Candy Land | Various! Yandere x Fem! Reader

Chapter 8: 08: Coffee & Coke

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        "Sam, Sam, SAM!" You ram yourself through the kitchen doors, jump scaring a certain chef in the process. He nearly drops the strawberry he's holding at the sound of your booming voice that can be heard from a mile away.

        "[N-Name]?!" he places the fruit down on the counter, raising a hand to his chest. "Oh my gosh, I nearly got a heart attack from that! I'm happy that you're back but... maybe a little warning next time?"

        "Whoops, sorry! I have some really shocking news though! Like so shocking you'll actually get a heart attack this time."

        "Oooh? Is that a challenge?” he grins, pulling out a kitchen stool and patting the cushion. "You should sit down first! I'm almost done with that strawberry shortcake you wanted, just gotta add the strawberry and a LOT of sprinkles. Since you personally requested that.” You blink.

        "Wait... Did I forget to say that I wanted it tomorrow?" 

        "Nope~" he beams, "I couldn't wait for tomorrow so I just made it today! The way your eyes light up whenever you try my food makes all the precise measuring worth it."

You try to ignore the heat gathering on your cheeks. 

        "Oh... thanks Sam! I don't think I can devour a whole ass cake by myself though?" 

        "That's why it’s called a shortcake!” He gestures to the item in front of him. “Isn’t it super cute? You should have no problem finishing it!”

        "So it's a fun-sized cake?" he stares at you.

        "Fun-sized?" Sam glances over to the side, thinking for a moment. "...Yeah, sure! I like that!”

You grin in response, plopping yourself down on the seat.

        "Hmm, I guess this'll be my dinner then?” you observe the WIP shortcake before looking back up. “Anyways! My big, shocking, ba-dazzling news!" You quickly fish the map out of your pocket, folding it open to reveal the lipstick mark. Then, you dangle it up in the air to show the eagerly waiting chef.

        "I got a date!"

 You laugh your ass off as Sam's face warps into one of absolute surprise and shock. 

        "Wait... what?!" you wheeze even harder.

        "Pfft, date! I got myself a date!" his jaw drops, finally registering your words. 

        "No way..." Sam also drops everything he’s holding, fully turning around to you. "A date?! Are — are you being serious, [Name]? You're not pulling my leg? Wait, are you talking about the fruit?”

        “I’m not talking about the fruit!” you grin mischievously.


For a second, he's utterly speechless. You snicker at how out of character the usually confident and easy-going chef was. Then, Sam manages to regain his words.

        "Wow, [Name]... I was not expecting that, like at all!” his eyes sparkle in delight. “Can I see the map I gave you?"

When you hand it over to him, his golden irises trail down, pointing a finger at the rose-colored stain.

        ”Wait, this is…! You're meeting them at the Connoisseur's Café? Tomorrow? That place is pretty famous. And expensive. It's basically a hot-spot for nobles these days. Tbh, their Frappuccinos are way too sweet. Make sure to not get one!”

You grin playfully. "Yeah, something like that. But ‘ight. Anyways! Her name is Reese and she's like, drop-dead gorgeous! I kinda saved her from this creepy asshole during my walk, so I guess that's why she wants to see me again." 

        "Huh?” his eyes widen, darting up to look at you. "Wait. What did you say, [Name]?"

        "Uhhh, I saved her from this dic-"

        "—Reese. [Name], did you say Reese was the one who asked you on a date?" Sam interrupts you.

        "Um, yeah?" you frown, "Something wrong?"

        “No! No. It’s just..." Sam looks away, touching the back of his neck. "Umm, never mind, I shouldn’t be gossiping about her. Especially if it’s Reese. That lady is super nice. Her family's really powerful as well since she’s—“ he immediately stops himself.

Hearing this, you quickly sit up and straighten your back, eyes sparkling at his words. Even though you liked to act like you weren't, you were totally a nosy bitch. You would scarf down all the tea you got from your friends over text or calls, acting as if you hadn't drunk in years. In high school, you often pretended to be asleep next to the popular girls so you could hear who Karla's seventeenth boyfriend of the hour was. And how their weekly druggie sessions in the back of the school's parking lot went.

And now, if your best pal and buddy, Sam, was suggesting that he had some juicy gossip, you were definitely going to squeeze out every last drop of it from him.

        "Awww, come on!" you flutter your eyelashes coyly, or, at least attempt to. "Sam, aren't we besties? Besides, if it's some super dark secret about Reese, then I think I should definitely know, 'cause I don't want a repeat of the Kat situation."

He glances away, biting the inside of his cheek. You can practically hear the chef struggling against himself.

        "...I don't know [Name]. It’s nothing dangerous… just, not set in stone." 

        "Not set in stone?" you repeat his words. "What do you mean?"

        "Like, they could just break the engagement off at any time. It’s not really finalized yet." Realizing he just messed up, Sam immediately clasps his hands over his mouth, mimicking the shocked monkey emoji. "W-whoops! Shoot! Please erase that from your memory!" he pleads through his makeshift mask.

You blink.

        “Oh, wait... She's — she's already in a relationship?" Sam lowers his hands, frowning at your tone change.

        "Welllll, kind of? But at the same time, not really. It's not exactly official yet, but everyone just assumes it is, so—“ he halts. "Omg, come on [Name]! You’re supposed to stop me! You just have to make it so easy to spill everything to you, don’t cha?” he puffs out his cheeks, turning away and crossing his arms. "No more!”

        “But!" you say with a pout, "My nosy bitch meter hasn’t been filled enough!" placing your cheek on your knuckles, you sigh in disappointment. "Well, now I know I was just being delusional. What a shocker. That’s low-key, no, high-key, embarrassing for me. If she's already engaged to someone, then obviously this isn't a date. A romantic one at least. Looks like I don't have any game after all." You furrow your brows, straightening your lips into a thin line.

Sam places a hand on your shoulder, giving you a sympathetic look.

        "[Name], don't be too sad okay? She might actually be interested in you! There has to be a reason she left that lipstick mark! You gotta believe in yourself!”

        "Pfft." You chuckle, "And have her partner turn homicidal and go after my cheeks? No thanks. I'll have to pass on that very tempting offer."

Sam's genuine laugh manages to cheer you up from your mini heartbreak. If you could even call it that. Sure, you had known Reese for about twenty minutes at most, but she was charismatic and pretty. Plus, she was like one of those fancy-schmancy ladies from those villainess isekai webtoons you would read. If you had to, it would be incredibly easy to develop feelings for her, even though she was a humanized peanut butter chocolate cup. And after finding out she probably just played you like a fiddle, you feel your heart sink to your stomach.

Wow, look at you being a pathetic bitch. You were acting like one of Karla’s countless ex-boyfriends after seeing her make out with her drug dealer in the school’s parking lot. 

But what was with this world and its seductive candy people? You were just trying to get back to Earth, but your hormones might get you laid before that.

Also, out of all the candy humans you’ve met thus far, Reese was the most alluring one to you. It was honestly strange. Why did she have such a strong effect on you? Sure, anyone would simp for a beautiful and elegant lady like her, but you felt you were simping too much. As if you were under a spell.

