Card Collector [LitRPG]

Chapter 13: CH 12 – Stats Distribution

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"Please give me an Epic card, please give me an Epic card..." Axel Blaze prayed with his eyes closed, sitting on the bed in the inn room.

Master, don't you think you should pray for a good Common card rather than an Epic card which you cannot use?

Axel Blaze turned a deaf ear to Ruby and went on opening one card case after another. He doesn't have time to even react since the duration of the Lucky Shuffle is only one minute.

He surprisingly got a 39% luck increase. This wouldn't have been much but after gaining the new Title, his Luck stat has increased by 10%. So currently his Luck is at 99% for one minute.

The cooldown of the Lucky Shuffle is 60 minutes, which isn't long, but currently Axel Blaze is too excited with all the new things. He is quite impatient.

A Rare skill card, an Uncommon skill card, a Common skill card, another Rare Skill card... It went on like this but there weren't any skill cards above the Rare rank.

The skills he got this time are quite good but as Ruby said, with his Class he can only use the Common skill cards. Nonetheless, as a Card Collector, Axel Blaze is quite satisfied with his gains.

Now time for the main stars of the event, the two Special Cards he got after the Status Window Upgrade.

Turning the pages of the Card Binder, going through random cards, he found the two cards he was searching for.

The first card—

Stats Reset

The second card—

100% Abnormal Status Immunity

Just like the first Special Card he got, these two cards also have only one line written at the center, nothing else. No description, no restrictions, nothing.

It means what it says, Stats Reset will let you redistribute your stats and 100% Abnormal Status Immunity will provide you with absolute protection against debuffs.

Ruby explained.

"Just as I was thinking, Special Cards are really special."

"By the way, can I use these cards many times or are they only for one time use?"

Though you can store the Unique and Special cards indefinitely in the Card Binder, they are only one time use. As soon as you use the card it will be integrated with your soul and the card will disappear forever.

Also, the Special Cards are the only ones which can bind to others as well.

Axel Blaze is shocked, "You mean, I can use the Special Cards on others and they will gain the benefits mentioned in the card?— And it will disappear after that right?"

Yes it will disappear.

He looked at the two Special Cards, "I haven't disturbed my Unallocated Stat Points yet, so I don't need this Stats Reset card for now."

"As for this one..."

He held the card which has a starry back design and muttered "Activate", the card illuminated for a second and disappeared. Axel Blaze didn't feel anything but he commanded, "Open Status Window."

Caw... Caw... 

A crow flew past the window.

"Oh", remembering something, Axel Blaze opened the 4th page but he couldn't find anything new there. He went over the other pages but nothing new there as well.

"Hey, Ruby, where is the Abnormal Status Immunity?"

It is in your Hidden Stats, Master.

With big round eyes, Axel Blaze asked, "You can see my Hidden Stats?"

Didn't I say, I know about everything related to you and your Status Window?

"But I don't have a Status Window anymore."

The Card Binder is your new Status Window, isn't it?

Indeed, Axel Blaze couldn't deny that. He felt stupid.

He cleared his throat, "Since you know everything about my Status—"

"Ahem!... Let's just call it a Card Binder from now on, it will be less confusing."


Ruby agreed.

"So what are my Hidden Stats?"

"And since you are at it, can you tell me the best way to distribute my stats?"

I can indeed tell you about your Hidden Stats but as for how to distribute your stats... I think it's better for the Master to decide for himself.

Though I can give you some information about how the Stat Points work.

"That's more than I can ask for."

Axel Blaze held an attentive posture, ready to listen to every word Ruby is about to say.

To increase your VIT, MP and DP, you can just put your Stat Points in it. It will increase in a ratio of 1:1.

Other than that—

1 point in STR increases Physical Attack(ATK) by 3.

1 point in INT increases Magical Attack(MATK) by 3

1 point in DEX increases both Physical and Magical Attacks by 2. It also increases Casting Speed(CSPD) by 0.5%.

1 point in AGI increases both Physical and Magical Defenses by 1. At the same time it increases Attack Speed(ASPD) by 0.5%.

1 point in END increases both Physical and Magical Defenses by 2. It also increases your VIT by 1.

This is how some of your Hidden Stats are affected.

There are few Hidden Stats which are not affected by the change in Visible Stats.

These are Critical Chance(CRIT) which is set to 25% at start, Critical Damage(CDMD) which is set to 50% at start, Physical Penetration(PEN) starting at 0%, Magic Penetration(MPEN) starting at 0% and at last is Luck(LUK) which everyone starts with a different percentage.

In your case, you had 50% LUK from the start.

Ruby went silent here.

Axel Blaze took several minutes to digest all the information before breathing out.

He frowned with his chin resting on his crossed fingers.

He got the information he needed but he is still confused how to distribute his stats. The problem is that he doesn't have a specific Class or Job according to which he should distribute his stats.

He muttered, "What can be a good stat distribution for a Card Collector?"

Just put some in everything. It should work since you can only use Common skills. There are an uncountable amount of Common skills in the world which will definitely make use of every stat you have.

