Cannon Fodder Fake Master Was Stunned After Being Reborn

Chapter 69: 46.3: 46.3

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Last of today’s uploads. See you tomorrow~

The white light in the parking lot fell on the person. Jian Xingsui sat in the car and looked up. The man standing outside was tall and handsome. Even his cynical expression was also very handsome. At this moment, he could only feel his heart start erratically beating out of control. 

For a moment, he remembered that “Starlight” battle royale, this man also said the same thing that time.

Fu Jinxiao stood in front of him when he needed help. Although the actor never made too many promises, as long as he was there, he would never let Jian Xingsui be exposed to wind and rain.

Sure enough, no matter how many times they meet again, Jian Xingsui would fall in love with him. It was meant to be, wasn’t it? All butterflies chased after honey, and he chased after his idol.

Jian Xingsui came back to his senses, and after getting off the car, he picked up his mobile phone and called his agent, “Hey, Wang-ge, didn’t you ask me come over? I’m downstairs now, and um… I also brought the contract. Come on, I brought my friends here this time, just to discuss the termination of the contract with you.”

The middle-aged man  was shocked, and almost suspected that he heard it wrong, “Do you really want to terminate the contract with us?”

Jian Xingsui answered immediately, “Yup.”

“You… well, don’t regret it!” This agent was not very afraid, even if Jian Xingsui brought friends over, so what? Could he invite someone actually useful? With his no-name background, it’s practically impossible. The agent dared him, “Okay, then you come up!”

Jian Xingsui just hung up the phone and followed Fu Jinxiao and Wang Meican up.

There was an elevator dedicated to employees, so the journey was unimpeded. When they arrived at the meeting room on the 10th floor, his agent was still speaking with other executives. There was an inconspicuous tea stain on his clothes. 

Wang Meican pushed open the door and said to the people inside, “Sorry to bother you.”

Fu Jinxiao, who walked in slowly from behind, glanced at the people in the room, saw the teapot on the table and smiled slightly, “Good afternoon, everyone.” 


Almost all the people in the room stood up after the voice fell.

Everyone was shocked. Everyone in the entertainment circle knew who Fu Jinxiao was, and they also knew the agency backing him up – Fenghua Entertainment, and specifically, the Fu Conglomerate backing them up. Standing there, it was almost like facing the King of Heaven.

“Don’t be nervous, everyone please sit down.” Fu Jinxiao raised his hand casually, and he pulled a chair to sit down. He was courteous from beginning to end, but his aura of calmness made everyone nervous. A shallow smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, as if was just making casual talks,”I came this time for Jian Xingsui’s contract termination. I heard that your company wants to talk about it. I’m here to help my junior because someone entrusted me to do it, so I brought my agent to listen to everyone’s opinions.

‘Someone entrusted’ you?

Who on earth could do it?

This sentence came to everyone’s minds at the same time, while Fu Jinxiao ignored their bewildered expression as he continued to speak, “Of course, everyone here is a reasonable person. This time, we will follow the original contract. My agent is mainly responsible for the negotiation. And I’m just here to listen, everyone can just pretend that I don’t exist.” “


Who dared to pretend that you don’t exist?!

Despite being in Winter, the backs of all the executives were sweating. Even if Fu Jinxiao sat there without speaking, he was as dreadful and impossible to ignore as a plague god.

Agent Wang lost his previous arrogance and looked at Jian Xingsui, “Suisui, this is your friend you said you’re bringing?”

Jian Xingsui nodded slightly, pretending to be unbothered.

The middle-aged agent stuttered a bit when he spoke, and smiled awkwardly, “You have a good eye, and you are getting better at meeting people and making friends.”

Jian Xingsui hadn’t spoken yet, but Fu Jinxiao who was next to him said slowly, “That’s not necessarily true.”

Agent Wang looked at him.

Fu Jinxiao’s smile contained sarcasm, “Otherwise, how could he sign a contract with your company?” 

The agent was very arrogant when he faced Jian Xingsui, but he was obsequious when facing Fu Jinxiao. Even if he was ridiculed, he could still keep a smile on his face, “Yes, yes, yes…”

Wang Meican didn’t want to talk nonsense with them, so she urged, “Let’s start, we are here to discuss the termination of the contract with your company this time. In other words, we propose to terminate the contract today and demand compensation from your company for: (1) the artist’s mental damage fee, (2) compensation for the time and energy wasted in your company in the past two years. Oh, I also learned that you did not notify his work ahead of time, and you did not give him appropriate resources for the past two years, leading him to have to search for his own work by himself. All compensation must be paid at the same time, and the total amount is about five million yuan.”