        "—inished! I'm done [Name]!" Sam’s cheery voice snaps you out of your thoughts. You crane your neck up to see a picture-perfect strawberry shortcake in front of you. One that would totally be served at a maid café in some anime. Your mouth salivates as you take in the sight of the glossy red fruit on top, and a mixture of whipped cream and chopped strawberries sandwiched between layers of sponge cake. There's an abundant amount of red and white sprinkles layered all over, just as you requested.

        "Do you like it?" he gives you a pearly-white smile. You turn to him, shooting back a wide grin.

        “Duh! How could I not like this masterpiece? I swear, you never fail to amaze me with your skills." You eye him playfully. "I bet you're secretly a really good artist. I think you were just holding back on me when you drew that map.”

Sam breathily laughs.



        "Haha, maybe I was, maybe I wasn’t.” When you notice how endearingly he looks at you, your eyes quickly shift to the side. Then, the sound of Sam's voice brings them back. "Hey [Name]… wanna be my muse then?” he grins.

You stare at him with wide eyes. Then, you crack a smile.

        "Pfft. Why not? I gotta warn you though, it’s going to be hard to capture all of my beauty in a single drawing.” He chuckles. “Anyways,” you eagerly pick up your fork and dig in, easily breaking apart the shortcake. “I should probably devour this before it melts, especially since you made it specifically for me~”

You plop a piece in your mouth, noticing how the cream instantly dissolves on your tongue. When you start to chew, you take note of how the strawberries add a refreshing sweetness, the light, airy sponge cake prevents it from tasting too sugary, and how the crunchy texture of the sprinkles ties it all together. Overall, a 69/10 cake.

Sam observes any changes in your expression with a hawk-like stare.

        ”Is—is it good? Too sweet? Too dry? Too moist? Too-“

        “Mmmph!” you shake your head. “Ish dewish.”

He laughs, lightly ruffling your hair with a hand.

        ”That’s great! Is it masterpiece worthy?” his grin widens when you give him a thumbs-up.

After a bit of convincing, you managed to get Sam to cover for your ass the next day, just incase anyone went looking for you. You prayed that no one did, but you could never be too careful. Your plan was to have a bit of fun with Reese, then immediately book it back to the mansion. After that, you would just have to survive until your house arrest was officially over, and then you could go out as much as you wanted. 

You nervously readjusted your hair in the café's window for the ten billionth time, weirding out the couple that sat in front of the glass pane. Since Reese didn't specify what time she wanted to meet, you just assumed it was the same time from yesterday. Hopefully you were correct.

Back on Earth, you had gone on your fair share of dates before. Both romantic and platonic. But that didn't manage to rest the uneasiness bubbling in your stomach. Biting your lip, you scanned the streets for a familiar brunette, your prayers getting increasingly more desperate by the second.

To your relief, you soon spot her turning around the corner. And like yesterday, the same brown cloak covers any fancy clothing she may be wearing. Though this time, her hair is tied up in a ponytail by a golden ribbon. You wouldn't be surprised if it was made out of actual gold. Ignoring your cheeks heating up, you mentally prepare yourself.

        "[Name]!" she beams, "Hello! How are you?"

        "Reese! H-hi!" you quickly run up to her, the anxiety in your chest slowly fading away. "Oh my gosh, for a sec I thought you set me up. I'm good though, now that you're here." You pause for a second. Not the accidental pick-up line.

        "What?" her eyes widen, "Set you up? Of course not! That'd be incredibly rude, especially to my savior of all people." She glances at the café. "Anyways, shall we go, [Name]?"

        "Yes, please!"

Linking your arms together, Reese pulls you inside the shop. Instantaneously, the scent of cacao beans trails to your nose, leaving you pleasantly surprised. It was rich, earthy, yet not too overbearing. And somehow, you could tell they were the highest high of high-quality beans. You can already feel yourself sweating at the thought of the prices here, praying that the money Sam gave you yesterday would be enough. 

As your e/c eyes take in your surroundings, you notice that the inside was even bigger than the exterior. It was like a Starbucks, but for millionaires, billionaires, even trillionaires — and not broke bitches like you. Who knows, maybe you would find Mark Zuccuniberg and Elon Musty here.

Your ears pick up light-hearted chattering and laughter coming from fancy-looking nobles, and you feel a twinge of insecurity creeping up on you.

Okay. It was clear you did not belong here. Back on Earth, you were that kind of person who had no problem picking up a half-eaten Nature Valley bar off the floor, and saving it for later. In addition, you could not tell the difference between dirt and ground coffee beans. But now, you managed to score a trip to this incredibly luxurious café, waiting in line with a pretty lady while praying that you had enough money to pay for a cup of coffee. In the middle of your sweating, you fail to notice Reese glancing at you with a worried look.

        "...[Name]?" she softly says, "Are you alright?"

        "Uhhh, yeah! Never been better! Why do you ask?" you give her the most unconvincing grin to exist. 

        "You seem a bit on edge." She smiles, "What's on your mind? I'd be more than happy to listen!"

You bite the inside of your cheek. How could you reject her when she was being so nice? 

        "Umm," scrambling for an excuse, your eyes flicker to the person in front of you. Thankfully, they're on the verge of finishing their order. "Look!" you point out, "It's almost our turn! I'll tell you once we get to our seats, okay?"

        "Hm… alright.” She smiles, “By the way, have you been here before, [Name]?" 

        "Um, no. Not at all. This place is basically a whole new world for me." Wait, You think to yourself, if Reese asked that, doesn't that mean she doesn't know you're human? Phew. You sweat. Maybe your kidnapping traumatized you more than you thought...

She hums softly, "Would you like a recommendation or two then?"

        “Oh, sure! Please do! Let me just take a look at the menu real quick," you say, not realizing the impending doom you were about to cause to yourself.

The moment your eyes glance up, you're hit with an overwhelming feeling of shock, like a boulder just fell on top of your skull.

        "HOLY SHIT—" you accidentally shriek at the top of your lungs, disrupting the once elegant atmosphere and causing an incredibly awkward silence to envelop the shop. Almost everyone turns around to see the cause of your loud ass profanity, some glancing in utter disbelief and others trash-talking you for using "unladylike language". You immediately crouch down and huddle closer to Reese in a pathetic attempt to hide from the stares. Your whole face burns as if you were in the fiery pits of hell, and the urge to throw yourself off a cliff right now was overwhelming.

        "[N-Name]?" Reese glances down at you in massive confusion. "I... are you alright? What happened?" you're huddling next to her like a baby duck next to its mother. 

        "N-nothing! Sorry!" you squeak out, face still on fire. You wish you had the power to isekai yourself to another world right about now, maybe one filled with humanized sodas instead. But... what the actual fuck were the prices in this store? They were charging anywhere from twenty to fifty gold coins for a drink. Dollars would've been already insane enough, but no, literal gold coins. In other words, if you didn't have the money Sam gave you, you would've had to sell either your left arm or your right lung for this shit. Was it too late to change the date destination to a Denny's?

