Capture The Blue-Eyed CEO

Chapter 311: Affirmation Of Love

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[This chapter is dedicated to Neil_Playz. Thank you for picking up this book. Much love!]



The sleepiness disappeared from Lucille's face the moment she saw her father cooking in the kitchen. 

"Good morning, princess!" He kissed the crown of Lucille's head. He smoothened her bed hair as he picked her up from the floor. 

Lucille snaked her small arms around her father's neck, murmuring, "I'm sorry, daddy."

"Why are you sorry?"

"I asked Aunt Jessie to buy me a dog even when you said no." She whispered back on the crook of her father's neck, refusing to meet his eyes. 

"Do you like your new dog?" 

"Yes!" She pushed herself away from her father's neck and for the first time met her father's eye. "You'll love Macao!"

"Is it a he or a she?"

"He. His ---"

Jess who was having her coffee was left unnoticed as the father and daughter rumbled on their own world. Soraya who had just come out of the guest room smiled at Jess and poured herself a cup of coffee. 

"It's my first time to see them like that." She said no one, in particular, staring at Lucille and Noah. 

Soraya smiled. "They are like that most of the time." Her smile turned into a chuckle, "if they aren't arguing." 

"Do they argue a lot?" 

"They do." 

The two women stood side by side, sipping their coffee. When they finished their drink, Noah and Lucille were still talking but it was not about the dog anymore who was still in the guest room, sleeping. 

When Soraya finished her coffee, she started setting the table. Jess followed suit on what Soraya was doing. She brought all the dishes Noah cooked to the breakfast table and sat down. 

"Let's eat," Soraya called the two and that was the only time they stopped talking. 

Jess who was drinking her second cup of coffee was feeling a little left out but she was keeping her expressions neutral. She does not want Noah to think of her as immature for feeling jealous of the relationship between father and daughter. 

For the first time, she felt like an outsider. "Take your seat," she said with a smile. 

Noah beat Lucille with the chair next to her and she scrunched up her nose to her father as she stared at Jess as if waiting for her to say something. She averted her eyes and finished her coffee. 

Lucille glanced at Soraya who nodded, urging her to take her seat, "Eat your breakfast, young miss. We have to be early at school as you had a promise with your friend to study together at the library today." 

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"I remember," she replied, then looked at Jess. "Aunt Jessie, can you drive me to school today?" 

"Jin will drive you to school today," Noah answered Lucille's question for Jess. 


"No buts." 

Lucille pouted her lips and returned her attention to her plate. The breakfast was finished without any more mishaps and right after breakfast, Macao went home with Lucille, Soraya, and Noah. 

Lucille hugged and thanked her before they all left her alone at her apartment. She was walking back to the kitchen when she shrieked in surprise when Noah embraced her from behind. 

"Why are you here?" She asked, her voice was squealing in surprise. 

"You look sad." 

"Me?" She blinked her eyes when she gazed at Noah. She thought she was busy with Lucille and his work. She saw him replying to Antonio's chat with his phone under the table while they were eating breakfast. She didn't expect Noah to still notice her with how many things he has to deal with all at the same time. 

Noah kissed her, checked and hugged her tighter. The jealousy and the sadness that was caressing her heart like a breeze disappeared in thin air with the thought that Noah took notice of her. 

"You don't have to hide from me. Baby, you can be a brat too."

She elbowed him. "Why would I be a brat? What am I? A kid?" 

He laughed. "What I mean is, you can be capricious to me. I won't mind. I would love it." 

She shook her head in amusement. She caressed the arms that were circling her frame. "Thank you." She leaned her back against her chest and closed her eyes, marveling at the firm muscle of his chest and his scent that she dearly loved. 

"Do you want me to drive you to work?" 

"No. You don't have to. I know you're busy." She answered without opening her eyes. She was enjoying his warmth and love that she could feel with the way he was holding her and the thumping that she could hear clearly from being plastered on his chest. 

"I'll make some time this weekend. I'll get us a table at Matsugen." 

She pushed her back from leaning against his chest and turned around to see his face. "Truly?" Her voice was ringing with excitement and her eyes were mirroring clearly the emotion she was feeling. 

"Truly. I'll spend as much time as I can with you before we head to Berlin." 

She heaved a deep sigh. "I'm going to miss you a lot. I wish we don't have to spend so much time far from each other." 

"Me too, baby. Me too." He rested his chin on the crown of her head and exhaled deeply. "Soon, baby. I promise I'll make it happen." 

"For now, let's just work hard. I have to be at the lab early." She patted his arms to let her go but instead of letting her go, Noah hugged her tighter. "Stop it, Noah. We need to get ready for work." 

"I know. But give me five more minutes, please." 

Jess exhaled a soft sigh and let Noah hug her. She wanted to savor this moment of them like this one too. A quick affirmation of him caring for her deeply with no frills of material things. Just the simple gesture of 'I see you' was more than enough.. There is no other way she would like it to be. 

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