Everyone at the table was shocked!

They were gathered here today because they all wanted to educate Jian Xingsui and extort a termination fee along the way. But who knows, they were extorted instead!

Agent Wang was shocked by this turn of event,”Well, Ms. Wang, why do we have to pay these expenses? Logically speaking, it should be Suisui who breached the contract first?” 

“Why do you think this artist initiated to terminate his contract in advance?” Wang Meican’s tone implied something. She gave out an innocent-looking smile as she pulled out a recorder. Looking at the device, Agent Wang immediately thought it was a recording of that time he threatened Jian Xingsui for that illegal one million yuan deal. His face immediately paled at an astounding speed. 

Wang Meican continued to smile, as if she was already winning this case, “This is the recording of that corridor I got from the ‘Starlight’ director team. As a brokerage company, you did not protect the rights and interests of your artists. And even adopting a threatening method has seriously damaged the artist’s physical and mental health.”

Agent Wang’s face turned pale. He never thought that Wang Meican would be so powerful!

Jian Xingsui also looked at Wang Meican in shock.

Wang Meican herself seemed calm. But in fact, only she knew that there was nothing in the recorder. These were the tricks Fu Jinxiao taught her to bluff people on the way here. In terms of insidiousness and cunning, nobody could top Actor Fu. That man was on another level, and she has learned from seeing him.

Naturally, Agent Wang was frightened, and he stammered, “Y-you… this is an internal affairs of our c-company. Be-besides… besides, the original contract didn’t… mention anything about his mental wellbeing. Jian Xingsui still is the voluntary party who initiated the termination of the contract, which means he breached the contract!”

“Internal affairs?” Fu Jinxiao finally spoke. He sat there lazily and curled his lips, “I remember that Li Xu’an is also from your company. So his private drinking with ‘patrons’ and taking care of his own ‘girls’ could be counted as an internal affair too1yes FJX implies LXA have BOTH sugar mommies and sugar babies. Amazing.?” 

Agent Wang’s face turned even paler.

Li Xu’an was the hottest artist in their agency. He could be counted as the agency’s cash cow and their thickest pillar. If he was over, then the Bankrupt Entertainment would also be over.

Another person came in from outside the glass door, and it was Ji Chuan, the president of Bankrupt Entertainment. He had an ominous premonition the moment he heard that Fu Jinxiao had come to the company, and now he hurried in, running until he panted. 

Fu Jinxiao turned around and saw him, smiling: “Oh, maybe the fact that President Ji took care of an outside mistress is also an internal affair.” 

Mr. Ji’s face also turned pale in an instant, and he almost couldn’t hold the door open.

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Nobody in this room could hold their original arrogant appearance. Even President Ji hurriedly came over with a smile and said in a panic, “Fu-ge, what’s wrong with you? You didn’t even tell me when you came. Are you here to help Xingsui to terminate his contract?” 

Fu Jinxiao didn’t directly answered his question, “Well, but I heard from the people under Mr. Ji that there seems to be some liquidated damages to be paid?”

Ji Chuan kicked Agent Wang in the shin,”What do you mean? What liquidated damages? Normal termination of the contract doesn’t involve any liquidated damages!” 

The middle-aged agent got kicked and let out a cry of pain. He then endured the pain to respond, “No, yes, I just remembered, this is a normal termination of the contract. Suisui did not violate any term, and the termination contract can be signed in a while.”

Fu Jinxiao glanced deeply at Agent Wang with his dark eyes, and lowered his tone until it sounded downright dangerous, “Normal?”

His voice had an implied promise of pain, and it made people’s hearts tremble.

Wang Meican said next to him, still that wide smile of hers, “Did your company forget what I just said?”

Agent Wang felt like crying, and timidly glanced at his boss, “Li-liquidated damages… y-you mean… that five million yuan you mentioned…?” 

Ji Chuan felt the same. He wanted to burst into tears, but he couldn’t. He just used his normal operations to extort money from his small-time artist, but he didn’t expect to kick an iron plate2provoking someone you shouldn’t provoke. today. Looking at Fu Jinxiao in front of him, he knew that if he didn’t go along with what the actor demands, there would be even more painful retaliation next time. With a twitchy, forced smile, he replied, “Of course, we broke the contract. Once the contract is signed, we will send the money to Suisui.” 