The cashier, a man in an extremely formal uniform, looks as if he wants to strangle you, chop you into tiny pieces, and throw those pieces into the ocean for the piranhas to eat. Instead of cussing at you though, he takes in a deep breath and opens his mouth.

        "Good evening ladies, welcome to The Connoisseur's Café. What would you two like?" he gives you the fakest smile you've ever seen, clasping his hands together and resting them on the counter. "I'm afraid we're busier than usual today. There are plenty of customers patiently waiting for their turn, meaning it would be much appreciated if you could take that into account while you're deciding on your order." Basically, he wanted you to hurry the fuck up.

        "Oh!” Reese crouches down, grabbing your hands and gently pulling you up. "I apologize. Please give us a bit more time to decide, sir." You can tell he was about to roll his eyes. 

        "...Of course.” His voice was dripping with attitude. “Take as long as you need."

If you were in a much more confident mood, maybe you'd let out your inner Karen and ask to speak to the manager, since this man was being a massive b-word. You didn't really mind that he was rude to you, because you looked like a hobo compared to everyone else in this coffeeshop. But him being a dick to Reese? Naw.

To your relief, most of the patrons who turned around resume chattering, or whatever they were doing before you embarrassed yourself. Although you wanted to cry yourself to sleep, you forced yourself to choose something from the menu. Obviously, you were going to get the cheapest one. 'Cheap' as in it still costed your left foot and three of your right toes.

        "What are you getting, [Name]?" Reese turns to the cashier. "I'll go with my usual order please: a Venti Iced Skinny Hazelnut Macchiato, Sugar-Free Syrup, Extra Shot, Light Ice, and No Whip. I'll have it here in the shop, thank you."

You choke on your spit after hearing that long ass combination. Though compared to your mom’s usual, it was nothing. That woman would recite an entire paragraph. 

The cashier sighs, clearly used to this insanity, and scribbles down her order hands-free with a floating pen and notepad. His eyes dart up to you.

        "And you, miss?"

        "Umm, just a... hot chocolate for me. I'll also have it here. Thanks." You grin awkwardly. After he finishes writing that down, the paper automatically tears itself off and floats over to the kitchen. You almost hated how you found magic to be normal now. 

        "Your beverages will be delivered to you shortly. Please follow the gentleman over there, he will lead you to your seats."

You and Reese trail after a waiter, ending up in the back of the coffeeshop where there was a lot less people. There was also a large window with a lovely view of the town, and the rest of the overpriced-as-hell stores. After a short bow, the waiter walks away.

You sit down, avoiding eye contact with Reese as if your life depends on it. 

        "[Name]," unluckily for you, she's has no problem taking the lead. The sound of her voice makes you flinch, and you ever-so-slowly draw your eyes towards her.


         ”So," she smiles, “What’s been bothering you? You mentioned you would tell me once we got to our seats, correct?" she says, leaning closer. "Please, go ahead. I promise I’m an excellent listener.”

No way! Your flimsy excuse from earlier comes back to bite you in the ass!

        "Uhhh, I dunno. I kinda embarrassed myself in front of everyone like five minutes ago? And now I want to die?” you meekly say. "That's about it." 

Despite your words, Reese doesn't look too convinced. She suddenly grasps onto one of your hands, taking it gently in hers. When you look back up, you're slightly unnerved by her calm stare. It's as if she can see right through you and your BS, and directly into your very soul.

        "I believe you're not telling me the whole story." Reese furrows her brows. "Ever since I've arrived, no, even before that, you seemed... uncomfortable. The only explanation I've thought of is..." She lets out a soft sigh. "[Name], I apologize if I pressured you to meet with me today." 

        "What? No, no, no, that's not it!" You quickly clarify. "I was really happy when you asked me yesterday! I wasn't uncomfortable because I didn't want to be here. Well, I mean, this place is honestly a bit too fancy for me. I stand out too much, y'know? But um... there's also another reason besides that." After your nervous rambling, you wanted to K'O yourself for your habit of oversharing. 

        "What is it?" she squeezes your hand, encouraging you to continue. Yet you don't. Because the real reason you've been so... weirdis way too embarrassing for you to share. 

But when you make contact with Reese's golden eyes, you're surprised that instead of speeding up, your heartbeat manages to slows down. 

You suddenly feel... at absolute ease, as if you just snorted a handful of drugs, and anything you say won't be judged. No matter how horrible or foolish it makes you appear. You blink. Did Reese secretly have magic as well?

And so, even though a part of you is screaming to shut up, words start to slip out of your mouth, against your will.

Fuck it. Communication is underrated anyways.

        "Okay… So, I'm probably going to go on a bit of a tangent now, sorry, that's just my coping mechanism when I have to talk about my feelings. Is that fine with you or...?" her smile is like a warm ray of light for you.

        "Of course. Speak away, [Name]."

        "Alright-!" you awkwardly clear your throat. "Um, okay, so yesterday I kind of mentioned to my friend how you asked me to meet you today. And, well, a teensy-weensy part of me believed that it was a… er, date. That you were asking me on a date."

Shit, this was such a mistake. You can feel yourself severely cringing at your own words. Why the hell was it so hard to talk about your feelings? Oh right, because you usually repress them in an attempt to pretend like they don’t exist.

You glance up. Although you've admitted something so embarrassing that you wanted to toaster-bath yourself, Reese's neutral expression doesn't change. She continues to sit there, holding on to your hand and squeezing it again. You continue, cheeks burning as usual.

        "And, then... my friend told me you were already engaged, which made me feel like a major dumbass for thinking that you were even remotely interested in me. But like, why the hell did you have to kiss my map then? Or invite me for coffee today? Like hello?? Mixed signals? I just had to simp for someone in a relationship already, and get my hopes up and shit. Someone who's way too nice for me to get properly angry at. And oh my god, saying all of this is making me die inside. Just end me already, please." You take in a deep breath and give her a pain-filled smile. "Alright! By any chance, could you just erase all of that from your mind? Thanks!" 

        "...[Name]," Reese’s wide eyes stare into yours. "I had no idea my actions had affected you like that. I apologize for giving you so much torment… Thank you for telling me everything.” She squeezes your hand. “Would—would you do me a favor listen to my explanation? I hope it'll clarify all of your doubts and questions."

        "Um, yeah. Sure. Go ahead." She gives you a soft smile.

        "Thank you." Her eyes glance behind you. "Actually… how about we take a bit of a break first? I'm sure you're thirsty after all that talking.”

You whip your head around to see the same waiter from earlier, except this time he's holding a tray with Reese's Venti Iced Skinny Hazelnut Macchiato, Sugar-Free Syrup, Extra Shot, Light Ice, No Whip, and your hot chocolate. 

        "Enjoy ladies~" he places your drinks down, bowing and walking off. You blow on your beverage, taking a small sip incase your tongue gets burnt. To your relief, the temperature is absolutely perfect. Enough to warm you up, but not hot enough to kill you. The rich and creaminess of the chocolate flows down your throat, warming up your chest. It soothes your nerves, and you almost don't regret spending twenty coins on it. The mini marshmallows on top are super cute as well.

