Cannon Fodder Fake Master Was Stunned After Being Reborn

Chapter 59: 43.1: 43.1

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Last of the bonus chapters~

Things are escalating quite fast hehe

This social media operation by Anran was very well-received by the netizens. They believed in the news, and have begun to turn against Jian Xingsui. Jian Xingsui’s Weibo was also full of people from all walks of life. There were those who support him, and of course there are those who insult and oppose him.

[At least Ranran is back to his home now.]

[Doesn’t Jian Xingsui feel like a counterfeit?]

[He grows up in a wealthy family like the Jian’s, but his singing and dancing are not as good as Ranran’s.]

[Fortunately, he was eliminated. Let’s kick him out of the entertainment circle.]

Among the objections, some fans were still struggling to control the public opinion:

[It’s interesting that you all suddenly believed in these unverified rumors.] 

[I believe in Suisui’s character, he would not do such a thing.]

[The truth of the matter hasn’t fully come out yet, I believe him.]

Weibo once again had turned into a warzone. But in reality, Jian Xingsui was too busy to care about the turmoil on the Internet.

In fact, Zhang Xiangyang’s condition has only worsened. Zhang Xia shed tears every day, but Zhang Xiangyang’s kidney donor still wasn’t found. 

Jian Xingsui came in from the outside carrying a lunch box, and saw Zhang Xia wiping her swollen eyes from dried tears.

Zhang Xia looked up and saw him, crying a bit: “Suisui…”

The couple’s relationship was very deep, and Jian Xingsui could also see it. Ever since Zhang Xiangyang’s incident happened, Zhang Xia has always been in this sad state. She couldn’t sleep well, couldn’t eat well, and her mind was always full of worries. 

Jian Xingsui showed her the lunch box, “I cooked something, you and Father can eat some.”

Zhang Xia was a little surprised, “Suisui, you can cook?”

Jian Xingsui didn’t have the talent in this area. In fact, his skill was dubious, and more often than not, he produced dark cuisine1the food doesn’t taste very good or it looks gross but tastes good. A popular trope in fiction. instead. However, in his last life, he used to study and practice some recipes to make the Jian patriarch happy. While his effort wasn’t a success, at least his knowledge was useful now. 

“It’s not cooked very well, I admit.” Jian Xingsui opened the lunch box, “This is noodle soup. You two cannot eat greasy food, so I only give the soup some light seasonings.” 

Zhang Xia saw that he took out another lunch box. “I also bought a fried chicken meal combo from a shop near home. You haven’t eaten well these days, so eat some meat and vegetables to supplement your nutrition.” 

Jian Xingsui staunchly avoided talking about his own food. But Zhang Xia caught this, and asked with a guess inside her heart, “What about you? What do you eat?”

Jian Xingsui was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, “It’s okay, I’ve eaten at home.” 

The older woman looked at Jian Xingsui’s state in surprise. She knew that back at home there was not much groceries left, and Jian Xingsui also shouldn’t be able to buy them. But he still meticulously cooks meals for Zhang Xiangyang and herself. In contrast, it seemed like Jian Xingsui only ate to pad his stomach – he probably ate something with low nutrition and drinking a lot of plain water to stop his hunger. 

Zhang Xia: “Did you… eat noodles?”

Jian Xingsui put the rice into her hand and said, “Well, I’m still young. I can eat anything.”

Feeling the warm lunch box in her hand made her heart also feel hot. She returned the rice to Jian Xingsui, and hurriedly said, “It’s the opposite. You’re still young, you need more nutrition to sustain your body. Eat this chicken meal you bought!” 

Jian Xingsui didn’t want it, and refused to receive the box.

“I’ve already eaten at home, and I bought this for you.” Jian Xingsui looked at her quietly and smiled, “Now that the family’s finances are relatively tight, I can’t buy you better meals. Just don’t dislike it.”

Zhang Xia quickly shook her head: “It’s okay, it’s okay, I don’t dislike it.”

She opened the rice and took a bite of the chicken leg. It should be just a cheap rice bowl meal, but the taste was shockingly delicious. 

When this accident happened, the person she thought about, wanted to rely on, and trusted was always Anran. In her eyes, she never regarded Jian Xingsui, an outsider, as her own child. but she didn’t expect that Jian Xingsui really did everything he could do to care for them. He was very kind and filial.

Even Anran only returned 100,000 yuan out of the 500,000 he was given. He said that because of some accidents, his personal funds were tight, so he couldn’t give much for the time being.

Although Jian Xingsui didn’t have a lot of savings, he gave everything to them. He was somehow still able to take care of her and Zhang Xiangyang. When they were in trouble, it was Jian Xingsui who was by their side. 

“You can go back after dinner.” Jian Xingsui said, “I’ll take over the watch duty.” 

Zhang Xia nodded. She looked at the child with a mix of jumbled emotion – guilt, fondness, gratefulness, sadness – and said softly, “Suisui… Thank you.”

