Capture the Jade

Chapter 23: 14.2: 14.2

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Teng Yuyi got up, and saluted: “There is also another matter that needs to be discussed with aunt and uncle. Lu Zhaoan originally seemed to have been trying to avoid biao jie, but last night, he had actually asked biao jie to meet him in the bamboo forest. Later on, biao jie was attacked by that evil spirit, and Lu Zhaoan fled in such a timely manner. When you look at this matter closely, there are many suspicious things.” 

Madam Du and Du Yuzhi were bewildered: “Could it be that you suspect that the evil creature has something to do with Lu Zhaoan?” 

Teng Yuyi snorted: “This matter is still inconclusive, but Lu Zhaoan just asked biao jie to meet in the bamboo forest, and that was when that evil creature appeared. To say it was purely coincidental, I do not believe it. The emperor at present hates evil spirits and creatures the most. If it can be found that Lu Zhaoan used an evil spirit to harm people, then don’t need to mention that this person’s career will be ruined, he will not even be able to think about staying in Chang’an.” 

Du Shaotang’s spirit was lifted and he ran to Teng Yuyi like a wisp of smoke1“a wisp of smoke” = to disappear or move in an instant: “Cousin Yu, how should we investigate?” 

“We don’t understand Taoism, but fortunately there is someone that is already investigating it right now. As long as there is a way to make this person suspect Lu Zhaoan, there is no need to be afraid that the truth can not be found.” 

The people in the room said all together: “Who is that person?” 

Teng Yuyi said: “The Taoist of Qingyun Temple.” 

Madam Du guessed: “The Taoist Chief, Qing Xuzi, is currently not in Chang’an——” 

She suddenly thought of a person, and immediately widened her eyes: “Prince Cheng?” 

Du Yuzhi showed a terrifying expression: “No, No! That child has always been uncontrollable and reckless, and it is best for us not to attract trouble.” 

Teng Yuyi raised her eyebrows. It was rare to see such a frightened expression on her uncle’s face. It can be seen that Lin Chengyou’s reputation is very well-known. 

Madam Du said: “My Lord, we have dealt with Prince Cheng last night, and his temperament is a bit arrogant. However, he is a very smart person, and is also one who is aware of the degree of seriousness in a situation. Yu’er, it’s just that if Prince Cheng is to get involved in this matter, then doesn’t this mean that the matter between Lan’er and Lu Zhaoan will be impossible to conceal?”  

Teng Yuyi pondered: “Yi mu2yi mu = aunt, don’t forget that Prince Cheng sent the little Taoist to inquire about the matter in the bamboo forest last night. Yi mu thinks that even if we don’t say it, Prince Cheng won’t investigate in detail about it?” 

Du Shaotang couldn’t help, but cough. He had a classmate in the Imperial Academy whose father is an official of the Imperial Court of Judicial Review. When Lin Chengyou passed the literature examination to get into the Imperial Court of Judicial Review last year, this classmate often talked to him about Lin Chengyou. 

Little by little, he knew a quite a bit about Prince Cheng’s nature. 

He timidly said to his father and mother: “If it weren’t for Prince Cheng gifting the Liuyuan pill, sister would have been gone long ago. If Prince Cheng wants to investigate this matter, but we deliberately deceive him about it, then things would only get more troublesome.” 

Du Yuzhi and Madam Du felt a slight chill on their backs. 

Du Shaotang spoke again: “At this point, the best thing to do is to tell the truth honestly. If we really wait till Prince Cheng finds out about something, then don’t hope to win over his assistance in this matter. As for the matter with sister’s private meeting, Prince Cheng…Prince Cheng doesn’t seem to be the kind of person who likes to talk about right and wrong.” 

Du Yuzhi silently stroked his beard. Prince Cheng is prideful and arrogant. At the age of ten, he beat up the prince of the Bohai Kingdom. At the age of fourteen, he plucked off Wu Shizhong’s snow-white beard. However even if this child has many shortcomings, it has never been heard that he likes to care about the right and wrong of things.  

