Capture The Blue-Eyed CEO

Chapter 327: Ethics

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This chapter is dedicated to shiner1005. I'll be forever grateful for your support. Thank you!


"What's the score between the two of you?" She asked Oliver the moment he put down the steaming cup of black coffee in front of her. She's asking Oliver because she has a feeling that Luke would just try to avoid answering her question if she would ask him. 

Oliver pulled the stool and sat down. "We didn't work out and it's a mutual decision to end the relationship." He smiled gently at her while patting Luke's hand that was on the table. 

Luke laughed. "Now, you got your answer. It's time for you to tell us about the score between you and Noah." 

She stuck her tongue at Luke. "It was Oliver who answered me, why would I give you the answer?" 

"Tsk, you're such a ---" He twisted his body and faced Oliver, "ask her!" He said, pulling his hand away from Oliver's hand. His action didn't escape Jess. 

"I won't tell," she said, picking up her cup. The taste of bitter coffee made her miss Noah. The coffee that he makes is the best. She grimaced to herself at how lame she's acting. She dreads the days on how she's going to survive with the fact that Noah was back home with his daughter. 

It was a different feeling when she was the one away. She knew to herself that she was away for a job and she's coming back to Noah. However, this time is the opposite. Noah was the one that was away and she has no idea when he would come back and if… 

"Earth to Jess!" Luke snapped his fingers in front of her face. She didn't realize that she already spaced out. Her eyes fluttered in attention with the sound of Luke's fingers, snapping in the air. 

"What?" She snapped. 

"Your coffee has already cooled down and you have already turned into a statue." He clicked his tongue. "You're escaping from giving the end of our deal." 

"Because it was Oliver who answered my question and not you. I didn't break any deal." 

Oliver chuckled, listening to their childish bickering. 

"You!" Luke nudged Oliver with his elbow. "Ask her the question so we could know the sordid details of what happened with her and Tiefenbacher." 

Oliver turned his gaze to her and smiled. "I answered your question. Can I ask you back?" 

"Yes, you can." 

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"What were the sordid details of what happened…" He glanced at Luke who was waiting for her answer to help him with the question.

"During the weekend," Luke said without looking at Oliver. His eyes were glued on her, watching her expression. 

"…during the weekend?" Oliver finished his sentence. 

Jess straightened her back, flipped her hair, and picked up her cup of coffee. She took a small sip before putting it back down. "As for keeping my end of the bargain, I answered your questions." 

"Answer the damn question!" Luke slapped his hand on the table in frustration but Jess just smirked at his outburst. When their eyes met, Luke realized what happened. "You're such a sly bitch!" He sneered and punched Oliver's arm. 

"What?" He was confused with the sudden physical assault from Luke. It's not the usual way he hit him. He punched him with real force, hence, he was surprised on top of being confused. 

"You wasted your one freaking chance to ask a freaking question!" He glared at Luke and slapped Jess's hand. But Jess saw it coming so she quickly pulled her hand away, Luke's hand hit the table instead. 

Oliver was still confused, his gaze shifting from annoyed Luke to Jess who was smirking smugly at Luke's annoyance. It took him a while before he realized his mistake. He asked Jess if he could ask a question before asking her the actual question, thus, she held the end of the bargain without them getting anything from her. She's a sly one, indeed!

"It's all your fault!" Luke hit his arm again and this time he let him. He saw the real anger that flashed from the corner of his eyes when he hit him before he smiled as if nothing happened and returned his gaze to Jess. 

Oliver sighed softly with guilt. It was indeed his fault. Both the wasted question for Jess and how their short-lived relationship ended. He was a jerk. His curiosity towards the relationship between men was the cause. He knew he was at fault. He's a bastard. He deserved Luke's anger especially since he knew that he truly likes him, even though he kept on denying it. He wanted to touch him, to comfort him but he knew that his touch or his words won't offer any comfort but rather pain. Thus, he kept his mouth shut and smiled. He rested his elbow on the table and watched Jess and Luke bicker like kids. 

"Why can't you just tell me?" He continued to pester Jess, hoping that she would get exasperated with him and spat the reason why she looked so down and dejected. 

"You know, I'll just miss Noah. Stop asking stupid questions." She clicked her tongue on him. She was surprised by the emotion that rushed inside her when she admitted loudly that she misses Noah.

"It's normal. With the length of your relationship, you're still actually on your honeymoon stage." He propped his elbow on the table and cupped his chin.

"Do couples fight on their honeymoon stage?" She asked in a small voice. She blinked her eyes when she heard the words that came out of her mouth. She didn't want to voice out those words to Luke, and definitely not with Oliver in the room. Noah isn't just her boyfriend but their boss. It's unethical to discuss personal things with Luke and Oliver when it's their boss they are talking about. 

"Yes," Luke answered with no judgment in his voice. "It's normal. You can tell me more about it with a bottle of wine. I'm going home with you tonight." Now that Jess admitted that she and Noah fought, he doesn't want her to talk about those personal problems at work. 

Gratitude filled Jess's eyes as she smiled at Luke.. Neither of them needs to say the words, but they both understand the ethical dilemma of Jess's.

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