        "How's your drink, [Name]?" Reese smiles.

        "Really good! How's your Venti Iced Skinny Hazelnut Macchiato Sugar-Free— I forgot the rest."

She laughs, holding up her mug. "Would you like to try it?" 

You freeze, contemplating whether you should accept or not. Sharing drinks was normal among friends, right? Right? You hesitantly take it, drinking the tiniest bit. You also pretend you're blind, and that you don't see a lipstick stain on the side.

        "W-wow!" you blink, pleasantly surprised. "This is actually delicious! I guess going to all that trouble for such a precise drink was worth it..." 

        “I'm glad you like it!" Her eyes curve up in delight. "Anyways, where were we?"

        "You—you were about to explain... stuff?" Amazing response.

        "Oh, of course." Reese stays silent for a moment. "[Name], since you were honest with me, I’ll be truthful as well. The moment you appeared by my side to save me, I had a hunch. A hunch that you were different from me, and from everyone else."

        "Um, different how?" 

        "Different as in..." her piercing eyes make contact with yours. "...You weren't from this world." 

 When you finally process her words, you're stunned. 

        "You — you knew I was human this whole time?" you stammer out. “H-how?”

        "Mmhm," she smiles, "I apologize for not saying earlier. I just didn't want to... pressure you, as odd as it may sound. My father is a very powerful man with connections all over town. Thus, It would be impossible to hide news of a human from him. I ended up hearing about you after he passed on this information.” Reese blinks. “As blunt as this may be, [Name], I had absolutely no interest in you back then. I was too preoccupied living my own life to care about yours.” She smiles, “Obviously, my opinion from back then doesn’t hold true to now.”

        ”Wait… really? I know I sound egotistical af saying this, but everyone I’ve met so far has been really intrigued that I’m from a different world. Heck, I even got kidnapped because of it. So honestly, hearing that you didn’t give a shit about me is pretty refreshing.”

Her eyes widen.

        ”Wait… kidnapped?! That’s horrible! Who in their right mind would dare to do that?” you awkwardly laugh.

        ”Ummm, I got kidnapped by this weird teenage girl. It was only for an hour though! I might need some therapy, but for the most part, I think I’m good!”

She frowns.

        “[Name], really, I hope you’re alright. If you ever need an outlet, I'm always willing to lend an ear.” You send her a grateful look. Reese squeezes your hand one last time before leaning back into her chair. 

“To continue with my explanation, the moment you told me your name, I instantly recognized you as the human who came from a different world. But, I made sure to hide that from you." Your eyes widen.


        “Now that I'm thinking about it again, my reason sounds a bit silly. I hid the fact that I knew you were human because I didn't want to bother you.”

        "Wait, how would that bother me??"  

Reese takes a quiet sip of her drink.

        “...I assumed that you've already been bombarded with countless questions about your world. Therefore, I didn't want to add onto that. But... I'd be lying if I said it was easy to hold myself back. I tried my best to wait until we were properly acquainted, so then I could freely talk to you without any burdens attached.” Her lips curve up. “In my mind, once we got close enough, we could just be two friends casually conversing over drinks. That is why I invited you today, not just because you saved me, but because I genuinely want to be better acquainted with you, [Name].”

You stare at her, eyes wide. 

        "Oh… Um. I see." For the twenty trillionth time, your cheeks heat up. "That's... so sweet that I don't even know what to say."

        Reese chuckles, "That's only one part of my explanation though. Now, about my engagement and my, well, flirting, with you..."

You feel your heart pounding in your chest at her words. The fact that she admitted she was flirting with you was surreal. You found everything in this world much easier to understand than that. Nonetheless, you wait for her to continue. She doesn’t miss a beat to surprise you again.

        "[Name], I left that mark on your map on purpose." The brunette says. "I knew exactly what I was doing when I did that, what effect that would have on you, and what your impression of me would be. It… wasn't some spur of the moment action.”

        "Hold on, what?" your mouth drops, "You did that while knowing you're engaged??”

        "I did.” Her eyes trail out the window, observing the passersby and the slowly setting sun. "[Name], I love my fiancé, though not in the way you might be expecting. I've known him for many years now. We’ve been acquainted since we were children, and have always been good friends. He's handsome, kind, and very influential. Yet for some reason..." She pauses, "...I can't imagine myself having romantic feelings for him. No matter how hard I try."

You stare at her.

Oh my gosh.


You had originally guessed that she was bi or something along the lines of that, but could she actually be… 

You swallow your saliva.

        "...Do you have any idea why you can’t fall in love with him?” you slowly ask.

When she looks back at you, her lips part into a somber smile. 

        "I do." 

You lean closer, almost whispering your next response, as if Reese was sharing a secret reserved for only you to know.

        “What is it?"

When she finally speaks again, a rush of clarity fills your mind.

        "To simply put it, I… will always fall for those who I cannot have."

And then, her next words make your heart pound.

        “Such as you, [Name].”

While your thoughts are running through your mind at a bazillion miles per hour, you fail to notice the enraged stare fixated on the two of you from outside.

        "Miss Joy! Do you know where Miss [Name] is?" The mayor calls out, spotting a familiar maid at the end of the hall. 

        "Oh! Greetings, my liege!" She curtsies. "And hello to you as well, Sir Min~" The knight gives her a short nod. "I've been so busy lately, so I haven't had the chance to check up on my lady since this morning. Do you need her for something?"

        "I do. I've been meaning to speak with her about this for some time, but my work has been overwhelming this week." Twix smiles, "I'm assuming she's speaking to my cousin right about now. I've heard that Miss [Name] has been visiting the kitchen even more frequently these past days." 

        "I've heard the same thing! May I ask to accompany you then? I also wish to see my lady, even if it's for a little bit!"

        "Of course, Miss Joy. Shall we go?" 


        "Sam!" the chef flinches, looking up in surprise.

        "T-Twix? Joy? Min?" he gulps nervously. "W-what are you three doing here??? Aren't you guys busy preparing for that ball or whatever?”

        "Mmhm, but the mayor has something important to discuss with Lady [Name]. I would like to see how she's doing as well!" Joy glances around the kitchen, a look of confusion appearing on her face. "Is she not here?"

        "Uhh, n-nope!" Sam sheepishly grins. "Well, um, she was, but, uh, [Name] got tired and left! Yep!" 

        "Do you know where she is now?" the male asks, observing the sweat slowly forming on his cousin's face. "Are you... feeling warm, Sam? The kitchen always has proper air conditioning, yet you’re sweating quite a bit.”

        "I-I'm fine!" he gives Twix a shaky thumbs-up. Min narrows his eyes at this, also noticing his strange behavior. 

        "What's with you? Why do you seem so nervous?" 

        "Nervous?! Nope! Not me! I'm fine! Me, nervous? Absolutely not!" the chef laughs exaggeratedly, only making him look more sus.

        "Sam, you should rest if you’re tired. Overworking yourself will cause more harm than good." The mayor eyes him worriedly. "Miss Joy, could you check Miss [Name]'s room for me? Min, would you mind checking the garden? If she’s not in any of those places, search the rest of the mansion. Please report back to me after you’ve finished.”

