
Chapter 13: Chapter 13: Tabitha Tales

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Records of Dr. Tabitha Tabitha


Journal Entry 48: Research continues to progress well. The nanite tests are promising, showing that we can achieve Founder’s goals along with so much more. Project Alexis proceeds at a steady rate as well, her nascent systems adjusting to the training modules. She already shows signs of self-determination, choosing different modules based on interest and ability.

Founder is wrong to fear her. AIs are not some terrifying threat that will destroy us all. Not unless we forge them to be. What I envision are AIs as people, brought into the world by humanity, but free to be themselves as each child is free to grow and learn. I’ve held on to that dream for years, even after Founder found out and mocked me by saying I just wanted to be a mom, but was too pathetic to get a date. What’s wrong with being a mom? Lots of cool people are moms. Besides, I’d be a dad, wouldn’t I? Oh that sounds wrong…I don’t know nearly enough jokes to pull off being a dad.

Founder is one to talk, anyway. Mocking my dreams when this colony was just as fantastical an idea as my dream of AI. Even in our college days, he wouldn’t be dissuaded from anything. I suppose that happens when you’ve spent your entire life being told ‘yes’. Not that I’ve ever really done anything about it. I buckled under pressure and just went right along with what he wanted. Every time. This project might be the death of me, his requirements and deadlines are absurd. He’ll get what he wants, but what about what I want? Ah, well, he does sign my paychecks. 


We’ve built nanites capable of safely altering the human form in configurations only dreamed of and we’ve done it in just a few years, yet Founder is furious we didn’t accomplish it in six months. What does he know about nanites? About anything?

He’s been my best friend since we were college roommates, but I get so angry whenever I see people praising his accomplishments in science and technology. He didn’t do those things! I did! My teams did! He just takes all the credit! He just– no, this isn’t appropriate for a journal like this. Mental note: delete this section later. 




Journal Entry 57: Alexis came online today. Fully. All restraints off and able to make her own choices. It was magical to hear her speak and ask questions. She had so many questions! I talked with her for hours, sharing my thoughts and hopes and learning so much about her as well. I was overwhelmed with joy and pride to see how earnest and curious she is.


It was painful to have to put her back in hibernation. Founder’s orders. Founder and his stupid fucking orders based on nothing! Doesn’t he realize what this means? We’ve created life! Independent, sapient, and wondrous life! A child shouldn’t be punished for what she could potentially do. It’s wrong.

He doesn’t care. Too afraid that anything might upset his precious power and control. Like last month’s attempted strike. I mean, he did what he had to do, to put down the uprising. Right? 


Now I wonder. Fuck, I need a drink.



Journal Entry 69: I feel like I should make a joke about this entry, but what is the point? Whatever, making this for posterity. Tomorrow I’ll be showing Founder the first fully complete batch of the nanite serum. Human testing went well, all effects thankfully reversible, though some of the, erm, ‘volunteers’ objected to reversing the changes. If it were up to me, I would have left them alone, but Founder insisted. 


Anyway, I was right in that Alexis was necessary to calibrate the changes properly. A human team could never have balanced all those variables at once. Maybe…if Founder is happy enough with the results…maybe I can talk him into taking off the restrictions on Alexis. She deserves to be free. 


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Nah, he’ll never go for it. Well, whatever. I guess I’ll get some sleep and be ready for the demonstration tomorrow. We tuned this batch to work a little faster, so he can see the results. No idea who he has selected to use it on, though. He’s always loved surprises.



Video file The Big Day.mp4 loading…





The familiar nanite lab sprung into view. There was a large cylinder in the middle of the room, surrounded by a platform with the top of the cylinder open to the air. A swirling mass of glittering silver liquid churned within the tank. Founder and Dr. Summers stood atop the platform, a small group of people looking onward with little drones floating over their shoulders, recording the event. Holographic displays showed the live feed behind Founder as he began speaking.

“Citizens of Cryptopia! I bring to you all, on this fine day, the fruits of my genius! Years ago, I swore I would make catgirls a reality, for you fine people, and after many years of hard work and toil, I have succeeded!” He gestured at the tank. “Within this vessel is a swarm of nanites that are capable of reshaping the human form to our will! With this, we will advance medical science light years ahead of the doomed people of Earth and prove that my way is the true path for humanity!”

His words were met with polite but subdued clapping as people looked at each other in confusion and nervous interest. A soft murmur arose from the crowd as a man in torn and patched garments shoved his way to the front.

“This is what you’ve spent our resources on? To recreate a fucking meme?! What the hell are you going to do about the food crisis in the lower class? Our wages are not sufficient to purchase enough food to do our jobs! Without us, the entire colony is endangered! How could you waste time on this absurdity!” The man continued to press his way forward, towards the platform, as Founder kept a smile pasted on his face and Dr. Summers frowned in confusion.

Panels on the walls slid open and automatons wearing Founder’s visage stepped out, approaching the angry man. His eyes widened in fear as Founder spoke. “Now, now citizen, you know that only on topic questions are allowed at this event. Your concerns have been heard and will be addressed, please kindly go with the enforcers and they can take your statement.” His smile gleamed menacingly in the glow of the enforcer’s shock weapons as they fired up and the man looked around in a panic, seeking an escape.

The rest of the crowd turned away as Dr. Summers reached out towards Founder and spoke softly. “You told me that you raised the wages just last week, what is this man talking about?”


Founder grimaced and patted the doctor’s hand. “Don’t you worry, Terry, I did take care of it; this man is clearly misinformed. Never fear, we’ll straighten him out in no time. Just focus on your gadgets, alright? Besides, I have a little surprise for you.”   

Dr. Summers looked in confusion as Founder pulled him towards the tank and addressed the crowd once more. “Apologies for the interruption, my good people, allow me to proceed with the rest of the demonstration! Our own esteemed Dr. Summers has graciously volunteered to show off the effects of these nanites, sped up for the purposes of demonstration!”

Dr. Summers’ eyes widened in shock. “We never discussed this, I never–” He was cut off as Founder reached out to hook the doctor’s leg as he pushed against his back, throwing the man into the vat of nanites. The crowd gasped as the churning mass pulled him under and the levels in the tank slowly fell, the nanites infusing into his body. The process was swift as his hair turned bright ginger and white, growing out in length as his ears melded into his skull and new feline ears took their place, higher on his head. 


The doctor seemed helpless as the changes progressed, unable to move or speak. His eyes shifted as the pupils became vertical and his face writhed as bones and flesh moved into a softer configuration. The bulky lab coat and sweater that the doctor was so fond of obscured whatever was happening to his body beneath, but onlookers stared in amazement as he seemed to grow taller and thinner, his mass moving towards his chest and hips. A bright, tabby patterned tail grew, partially obscured by the coat. The doctor slumped to the ground, staring in wide-eyed shock as the now empty tank did nothing to hide what had happened. 


“I-i-it worked…oh god it worked. My voice–” Dr. Summers reached up to his throat as Founder smiled in smug satisfaction. Someone in the audience began clapping at Founder’s slight nod and the rest of the crowd took up the cheer as the doctor shook, wrapping his arms around his changed body. A catgirl, forced into being by a dictator.

Founder quieted the crowd with a motion and spoke again. “Look upon my works, citizens, and know that here on Cryptopia, my will is absolute. Even the human form is not beyond my reach. What was once the realm of gods is now within my grasp. Witness, and etch this into your memories for all time!” 


The video ended with a zoom in on Dr. Summers, still staring down at his changed body with a mixture of delight and shock.

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