Capture the Jade

Chapter 21: 13.2: 13.2

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Teng Yuyi was sent to go rest early by Madam Du last night, but she actually did not sleep steadily at all. As it was almost dawn, she vaguely heard someone in the room nearby, exclaim out in surprise. As soon as she opened her eyes, Qiyun and Biluo lifted the curtain and came in: “Lady, Lady Du is awake.” 

Teng Yuyu lifted the quilt and got out of her bed: “What about Duan Fu and Baizhi?” 

“Duan Fu is resting in the outer courtyard, and before the steward could send the news over, Baizhi and Maid Hong had already woken up.”

Teng Yuyi hurriedly walked into the room nearby. The servants went in and out holding towels, and Du Tinglan was lying on the edge of the bed, vomiting. 

Teng Yuyi remembered the tragic death of her biao jie in her previous life, and was hesitant under her feet, fearing that everything in front of her eyes was just an illusion, and it would all disappear in one touch.

Madam Du only thought that Teng Yuyi was too happy: “Yu’er, come here. Your sister was just looking for you.” 

Du Tinglan raised her head, and said softly: “A Yu.” 

Teng Yuyi rushed over to pat Du Tinglan on the back: “Why are you vomiting suddenly?”

Du Tinglan wiped her face: “My chest feels a bit stuffy, and after vomiting out, I will feel better.” 

Her appearance was thin and pallid, and her forehead was covered in sweat, clearly indicating she was extremely uncomfortable, but still did not forget to console her mother and biao mei1Biao Mei = younger female cousin.

Madam Du said worriedly: “To vomit like this, I don’t know if we need to invite a physician to come and look at her or not.” 

Teng Yuyi thought for a while: “Sister was harmed by an evil creature, so the method of Qi Huang may not be effective. The two little Taoists from Qingyun temple will come here today. Why not wait for them to come and look before making a decision? This will save from having to recklessly use medication that does not help dispel the rest of the poison in the body.” 

Madam Du said: “right, right, right. Last night, the little Taoist had even said not to randomly use medication. Qingwan, you go to the front yard to tell the Lord and eldest master that the first lady is awake, and have them come to the back courtyard.” 

The maid complied and went out. 

Du Tinglan gently patted the edge of the bed: “A Yu, you sit down. Let sister take a good look at you.” 

Teng Yuyi complied and sat down. Facing Du Tinglan’s soft and gentle appearance, she only felt that a lot of words were stuck in her throat. She simply took the towel from the servant, and gently wiped off the sweat for Du Tinglan: “Sister, are you feeling better?” 

Du Tinglan took Teng Yuyi’s hand and said softly: “I also don’t know what’s wrong, but I just remember going to Jingfu Nunnery to pray with my mother. Everything after, I can’t remember clearly. You said in your letter that it would take a few days for you to come back. Why is it that you arrived here so early? Mother said that you returned to the Mansion with us. Could it be that you also went to Qujiang yesterday——”

While speaking these words, she seemed to have remembered something, and her complexion instantly faded completely. 

Teng Yuyi’s heart fiercely jumped. In her previous life, she painstakingly searched for the murderer, but in the end, nothing was found. Now that her biao jie2Biao Jie = older female cousin was alive and well in front of her, perhaps she will know the truth soon. 

She said cautiously: “Sister, what’s wrong?” 

Du Tinglan was still startled. Her complexion was ghostly white, and large beads of sweat appeared on her forehead.  

Madam Du realized this, and hurriedly dismissed the servants: “The first lady needs to rest. All of you go outside and wait first. If the Taoist priests come, quickly invite them in.” 

Teng Yuyi did not dare to breathe loudly, and was eager to know the truth, but was also afraid that her biao jie would be too apprehensive, and that her condition would get worse. After hesitating for a short moment, she helped Du Tinglan lie down: “Sister, you should rest first. If there is anything that needs to be said, you can say it later.” 

Du Tinglan suddenly grabbed Teng Yuyi’s hands: “I remember now. Last night, last night, I ran into an evil creature in the bamboo forest.” 

She was trembling from head to toe, and the words that came out of her mouth became choppy.

“Good child, why are you muddled?” Madam Du said with red eyes: “Didn’t mother just tell you that Yu’er and Duanfu came in time to save you last night.” 