Jian Xingsui replied in an equally soft voice, “You’re welcome, I just do what I should do.”

The older woman’s heart felt hurt. But she quelled it down.

Not long after, she went home in a complicated mood. When she arrived, she saw many neighbors near the alley of her house. The neighbors all knew about Jian Xingsui in her family, so they all gathered around, “A-Xia, your family’s Anran is now a big star. He’s also very famous on the Internet. But we have seen something recently, saying that Jian Xingsui used to bully Ranran in school, is it true?” 

Zhang Xia was stunned, “Where did you hear about this?”

The neighbors clapped their hands and showed Zhang Xia their mobile phones, “You don’t even use the Internet. It’s very lively over there.” 

Because Zhang Xia was overwhelmed with her husband’s affairs, she didn’t have the time to go online to read gossip. But after hearing what the neighbors said, she couldn’t sit still, so she took it from her neighbor’s hand and read it.

The hot search on Weibo is still hanging: #JianXingsuiAnran#

She scrolled over the posts with that tag. All of them were reprimanding Jian Xingsui for being arrogant and unreasonable. Some even describe how vicious Jian Xingsui actually was.

The neighbors chattered nearby:

“That Suisui, I didn’t expect him to be such a vicious child.”

“Ranran really suffered.”

“He must not be filial to you, right?”

“This kind of child, you should cut off contact as soon as possible from him!” 

Zhang Xia returned the phone, and when she saw the neighbors saying this, she felt an unknown feeling bubbled up to her throat, “Don’t read the nonsense of people on the Internet. How can Suisui be so bad? Let me tell you, this child is very good. He’s very filial and obedient.” 

The neighbors listened to Zhang Xia’s unexpected defence of Jian Xingsui. They were stunned, especially when they remembered that Zhang Xia was the saddest party when Anran had to leave. And wasn’t she also the person who resisted Jian Xingsui the most? She made such a fuss back then, to the point that everyone in the neighborhood knew. 

But now, they heard Zhang Xia’s blatant praise towards Jian Xingsui. What had happened to make her get a 180° turn like this…? 

The neighbor curled their lips and said, “A-Xia, let me tell you, we didn’t talk about this matter like that. In fact, we read it from your family’s Anran’s Weibo post. You see, yesterday, he posted something that implied he agreed with the original statement denouncing Jian Xingsui. If you say that about Jian Xingsui, could it be that child Anran lied and took the lead in framing Jian Xingsui?”

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Zhang Xia was stunned when she heard this, and subconsciously retorted: “Don’t talk nonsense, why would Ranran do such a thing?”

The neighbor could see that Zhang Xia was angry, so they chose to show her the hard evidence instead, “If you still don’t believe me, let me show you!”

Zhang Xia took the phone and saw Anran’s Weibo post on the screen, which was posted yesterday: [Thank you for your attention to my past. But the matter has passed, we all have to move on and look forward to the future.]

This Weibo might looked like he didn’t mind anymore because the matter was over. But in fact, wasn’t he confirming the rumors that Jian Xingsui bullied others?

It was precisely because of this Weibo that the popularity of this matter has increased a lot, which directly led to today’s situation. The scandal hadn’t blown over, and the netizens no longer believed the original scandal was because of someone trying to slander Jian Xingsui. If Anran, the person involved, said this, wasn’t this an ironclad proof of Jian Xingsui’s bullying scandal? 

A neighbor said from the side: “I’m not wrong, am I?”

Zhang Xia looked at this Weibo and couldn’t speak for a long time.

“Regardless, with his reputation, Jian Xingsui wouldn’t be able to continue a career in the entertainment industry anymore. You have to find him something else to do!” 

A different neighbor was a little excited, she wanted to add fuel to this fire, “Also, Today I saw that Jian Xingsui was shopping in that convenience store. I told him to be careful. But I was shocked when that kid said he’s not afraid of being beaten because of, and I quote, ‘some rando on the Internet’. Sheesh, this kid…” 

When Zhang Xia heard it with her own ears, she somehow felt a little stuffy. 

The neighbor originally wanted to say more, but after seeing her face and remembering her husband’s condition, she had no choice but to shut up.

When Zhang Xia returned home, she felt uncomfortable no matter what she thought, so she picked up her mobile phone and dialed Anran’s number. 


After waiting for a while, the phone was picked up.

Anran’s voice came from the other side, “Mom, what’s the matter?”

“Ranran, what’s going on on the Internet?” Zhang Xia directly asked him the point, “No matter what happened with Jian Xingsui in the past, you can’t just let the media say that. Ahhh, how will he work and make money in the future? Can your Father and I have a good time like this? He’s still our child! How can he support himself and us without a good income?”

Anran knew that Zhang Xia was only selfishly thinking about herself, so he rebutted, “Mom, I didn’t release this news. What’s the use of you questioning me? I can’t control other people.” 

Zhang Xia didn’t know what to say.

