Cannon Fodder Fake Master Was Stunned After Being Reborn

Chapter 54: 40.1: 40.1

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It’s going to be March, and that means I’m getting busier… I’m sorry to say, but I have to dial back the amount of updates from weekdays to Mondays and Thursdays. Hopefully by April, I can go back to normal schedule.

Weibo seems to be ignited by Fu Jinxiao.

Netizens exploded again, including Jian Xingsui, who couldn’t believe it when he saw the news. He stood there as if struck by lightning, mouth gaping wide enough for an insect to fly in.

Shen Xingchen was still complaining in his ear: “How can Fu-ge have that level double-standard?? He didn’t pay attention to me!”

Ning Ze pursed his lips and smiled.

Although he was not good at words, he could see through many things. In fact, he has long noticed that Fu Jinxiao was giving Jian Xingsui special attention. It was really no surprise that Fu-ge would pay attention to him and only him. 

Jian Xingsui was still holding his phone, his hands trembling with excitement.

Shen Xingchen also noticed that something was wrong with him, “Brother, although I can understand you, are you really so shocked?”

Jian Xingsui’s chest rose and fell, and maybe he didn’t understand his feelings at the moment. A lonely and nameless little fan, he left his footprints on Fu Jinxiao’s Weibo. He has been a silent supporter for so long. He was used to never getting noticed back by his idol. He never thought that the day where his post was replied would come. 

Shen Xingchen’s voice was still in his ears: “Are you stupid?!”

Jian Xingsui came back to his senses, he withdrew from his thoughts, and when he looked up, he met Shen Xingchen’s red, puffed-up eyes. The young master kept his willful tone as he asked, “What’s the matter, are you still sad?”

Jian Xingsui shook his head quickly, he even took a screenshot of the page he was on and saved it. Then he smiled and replied softly, “No, I’m not sad. I’m so happy…” 

Shen Xingchen was puzzled: “Are you telling the truth?”

Jian Xingsui nodded fiercely: “I swear!”

A group of people were talking when a voice came from outside.

Then, a tall man stood at the door of the dormitory. Shen Minglang frowned, and the majesty of the elder brother came out, “Shen Xingchen, how long are you going to dawdle? It is already three o’clock in the morning.” 

After being called, Shen Xingchen shrank his neck, “Wait a minute, I’ll clean up first.”

Jian Xingsui smiled softly.

While packing up the last of the snacks from the cabinet, Shen Xingchen asked, “Suisui, is there no one at your house this time?”

Jian Xingsui held the suitcase tightly and nodded slightly : “Well, I previously said I have something to do, but now… well, to answer your question, yes.” 

For the finale, almost all of the trainee’s family members watched live in the audience. Only Mr. Zhang and his wife didn’t come. Their excuse was that something happened in the store so they couldn’t come, and Jian Xingsui no longer cared much. If they didn’t come, he wouldn’t make a fuss. Maybe… when people get used to disappointment, they would eventually learn to lower their expectations. 

 In the past, he would feel lost and sad because he was looking forward to a scrap of familial love but not getting it. But now, there were no waves in his heart, and he would no longer be sad.

Shen Xingchen asked suspiciously: “Then where are you going now?”

Jian Xingsui: “I…”

This question stopped him.

The company had a deadlock with him because of the one million yuan deal. Originally, he moved out of the rice cake shop and lived in the company’s dormitory. Now he couldn’t go back to the dormitory, and of course he didn’t want to go back home.

“I’ll go out later and find a hotel to rest.” Jian Xingsui said, “There should be some nearby.”

Shen Xingchen said, “Are you going to stay in a hotel?”

Jian Xingsui nodded honestly: “Yes.”

Shen Xingchen questioned his soul: “Do you even have the money to pay?”


Jian Xingsui fell silent!

Originally, he came to participate in “Starlight” because he had no money. He was aiming to get the 20,000 yuan consolation prize. The problem now was that he had already entered the finals, so the consolation money for the preliminary competition was naturally gone. Inside his mobile phone, his Alipay account only had around 1,000 yuan left, which was the salary he got from his part-time work for the show. 

Jian Xingsui said hesitantly: “I think, if it’s not a very expensive hotel, I can still afford it. Do you know where there is a cheap hotel nearby?”