“Yes, sister.” Teng Yuyi tried her best to comfort Du Tinglan, “That thing had already been beaten back into its original form by Prince Cheng last night. It is just a tree stump now, and there’s nothing scary about it. You obediently stay in the mansion, and with us here, no one will dare to hurt you.” 

Du Tinglan buried her head in her mother’s arms, and she was so frightened that she could not help but curl up into a ball: “That thing chased after me, and said that it would eat me. Mother, I’m so afraid…” 

She could not help, but sob. She had nearly lost her life in the bamboo forest last night. That feeling of helplessness and desperation on the verge of death permeated into every single one of her pores. The emotions were constrained when she was unconscious, but now it all aroused back. 

Madam Du’s heart was about to be crushed into pieces. Ever since this child became sensible, she had never been in such a desperate state before. 

She stroked her daughter’s back repeatedly: “You have been frightened and muddled. Later, I will have to ask the Taoist priests for some magic items to calm the soul and soothe the mind.” 

Du Tinglan suddenly remembered something, and grabbed Teng Yuyi’s hand: “A Yu, you also went to the bamboo forest at the time?” 

Teng Yuyi held Du Tinglan’s hand: “Yes, I went. Sister, that thing is not to be afraid of. As soon as Duanfu and I arrived at the forest, we cut off the evil creature’s right claw.” 

Du Tinglan’s lips turned white for a while. She looked up and down at Teng Yuyi, making sure that her younger cousin was in a good condition, and nodded reassuringly. After that, as if she sank into some chaotic memories, she was startled again. 

Teng Yuyi and Madam Du leaned over to cover Du Tinglan with the quilt. Du Tinglan was currently scared out of her wits, and if one tried to ask her about something right now, it would be useless. 

As the two of them were busy. Du Tinglan frighteningly opened her eyes wide, and looked around her, suddenly said: “A Yu, apart from that evil creature, did you see someone else in the forest?” 

Teng Yuyi’s heartstrings tighten all of a sudden. She sat down on the edge of the bed, held her breath, and asked: “Sister, who else was in the forest at that time?” 

Du Tinglan’s words were stuck in her throat. Her complexion became more and more ugly, and her breath also became more and more disordered. 

Madam Du had tears in her eyes: “Child, why did you go to the bamboo forest? Who harmed you? Up till now, you still are not willing to say?” 

Du Tinglan closed her eyes, as if it was too late for regrets. She was also ashamed, and suddenly as if she had triggered a disgusting memory, she lowered her body and vomited again. This time it was more severe, and was even more uncontrollable than before. 

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Madam Du hurriedly rushed up to pat her back. To be vomiting endlessly like this, something will happen sooner or later. Teng Yuyi could not hold her breath anymore, and hurriedly got up and said: “yi mu3yi mu = aunt , I will go ask someone to invite a physician.” 

As soon as she took a step, her arm was pulled by Du Tinglan: “I’m fine, I just feel nauseous.” 

Teng Yuyi bent down and twisted the towel to wipe Du Tinglan’s face. The back of her hand suddenly felt warm. She looked up in surprise, and saw that Du Tinglan was crying silently. 


Du Tinglan was barely able to support her body, and looked at Madam Du ashamedly: “This daughter was confused, causing mother to be worried and frightened. This daughter is ashamed, and beg that mother must take care of her body. A Yu, you just arrived in Chang’an, but because of me, you took such dangerous risks. Sister, I have let you down.” 

Teng Yuyi’s heart was aching, and hurriedly said: “Sister, your mind is not at ease right now. If there is something to be said, you can say it later.”

Du Tinglan’s tears fell like rain (idiom), as if her heart was tormented. After a moment of silence, she suddenly said: “Mother, A Yu, I was lucky enough to have my life saved. I’m afraid there are some words that if I don’t say right now, it will be too late.”

Madam Du and Teng Yuyi’s hearts instantly leaped to their throats. They looked at Du Tinglan, and did not even dare to breathe loudly.   

Du Tinglan hung her head down to her chest in shame: “The reason why me and maid Hong left Jingfu Nunnery was actually because I went to go meet someone.” 

