep.

"As I said I'm detective Jackson and I would like to ask some questions if that would agreeable" Jackson said with a curtness that was unintentional.

 "---No" the door closed in his face with a loud click leaving Jackson slightly jumpy and confused. she must have something to hide but there isn't anything he can do right now so he left.

As he was walking away at a brisk pace while peeking over his shoulder from time to time he heard the door open again. Jackson immediately spun with his hand on his holster and saw a woman older than the last walk out. The woman was also blonde and looked similar to the other woman so Jackson assumed this was her mother. The woman walked out to meet Jackson and he saw that the woman's eyes were a bright green.

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