Axel Blaze rolled his eyes. Even though what Ruby said is true, it still doesn't set with Axel Blaze.

It was a long thought process before Axel Blaze distributed 150 of his Unallocated Stat Points, keeping 50 points unused.

In the 4th page the octagonal spider chart took a weird shape.

After calculating the bonuses from his Titles, his stats look something like this without any bonus from equipment—

Since the stat numbers are not visible in the Card Binder, Ruby opened a red floating panel for him.

VIT : 2283

MP : 220

DP : 0

STR : 248

INT : 173

DEX : 173

AGI : 248

END : 248

She even showed him the Support Stats along with some of the Hidden Stats—

VRR : 51% per minute

MRR : 51% per minute

DPRR : 51% per minute 

ATK : 1199

MATK : 952

DEF : 819

MDEF : 819

PEN : 10%

MPEN : 10%

ASPD : 134%

CSPD : 97%

CRIT : 35%

CDMG : 60%

LUK : 60%

The effect of +50% Visible Stats bonus and the 10% increase in Hidden Stats could be noticed clearly even without their mention.

Axel Blaze can't be more happy than this. To him, his stats have improved drastically from the effects of his Titles, he feels quite strong.

His stats are definitely good, they are somewhat similar to a High Grade Job holder.


Axel Blaze made some punches in the air and some air chops.

With a frown, he asked, "If my Attack Speed is over 100%, shouldn't my punches and chops be blurring?"

There are certain things even I am not sure about but some stats just work that way. Ruby paused, doubt and uncertainty can be felt through the tone of her voice. Their upper limit is over 100%, so I guess they will only show drastic effects at some higher percentage level?

Axel Blaze nodded, "Makes sense."

"I know what Critical is, but I have never seen it in action. Given that I already had 25% in it, shouldn't it have activated at some point?"

Ruby mocked,

You had 50% luck from the start, how did it go?

"Er..." Axel Blaze is at a loss for words.

"By the way, I still didn't see any 'Abnormal Stats Immunity'..."

Here you go.

Ruby instantly opened a red pop-up window with 100% Abnormal Status Window written on it.


You are reading story Card Collector [LitRPG] at

Ruby asked, followed by a snort.

The disrespect...

Axel Blaze doesn't know to laugh or to cry. This is his System Assistant, but what can he do to an entity he can't even see?

He frowned, "Hey, show some respect will you? I am your Master!"

You can't blame me, I was born from your ego. I have your personality traits.

"You mean I am disrespectful?"

Cautious, adaptive, decisive, cruel, merciless, cunning. You have some interesting traits.

"Pffft... Cruel? Merciless? Cunning? Where did you get those?" Axel Blaze giggled.

Am I wrong? You can fool others but not me. Those are your real personality. You just created a fake image to cover your true self.

You act like a pervert to hide your loneliness.

You act kind and friendly to get on the good side of others.

You behave meekly, just to cover your weakness.

You have developed these traits when you lived in Meri Town being bullied everyday. This was your way of avoiding unnecessary troubles. And in doing so you unknowingly gave birth to the evil traits.

If you were stronger than others, would you have ever acted like this?

Master, you may have never let your evil side out but everytime you faced discrimination, you felt like killing those perpetrators, didn't you? But unfortunately, you are weaker than them.

To me, it seems like you are just biting your time for the day you can let your true self out. Am I wrong?


Indeed, whatever Ruby said is right. Axel Blaze knows this too, that's why he can't refute her and escape with silence.

He used to be a kind, caring and merciful person. A pure soul. But all the bad times he went through, all the discrimination he faced in his life, made him a carefree looking person with an evil hidden deep inside.

He doesn't regret it though. He had to change to keep living. That was the only way he could find.

He will continue living with a fake mask on. Till the day he can be himself!

But before that something is troubling Axel Blaze right now.

Puckering his brows, Axel Blaze scratched his head, I am cautious, adaptive, decisive... Well let's say I am also cruel, merciless and evil. But...

"Hey Ruby—"


Axel Blaze shook his head, "Nothing".

I am indeed not wise or intelligent. If I were, I wouldn't have tried to ask this question to Ruby. I was about to get mocked again.

But since I realized it before asking. I am smart right?


Still in doubt, Axel Blaze yawned, "I am suddenly sleepy", Tapping his mouth with his hand, Axel Blaze fell on the bed.

He was grateful to have such a unique and helpful System Assistant but now he is somewhat scared by how much she knows about him.

"By the way, if you are born from my ego, how the hell are you a girl?"

"Don't tell me..." With a doubtful mind, he slowly reached for his crotch and sighed with relief.

It's there.

I am not sure. Maybe because you are always chasing skirts?

"There are things you don't know huh?"

"Good, good."

I can think of a few possibilities.

"No need." Axel Blaze instantly denied.

Though Ruby doesn't know the answer, Axel Blaze has some idea of it— And he doesn't like the reason.

He snorted with displeasure and shook his head.

Closing his eyes, he went to sleep.

It's late in the morning right now.

 Axel Blaze slept past the afternoon till late in the evening when Max arrived to check on him.

With messy hair, Axel Blaze opened the door.