Madam Du trembled with anger: “I should have known…I should have known…You won’t have left Jingshui temple for no reason…” 

Seeing that Du Tinglan only knew how to silently shed tears, she anxiously urged her daughter and said: “Child…Say it…Who exactly is that person?” 

Du Tinglan’s face was red like glistening blood. She wanted to open her mouth to speak several times, but because she was too embarrassed, the words were stuck in her throat. 

“Child, do you want your father and mother to die of anxiety?” Madam tightly gripped Du Tinglan’s hand, and said with a trembling voice: “That person has harmed you into looking like this. What else do you have to hide!” 

Du Tinglan’s heart ached, and while sobbing, she said: “…Mother, don’t be sad….I….I’ll say.” 

She looked at Madam Du through the tears of her eyes: “Does mother still remember when father was still an official in Yangzhou? Once on the day of the Qingming4Qingming Festival = literally means the Pure Brightness Festival, is a holiday devoted to remembering and honoring the deceased, people sweep and decorate gravesites, burn incense. and paper money, and make food offerings Festival, I took maid Hong alone with me, and went spring hiking5spring hiking = go for a walk in the spring at the Yinshan Temple.”

Madam Du was stunned, and immediately rounded her eyes and said: “Originally that day, Shaotang was supposed to accompany you there, but unfortunately that day, he had something to do at his academy, so Shaotang went back midway. What is it? Could it be that you met someone on that day?” 

Du Tinglan’s glistening teardrops twinkled: “When I was admiring the flowers in the temple, I happened to bump into a group of scholars who were making up poems in the peach blossom forest. The person who won…is a twenty-year old young man. 

When she said this, she desperately bit her lip, and her hands gripped the lapel on her chest. Her knuckles were turning slightly white. 

Madam Du nearly fell onto the side of the bed. Teng Yuyi hurriedly went to help support Madam Du. Du Tinglan also got up from the guilt in fright. Madam Du stretched out her trembling finger and poked Du Tinglan’s forehead, and very angrily said: “Tell mother clearly how you came to know this person, and how you contacted this person. Don’t leave a single word behind!” 

Du Tinglan’s eyelids were swollen like peaches, and cried for a long time before she opened her mouth to speak: “This person’s family is poor and helpless. He studied in the temple all year around. He finally managed to collect enough money to go to Chang’an for the examination next year. I saw that he was outstanding in poetry, so I…I had a good impression of him. After that, we would sometimes contact each other, and he often gave me poems. Because he was afraid of revealing any traces, he used colorful ribbons as letter paper. This way, it will not be eye-catching, and is convenient to transmit.” 

Teng Yuyi was stunned, and had reckoned that her biao jie cut the colorful ribbons in the nunnery to receive the message, and it is indeed like this. 

Madam Du controlled her anger and nodded: “Very good, you have known him since last year on the Qingming Festival, and now it has been a whole year. I ask you, you have been privately in contact with him for so long. Has that person ever mentioned the matter of marriage?” 

Du Tinglan choked in tears: “That person said that he does not have a meritorious name, and even if he came to ask for a hand in marriage, my mother and father would not allow it. Therefore, everything needed to wait until he went to the capital to take the exam, and once he had a meritorious name, everything was easy to say. Later, father was recommended from the Imperial Academy to the Imperial Academy of Supreme Learning6the highest educational institute in ancient China until the Sui Dynasty as a doctor. Our whole family had to move back to Chang’an, and before leaving, I was worried that he would not have enough money for the examination, so I gave him all my private savings, and that person gave me a golden hairpin that was handed down in his family. He promised me that he would marry me, and when he comes to Chang’an to take the exam next year, he will definitely come to our doorstep to ask for my hand in marriage.” 

While she said this, Du Tinglan paused, as if she suddenly remembered something, and the remorse in her eyes became deeper. 

“After arriving in Chang’an, we secretly contacted, as few as five days, and as late as half a month. Three months after our family came to Chang’an, he also set off from Yangzhou in advance. He lived in a village in the south of the city. I was afraid that he was out of money, and entrusted someone to send him some more money. At first, he was quite eager, but after getting to know each other more and more, he gradually sent less and less letters to me.” 

