Cat Girl Experiment

Chapter 1: chapter 1

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I stood in the long line at the courthouse waiting to see the judge, I was angry, upset and overall ill about everything that had happened, most people were for that matter.

Three days ago I’d been a regular guy, finishing school, working, living life and pretty happy about it. It’d been a long day and coming home to see the shocking news on TV had made things even worse. 

My roommate had been freaking out about it but luckily nothing happened to him unlike eighty four percent of the country.

For years the Government had been secretly testing experimental drugs, trying to create super soldiers with biochemistry, unfortunately just as the government was incompetent with everything else they did, it seemed they couldn’t keep a hold on their scientists as one of them had gone rogue and was found to have been dumping the experimental drugs into the water supply for two years. It affected almost everyone in the country. One day we all woke up with completely different bodies, definitely not super soldier tier, maybe supermodel but looks were the only good thing about this. 

The side effects of the drug made almost everyone who had taken it lose on average about ten to twenty IQ points, making some unfortunate people with already low IQ classified as ‘handicapped’ after the change. Luckily I wasn’t one of those, still I felt horrible for the ones who were mentally functioning one day and the next they weren’t. 

The other side effects included minimal to no sensation of pain, sensitivity to the sun and everyones ‘favorite’ development of minor traits of animals, such as growth of animal ears, growing a tail, eye changes and more.

Most people including myself had developed cat characteristics making the country look like Neko Nation. 

There were others though, people who developed Fox features, dog and wolf features, some even looked like cute hybrids of certain farm mammals although that was only two percent of those who were infected, the unfortunate people who got farm animal traits were cute although incredibly docile to the point where they could easily be abused and manipulated, that’s what the drug did, it made everything about the person affected cute and pretty, including the men who were now exceptionally pretty to the point where they could probably cross dress and no one would bat an eye. 

Unfortunately the drug affected me in such an extreme way that it had changed my sex, which is what I was most angry about and inching closer in line to see the judge i’d get my chance to explain that and get compensation for what had happened.

There were others like me, but it was a very small percentage of the infected, lower than the people who suddenly woke up with horse ears and a tail. 

I had lost an entire half foot of height making me an even five foot five, my new ears were snow white, my hair had grown down to my waist and had changed from a chestnut brown to bleach blonde, overall everything was smaller, I had a petite frame, C cup breasts if I had to guess and my weight was now just under one hundred and seven pounds. My eyes were now slitted and catlike and had changed from basic brown to a bizarre lilac color, one of the few things I was happy about. My new tail was also rather annoying, it got in the way of everything and I’d had to cut holes in my now oversized pants for it to fit through, it had a mind of its own and flicked around, sometimes knocking things off table tops as I walked past them.

It had made things very awkward between my roommate and I and I was currently looking for a new place to stay considering how uncomfortable he made me. Not that he was being a creep or rude about it, just the staring and ogling was getting old and after three days I was very sick of it.

I had finally made my way to the front of the line. The judge looked exhausted, He had also changed, from the apparent wolf ears twitching nervously on his head. 


“This is why I'm so upset, your honor.” I briefly finished explaining my situation to the judge who simply nodded.

“The government will pay full compensation and another five years will be added to Scientist Allan Neir’s sentence.” The judge lazily said with a yawn as he hammered his gavel on the hardwood desk.

“Stand in the next line to get your information updated and receive payment.” he said as he motioned for me to wait in another line that led out of the courtroom and back near the entrance.

I did as he said and soon I was nearing the front of the line, what surprised me the most was the hefty check marked for one hundred thousand dollars. At least I could find a new apartment with this and afford a new wardrobe. 

Next I was given a new License, my last name made the attendant at the desk laugh. 

“Snow? That’s a bit ironic considering how white your hair is now.” 

She stated rather rudely, while she looked at my old license. 

She was one of the few people who hadn’t changed and I could tell she was bitter about it. 

I didn’t understand why anyone would willingly want this but I guess I did see some appeal to the whole ‘makes you pretty’ thing.

I gave her an irritated glare and took my new license from her then made my way out of the courthouse and got into my beat up little hatchback. After I left I drove to the bank and got my info updated as well, then deposited the check. 

When I got back to my apartment my roommate was sitting on the couch playing games mindlessly, and as soon as I walked through the door he stared at me, not saying a word. I swore I could see a bit of drool leaking from the corner of his mouth, for fucks sake he was like a dog.