Fu Jinxiao smiled: “It’s troubling you.”

President Ji nodded with tears in his eyes, “No trouble, no trouble, this is how it should be.”

Fu Jinxiao looked down at Jian Xingsui again, while talking to the president, “Since Mr. Ji also thinks it should be that way, shouldn’t he apologize like an artist if they break the contract?”

President Ji was already very aggrieved in his heart; how can the boss apologize3this mentality is why you’re a shitty boss. to his employee? 

If he knew this would happen, he would just agree when Jian Xingsui mentioned he wanted to terminate his contract. He really lifted a rock only to drop it on his own foot. President Ji felt bitter, but he still didn’t dare to resist. He turned around and shook hands with Jian Xingsui, saying with deep sorrow, “Suisui, we are the ones who let you down and wronged you.”

Jian Xingsui did not expect such a development. He stood up and nodded reluctantly: “It’s okay.”

Fu Jinxiao glanced at Agent Wang with an inscrutable expression. 

The agent immediately understood, so he came over quickly and shook Jian Xingsui’s hand. In fact, he felt a little guilty for Jian Xingsui in his heart, and this apology could be regarded as having a shred of his true feelings in it, “Suisui, it was me who was in the wrong before. You have terminated the contract, congratulations, I hope you can have a good home in the future…”

Jian Xingsui never thought that one day these two people would apologize to themselves in such a humble way, but still nodded and said: “It’s okay, forget it.”

The originally difficult thing was quickly finalized.

Jian Xingsui felt like he was in a dream when he got the contract to be terminated. When he went downstairs, he was still muttering: “Is this all right?” 

Fu Jinxiao glanced at him with the corner of his eyes, “You still want to go back and beat them up?”

Jian Xingsui thought it was a joke, but who knew that Fu Jinxiao was not kidding with him. If the youth agreed, Fu Jinxiao would really do it in his own way. 

Jian Xingsui shook his head quickly, and he asked again, “How did you know about the gossip between Li Xu’an and President Ji?” 

Was this actor so free that he knew all kinds of hidden gossip like these? 

Fu Jinxiao leaned against the railing of the elevator, with a lazy posture, and drawled, “I just guessed.”

“????” Jian Xingsui’s eyes widened.

Wang Meican smiled and explained, “Everyone in the circle who is not clean basically plays like this, and it is easy to guess right.”

Jian Xingsui felt as if he had opened the door to a new world, and asked again: “Then, that recording…?”

Wang Meican casually shrugged, “Of course it’s also a bluff. How can there be such a clear recording in that kind of place? This is just a tactic to scare them. It’s their own guilty conscience making it seem real. This is what your Teacher Fu taught me.”


The way Jian Xingsui looked at Fu Jinxiao has changed. Besides admiration and awe, he deeply felt that his previous knowledge of Fu Jinxiao was simply only the tip of an iceberg!

Back in the car, Wang Meican tactfully did not want to be the light bulb4third-wheeling, “Then I have to go back to the company, see you in two days.” 

Fu Jinxiao responded lightly, and said to Jian Xingsui: “My driver will pick us up. We’ll go to the Shen family’s house.” 

Jian Xingsui was taken aback, and asked in surprise, “Are you going back to Shen family’s house too?” 

“Why, don’t you know?” Fu Jinxiao’s handsome face had a hint of teasing, “Mrs. Xu invited my mother to be a guest today. We’ll have dinner together.” 

Jian Xingsui remembered that Xu Enzhen seemed to have said so at noon, but he didn’t expect the guest to be Fu Jinxiao and his mother. 

The youth shook his head obediently, “I don’t know… are your Mother and mine close friends?” 

Fu Jinxiao treated him patiently, “It’s not only close friends, they are childhood friends.” 

Hearing that, Jian Xingsui had a guess, “So Mom wants to introduce me to Auntie?

The actor thought about it for a second, before nodding, “While your guess isn’t technically wrong, I guess it’s more of… Mrs. Xu wants to introduce me to you.” 

Jian Xingsui: “??”

What does this even mean?

...well, uh, if you guys remember the previous chapters.

It is said that the Shen and the Fu have some kind of marriage contract/agreement soooo

If you can, please support me by donating on my ko-fi~ For every 2 ko-fis, I’ll release an additional chapter ^^

1yes FJX implies LXA have BOTH sugar mommies and sugar babies. Amazing.2provoking someone you shouldn’t provoke.3this mentality is why you’re a shitty boss.4third-wheeling

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