Cannon Fodder Fake Master Was Stunned After Being Reborn

Chapter 67: 46.1: 46.1

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His agent hung up the phone after he finished telling his threat.

Xu Enzhen, who was walking in front of Jian Xingsui, found that his son did not keep up. She stopped, turned around, and asked curiously: “Suisui, why don’t you walk? Is something the matter?” 


When they asked, Jian Xingsui subconsciously wanted to bear the burden by himself. He almost lied to them that “there’s no trouble” in pure reflex. He was so used to dealing with everything by himself, because he had no one to rely on for many years.

But this time, when everyone looked at him with worried eyes, Jian Xingsui’s heart tightened first, and then he relaxed again. He sighed softly, adjusted his mood before speaking, ” Well, my… previous brokerage company is making a little trouble for me. So I need to deal with it.” 

Shen Xingchen was annoyed, “What, that thing called Bankrupt Entertainment?”

Jian Xingsui nodded: “Yes.”

Shen Xingchen was curious: “That company has gone bankrupt?”

Jian Xingsui shook his head this time, “No, it’s not that type of problem. I.. have an ongoing dispute with them. You see, when I was filming ‘Starlight’” 

As they reached their car, he gave his family a brief explanation of what had happened, especially the bits about “being forced into retirement mid-way through because of a million yuan deal he didn’t agree”. He only mentioned about being threatened by his agent, because he really didn’t want to speak too much about his previous misery. 

–Because he didn’t want his cherished family to be sad because of him. 

But what Jian Xingsui didn’t know was that when he understated his suffering, it made people feel even more distressed.

Xu Enzhen’s eyes were red again. She held Jian Xingsui’s hand, trembling, and said angrily, “It’s too much, it’s too much, how can they bully you like this! These people are really lawless, thinking that they can cover the sky with their hands1an idiom. It means being unscrupulous with any consequences, because they can cover it up with the money/power they have.!” 

Shen Xingchen was originally an upright young man, so he slapped his seat’s handrest after hearing it, “So that’s the case! Isn’t this shitty-ass company itching to get bankrupt? They dared to bully my didi, huh. They sure have guts. Tell me, what didn’t you tell me that time? Are you such a helpless idiot?” 

Jian Xingsui could only smile in hopes to lessen his second brother’s temper, “I will just cause you trouble if I tell you.”

Shen Xingchen choked.

Shen Minglang was more sensible, and he could understand the actual situation even with such limited information. He glanced at Shen Xingchen, and spoke for Jian Xingsui, “Seeing the situation of that time, that company must have finished the contract negotiation, and there was nothing Suisui could say in that contract. Basically, it’s useless even if he told you. On the contrary, with your brain, maybe you will only make things worse.”

Shen Xingchen said angrily, “Ge, you are too contemptuous! What can’t I solve?”

Shen Minglang asked back, “Then, do you know the most effective method to minimize Suisui’s loss? It’s not contract termination. Instead, we should make Bankrupt Entertainment really bankrupt. Do you know how to do that?”

Once again, Shen Xingchen choked by his older brother’s audacious declaration. He was speechless. He did say about making that company bankrupt, but he really didn’t have a clue on how to do it. 

Shen Minglang turned around to face his youngest brother, pushed his glasses. Despite him looking calm, he was still desperately trying to increase his favorability with his lovely youngest brother. He used every bit of his dignity to appear reliable, and told Jian Xingsui, “Call me if you face troubles in the future.” 


Jian Xingsui didn’t expect that. But he quickly recovered, and with a light and crisp voice, subconsciously answered, “Thank you, dage.”

Shen Minglang’s mouth curled into a smile. 

In fact, he had always had an untold wish since childhood; that was, he wanted a well-behaved and obedient younger brother, preferably the soft and cute type he could spoil to his heart’s content. As a result, life didn’t give him what he wanted, and he was saddled with a bear child like Shen Xingchen. He loved Shen Xingchen, truly, but because of his brash and willful personality, it’s hard for Shen Minglang to spoil him silly without a serious repercussion.

He was already resigned to his fate, but it seemed that God actually favored him. Jian Xingsui, his ideal type of a younger brother, actually appeared. And thus, he would spoil Jian Xingsui to offset his previous’ life grievances. 

Besides Shen Minglang, there was another person in the family who had a very similar temperament and wish – the patriarch, Shen Yong. 

