Capture The Blue-Eyed CEO

Chapter 288: Bag The CEO

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"Tell me, Jessica, what do you think of these people?"

Jess smirked at Alfred's question but she indulged him. She scanned the crowd and in her best neutral voice, she said, "Well, this group is well dominated by men. The women who are today are mostly arm candy. Brought here as another way to show off other than talking about their achievement." She snorted and down the remaining alcohol in her glass.

She glanced at Alfred who drank twice as much as she drunk but didn't show any sign of being intoxicated. While she was already a mess. She couldn't believe that she would actually enjoy drinking with this sly old man. 

"These people have brilliant minds and they would be the best to converse with but not in this kind of setting. This event is just to get some connections, show off, and have their ego stroke. Something that won't happen in the actual laboratory. It is cold there. No one would care about your so-called achievement," she grinned. "Unless it gets funding and you get to be invited to these kinds of events. And here, you'll be revered.

"You're the life of a party, are you, Jessica?" His voice was laced with sarcasm but an acknowledgment of what she said was in his eyes. 

There is a lot of research and studies that didn't get to be known outside the lab. Some of them didn't get to have a completion. Research is expensive and fundings are hard to come by, especially if you are not in a big private company. And if you are working with a big private company. The company of just one person would get the biggest chunk of recognition while the rest of the scientists who poured their heart and soul, gave up sleep will be unknown. Their achievement and contribution will only be known inside the cold and sterile laboratory.

"We all have to do our own shares and not all are going to be recognized for our efforts." Alfred 

gave Jess a meaningful smile. 

"Well, that is true." Jess returned the old man's smile. "You aren't bad after all."

He laughed. "Would you honor me by joining me for lunch if I asked you to?" 

"I will have my last day this week. I would love too but I have to decline. I'm sorry." 

He clicked his tongue and his expression turned sullen. 

Alfred's actions caused Jessica's eyebrows to furrow. He reminded him of Noah. The way he would sulk like a child.

"If I may ask, where would you move?"

"Back at the laboratory of ANAT in Palo Alto." 

Alfred smirked happily that made Jess wonder why he looks so pleased about her returning to Palo Alto. They have been talking this whole time but they didn't ask for any personal information regarding each other. They only have their names. And it's not even their full name. She was just casually talking to him like he was her grandfather—a skeptic and sarcastic one.

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She was glad that he talked to her because if not, she would be bored to death. She was still chatting with Noah but when she and Alfred started talking, she sent a message to Noah that she has to mingle and it would be rude of her if she would keep on checking on her phone, thus, she can't continue chatting with him and would just send him a message once she's home. 

Of course, Noah was unhappy but he couldn't really do anything about it. He just made her promise that she won't drink too much at the party and she would not forget to call her once she's home. Not a message but a call. He said he was doing some work at home because Lucille will have some school activities tomorrow and he wanted to be there. That's why he's working at night and will be still awake whatever time she gets home. 

She wondered if he was just making up excuses about Lucille's school activities to be the reason for him staying up late. But she was already in a heated banter with Alfred that she agreed to every request Noah said so he would let her go. 

Now, about three hours had passed and she was still bantering with Alfred because the old man has the attitude of disagreeing with almost everything. But talking with him was quite enjoyable. His snarky comments drove Jess into a fit of giggles. She was having so much fun that she forgot the time. Until Gareth approached her to tell her it's time for them to go.

"Oh!" She glanced at Alfred who gave Gareth a quick look over. 

"I already messaged the driver, he's waiting for us." 

"Okay," She agreed, slightly irritated. She doesn't like how he's acting like she's such a bother. No one told him to babysit her. She can even go home on her own. But with how dark his expression is, she has an idea that his plan of getting a sponsor tonight didn't happen. She smirked inwardly. She doesn't want to be mean but she's not going to sympathize either. 

Alfred stood next to Jess and kissed her cheek. "It was nice meeting you, Jessica. I'll see you soon." He whispered. 

She bid her goodbye to Alfred and followed Gareth. She caught up with him just as he opened the car door. He bent over and entered the backseat. 

She was still pissed off at him so she yanked the door of the passenger seat and got in. She doesn't want to sit with him all the way home after what he did. 

The driver gave her a questioning look but she just nodded at him. He gently pushed the door close behind her. 

She kept her eyes on the car dashboard for she didn't want to hear anything from Gareth but it seemed like he wanted an audience for his pissy mood. 

"Sorry if I had to pull you away from that old man." 

Jess heaved a deep sigh as she slowly turned her head and looked at Gareth. "I don't want to know the reason for your attitude but I don't give a shit. Don't even think for a minute that I care." 

"You don't care if your research got approved. You don't care if you don't get a sponsor since you already have the future CEO in the bag." 

As Gareth's words registered in her brain, Jessica's anger was like an amber of fire that had been doused with cold water.

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