Shen Xingchen laughed out loud.

Jian Xingsui blushed a little when he laughed.

But Shen Xingchen came over and put one hand on Jian Xingsui’s shoulder and said, “Don’t go to the hotel, come to my house.”

Jian Xingsui was stunned: “Huh?”

With a confident look, Shen Xingchen continued, “You can come to my house for two days to rest, and you can leave after you find a suitable accommodation.”

Growing up, Jian Xingsui didn’t have many sincere friends. He went to other people’s houses as a guest, and has never received the honor of a good relationship like staying overnight. Because of this, when he heard Shen Xingchen’s offer, he was naturally overjoyed, flattered, and panicking. As he was worried, he asked, “Ah, is this okay? Won’t I be too disturbing? You should also get together with your family when you go home. If I’m here, will you…”

Shen Xingchen cut the younger man impatiently: “There’s nothing to disturb, and if there’s any, you wouldn’t disturb us, trust me. I have many rooms in my house, and you are my little brother. Hey, if I can’t even help with this little thing, how can I be your big brother in the future!” 


The corners of Jian Xingsui’s mouth twitched.

Shen Minglang’s words came from the side, clearly approving, “Xingchen is right, you two are good friends. There is nothing wrong with helping you out with your difficulties. If you want, you can come to our house as a guest, we all welcome you.”

Jian Xingsui turned around in surprise, since the eldest brother had spoken, it would be shameful for him to take back his words. And in fact… he was happy in his heart.

“Then…” Jian Xingsui took a deep breath. He stood up a little straighter, smiled at Shen Xingchen, then turned around and bowed deeply to Shen Minglang, “Thank you, I’ll make sure I won’t be a bother.”

Shen Minglang had affection for this polite young man.

Compared to his monkey of a little brother, Jian Xingsui was the kind of younger brother he wished he had. Maybe, the polite boy’s humbleness and demeanor could rub into Shen Xingchen. That would be able to save half of his worries.

Shen Xingchen asked Ning Ze, “Ze-ge, what about you?”

Ning Ze replied, “My company has come to pick me up.”

“That’s great.” Shen Xingchen was not worried about Ning Ze, “Then let’s go out first. It’s getting late.”

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The others nodded in agreement.

Carrying suitcases through the corridors, through rows of dormitory doors, familiar roads and white corridor lights, all of which have burned into their memories. During training, they usually moaned about how tired they felt and how they are very much looking forward for the graduation. But after that happened, all they wanted was for the show to go on a bit longer. 

The moment they stepped out of this building, they were officially no longer trainees. A farewell to the venue, a farewell to their friends, a farewell to their past. 

As they walked downstairs, nobody spoke. 

There were many trainees on the back building’s stairway, busy with the last bit of interaction they could have in this building. When the four of them separated from Ning Ze at the edge of the parking lot, Shen Xingchen was the first to call out, “Mom, Fu-ge!” 

Jian Xingsui’s first reaction after hearing the shout was being shocked. He then looked up and sure enough, he saw the very familiar slender, handsome and elegant man standing beside the nanny car not far away. The Film King was talking to Xu Enzhen with a smile. Obviously it was Shen Xingchen who called to him, but his eyes landed on Jian Xingsui instead. [a designated van for celebrities.]

The four eyes were facing each other, locked in a gaze for quite some time. 

Shen Xingchen, with his rough demeanor, was irritated that Fu Jinxiao ignored him. With swagger, he walked over and cursed, “Why don’t you pay attention to me?”

Fu Jinxiao had his usual kind smile on his face, and opened his lips to answer is a light tone, “You need me to pay attention to you when you debut at the center position? Still need to rub into my heat1rubbing heat = leeching fame?” 

“Then… it’s not necessary.” Shen Xingchen’s self-confidence was at the peak, and he immediately turned his nose up, and snorted proudly, “I have my own heat.”

Fu Jinxiao side-eyed him. Not long after, his dark eyes fell on Jian Xingsui who stood beside the haughty young master. 

Jian Xingsui was also looking at him.

Rubbing heat… 

Did Fu-ge let Jian Xingsui rub his heat? 

Artists in the entertainment industry hated this kind of operation. And Fu Jinxiao was no exception. 

