Carter Curious Chosen

Chapter 1: Prologue

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My life was long, and short, I suffered a lot and my success was not that great, I am right now on my bed alone, dying from cancer, and sadly I regret my life, too many things happened and I did not succeed – This thoughts went through my head, sort of my last words in this world as my senses fade, and I heard the beep – beep of the heart monitoring machine going away until the last I heard was a long beeeeepp, and then only darkness.

Suddenly a flash of light, and I find myself sitting on a living room, the living room of my grandmother’s house, I’m startled

- What? How?

- Calm down I am here to talk and ask for your help.

I move my head towards the sound and I see in another chair on the living room an amazing woman, she looks just like Christina Ricci, but with bigger breast, and I just cannot take my eyes from her face.

-You are glaring Carter.

- I… Umm, Do I know you?

-No you don’t my name is Amelia, Goddess of Art.

-What? Seriously, there is no goddess of art with that name.

-Not in your world, but we need help and I choose you to see if you could help us, now before you say another thing let me explain some facts about why we want your help.

I sat there for a some minutes listening to her explanation even thought it was short of several details, she said that her world first was a world with magic, and yeah the world had humans sadly this humans were in danger and they needed help, she told me that there where other gods in this world and that they all have tried to find a way to fix the problem mostly through summoning heroes but none of them have succeeded, some had pushed the disaster back but they never had truly stopped it.

-Can you give me more info about the situation?- I ask because the details are very sparse.

-No I’m limited in what I can tell you and knowledge that you can learn for yourself once you reincarnate will be a waste of time.

-So what can I do? What do you want me to do?

-Nothing, but I know you and what would you do with this info.

- I would try to help but…

-And that is it – She interrupts me – that is why I want you to do nothing, I know that by choosing you, you will try your best to do what you feel is right, your previous world was unfair, extremely unfair, and your life was not the best, but you always did your best and helped others when you could, that is why I’m choosing you, but I won’t give you a task, what I’m giving you is the freedom to do whatever you want, I will give you some more info so that you understand the situation a bit better, but most of the info you will discover once you are reincarnated.

-Could I reject this?

-Yes you can. Will you?

I sat there thinking a lot, she hasn’t really said much, If I Accept I will be reincarnated and I will be in a world that has a disaster going on that is putting humans in danger, but at the same time she does not want me to do anything specific, I do not understand but then I start thinking of everything that she told me, and the word freedom stuck out to me.

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-There is more than 1 solution?

She laughs, and I see a twinkle in her eyes.

-Will you Accept?

- Yes I will.

-Ok Now that we have confirmed this let me tell you some more details, you will maintain your memories from your past live, Mostly because those memories are what make your personality, and that is what I think we need in this situation, Also I will give you a mark that identifies you as a Champion of a God, this will help you on your life if you decide to use it. A long time ago we the Gods gave humanity in our world a greater miracle, sadly all our instincts told us that this should be enough to fix the disaster, but the disaster has become worse and worse. Later our instincts told us that minor miracles like summoning heroes from other worlds would fix it, and each God has tried to do this summoning, but so far the disaster has not been stopped.

She took a minute and took a glass of water from a table to drink a bit and let think the info she has given me, but I know she will talk some more so I wait quietly, after she finish drinking some water.

-This is my first Summoning, you are my choice, and I do think that you will do great, sadly I have not let you question me, and I will not accept questions, because if I give you too much info things can get complicated, one last thing you will remember all your memories when your brain grows enough for them to be remembered, this will happen around when you are 3 or 4 years old, so you will not have to live as a baby stuck on a body that don’t move.

She smiled at me and I felt the warm coming from her, and then darkness overtook me.


-Hey Sister how did it go? You gave him practically no info

-I gave him what he needed to know there is more in what I said than you think Gunther, also you promised that this time is my turn.

-I know Amelia, I’m just worried.

-The situation is that bad?

-Worse than you think, especially in the other 3 kingdoms at least ours thanks to me they are not in such a dire situation- Gunther says as he massage his temples with his hands.

- Well you are the God of War, I imagine that the people who follow you won’t get discouraged so easily.

- Yeah but this means that the other kingdoms even though they also have some worship for me they are seeing the dire reality, I think that our fellows gods are growing weaker precisely because of this.

- Don’t be so formal, they are family, we all are - Amelia said while going and giving a hug on her brother - How much time we have?

- Around a 100 years, maybe 150 before the point of no return - Gunther hugs his sister back - I really hope your plan works.


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