“Could you not?” I said in a bitter tone, causing him to shake out of whatever it was that was causing him to ogle me.

“Sorry. Still not used to it.” he mumbled as he unpaused his game and focused on the TV again.

“That’s fine you won’t need to get used to it. I’m looking for a new place today.” I said as I made my way into the little kitchenette we shared.

I preheated the oven and started seasoning a fresh Salmon filet. I cut it in half, deciding to be a nice person and cook for my roommate as well.

When the oven beeped I put the seasoned Fish on a baking sheet and placed It on the middle rack inside the oven.

“Why are you looking for a new place?” my roommate asked, he’d ditched his game and sat on one of the small bar stools in front of the rather tall wooden bar built into the apartment wall that surrounded half the kitchen appliances.

“Isn’t it obvious?” I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

“Not really.” 

“Dan… I can’t keep living with you, you’re a guy and well I'm just not comfortable with our arrangement now that I have a pussy.”

“So? You’re a guy too.” he stated, still not understanding. It was like talking to a rock.

I shook my head in frustration.

“That’s not how thing’s work and you know it.” I said as the oven chimed and I pulled our dinner out from inside.

“So what? We’ve been roommates and friends since freshman year of college and you’re just going to ditch me because of what’s in your pants?” he said in a slightly angry tone. I could tell he was getting upset over this and I really didn’t want to escalate things.

“I don’t care what you look like Blake, you’re still a guy on the inside so what’s the difference?” 

“Look it’s nothing personal okay? We can still hang out and we’re still friends, I just don’t want to live here anymore.” I said with a slight edge to my voice as I handed him his plate with Salmon, fresh broccoli and a small handful of sunchips.

“Fine.” he said coldly as he took his plate and went to his room, slamming the door behind him.

“Fuck, he’s such a child.” I swore under my breath.

I ate my meal in silence then turned on my phone so I could start looking for apartment listings, my phone booted up and I was surprised to see several messages from my ex. We had ended things on good terms and still talked sometimes. It was a healthy arrangement for both of us as She and I had been friends before we tried dating and unlike my other ex’s we stayed friends after the breakup.

She seemed upset and wanted me to video call so that’s what I did.

After a few rings she picked up and had obviously been crying. 

I know I shouldn't have been surprised with her new look but I was, she noticed and placed her phone on her desk then stood up so I could have a good look at her. Obviously my opinion mattered because she seemed to be holding her breath with anticipation.

The most obvious change was her height and weight, I could tell she was taller just by looking at her through the video call. While she used to be petite and short, she was now about as tall as I used to be, maybe a bit under five foot eleven. She had put on a bit of weight, not that she was overweight or even chubby, for that matter she was simply very curvy now and it looked good on her, her ears were flattened back against her dark brunette hair, and they looked like ashen colored bunny ears. Her eyes were now a deep red whereas before they had been a bright sky blue.

“Wow, Emma, you look amazing! What’s wrong?” I asked, careful not to upset her. She seemed very vulnerable right now and I wanted to be a supportive friend.

Her lip started to tremble and she sat back down, she put her hands in her face and sighed, clearly trying not to cry.

“My boyfriend broke up with me and moved out.. He said he wasn’t attracted to me anymore..” she said as a few tears leaked from the corners of her eyes.

I glared at the screen. Seriously? What an asshole.

“I’m really sorry to hear that.. I’m not doing so well myself, Dan has been giving me constant problems since I changed, it’s really starting to creep me out so I'm trying to find a new apartment.” 

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“I can tell you changed a bit more than other people, you look really cute.. Can I see what your body looks like now?” Emma carefully asked, clearly seeing the discomfort on my face.

“Um.. sure.” I said as my cheeks flushed a bit. 

I propped the phone against the kitchen counter then stood back on my tippy toes so she could see.

“Oh my God! Blake! you’re adorable!” Emma practically squealed as she looked at my full appearance.

I blushed a bit and looked away. Being complimented by your friendly ex did tend to send a bit of mixed emotions to the brain.

“Thanks..” I said as I sat back down and picked up my phone.

“So do you maybe want to come over? I can help you look for a place to stay or maybe you can just crash with me since I've got a spare bedroom now?” Emma sheepishly asked me.

I thought about it for a minute, Dan really was getting on my nerves and He’d recently started playing angsty music on his guitar which was incredibly annoying.