        "As you wish, sire.”

        "Understood, my liege!”

As the two of them exit the kitchen, Twix glances back to a certain panicking chef. 

        "Sam, you can speak now. I’ve dismissed Min and Miss Joy. Tell me, what’s bothering you? You’re never like this, you always remain calm under any circumstances." 

        "T-Twix! Really! I'm fine!" he quickly turns around, desperate for an excuse. "O-oh! I know! I'm going to check up on the hot chocolate! Brb!"

As the chef sprints off, the mayor eyes him with an analytical expression. How… odd.

        “My lord! We’ve returned!” Joy exclaimed, pushing open the kitchen doors. 

        “How’d it go?”

 She frowned, “No sign of Lady [Name] anywhere…” 

Min nodded. “She wasn’t in the garden either. We’ve either passed her or she’s—"

        “—not in the mansion at all.” Twix finished, turning around. “Sam.” 

With panic-filled eyes, the chef backed up against the wall, eyes searching for an escape route.

        “W-what is it?”

        ”You’ve been behaving oddly this entire time.” Min stated, “It’s suspicious. If you’re hiding something, you better speak now.”

        ”What! I’m behaving as usual! I think you guys are seeing things.” He sweated. “On second thought, you were right, Twix! I’m absolutely exhausted, so I’ll retire early! See y-“

        Joy stepped in front of the kitchen doors.

        ”I’m sorry chef, but not so fast!”

        ”J-Joy?! What are you doing? Come on, let me through!” Sam's eyes darted over to the window, but he rethought his decision of climbing out after Min’s hand started hovering over his blade.

        ”M-Min! Not you too?! Why is everyone being like this…?” he cried, looking around desperately. "I swear I'm innocent!"


Chills ran up the male’s spine as he slowly turned around, like he was a horror movie protagonist during a scary bathroom scene. The hairs on his neck raised up, and a part of him, maybe his intuition, told him that he was now treading in dangerous waters. And if he continued any further… he’d drown.

Twix’s once warm golden eyes now seemed incredibly cold, as if they could freeze his heart at any moment. The mayor walked up to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. 

        “Where’s Miss [Name]?”

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        ”I— I told you! I don’t know where she went!” the chef said defensively. The mayor’s expression hardened and he furrowed his brows. 


        ”Wait… Really?” Sam blinked. “Can—can I go then?”

Twix sighed.

        ”I apologize for this.”


        ”…Sam Knickers, I exercise my power as prince and command you to tell me where Miss [Name] went.”

The chef stared at him with wide eyes, a cold sweat rushing over his head.

        “Oh shi-”

        “The Connoisseur’s Café? What’s she doing in that snobby place?” Min asks. “I doubt she can even afford a single drink there.”

        ”Haha… she’s... meeting up with a friend.” Sam says, scratching his cheek. Sorry [Name]! My cousin is super duper scary when he’s serious, the chef thought, hoping you were secretly telepathic and you could hear him right now.

        ”And this friend being?” The mayor questions.

He sighs, feeling immense shame and guilt for snitching on you. But when it came to his cousin, he was completely and utterly powerless against him.

        “...Reese asked her out on a date.”

Instantaneously, shouts of disbelief ring out in the kitchen.

        ”L-Lady Reese?! But she’s—“ Joy starts. “Are we mistaking her with another woman with the same name? When could’ve Lady Reese met with Lady [Name] in the past?”

        ”No, I'm certain there's only one person with that name.” Twix says. "If this is the case, Miss [Name] should be fine. Lady Reese is stronger than she appears.” 

        “But sire, it’s only an hour until nightfall.”

        "You’re correct Min, but I can’t bring Miss [Name] back against her will. Though, I’m severely disappointed that she snuck off without saying a word. I requested her to stay idle in the mansion for her safety, but it seemingly backfired instead.” The mayor states, furrowing his brows.

        ”My liege, if you don’t mind, I could check up on her!” Joy chirps.

        ”…Actually, I should be the one who goes instead.” Min suddenly says, earning a look of surprise from the maid. “I’ve passed by The Connoisseur’s Café countless times while on guard. I could easily travel there on foot right now and bring her back.”

        “Min, no offense, but I don’t think [Name] would want you to escort her…” Sam mutters. The knight hears it anyways and gives him an irritated look.

        “Why is that, chef?

        ”Uhh, no reason! You just kind of scare her because you always look mad? Wait! There’s this term for it! [Name] told me it before… Hold on, it’s on the tip on my tongue!” the chef pauses, focusing all of his brainpower on remembering the phrase. “Oh! I know! I’m pretty sure she called it a ‘resting bitch face’!”

It was Min’s first time hearing about a “resting bitch face”, but the term did not bring delight to him in the slightest.

        ”Min. Miss Joy. Please stay at the mansion.” The mayor turns around, his cape sweeping after him. “I’ll visit Miss [Name] and Lady Reese myself.”

Their eyes both widen.

        ”R-really? I don’t mean any disrespect, my lord, but wouldn’t that trouble you?”

        ”Not at all.” He gives Joy a gentle smile. “Similar to what you said earlier, I would also like to see Miss [Name] again. And it'd be good to visit Lady Reese as well.”

Min felt his chest tightening in response to the mayor’s words. He frowns, ignoring it.

        ”If that is what you wish, then I will respect it.” The knight bows. “Have a safe trip, sire.”

        “Hmph…” she pouts, clearly disappointed. “Alright...! Please be safe, my liege!” Joy curtsies.

        “Be safe, Twix! But don’t just waltz right in and interrupt [Name]’s date, okay?” Sam blurts. “She was really excited about it. I’ll get mad if you ruin it!"

Twix chuckles, pushing down a subtle feeing of annoyance in his chest.

        ”Don't fret, I'll make sure to be careful. Until then, I'll leave the residence's care to you three.”

After paying for your drinks, your coin pouch felt significantly lighter. You sniff, crying at how much money you lost before putting the pouch away. Now, you and Reese were walking side-by-side, an uncomfortable silence in the air. You honestly didn't how to respond to her confession(?) back there, so you just awkwardly laughed and tried to change the topic. Thankfully, Reese didn't mind. 

        "S-so! Did you have fun?" you ask, still avoiding eye contact. Out of the corner of your eyes, you can see her sending you a soft smile.

        "I did! I had a wonderful time. Thank you again for coming to see me today, [Name]." You sheepishly grin back.

        "Tha-that's great! I also had fun..." 

The two of you fall right back into an incredibly awkward silence. You wonder if Reese was able to hear the loud thumping of your heart, or the heat radiating off of your face like you were a human sauna. Your e/c eyes dart around, looking for a conversation starter. Luckily for you, they fall upon the brunette's cloak.

        "...Hey Reese, why do you always wear that cloak?" you ask. "Aren't you a noble? Shouldn't you be showing off your lavish riches in the form of fancy dresses? Or whatever you like to wear?" 

For a second, she's caught off guard. Then, Reese laughs.

        "I would love to have the luxury of wearing those clothes outside, but it would draw too much attention to myself."

