Card Collector [LitRPG]

Chapter 10: CH 9 – First Friend

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Yawning Axel Blaze checked his inventory. He has several number 2 and 3 card cases in his inventory. Today's drop was also a number 3 card case.

He can't open the cases now as he doesn't have access to the Cards tab to store the cards. And from his past testing, cards can't be stored in inventory. So if he opens the card cases then he will lose the cards after one minute.

For now he is depending on the two Common cards, Flare and Sharp Edge, which he equipped in the deck before starting the system upgrade.

Looking at the card cases, Axel Blaze murmured, "At this moment, I am happy with just Common cards, as Common rank skills are the only ones usable by any Class. For my Non-Combat Class, it's the only option." He sighed.

What's the use of high ranking skill cards if I can't even use them?

For collection? Because I am a Card Collector?

Fuck it!

After getting refreshed and eating breakfast at the inn, Axel Blaze looked at his account balance, dejected. 400 amilots are all he is left with.

His only option is to sell the materials he acquired from monsters before arriving at Kat Town. But he has to sell these at a loss to the street vendors.

He considered it for a second but then decided to just walk to his next destination. Maybe he can find a better price for the items there? Who knows?

But before all that, he has to meet Max at the town's gate as promised.

With extreme vigilance, looking left and right, Axel Blaze arrived at the town's gate.

"Mister Axel! Here", Max called Axel Blaze aside, out of the gate.

Axel Blaze walked to him, confused, as he saw Max all alone waiting for him.

Did he really come alone or Luke and his party are hiding somewhere?

Due to the presence of monsters, towns and cities all have high stone walls protecting them with guards stationed on the walls. There's no way they will let irrelevant people hide on the walls without any proper reason.

Still somewhat hypothetical about Max's claim of him acting on his own accord, Axel Blaze asked, "Mister Max, why did you want to meet me?"

"Well, before we talk any further let me apologize to you first." Suddenly Max bowed 90 degrees and apologized to Axel Blaze, shocking him.

"Even though I wasn't the party leader, still as a member of the party, I should have spoken up for the injustice you faced." Max sounded humble.

Axel Blaze is still somewhat doubtful but nonetheless he lifted Max up, "It's alright. As you said, you were not the leader of the party, so how can I blame you?"

"But still I apologize", Max bowed again. "No matter how tired I was after the battle and how sleepy I was, it cannot change the fact that I was negligent. " Max apologized again.

Axel Blaze made a weird face.

Do you want to apologize or want to make it clear that it wasn't your fault because you were not the party leader, was tired, was sleepy, was...

Axel Blaze sighed, shaking his head.

"Mister Max, leaving these matters aside, why did you call me here?" Axel Blaze got to the main point.

"I suppose you are leaving the town right? Let's talk while walking?" Max gestured and started walking.

Axel Blaze stood in his spot without moving.

After walking several steps, Max realized that Axel Blaze wasn't following him, so he stopped.

"Hey... Sigh!— I know it's hard to believe me but I swear on the name of the goddess of truth, Veritas, that I have no ill intentions." Max swore.

Hearing this Axel Blaze frowned, still somewhat hesitated but in the end decided to follow Max.

The two walked side by side to their next destination, Sini Village.

On the way...

"Sorry I couldn't do anything about your equipment but with the help of Mister Cartis, I was able to restore your Reputation Points. Also, 10 extra points have been added." Max smiled.

Axel Blaze frowned, "Cartis?"

"Ah, it's the Adventure Guild receptionist. He is also the manager of that guild." Max scratched his cheek with this index finger, somewhat embarrassed, "Truth to be told, it was him who told me about what happened to you. If not for him, I would still be in the dark and follow Luke and his party."

Max took a deep breath, "I also found that this is not the first time they have done something like this. Luke and his party have been doing this for a year now. The guild couldn't do anything about it because of the lack of proof and also Luke and his party are Veteran Rank adventurers—Mister Cartis is also troubled by them. He is an honorable man but his hands are binded because of the rules."

"I joined Luke's party three months ago, thinking I found a dependable party but... Sigh!" Max shook his head, disappointed.

"So you left the party?" Axel Blaze asked.

"Of course. Who would stay after hearing all this?" Max spoke as if it's a matter of fact.

He then stretched his body, "Well, it's also a good opportunity for me. One of my friends asked me to join his party in the Capital. Now I don't need to feel guilty about leaving Luke's party."

After that he suddenly took out his shield and a short sword, "Mister Axel, let's hunt some monsters on the way. It's a good opportunity to make some small money." Saying this he prepared to dash at a nearby bush but halted, "Ah, before that, let's form a party."