Jian Xingsui was nervous and expectant at the bottom of his heart. He watched Fu Jinxiao and wanted to speak a thousand words but didn’t know where to start. Finally, he just stood there stupidly. 

Fu Jinxiao chuckled: “I’m leaving, don’t you have anything to say to me?”

Jian Xingsui panicked, and fumbled over his words, “Yes, yes!”

With explicit permission, Jian Xingsui finally was able to say what he had been holding back in his heart since the beginning, “Thank you, thank you for following me on Weibo.” 

Obviously there were more complicated, unsaid things in his heart. But the words were stuck inside his throat, choking him up and making him mum. 

Fu Jinxiao raised his eyebrows: “No more?”

Jian Xingsui didn’t expect that there would be a second chance. He put the suitcase beside him, held it tight, and bowed deeply to Fu Jinxiao. With a trembling voice, he said slowly, “Thank you for being such a good mentor to me. I will remember this kindness for the rest of my life!” 


Fu Jinxiao was rarely at a loss for words. 

He was just teasing this silly boy, and may be fishing for a compliment or two. He didn’t expect this level of sincerity, giving him a grand gesture of thankfulness. A warm feeling built up in his chest, making him confused on whether he wanted to cry or laugh. 

“You really appreciate me so much?”     

Jian Xingsui nodded heavily, his eyes were always clean and sincere, but when he looked at a person, his emotions were all written on his face. Fu Jinxiao didn’t need a verbal confirmation, he already knew what the youth wanted to say to him. 

For a moment, Fu Jinxiao seemed to suddenly understand why his eyes fell on Jian Xingsui unconsciously. Perhaps it was because the big dye vat in the entertainment circle had been there for a long time, and he hadn’t seen a woman who was too clean for a long time. The child, or him, who was originally in the dark, will always unconsciously look towards the bright and open place.     

Fu Jinxiao took out a business card from his pocket and put it in Jian Xingsui’s hand.

Jian Xingsui took the card and looked up suspiciously: “This is?”

“My business card. It has my phone number on it, and also my WeChat contact.” Fu Jinxiao pointed at the business card in his palm, curling his lips up, ” Since I will remember your words for the rest of my life… remember to keep in touch with me.”

Jian Xingsui’s eyes slowly widened, and after his brain received these words, little fireworks exploded in his heart.

Frequent contact…

Personal business card…

He held the business card, nodded in response, and even wanted to secretly pinch himself, for fear that this was a dream.

Shen Xingchen who was next to him came over and said jokingly, “Be happy, don’t hold back, just laugh when you are happy. Why so shy? Many people would envy your position, being so close to Fu-ge. Just show off without shame sometimes, yeah?” 

Jian Xingsui didn’t expect such words coming out from this deceitful teammate of his. His earlobe was red, and he gave Shen Xingchen a look, a little flustered, and looked at Fu Jinxiao to explain.

But Shen Xingchen pulled him and said, “Okay, Fu-ge, let’s get in the car first.”

Fu Jinxiao raised his eyebrows and didn’t stop him.

Xu Enzhen shook his head behind: “This child…”

Fu Jinxiao said, “It’s okay.  But it’s getting late, so it’s better to go back and rest earlier. I remember your greetings to my mother, and I will definitely help you. Let me know, I will definitely visit again someday.”

In front of the elders, Actor Fu could always maintain a personable demeanor. He knew when to advance and when to retreat. 

Sure enough, Xu Enzhen smiled and said: “Okay, okay, you too, go to bed early.”

Fu Jinxiao nodded, and after sending Xu Enzhen to the car, he turned to look at Shen Minglang next to him, and said, “Take them back early, I’m going home too.” 

Shen Minglang pushed his glasses, “If only you can fulfill that marriage arrangement… my Mother would be so happy. She still regrets that you aren’t our family’s son-in-law.”

Fu Jinxiao said slowly, “To be honest, I have no intention of getting married. I am not interested in men or women, let alone marriage. This kind of thing was arranged by the heavens, and it cannot be forced.”

Shen Minglang shrugged noncommittally.

In essence, both he and Fu Jinxiao were rational and cold-hearted people by nature, but Fu Jinxiao was not bound by the family business, so he was naturally more free. In fact, he was also curious about what kind of person would be able tame this big Buddha.

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1rubbing heat = leeching fame

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