Shen Yong, who was currently behind the wheel, said, “Minglang, although you know more than Xingchen, you are not involved with the entertainment industry after all. I think it’s better to ask Mr. Fu’s parents to handle this matter, or at least let Fu Jinxiao do it. They are already experts in this field, so they should be able to handle this well.” 

The Fu family?

Jian Xingsui was taken aback when he heard this, and had a vague guess in his heart.

Shen Minglang didn’t object. Of course he also knew that Fu Jinxiao’s ability in this field surpassed his. He pushed his glasses once again, and agreed, “Yes, I have always been on good terms with Jinxiao. I will call him later to communicate this with him. Hopefully, he’ll be willing to help. With his help, this will be very easy to handle.” 

Jian Xingsui hesitated and said, “The person you’re talking about is… Actor Fu?” 

Shen Minglang nodded, “Yes, your instructor in that show.” 

He didn’t know why, but when he heard his eldest brother say “your instructor”, his earlobes automatically reddened. He lowered his head shyly, thinking that it’s been a long time since he heard of Fu Jinxiao. He almost thought that he would never meet his idol again in this life. 

Shen Yong thought he was still worried.

“You can rest assured about this matter. It doesn’t matter if you can’t terminate the contract peacefully. It’s just a small company. If it becomes a big deal, I can just buy it.” Shen Yong spoke while driving. His imposing voice made him akin to an immovable mountain, “Our family is strong. We won’t let our child be hurt by anyone.” 

His statement was loud and clear. He didn’t seem to be angry, just stating the facts. 

But it made Jian Xingsui’s heart full with feelings of being protected. He was now secure and safe. It also aroused little ripples in his heart.

From childhood to adulthood, during his stay with the Jian family; everytime he made a mistake, his father and brothers would always only blame him for embarrassing the Jian family again. Even if he was bullied, they would use the rhetoric of “how could someone bully you?” or with an implied meaning that he’s the bully instead. 

This was the first time he felt such protection, and they were on his side without any question.

Jian Xingsui was a little moved, looked at the man sitting in the front, and said softly, “Thank you Dad, I know.”

Shen Yong’s body froze inaudibly, and the all-powerful Mr. Shen replied softly, as if he was afraid of frightening the child, “No need to say thank you in the future, you are my son, and we are all part of the same family.”

Jian Xingsui gave a small nod.

While the Shen patriarch appeared calm on the surface, his heart is also blooming. Yes, just like his eldest son, he has always been looking forward to having a caring and soft child.

It’s a pity that his eldest son was indifferent by nature, and he cared more about profit even compared to himself. He did excel in business, so at least Shen Yong was glad he would have a great successor to his business empire. 

Needless to say, his second son couldn’t be described with the words “obedient” or “soft”. 

A child of Jian Xingsui’s type deeply poked Shen Yong’s heart. But, as a president famous for his facial paralysis, he wasn’t very good at expressing his emotions. Even when his heart was on the verge of excessive ecstasy with that call of “Dad”, he still looked reserved. 

Xu Enzhen took Jian Xingsui’s hand, “Suisui, have they been contacting you and threatening you since the end of the show?” 

Jian Xingsui nodded as he replied, “I have been contacted once or twice.”

Hearing this, Xu Enzhen was still sad, although it’s clear she was becoming more and more murderous, “Just because of that one million? Their greediness is astounding!”

Jian Xingsui didn’t want to see her mother sad, so he immediately inched closer to comfort her, “It’s okay Mom, it’s over.”

With this, Xu Enzhen had an epiphany about his youngest son’s financial condition. It must be because he had no money that he suffered this kind of humiliation by such a trash agency. 

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She must rectify this immediately. “Suisui, you send your card number to Mom.” 

Jian Xingsui was confused, “Uhm… why?” 

“You haven’t got a formal job yet, so Mom will transfer some pocket money for you,” Xu Enzhen seemed to be worried that Jian Xingsui wouldn’t take it, so she added: “Your Erge and Dage also got it.” 

Jian Xingsui originally wanted to refuse. But he agreed once he heard the latter sentence. 

Shen Xingchen patted him on the shoulder and said, “You can send it to me too.”

Shen Yong added, “Now that you mention it. Xingchen, make a groupchat and bring your didi in.” 

They were all busy people, and had difficulty seeing each other on weekdays. Normally, they would communicate via their phones or through Auntie Wu. Since Jian Xingsui finally returned, it’s only right to make a new groupchat with him included. 

Shen Xingchen happily agreed, “Okay!”

He quickly created a group, the name of the group was:  

Shen Minglang complained with an expressionless face, “What a cheesy name.”