You blink. You were pretty sure her face already did that job, but alright. And then, you make a connection.

        "Does this have something to do with your dad?" her eyes widen, her legs coming to a abrupt stop.

        "How—how did you figure that out, [Name]?"

        "Um, well, my brain just works in weird ways. I don't even know how it functions properly sometimes. But I always have a million ideas running around in my head, and I'm just effortlessly able to piece a lot of them together? That’s basically what I did." You blink. "Sooo, is your dad like a helicopter parent or what?

        "Helicopter... parent?" Reese blinks.

        "Yeah, it means a parent that pays way too much attention to their child. They come off as overbearing, overprotective, and try to control every aspect of their kid's life. For example, choosing their friendships, what clubs they're allowed to join, and watching them 24/7. Most of the time, it's out of love and fear that they'll get hurt. Which is severely ironic since they're the ones harming their kid the most." You pause. "Sorry for the rant, I just know a lot about this since one of my friends back home was cursed with one. His mom was literally obsessed with him, almost ruining his entire social life and life in general because of her icky behavior. But um, does this sound familiar at all to you?”

She stares at you, completely awe-struck.

        "Yes… Yes, it does. Uncannily, even." Reese brushes a loose hair strand out of her face. "Your description matches my father almost exactly. Ever since my childhood, he's always been monitoring me from sunrise to sunset. I... wouldn't have many acquaintances because he didn't deem most of them 'socially adequate', and therefore not worthy of being my friend. Whenever I would try to go to town, an excessive amount of guards would be by my side, memorizing everything I did so they could report back to my father." She grimaces. "One day, I found myself completely fed up with him. So, I covered myself with this cloak and snuck out by myself for the first time. Ever since then, my life has changed for the better." Her eyes come in contact with yours. "...Especially because I met you."

        "Oh. Um, sorry that your father is pretty toxic. But I'm—“ you glance away, "—I'm also glad I decided to intervene yesterday, or else I would've missed on having you as a friend right now." You found yourself cringing at your own cheesiness.

She beams.

        "Thank you, [Name]! I'm really grateful you decided to tell me about your friend. I've never known anyone who suffered from the same problem as me, until now of course. Out of curiosity, can I ask what happened to him?"

        "My friend? Well, uh, the moment we graduated high school, he immediately packed his bags and moved out of his mom's house. From what I remember, he's staying with a friend now. He won't tell his mom the address though, no matter how many times she calls him." You pause, "I check up on him from time to time, and I can say for sure that he's doing much better now. He's a lot happier."

Reese suddenly appears lost in her thoughts from your words, and being the devil's advocate you are, you decide to take this chance to tease her.

         "What's wrong? Are you also planning on running away?" you jokingly blurt out.

When her eyes snap back down to you in shock, you're taken back by surprise.

        "O-of course not! That's..." Reese frowns, "I apologize for raising my voice, but I could never do that. My father would find me in an instant. And even if I could, where would I go? Actually... Well, maybe..." She pauses, pondering for a moment. "[Name], I have a friend who I think you’d love to meet."

        "Oh?" you tilt your head, "Who?"

        "Her name is Dove! Very pretty, right? She reminds me of you, constantly full of ideas and always passionate when it comes to her interests. If you often visit the library, I'm sure you'll come across her at least once."

You blink. Dove? Wasn't that the name of a chocolate brand? You roll your eyes and laugh.

        "Alright, thanks Reese. I'll talk to her if I ever see her."

Another silence envelops you both, but instead of it being agonizingly painful, it was a tranquil one. You smile, warmth engulfing your chest. You loved having deep conversations. After all, what's better than spilling everything, including any existential crises, to people you could trust? 

You could already feel that you were forming an actual bond with Reese, but you shook off the tiny voice in your head telling you to not get too close to her, since you didn't belong here.

You were an outsider.

And yet, here you were, bonding with humanized candies. It was still so surreal.

You shove those thoughts to the back of your head, looking back up at the brunette. But when you notice that she's carefully scanning your surroundings while on-edge, your gut tells you something is wrong.

        "Reese?" your voice comes out as a whisper. “What’s wrong?”

        "[Name]," her voice is just as soft, "I didn't want to say this until I had concrete evidence, but I believe we’re being followed.”

Your eyes widen, blood draining from your face in a instant. Nonetheless, you force yourself to pull out your poker face you would use during UNO.

        "A-are you sure?" 

        "Yes, unfortunately. I felt someone watching us, even when we were in the café. I thought I was mistaken at first since the shop was so crowded, but now, I am more than certain that we're being followed.”

You bite the inside of your cheek, forcing yourself to suppress a panic attack.

        "Uh, shit. Alright. That's bad. Really bad. What do we do?"

        "We could either return to the café, find a crowd in blend in with, or search for a guard to escort you home."

        "Wait, escort me home? What about you, Reese? Won't you be in danger?"

A smile appears on her lips, and the light in her eyes twinkle at you.

        "Don't worry, [Name]. I'm more than capable of protecting myself if I need to.”

You were about to ask her to elaborate, but you decided to save the questions for later. 

        "…Alright, fine, I’ll believe you.” You stay silent for a moment, weighing the options Reese gave you. Then, you speak up. “We should go through the crowds to lose whoever’s following us. If we go back to the café, they’re just going to wait until we leave and follow us home. Once we lose them, we’ll see if there are any guards that can escort me back to the place I’m staying at. Sound good?"

Reese nods, her soft yet firm hand grasping yours.

         ”Shall we go then, [Name]?”


But the moment you both turn around, you realize the candy gods weren’t going to let you win this round that easily.

The man who harassed Reese, the one who you karate-chopped and ultimately pissed off, was now standing right in front of you, holding a half-empty vintage Coca-Cola bottle. He somehow looked even uglier, the bags under his eyes even darker than yesterday’s. You were pretty sure he didn't get a wink of sleep last night. His dark messy hair reminded you of those thirst traps on TikTok who would put '07, '08, and '09 hashtags on their videos, even though they were actually in their mid-twenties.

Reese's grasp on your hand tightens, making alarms going off in your head. 

        "You…" her eyes widen, "You’re the man from yesterday. Am I correct to assume you were the one following us?"

He takes a swift chug of his bottle before sighing and wiping the excess cola off his mouth. 

        "Huh. Wow. You're smarter than you look, bitch.” He shoots out a wad of spit onto the ground.

Your mouth drops open. What did he just say?

        "Says the one who looks like a crossover of a naked mole-rat and rabies-infested raccoon." You blurt out, immediately regretting it. Shit. [Name], you dumbass, what are you doing? Are you trying to get yourself killed?

Reese glances fondly at you for defending her.

Meanwhile, the man's glare intensifies from your insult, his grip on the cola bottle tightening enough to turn his fingers the color of paper. You immediately start sweating your ass off and reciting all your profanities in your head in an attempt to calm down. Frick, shoot, fuck, shit. 

Most of the people around you haven't noticed the creepy guy openly standing in the middle of the plaza. The ones who have spotted him look at him weirdly before quickly walking away. You scan the environment for any guards to call out to, but there's none in sight. For the first time ever, you wish Min was right next to you. He could probably knock this guy out with his pinky toe.