Axel Blaze received the party invitation, and joined. After that he followed Max towards the bush.

After a while a battle ensued between the two men and a level 8 Giant Moose.

In the afternoon, two men could be seen beside the road, enjoying a Giant Moose barbecue.

"Mister Axel, you can keep the loot. You have just lost your expensive equipment. Even though this can't compensate for it, drop by drop forms a pond." Max, handed over the pelt and horns to Axel Blaze.

Axel Blaze hesitated but was forced to accept it.

"How much money do you have?" Suddenly Max asked.

"400 amilots", Axel Blaze answered with embarrassment.

Max frowned, "Did those bastards snatched your money?— What about the items in your inventory?"

Axel Blaze decided to not clear Max's misunderstanding, "Yes, but they didn't ask me to empty my inventory." Axel Blaze spoke somewhat perplexed.

Why didn't they loot my inventory? Though there aren't any good items in there, there's still one unique item in there which can fetch quite a handsome price.

Axel Blaze scratched his head with confusion.

"That's good. They still have common sense." Max nodded.

"Why?" Axel Blaze couldn't help but ask.

"Investment", Max answered in one word leaving Axel Blaze bewildered.

Looking at Axel Blaze's confused face, Max explained, "Currency is fixed but cost of items change according to their demand. So some people like to invest their money to buy rare items and keep them safe inside their inventory, always by their side."

"So it's common sense to not force someone to empty their inventory as it may be the same as asking for their life savings." Max made a serious expression, "This may lead to desperate death battles. It's better to not go too far and leave people with some leeway— Well, it also means that you can use those easy to bully people as the goose which lays golden eggs." Max laughed jokingly.

Everyday you learn something new. I didn't know there were such pricks out there.

Wait! I was treated the same as the goose which lays golden eggs by those two gatekeepers at Meri Town wasn't I?

Lost in thought Axel Blaze rubbed his chin.

Do I look easy to bully?

He started contemplating.

In the evening, the duo arrived at the Sini Village after a day of hunting monsters. Max obviously handed over all the materials to Axel Blaze with a sympathetic look which made Axel Blaze look ashamed.

He cursed Max in his mind, calling different names.

There is a limit to how benevolent a person can be. Showing too much benevolence will only make the other party look poor.

Well, I am not saying I am not poor, but you don't have to make it look so obvious right?

After staying at an inn for the night, the two marched to their next destination by foot.

Though Max offered Axel Blaze to pay for his ride on a carriage, Axel Blaze straightforwardly denied. Max told him he can pay back later, but Axel Blaze persisted.

He still remembers the lesson he had learnt, depending on no one. And it doesn't look like his mind is going to change anytime soon.

Helpless, Max decided to walk with Axel Blaze, but this time Axel Blaze made a rule that they may share the Experience Points but the loot belongs to the one who lands the final blow.

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Again, Max argued but was forced to agree.

This macho man with a Tank Job is a tough man with a soft heart.

That's the impression Axel Blaze got of Max.

They arrived at a town by afternoon and Max helped Axel Blaze sell all his materials at a fair price. After that Axel Blaze bought some Common grade equipment to assist him in his adventure.

After leaving the blacksmith's shop, Axel Blaze realized how much of a wealth he had lost. He somewhat had an idea that the equipment Grandpa Oberon and others gifted him were quite expensive but he didn't expect their total worth to be 500,000 amilots!

In this world where 1 kilogram of salt costs 25 amilots, 500,000 amilots is enough to own a small house.

Axel Blaze ground his teeth in hatred.

Luke you bastard, just you wait. I will find you later no matter where you are.

Done with shopping, it was time to continue their journey.

Max's destination is the Capital of Vithal Kingdom, Rime. It is also the city where Luna went to practice as a Saintess.

Just hearing the name brings Axel Blaze all sorts of bad memories. But nonetheless it is also a good spot for adventurers. Even the legendary Rodrick used Rime City as his base of operation. Axel Blaze always wanted to follow the lead of his idol, so he decided to follow Max.

"Now we can ride a carriage right? Please don't insist on walking Mister Axel, have mercy on my legs, Rime City is 1,600 kilometers away." Max pleaded.

Axel Blaze nodded, somewhat embarrassed.

After that they rode a carriage along with two middle aged men, chatting on their way.

Open Status Window, Axel Blaze commanded in his mind.

[Status Window Upgrade 89%]

[Party]    [Friends]    [A21,080]    [Inventory]

Next is a village, then a town and then Galang City which was my former destination. The upgrade should be done before we reach Galang City. I am quite excited. Maybe, just maybe, I can register as an adventurer there.