Shen Xingchen yelled, as it felt like his older brother was insulting his sense of aesthetic, “What’s wrong with this? “

Shen Minglang ignored him, and changed the group name into:

Xu Enzhen told her husband about the new name, to which he frowned and criticized, “Too official.” 

This eldest son was good at everything, but he was too formal and self-interested.

Xu Enzhen thought about it as she played with her mobile phone. Then, with a mysterious smile, she changed it again into:  

After everyone saw this name, no one raised any objections.

Shen Xingchen said, “It’s quite literary and artistic. It’s very nice.”

Shen Minglang also nodded, as he felt that using a character from Jian Xingsui’s name was the best choice, “Not bad.”

Jian Xingsui was a little shy when he saw it, and he said softly: “Isn’t it… a bit…” 

“Very good.” Shen Yong also agreed very much. He glanced at his wife, their relationship was already very good, but seeing this made him fall in love even deeper than before.  “As expected of you. You’re really good at this.” 

 Xu Enzhen pursed her lips and smiled triumphantly, “Then it’s settled.” 

They all reminded Jian Xingsui about sending his card number to the group. Not long after, they reached home. 

Shen Yong and Shen Minglang had to go back to work, so they went to the company together. Xu Enzhen was going to the kitchen to cook, saying that a guest would be visiting in the evening, so she had to cook a good meal. As for Shen Xingchen, he was going back to his room to catch up on sleep.  Jian Xingsui decided to go back to his room to take a shower.

However, just as he was taking off his clothes, his phone vibrated and a text message appeared: 

[500,000 yuan was transferred to your card ending with -2436. Remaining balance: 500,100 yuan. Transferred from: Shen Xingchen.]

Jian Xingsui: “?” 

Why did the pocket money come from his second older brother?

And did he even need this much pocket money for a month? Did he accidentally put a few extra zeros? 

Jian Xingsui held his mobile phone in doubt for a long time, but his clothes had already been taken off, so he couldn’t go to Shen Xingchen’s room to ask. In the end, he decided to finish showering first before asking him about this. 

Unexpectedly, just after putting down the phone and walking a few steps, he received another text message: 

[1,000,000 yuan was transferred to your card ending with -2436. Remaining balance: 1,500,100 yuan. Transferred from: Xu Enzhen.]

Then, another messages appeared one after another: 

[1,000,000 yuan was transferred to your card ending with -2436. Remaining balance: 2,500,100 yuan. Transferred from: Shen Minglang.]

[5,000,000 yuan was transferred to your card ending with -2436. Remaining balance: 7,500,10037,5 mil yuan is approx 1,1 mil USD. Yes, I do get a mini heart attack when converting the amount. yuan. Transferred from: Shen Yong.] 

Jian Xingsui stood far away in a daze holding his phone, looking at the numbers on the screen in front of him. He even felt that he couldn’t count the dizzying amount of zeros in front of his eyes.

They call this… pocket money???

Meanwhile, with Shen Minglang and Shen Yong.

The father-son duo was sitting side-by-side, a palpable spark of tension appeared between them. 

They both were looking down at their own mobile phones, and they both put it away after finishing the money transfer.

Shen Yong said casually, “You transferred pocket money for Suisui?”

“Yes.” Shen Minglang nodded, “Just a little.”

Shen Yong nodded, “I also transferred a little.”

The two looked at each other, they both saw a little distrust in each other’s eyes. They both shared the same thoughts – the other party was trying to please Suisui behind their backs.

Shen Minglang stood still and tried to fish the amount his father transferred, “After all, it’s the monthly pocket money, and he just came back. I didn’t want to scare him, so I didn’t give him too much, just enough for him to play around.” 

Shen Yong crossed his legs, looking as steady as a mountain, and said in a low voice, “Well, I just expressed my heart.”


The car fell into silence again.

Both of them had their own calculations in their hearts, and no one believed the other’s nonsense.

Uh… just a quick spoiler about JXS, in case you’re wondering:

Yes, JXS’ name will be changed into Shen Xingsui in the future.

1an idiom. It means being unscrupulous with any consequences, because they can cover it up with the money/power they have.2Both the “Xing” in Xingchen’s and Xingsui’s name means “Star”. Minglang’s name means “clear/bright/forthright” but the hanzi for Ming [明] is made from a combination of the hanzi for Sun [日] and Moon [月]. They are all celestial bodies~37,5 mil yuan is approx 1,1 mil USD. Yes, I do get a mini heart attack when converting the amount.

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