          “Wait, how did you even find us?” you suddenly ask. “We’re literally miles away from yesterday’s location! How long have you been following us?!” He takes another chug of his coke.

         “Ha. You ladies must’ve thought you lost me yesterday, and if you think that, then you’re wrong. I just happened to overhear that you were meeting at some café full of prissy, snobby, pigs. So I waited here, and guess what?” he gives you the ugliest smile you’ve ever seen. “You both showed up like two lambs waiting to be slaughtered! I couldn’t believe my luck! I’ve been watching you two this whole time, waiting for a chance to talk~”

You step back. Oh my god, you were dealing with a total psycho right now. 

        “W-wait! Hold on! You’re pissed that I helped Reese yesterday, right? But why? Isn’t it on you for being a massive creep and harassing her?” you question, foolishly thinking you could use logic with him. His eyes darken, his smile being wiped off his face.

        “…Shut your fucking mouth you whore.” He clenches his teeth, sounding like a nine-year-old boy on Xbox Live. “I was just going to have a nice talk with you, but not anymore! You just had to throw that option out the window, didn’t you miss?” he creepily grins. “I’m here to pay you two back for humiliating me.”

To be honest, he didn’t seem this mental yesterday. A bit of a douche, yeah, but the man standing in front of you now seemed like an entirely different person. Did you manage to piss him off that badly that his small brain managed to short-circuit and completely reset?

Reese sends him a death stare.

        “How dare you call [Name] that? Take back your words at once.” Her usual gentle eyes now stare fierce daggers at him, surprising you in the process. The rat only laughs at her words.

        “Oh my, miss! You’re so terrifying!” his legs start to tremble. “Look, look! I’m shaking right now!” he cackles manically, causing the passersby to finally notice him. 

        “M-mommy! That—that man is scawy!” a little boy shouts. The woman quickly pulls her child away from him.

        “Oh my goodness! Is he mentally ill? Why is someone like him in these parts of town?” a noble lady says, catching the attention of the man. His face turns a fiery red.

        “Shut up, SHUT UP! Don’t you pigs in clothing dare to interrupt me right now.” He hisses. All of a sudden, the man slams his coke bottle against the fountain, sending glass shards and droplets of soda everywhere. “Now, stand still ladies. It'll make your deaths less painful~” 

Your jaw drops.

Oh fuck. 

There are screams of surprise from the crowd, most of them immediately fleeing. You try to tug on Reese’s hand so the two of you can also run away, but you’re surprised to find that she doesn’t budge in the slightest. 

        “R-Reese?! What are you doing? Let’s go!”

Her eyes glance at you.

        “[Name]... Do you trust me?” 


        "If so, please stay right there. I swear on my life that you won't be harmed."

         "Reese, I have absolutely no idea what you're saying!” you pull on her hand once more, only to fail a second time. “Come on! Let's book it already! Dying by a broken Coca-Cola bottle is one of the lamest deaths ever!"

The man starts to trudge forward, a crazed look in his eyes as his feet pick up speed. Eventually, he’s full-on charging towards the two of you.

        ”DIE!” his yell echoes throughout the plaza. Your eyes widen.

        ”REESE!” you shriek in horror. “MOVE!”

She no longer respond to your cries, nor does she blinkAll she does is stand completely still, as if she were a statue, her golden eyes staring straight ahead and never leaving the man’s face.

Realizing she won’t flee, you shut your eyes tight and squeeze her hand, praying to the candy gods that whatever trump card Reese has up her sleeve will work.


Your eyes shoot wide open when you hear the sound of glass shattering and something heavy hitting the floor.

Blinking rapidly, you quickly pat yourself down, noticing you aren't bleeding from anywhere. There's no half-broken Coca-Cola bottle stabbed into you, and neither of you are harmed! Thank the candy gods! Did they actually hear your prayer?

You glance down, spotting dozens of glass pieces, a bit of blood, well cherry syrup to be precise, and the man who was trying to kill you 0.5 seconds ago completely passed out without a care in the world. His loud snores echo through the streets as you stare at him, absolutely flabbergasted.

Your eyes dart up to Reese in shock. But you’re surprised to find she’s already staring at you with a gentle expression.

        ”Are you okay, [Name]? Did any of the glass get on you?”

        ”Reese, wait how the fuck did—” you’re so shocked that you lose your train of thought. “Um, did you knock him out with your fist at the last second? What the hell exactly happened?”

Her eyes curve up, an expression of amusement clear on her face.

        ”I apologize for scaring you, [Name]. In order for my magic to work, it required two conditions: a great deal of concentration and for me to make eye contact with him for a period of time. If I even slightly moved or responded to you, I would have had to redo my spell." She gently caresses your head. "Thank you so, so much for trusting me. I'm overjoyed that you did."

        ”Uh, I—? Huh? What?” you stammer. "Wait, so you had magic this whole time?!" 

Then, a warm honeyed voice calls out to you.

        ”Miss [Name]-!” the crowd around you instantly splits in half to make way for the familiar mayor rushing over to you. “Lady Reese! Are you two alright?! What happened here?” Twix says, golden eyes trailing to the sleeping man in a pile of glass shards. “Did… that man attempt to harm you two?”

Reese immediately curtsies while you’re still in shock at everything that just happened.

        ”Good evening, Your Highness, I didn't expect to run into you today. Though to answer your question, that is precisely what happened. However, I was able to immobilize him at the last second and save [Name]. Thus, no one was injured."

        ”...I see. Thank you Lady Reese, for stopping him.” Twix glances behind him. “Please take this man to the dungeons. He will be thoroughly questioned, trialed, and then deemed a suitable punishment.” Two guards walk up out of nowhere and easily drag the rat away, as if he was a bag of rice. You roll your eyes at their shitty timing. You would’ve really appreciated if they came like ten seconds earlier, but fine, whatever!

The mayor turns back to you.

        ”Miss [Name]… I apologize. Ever since you came to this world, you've experienced nothing but traumatic events so far. What just happened must've been a fright. How are you feeling right now?” he puts a comforting hand on your shoulder.

        ”Uhh, confused, scared, and absolutely bamboozled. Honestly, I just have one main question though. Actually no, scratch that, three questions.”

        ”Please, go on.”

        ”Alright... first question, how did you know where we were?”

        ”Ah.” He nods slightly, as if he had expected you to ask that. “I convinced Sam to tell me.”

Your jaw drops. That conniving little—! How could your best pal and buddy Sam rat you out? Ugh, whatever. You would give him a good beating later. 

        ”I can't believe Sam betrayed me! How rude." You sigh." But question numero dos, am I going to be punished for sneaking out?”

        “Punished?” Twix stares at you. “Of course not, Miss [Name]. Though I am a bit disappointed in you, I would never punish a guest, especially if most of the blame is mine. I apologize, after your situation with the Nestlé family, I believed it would’ve been best for you to stay indoors for a period of time. I see now that I was shortsighted.” He lowers his head shamefully. 