Teng Yuyi spoke: “Although I don’t know much about Lin Chengyou’s personality, he is after all the eldest son of the King Cheng and his wife, and has been taught under the hands of the Taoist Chief, Qing Xuzi for many years. No matter how preposterous he is, there has to be a limit. The most important thing is that no matter if Zheng Pushe really wants to marry off his daughter to Lu Zhaoan or not, as long as Lin Chengyou can find out that the evil spirit is related to Lu Zhaoan, then Zheng Pushe will definitely not dare to come forward to protect him. Plus, with Lin Chengyou’s temperament, he will definitely make Lu Zhaoan unable to eat and walk away3this means to find oneself in serious trouble and to bear all the consequences, idiom.” 

In this way, the Teng Mansion and Du Mansion will saved a lot of energy.

Madam Du pondered: “Yu’er and Shaotang are right. My Lord, why not wait for the two Taoist to come first, then we can take the initiative to tell Prince Cheng the reason Lan’er went to the bamboo forest.” 

Du Yuzhi stubbornly pursed his lips, but his heart was already loosened. He doesn’t know what is with it today, but he has been repeatedly challenged by his wife, and juniors. He is the head of the family, and even if he agrees in his heart, he is still not willing to easily show it. 

During the stalemate, a subordinate came and replied: “Lord, Madam, the two Taoist of Qingyun Temple are here.” 

Madam Du’s eyes lit up: “Quickly invite them in.” 

Du Tinglan waved at Teng Yuyi: “A’Yu, help me get dressed.” 

Teng Yuyi got up, and went around behind the folding screen4屏风 píngfēng = also called a room divider, is a type of free-standing furniture consisting of several frames or panels, and usually decorated with beautiful art, in this case it used for a private area for one to dress. After a while, Jue Sheng and Qizhi were led in by the subordinates. The two stood in the room and said together: “This humble Taoist pays respects.”

Du Yuzhi returned a salute with a straight look: “The two Taoists, please sit.” 

Jue Sheng and Qizhi pretended to be mature: “This humble Taoist came to check up on the wounded victims. After resting for one night, one does not know if the several wounded victims have woken up or not?” 

Du Yuzhi said: “They have woken up, but they have been vomiting endlessly. We did not dare to invite a physician without permission, just waiting for the Taoists to come and take a look.” 

Jue Sheng made an “oh” sound: “The remaining poison has not been cleared, and everything will be okay after using some detoxifying prescriptions.”

Madam Du warmly invited Jue Sheng and Qizhi to enter: “The two Taoist, please come this way. My daughter was a little muddled when she first woke up, and when mentioning about the matter last night, she would get very frightened.” 

After leading Jue Sheng and Qizhi to the back of the folding screen while speaking, Teng Yuyi had already finished helping Du Tinglan dress. Du Tinglan couldn’t get up so she had to sit upright on the edge of the bed, and folded her hands in front of her: “It’s a pleasure to meet the Two Taoist priests.” 

Jue Sheng and Qizhi said “excuse me”, and stepped forward to look at Du Tinglan’s eyelids. They nodded, and had Du Tinglan stick out her tongue, then finally looked at her nails and the palm of her hand. The two of them both tilted their hands at the same time, and carefully looked at Du Tinglan. 

Madam Du and Du Shaotang were secretly surprised. They didn’t know how the Taoist Chief, Qing Xuzi, taught his disciples. Although these two children are young, there weren’t any faults in their words and actions, only that unintentional manner still gave a childlike atmosphere.

“It’s not a big problem.” Jue Sheng took out a medicine bottle, “Take the pills here and grind them. Take one pill with water every morning when you wake up.” 

After saying that, Jue Sheng looked around: “What about the other wounded victims?” 

Teng Yuyi was worried about Duan Fu: “Baizhi and Maid Hong are in the front room. I have heard that they are already awake. The injured male servant is settled in the front courtyard, and the steward has not replied yet.” 

Jue Sheng and Qizhi said: “Then, let’s look at those two maids first.” 