She just thought it was wrong for Anran to do this, but she didn’t know how to refute Anran’s words, so she could only ask, “Ranran, then what happened to the matter I asked you to do? It’s been almost half a month, your Father’s condition is getting worse and worse. You know he has kidney failure, he won’t last long without a donor. You must try to help him find it.” 

Compared to Jian Xingsui, Zhang Xia naturally cared more about her husband. But she never expected that Anran never looked for him despite all the years they spent caring for him.

The corners of Anran’s mouth curled into a sneer, but his voice didn’t reflect that. He looked like he was still trying to comfort her, “I’m thinking about this too, Mom. I’ll definitely do my best, so don’t worry.” 

Zhang Xia could only nod: “That’s good, that’s good…”

Anran just hung up the phone.

But Anran didn’t expect that because of the neighbor’s words, Zhang Xia began to feel uncomfortable after he hung up so abruptly. Originally, she had no doubts about Anran, but after seeing Jian Xingsui’s devotion with her own eyes… she was fully convinced that she had misunderstood him.

The next day.

Zhang Xiangyang’s condition obviously deteriorated.

Zhang Xia’s heart became more and more anxious. She often had a sad face outside the ward. After a long time, she also met with family members in other wards in the corridor and had conversations with them. She wanted to gather as much information about kidney transplant and donor matching.

“One of my relatives also had kidney failure, but thankfully, we have found a suitable match.” A middle-aged woman from the next ward was sitting next to her, “Luckily, I dragged someone to find it.”

Zhang Xia was stunned, and quickly asked, “Where did you find it?”

The woman said in a conspiratorial whisper, “With enough money, anything is possible. My nephew can be regarded as a small boss. He spent a lot of energy and connections to find it. He… ‘donated’ to many people on the know-how about it, and finally found a suitable match. Sigh… honestly, our family doesn’t know how to repay him. He must’ve spent a lot of capital.” 

Zhang Xia murmured, “So you can find it by spending money and energy?”

“It still depends on your luck, but the odds become much better if you spend them, yes. I remember that you haven’t tried to match many people, you can’t just wait passively like this!” But the middle-aged woman sighed when she remembered something crucial, “However, your family’s financial conditions are relatively difficult… so I know… it’s an uphill battle for you.” 

Hearing it, Zhang Xia’s heart sank. 

At first she thought that Anran just hadn’t found an appropriate match, because it was difficult. But… how could the Jian family compare with ordinary small bosses? Despite having such a good connection, Anran still couldn’t find it. 

Just as she was thinking, her cell phone vibrated, it was a message from Anran: [Mom, Dad has been in the hospital for so long. I want to take some time to come and see him today, can you send me the address?]

Mrs. Zhang was now angry, and replied with vitriol: [You’re so busy, do you still have time to see him? I think it’s better for you to forget it.]

After sending the message, Mrs. Zhang covered her lips, and the tears in her eyes fell down uncontrollably.


At this moment, the door of the ward behind her was opened, and someone came out from inside. Jian Xingsui saw Zhang Xia who was squatting and crying by the door, and was a little worried: “Are you all right?” 

Zhang Xia saw Jian Xingsui looking so worried. It made her even more sad, her tears fell even more violently.

Jian Xingsui thought it was because of kidney donor trouble. He sighed, and then said: “Just now, I saw that his condition seems to be more serious. The first two tests of potential donors aren’t good. And if this drags on, the doctor said it would become life-threatening to him. So, how about I’ll go for a blood test to see the match?” 

Mrs. Zhang was stunned, and looked at Jian Xingsui in disbelief.

Jian Xingsui was a little embarrassed by her gaze, he lowered his head, and said softly: “We could get a blood test to see that, and also get a paternity test along the way. If I am indeed of your flesh and blood, then no matter what, as long as it is suitable, I am willing to save him. You don’t have to worry, everything will be fine.”

These words seemed to hit Zhang’s heart with a heavy hammer, making her both desperate and emotional.

Their family didn’t spare any kindness towards Jian Xingsui, but even so, Jian Xingsui was willing to be filial to them. He was even willing to be her husband’s kidney donor should they match. 

The child she was willing to take out her lungs, in comparison, seemed to delay things and did it in such a perfunctory manner.  

Mrs. Zhang endured her grief, “It’s okay Suisui, I’ve already asked Ranran for help, he should be able to find a way. We won’t use your kidney unless it is absolutely necessary. Of course we hope that you are in good health…” 

Jian Xingsui looked at Mrs. Zhang’s overwhelming sadness, he had no choice but to agree, “Then wait a little longer. I’m afraid Father won’t be able to hold on. You… also don’t work too hard, or your body will get sick also.” 

Mrs. Zhang knew what he said was right.

She also was afraid she would spill and reveal her sins here if she continued to talk. So, she decided to go home.

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1the food doesn’t taste very good or it looks gross but tastes good. A popular trope in fiction.

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