"How are you feeling?"

Axel blinked once or twice with a lost face before nodding, "Good, good."

"I heard you missed lunch. Are you hungry?"

Axel Blaze touched his stomach, "Looks like I am."

You have to check it to make sure? Thinking this, Max made a ridiculous face.

"Let me freshen up then I will meet you downstairs. It is my birthday treat."

"It's your birthday today?" Max asked with surprise but what he received was a shut door on his face.

Rubbing his nose with his finger, Max walked downstairs.

Soon Axel Blaze arrived wearing his Common grade armor set. To adventurers it is like their code to always wear armor when going outside.

Though the Card Binder is not with Axel Blaze this time. He kept it in the room to test out the range he can converse with Ruby and can call the Card Binder.

The duo walked through the market far away from the inn while chatting.

500 meters was the distance Axel Blaze lost connection with Ruby. With this Ruby cannot show him system pop-ups which in turn negates the ability of Axel Blaze to use money.

That is a problem. He doesn't want to depend on Max but more importantly, it's his birthday today.

With an excuse of bathroom break, Axel Blaze entered a Public Toilet, 700 meters away from the inn and succeeded in summoning the Card Binder.

I say Master, it's good that we found the range we can communicate within but you didn't have to wait so long to summon the Card Binder, did you?

I was quite lonely back there.

Indeed, unlike the communication with the System Assistant, there is no range restriction on summoning the Card Binder. But, how would Axel Blaze know that Ruby will feel lonely just after an hour or two of being apart. In the first place, does artificial intelligence even have emotions?

Maybe they don't, but this unique one definitely has.

"Sigh!... My System Assistant is an Artificial Intelligence with emotions. Should I feel blessed or troubled?"

Shouldn't you feel blessed?

Axel Blaze snorted, "With the ability to replicate human behavior and the possibility that you may start nagging me anytime, I only feel frustration."

You are my Master, you can just order me to never act in certain ways.

Axel Blaze didn't say anything and Ruby doesn't know what he is thinking.

Axel Blaze walked out of the Public Toilet with the Card Binder hanging on his waist.

Max stared at the Card Binder which looks like a Magic Book and asked, "When did you buy a Magic Book? Can you even use it?"

Axel Blaze has already prepared an answer for this situation.

He laughed, "No way I can use it. But only you know that— others don't." He winked at the end.

Max felt enlightened, he laughed too and slapped Axel Blaze's back.

"You are quite smart— I know you don't have the Magic Class but others don't, hahaha..."

Axel Blaze poked Max with his elbow, "Shhhh..."

"Ah, umm... Ahem!... Sorry about that. I almost spilled the beans." Max blushed with shame.

"Let's go, have a feast." Axel Blaze patted his back.

Luxurious Restaurant? High Class dishes? What are those? If it's expensive, it should be alcohol!

Our Max is a man among men. And currently, a drunk man.

"Hiccup!... Join our party Axel, we are aiming for the top. Hiccup!... You will see the world from a height. I promise... Hiccup!"

"Brooke is a good man. He isn't arrogant like other nobles. Hiccup!... He is a good man. Hiccup!..."

"Let's go to the Capital tomorrow, I will introduce you to him. You will understand what a great man he is, hiccup!..."

"You are smart, he is smart… You guys will definitely hit it… Hiccup!"

"Come with me... Come..."


The guy fell asleep on the table.

Axel Blaze shook his head helplessly, I wish I was smart.

Poor Axel Blaze had to carry this 140 kilograms of a macho man back to the inn.

The man who was acting all mysterious about his best friend before, spilled everything about him after getting drunk.

Secrets shouldn't be shared with this man. Axel Blaze's conclusion.

I am glad I raised my STR today— The best decision of my life.

"Fucking hell, you are heavy!" Axel Blaze cursed while throwing Max on his bed.

He closed the door of Max's room then went to his own room.

I am definitely not smart. If I were, I would have left that drunkard at the inn. He would have a lot of companions there anyways.

After organizing the cards in the order of their grades and memorizing the page numbers, Axel Blaze went to sleep late into the night.


Today, 150 of the Unallocated Stat Points were all distributed equally among STR, AGI and END.

His reasons were quite simple.

Which man doesn't love to have strength? And increasing STR also increases Physical Attack!

With high agility, it will be easier to dodge enemy attacks. It is just another form of defense! The increase in Physical and Magical Defenses along with the Attack Speed is just a bonus.

If you are running or fighting, you will definitely get tired. VIT potions can recover your health but what about the fatigue? Even the level up can't help you with fatigue. You only feel invigorated after leveling up, but that is just an illusion. When you start moving you will realize what sore muscles are. So, increasing END is quite helpful. The bonus VIT and defense stats are the cherry on top.

You may go wrong with other stats but no matter which route you pick or which Job you have, these three stats will fit with everything.

So the reason for Axel Blaze to put his stat points in these three stats.

Did he do it right? Or was it an act of stupidity?

Since the man himself is doubtful if he is smart or not. We will only find out in the future.

And by chance if everything goes wrong, the 'Stats Reset' Special card is also there.

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