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Baizhi and Maid Hong were far worse than Du Tinglan. After waking up, they continuously cried out in fear. Jue Sheng and Qizhi used two calming talismans, and urgently recited a heart-clearing spell for improvement. 

At last, it was Duan Fu. Duan Fu was settled down in the Songjun Hall in the front courtyard last night. The Du family were aware of the importance of this servant in Teng Yuyi’s heart. Besides Madam Du was staying to take care of Du Tinglan so the Du family’s father and son would spontaneously accompany Teng Yuyi to visit Duan Fu.

Duan Fu was silently lying on the bed, and there was an empty bowl on the small table. Seeing that Teng Yuyi had come, he used all his willpower to get off the bed. 

Teng Yuyi and Du Shaotang hurriedly stepped forward: “You just woken up from having serious injuries. Do not talk about these modest courtesies. Quickly lie down.” 

Duan Fu held his neck, and refused to lie down, hissed: “Is Lady okay?”

Teng Yuyi firmly nodded her head: “I am okay.”

Only then did Duan Fu loosen up, and slowly lie back down. 

Jue Sheng and Qizhi deeply pondered. Seeing that this person is around fifty years old, gray haired, hawk nose and hawk eyes5“hawk nose, hawk eyes” = to describe a treacherous and fierce appearance, seemed to have a trace of blood of the Hu people6ethnic groups in the north and west of China in ancient times. More so, his hands are as hard as rocks, and at a glance, one would know that his internal skills are extraordinary. No wonder even though he obviously doesn’t know magic, he could still take a fight against such evil creatures. 

Strangely, it seems that this old servant only has his little master in his eyes. Neither paying attention to the two of them, nor exchanging greetings with the Du family’s father and son.

The Du family’s father and son are accustomed to it, especially Du Shaotang. When he first saw Duan Fu a few years ago, he once mistakenly thought that he was mute. 

Such a big man, who follows behind Cousin Yu silently all day. 

For a while, he always wondered why this person had no wife or children. After pestering mother about it for a few times, only then did he learn that Duan Fu is a eunuch7Eunuch = is man who has been castrated, meaning removing their testicles, which is why Duan Fu does not have a wife or children.

Sometimes there would be banquets held in the mansion. The guests would think that Duan Fu is weird, and can’t help, but tease him. Duan Fu looks terrifying, but his temperament is actually very good. Even if he was ruthlessly teased, he would only silently give in. 

On the other hand for Cousin Yu, whoever dares to provoke her Duan Fu, she will definitely lose her temper about it. With the protection of Cousin Yu, no one ever dared to tease Duan Fu again. 

Du Shaotang thought that if it wasn’t for Duan Fu who had resisted for a while last night in the forest, sister may have died in the forest. Because of this, he deeply respected Duan Fu. 

“Duan Fu, these are the two Taoist priests of Qingyun Temple.” Duan Shaotang said softly, “Last night, you were the one who was the most severely injured, and your arms are fractured. It’s hard to invite the Taoist priest to personally come here, so why not take this opportunity to ask them to take a good look at you.” 

Duan Fu did not have any reaction to this, looking like a wood stump. Du Shaotang scratched his head awkwardly while Teng Yuyi patted Du Shaotang’s shoulder, indicating to him not to take it to heart. She then turned back and looked at Jue Sheng and Qizhi, and said solemnly: “Have let the Taoist see ridicule. This old servant is not very good at expressing himself with words, but his intentions are good. He fought closely with the tree spirit at that time, and I reckon that his injuries are not light. He refuses to say it, so I can only trouble the two Taoist priests.” 

Jue Sheng and Qizhi solemnly nodded their heads: “We will take a good look.” 

Only then did Duan Fu react, and slowly his gaze fell onto the two little Taoists. 

The two of them cut off the sleeve of Duan Fu’s clothes. His shoulder had a wide wound, and his bones were faintly visible on the inside. There was still dead flesh rolled up on the edge of the wound, but fortunately it was not blue or black. It can be reckoned that there is no poison left in the body. 

“His internal strength is very profound, and his blood vessels run faster than others. He also doesn’t need to take any pills, and it is enough for him to just rest for a few days. However, this wound still needs to be treated by a physician.” 