A smile appeared on Axel Blaze's face as he thought about this.

"By the way Mister Axel, I wanted to ask this but forgot— Are you from a noble family?" Suddenly Max, who is sitting beside Axel Blaze asked.

Axel Blaze frowned, "Why do you think I am a noble? As I said before, those equipment were a gift from my grandfather who works as a blacksmith. There's no way I am a noble. My parents used to live in a run down village, you know."

"Really? Are you sure your father isn't a fallen noble or something like that? Maybe your mother? Because as far as I know, only nobles are allowed to have surnames." Max is also confused.

"Really?" Axel Blaze couldn't believe that there aren't any commoners without surnames.

Max nodded, "It's true. Have you met any commoners with a surname?" Max asked.

Axel Blaze went into deep thought before slowly shaking his head.

"But..." He still couldn't believe it. If it's true then why does he, who is definitely a commoner, have a surname?

"Why don't you ask your parents? They should be in your friends-list right?" Max suggested.

Axel Blaze shook his head with a dry smile, "My parents... They died when I was only an infant."

"Ah, sorry, I didn't know. My apology." Max bowed.

Axel Blaze smiled gently, "It's fine. Though I don't remember my parents, I do have a family full of grandfathers who raised me with love."

Hearing this Max was somewhat relaxed and felt happy for Axel Blaze.

But soon Axel Blaze made an awkward face, "Though they threw me out of the house after my coming of age— You have to grow on your own from here, they said."

"Sigh, it was a painful life. And still it is." Axel Blaze shook his head in depression.

The mood which somewhat lightened went sour again. The two strangers sitting opposite to the duo, also looked at Axel Blaze with sympathy.

"Mister Axel, why don't you join my friend's party? I assure you, you will be treated well." Max tried to lighten the mood.

Axel Blaze shook his head with a smile, "I appreciate the offer Mister Max, but after what happened... I would prefer to work alone."

Max opened his mouth to try to persuade him, but Axel Blaze had already turned his head looking at the scenery. "I understand", At last Max only spoke these words.

"But still, I would like you to meet my friend. I can't go into details right now but I assure you that it will be quite an eventful meeting. Making acquaintances is not bad, right? You don't know when you may need their help." Max somewhat persisted.

"I would love to meet your friend. After all, a friend of a friend is also my friend. Or am I jumping my guns?" Axel Blaze smiled.

"No way. Of course we are friends. I would love to be friends with Mister Axel." Max spoke with enthusiasm.

"Then just call me Axel, my first ever friend Max." Axel Blaze extended his hand.

Well it's not bad to have a soft hearted Orc as a friend. These types of men are always ready to sacrifice themselves for their friends. All you need to do is win their trust.

Axel Blaze praised himself in his mind for his quick-wittedness.

His first friend? — Max felt touched.

Max quickly shook Axel Blaze's hand, "I will be in your care... Axel."

On the other side the two strangers silently wiped the corners of their wet eyes.

Ah, so emotional. His first friend. — They both thought at the same time.

Looking at these two middle aged men, Axel Blaze sighed inwards.

Why ain't there any beautiful ladies traveling with us rather than these sentimental men. Moments like these make me want to join adventurer parties with girls in them.

That Veronica was also quite good, but alas, she came out to be a bitch. What a waste of good looks. Also what a waste of the rare Magic Class.

Axel Blaze shook his head with disappointment.


Due to the human body having extremely low affinity with mana, Magic Class which have high Mana Points from the start are quite rare.

Having low affinity with mana is also the reason why humans only gain +10 Mana Points with each level up, unlike the +100 VIT.

But for the humans with Magic Class, they start with 100 MP and gain +20 MP each level due to them having higher affinity with mana compared to the other Classes.

In fact, what Class you awaken to somewhat depends on your lifestyle. You can also call this a cheat.

People who work with weapons or tools have a high chance of awakening to Warrior or Rogue Class.

People, like hunters, who often use bows and arrows to hunt, have a high chance to awaken as Rangers.

People who have high faith and serve gods have a high chance of awakening to the Support Class.

That's why people usually make their children expertise in the areas they want their Class to awaken in before their coming of age ceremony. But it only has a high chance with no certainty.

Which gives rise to Non-Combat Class which have all kinds of Jobs, which anyone can awaken. It's up to their fate.

As for Magic Class. No children are born with magic, so they can't practice magic before coming of age ceremony. It all depends on their luck and fate. There are no tricks to awakening a Magic Class. This is what makes Magic Class the rarest of the six Classes.

*Chapter, The Card Collector is coming next week, stay tuned.

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