“Not long ago, he was still the best among his peers in the academy. I went to find him based on the address on the letters. Unexpectedly, he had already moved away, and on the way back to the city, I met him drinking in a liquor store with his friends, but based on his appearance, he looked very happy. Those people around him were dressed luxuriously, and thinking about it, they are probably the children of the wealthy. I heard that His Majesty, and several prime ministers all boasted about his poetry and literature. He now has a meritorious name, and the friends around him are no longer those poor and humble scholars from the former days.” 

“I still had a glimmer of hope in my heart. He has been busy with his examination recently, and perhaps he did not have time to send me a letter. Therefore, I ordered the coachman to stop the carriage, and lifted up the curtain to look at him. However, he actually pretended not to know me, and his friends saw that I was looking at him, and laughed: “That lady has been looking at you for a while. Could it be that she admires you?” I was shocked and ashamed. At once, I let down the curtain and ordered the coachman to hurry on. Just to hear that person sneer: “Where did such an ordinary flower come from7a metaphor for frivolous people.” )

Teng Yuyi was furious, and suddenly got up: “That stinky brat dares!’ 

Madam Du was also angry as if spouting smoke through the seven orifices. Her daughter has always been smart and self-contained, but did not expect that she would fall head over heels in the hands of a youth, only hating that her daughter’s health has not fully recovered yet. She wanted to scold her, but also could not bear to do so. The fire in her stomach had nowhere to burn, and she could only beat her chest tightly. 

Du Tinglan was afraid that her mother would be very angry, crying while holding onto her mother’s arms. 

Madam gritted her teeth and said: “What happened afterwards? Yesterday, did that youth invite you to meet in the bamboo forest?” 

Du Tinglan wiped her tears and said in a low voice: “I was disheartened at that time, but after coming back, I thought about it. Those private savings are nothing much, and I acted as if I threw it into the toilet, but If I don’t get back those sentimental words in those letters, there will be trouble sooner or later. A while ago, I could not sleep soundly at night, because of this matter. When I inquired that he would rush to the Jinshi Banquet on the Double Third Festival, it just so happened that mother was also going to Jingfu Nunnery to offer incense, so I proceeded to go with mother. While mother was at the Xiyuan theater watching the plays, I asked maid Hong to disguise herself as a barbarian and stop him in front of the Moon Lantern Pavilion. This time around, he gladly agreed and asked to meet me in the bamboo forest next to the Moon Lantern Pavilion.” 

Teng Yuyi was furious when she heard this. In her previous life, biao jie and maid Hong were strangled to death by someone. At that time, when they were at the scene of the incident, it was said that there were footprints left by a man’s short boots near her biao jie’s corpse. It turned out that there was indeed a man who asked biao jie to go into the bamboo forest that night.  

She knew that the Imperial court’s civil service examinations were extremely hard to pass, and there were only a few people who were young and the best among their peers. In her previous life, she remembered that there was an extremely well-known gifted scholar, and after coming first in the civil service exam, he then again successfully passed the selection test of the Ministry of Appointments. He was soon transferred to the Imperial Censor Station, and became the youngest advisor official. After that, he was even more recognized by Zheng Pushe, and married Zheng Pushe’s only daughter. 

She remembered that when the wedding invitation was delivered to the Teng Mansion, it had only been half a year since biao jie was strangled to death by someone. Because it was the daughter of a large and aristocratic family who was marrying off, on the day of the wedding, the streets and alleys were crowded with the common people who came to watch and enjoy the bustling scene. 

Although Teng Yuyi did not attend the wedding, she had passed by the Zheng Mansion on that day. She saw the groom escorting the bride. The groom’s appearance was handsome, and indeed was a remarkable person.  

While thinking of this, Teng Yuyi’s face got dark, and when she opened her mouth to speak, there was a sense of dense chillness in her voice: “Sister, is that man named Lu Zhaoan?!” 

Thanks for reading! I do proof the chapters before uploading but sometimes I go back and realize that there are some typos, so feel free to correct me if you see any!

1Biao Mei = younger female cousin2Biao Jie = older female cousin 3yi mu = aunt 4Qingming Festival = literally means the Pure Brightness Festival, is a holiday devoted to remembering and honoring the deceased, people sweep and decorate gravesites, burn incense. and paper money, and make food offerings5spring hiking = go for a walk in the spring6the highest educational institute in ancient China until the Sui Dynasty7a metaphor for frivolous people

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