Being fiddled with a broken arm like this, if it were others, they would have long cried out in pain. However, Duan Fu sat quietly and looked relaxed, without even wrinkling his eyebrows. 

Teng Yuyi said: “Duan Fu, you heard the words of the Taoists.” 

Duan Fu nodded. 

“Properly take a good rest. When the physician arrives, you have to cooperate a little more, and be sure to ask them to take a closer look at you. This injury must not remain.”  

Duan Fu complied. 

Teng Yuyi went out relieved. When the group of people arrived in the front courtyard, Jue Sheng and Qizhi looked at each other, and took the initiative to speak: “Senior brother sent us here, and in addition to clearing the remaining poison of the several injured victims, he also told us to inquire about the situation in the bamboo forest last night. That evil creature appeared strangely, and if we do not get to the bottom of this, there will definitely be great hidden danger left behind. Lady Du has already woken up, so how about we go to the back courtyard right now to ask Lady Du about the situation in the forest last night.”  

Teng Yuyi glanced at her uncle. Isn’t he here now. 

Du Yuzhi wiped the sweat on his forehead. 

Du Shaotang was also busy signaling with his eyes at his father: Father, hurry and make up your mind. We can’t hide about this matter. This is called peaceful measures before using force8to negotiate with the other party in a polite way first, and then use strong means when it does not work, and when Lin Chengyou personally comes here to ask, we will definitely not be as modest. (TL: He is not saying this out loud even though it sounds like he is) 

Du Yuzhi’s facial features were tangled, and brows were loose then tightened, tight then loose again. At last, he made up his mind: “My daughter indeed did recall some strange things, but I ask that the two Taoist tell the prince that this matter is involved with the privacy of the Du family, and the fewer people that know, the better. Even if we were to say it, we can only tell the prince. Moreover, it is necessary to ask that the prince can keep it a secret as it must not be spread out. The prince has always taken it as his own responsibility to help the right and dethrone evil, and it can be reckoned that he will not fail to agree.” 

Jue Sheng and Qizhi went blank for a while. Can only tell senior brother? 

Du Yuzhi’s face was rigid and firm, indicating that there is no room for negotiation on this matter. 

The two blankly nodded: “Okay, we will go back and tell senior brother.” 

Shortly, he respectively said: “By the way, there is still one more thing that this humble Taoist needs to discuss with Lady Teng alone.”

Du Yuzhi and Du Shaotang looked at Teng Yuyi in surprise. Teng Yuyi smiled in her heart, and this was well negotiated in advance. Jue Sheng, the Taoist priest, brought the itchy itchy bugs here, and she will take out the jadeite sword for him to play with. It seems that Jue Sheng has not forgotten about last night’s agreement. She coughed: “Uncle, Shoatang, why do you guys go first? I will stay here to say a few words to the Two Taoists.” 

Du Shaotang became more and more puzzled. He wanted to inquire a few words, but was afraid that Cousin Yu would not be happy. Du Yuzhi folded his hands behind, and did not say anything. This normally was not in line with his rules, but these two little Taoists looked to be only eight or nine years old, so there really wasn’t anything suspicious about it. With a straight face, he said a few words, and left with Du Shaotang.

Thanks for reading! Btw I am currently translating another BG novel right now and I will most likely have it out the end of this month, meaning I will be translating two novels at the same time, but I will still post as often as I can for both!

1“a wisp of smoke” = to disappear or move in an instant2yi mu = aunt3this means to find oneself in serious trouble and to bear all the consequences, idiom4屏风 píngfēng = also called a room divider, is a type of free-standing furniture consisting of several frames or panels, and usually decorated with beautiful art, in this case it used for a private area for one to dress5“hawk nose, hawk eyes” = to describe a treacherous and fierce appearance6ethnic groups in the north and west of China in ancient times7Eunuch = is man who has been castrated, meaning removing their testicles, which is why Duan Fu does not have a wife or children8to negotiate with the other party in a polite way first, and then use strong means when it does not work

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