        “Oh. Alright, phew!" you wipe the non-existent sweat off your forehead. "How about in exchange for my forgiveness, I get my freedom back? I hate having to have an escort every time I go out. I promise that I’ll tell you guys where I’m going from now on, please don't make someone constantly breathe down my neck 24/7.”

He lifts his head up, eyes wide. And then, amusement flickers across his face for a moment.

        “...Alright. I accept your conditions, Miss [Name] in exchange for your forgiveness.” You break out in a grin. 

        “Thanks! As for my third question... I’m not sure if you can actually answer it.” Twix’s golden eyes linger on you, waiting for you to continue. ”Um, well, it’s a question about Reese, actually.” You glance at her. “Unless you two are friends, I don’t think you would know the answer to this.”

        “Lady Reese?” his golden eyes curve up. “That’ll won’t be a problem for me then. After all, she’s my fiancé.

You stare dumbly at him.

        ”Wait…” you look back and forth between Reese and Twix in absolute shock. “You guys are… engaged?!” 

The brunette gives you a gentle smile.

        ”Indeed. I assumed your friend had already told you the identity of my fiancé, but looking at your reaction, it seems not.” She laughs, “Is it that big of a shock to you?”

        ”Uhhh, yeah!” you exclaim. “Of course it is! I thought you were single all this time, Mayor Twix!”

Actually, now that you properly thought about it, it was low-key obvious. Reese described her fiancé as “handsome, kind, and influential”, and she also told you that her dad would only settle for the best of the best. Who else would be more marriage-worthy than the literal prince of Candy Land? You smack your forehead. You were a dumbass. 

        “Please don’t misunderstand, Miss [Name].” Mayor Twix says, catching your attention. “Although we are engaged, it is an arranged marriage, with mutual support from both our fathers.” He pauses, “We still view each other as solely childhood friends.”

        ”That is certainly true, Your Highness.” Reese grins. You blink, eyes darting from side to side.

        "Uh, I see?" you didn't really know why he felt the need to tell you that, but okay!

The brunette takes a glance at the slowly setting sun. Then, she turns back around.

        “I most definitely should be going now. If my father realizes I've snuck out... I would receive serious punishment, unlike a certain lady here.” 

        “Huh? Who? Who's the certain lady?” you scan your eyes around before cracking a smile. “Just kidding. Anyways, bye Reese! Get home safe! Aside from that whole stalker psycho guy trying to kill us, I had a really good time today.”

        “I'm overjoyed to hear that, [Name]! I’ll be waiting for our next rendezvous, which I hope comes soon. Farewell, Your Highness, [Name]. Please have a safe return as well.” She curtsies, sending you one last endearing glance before finally walking off. 

Personally, between her and the setting sun, you found Reese to be much more blinding.

After she completely leaves his sight, the mayor turns to you with a polite smile.

        “Shall we return to our residence as well, Miss [Name]?”

You take notice of how Twix specifically says 'our' residence. You could feel your cheeks heating up from the small detail, though you quickly nodded in order to repress the feeling.

        ”Yes please. I'm totally knocking the fuck out once we get back."

As you and Twix sit facing each other in the carriage, you lean against your arm, peering out the window. A part of you was still absolutely flabbergasted that the guy from yesterday tried to murder your ass. It was as if the longer you stayed in this world, the chance of you dying at the hands of a candy person increased. Shit.

All of sudden, the mayor calls out to you.

        "Miss [Name], what was your third question?" you turn around in confusion.


        "Earlier, you said you had three questions you wanted to ask. The third one was about Lady Reese." Your eyes widen.

        "Oh snap, you're right. Uhh, okay, so basically Reese used magic to make that psycho-guy from earlier pass out before he could kill us. And I wanted to ask what type of magic she used to make that happen."

        "Ah, I see." He folds his hands together on his lap, giving you a small smile. "As you know, Miss [Name],  I was born with rare light magic, also referred to as 'healing magic'. Lady Reese is a similar case to mine, in which her magic is also extremely uncommon. The elder Candy Land magicians have named her gift 'Hypnosis', since she is able to 'hypnotize' a person into doing what she desires if she maintains eye contact with them for long enough." You blink.

        "Wait, what? That's actually a sick power to have. I'm kinda jealous." The mayor chuckles.

        "It's indeed powerful, but Lady Reese has promised to only use her magic when it is necessary. In other words, life or death situations. That is why she used 'hypnosis' on that man who attempted to harm you two. Of course, her magic also has limitations. It works best on those with a weak mental state. Someone with a strong enough mind won't be affected by her 'hypnosis', no matter how long her eye contact with them lasts." He smiles, "I was the person who personally tested that." 

        "Oh... wow. That's cool! Thanks for answering my question." 

        "My pleasure, Miss [Name]."

You happily go back to staring out the carriage window and start daydreaming.

If you had the power to hypnotize people into doing whatever you wanted, you would be the richest person in the world, have the most TikTok followers on the app, and an unlimited supply of thin mints. You would also cheat on literally every test and eventually pursue world domination!

In the middle of you internally laughing your ass off, your eyes widen in realization.


Hold the phone.

Hold the fucking phone. 

You straightened your posture, sitting up as if you were an office employee in an extremely serious meeting with the CEO of your company.

Reese's power activates if she maintains eye contact with someone for long enough, right? You think back to yesterday. 

Although it was extremely subtle, you swore something felt off when you were talking to her. When Reese asked you to visit her at The Connoisseur's Café, what emotions were you feeling?

Surprise? Yes. Hot and bothered? Also yes.

But there was a third emotion: desire. You felt an overwhelming desire to immediately accept her invitation on the spot. Like it was your long lost destiny to do so, as if you were the chosen one. 

Then, you recalled the embarrassing scene in the café where you spilled all of your thoughts to her. Prior to that, you absolutely were not going to tell her anything. You preferred sewing your mouth shut with a needle and thread than exposing yourself. But after looking her in the eyes for a bit, your feelings started to shift. You were filled with a sense of tranquility, and before you knew it, everything you tried to hide came tumbling out. Afterwards, you wanted to jump off a cliff for doing so.

Think, [Name], think. Were there any other moments where you also felt something was off? 

A feeling of dread washes over you as you bite your lip, brows furrowing. 

The psycho-guy... yesterday, he seemed completely normal. But today, it was as if he was a different person. Normally, that wouldn't be possible, unless...

Reese used her hypnosis on him?

But why? For what? 

You nibble on your cuticles nervously, trying to replay any dialogue you remembered.

        "That is why I invited you today, not just because you saved me, but because I genuinely want to be better acquainted with you, [Name].”

        "To simply put it, I… will always fall for those who I cannot have. Such as you, [Name].”

        "[Name], do you trust me?"

        "If so, please stay right there. I swear on my life that you won't be harmed."

        "Thank you so, so much for trusting me. I'm overjoyed that you did."

        "However, I was able to immobilize him at the last second and save [Name]."





Sweat trickles down the side of your forehead. You wipe it away without a second thought, too preoccupied with a stunning realization about one thing.

Reese had grown much fonder of you than you thought.

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