What’s the worst that could happen..’ I thought to myself.

“Okay sure.. Let’s hang out tonight and see how things work out. If you’re comfortable with the arrangement and you really don’t mind then I'll stay with you.” I said with a slight smile

“Sounds good, come over at eight!” Emma said happily as she waved and hung up.

It was around six pm and I still had a bit of time, so I went into my room and shut the door behind me.

I looked through my clothes, trying to decide what to take with me. Almost nothing I owned really fit anymore so I decided to make a pile of clothes, one to leave and one to take.

When I was finished I looked at the meager ‘take’ pile and sighed, I’d have to buy an all new wardrobe and I was dreading it.

I gathered the clothes I was taking and neatly folded them, putting them in a plastic bin. I unplugged my PC and packed it on top of the clothes. After that I placed the few remaining belongings I owned into a suitcase and zipped it up. I couldn't really lift the box and Dan refused to help so It took me a good forty minutes to drag the box from the third floor of the apartment complex down to the parking lot where my car was.

The suitcase was easy to lift and by the time I was done it was time to leave.




The drive to Emma's place was a good thirty minutes away and when I finally arrived I was stunned at how tall Emma was in person. She was equally stunned at how small I was now.

She let me in through the front door and I took a deep breath of the lavender scented room, clean and comfy. Dan rarely ever cleaned so it was up to me, I swear he lived like a typical douchey college guy. Emma’s cleanliness was definitely a welcomed refreshment.

“So what’s it like?” Emma asked me as we got my things from my apartment inside.

I raised my brow and looked at her.

“What do you mean?” 

“What’s it like being a girl?” she asked with her own raised brow.

“Oh.. it’s not too different from before I guess. I’d rather not talk about it if that’s okay.” I said nervously.

Emma could probably tell I was uncomfortable with the subject so she quickly brought up something else.

“Would you like to watch a movie or something?” she asked, avoiding any body related topics.

“Sure, sounds good.” I replied.

She turned on the AC unit then got comfortable on the leather couch in her living room, she motioned for me to come sit with her which I did and soon she had Netflix streaming on her TV.

A few hours had passed and to my surprise Emma pulled me close to her as she put on another movie. I’m not sure when I fell asleep but at some point during the movie I did, when I woke up Emma had a huge grin on her face, she was scratching behind my ears and I couldn’t help but make soft purrs as my tail flicked from side to side.

“That’s so cute!” she exclaimed.


“Well we should go to bed soon, I have work in the morning.” Emma said with a yawn.

“Alright, I guess I'll sleep out here if that’s okay. I don’t feel comfortable sleeping in your ex's bed.” I said with a yawn of my own.

“That’s fine.. But you could sleep with me if you want?” she said nervously, clearly wanting me to sleep with her.

“Emma.. I don’t want to be your rebound..” I said as I looked up into her eyes, her ears were flattened against her head as she looked down at me.

“I..I know. I don’t want that either. We can just cuddle? No pressure if you really don’t want to..”

She looked upset and I sighed.. Cuddling wasn’t that big of a deal..

“Okay..” I said as I reached over and gently held her hand.

“Just until I buy a new bed though..”

She smiled and pulled me to my feet as she got up. She led me into her room which coincidentally hadn’t changed since the last time I'd seen it, which had been over a year ago.

The walls were a calming dark plum, her bed had decorative black and purple sheets with small cartoonish black cats on them, typical of a twenty something alternative girl to have.

There were scented candles on her desk and nightstand and she lit a few of them, they had a calming vanilla scent which honestly made me more drowsy.

She had LED light strips on the walls behind her bed and she had them set to a dim off white mood light.

Emma dug through her dresser and handed me a pair of black panties, sleep shorts and a small t-shirt.

“Those don’t fit me anymore so you can keep them, I think they should fit better since your new build is similar to how mine was before.” she stated as she got undressed and changed into a larger pair of cotton pajama pants and a black t-shirt, likely clothes she had picked up recently.

I stepped out into the hall and got changed, after I was dressed Emma had to cut holes in the panties and shorts for my tail to fit comfortably. 

After that we settled in her bed together and she pulled me close to her wrapping her arms around me and pushing her large breasts into my back, as she held me she casually started to rub my ears again causing me to start purring much to my embarrassment.

Everything felt so nice, everything was soft and comfortable and soon I fell asleep.

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