
Chapter 108: 41 2/2

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The centaur pushed through a side door and came out into a large tiled showering area, the place tiled in a marbled red trimmed with gold mosaic clearly very expensive and built with lamia in mind judging by the size of it.

Rebecca listened to the centaur mumble incoherently and trot up to one of the enchanted metal panels, vaguely fumbling at it and hoping for the best.

Since the place was built for lamias instead of it having a single shower head the entire ceiling had been made a shower in a long rectangle shape, and a rain of warm water fell over the centaur.

Rebecca bit her lip as she looked left and right, seeing rain falling down around her but not falling on her as she was sheltered below the centaur's barrel. It was a weird position to be in.

After a moment Fey picked out a bottle of something purple and gooey from a convenient shelf and began lathering herself, tossing purple goop over her breasts and onto her horse back with sleepy abandon.

Rebecca watched in dismay as soapy suds slowly oozed down the horse legs around her...

This was… Was she seriously just going about her day to day without noticing a girl was on her cock?! 

The only way that Rebecca could make sense of what was happening was that for Fey it now just felt so natural to be inside of a girl that it was the normal default state of things and she wasn't consciously registering it… Just how serious had her time at the palace been?

Unsure what else to do Rebecca grabbed a few balls of suds and half-heartedly washed herself along with the oblivious centaur, splashing soap and water that washed down and under the centaur’s barrel over herself, and over her cock bulge.

The shower soon came to an end and Fey let out a relieved sigh. Stepping over to the other end of the excessively luxurious bathroom she tapped another metal plate on the wall and warm air began to blow from vents, quickly drying both her and her secret passenger off.

Fey then trotted back into her bedroom, picking out a fresh blouse from a wardrobe as she went, pausing and frowning as she noticed the dozens of soaking wet panties scattered across the floor as well as a few spilt wine glasses on the tables.

"Maids again," she muttered under her breath before moving on.

She pressed a hand against the bedroom door and stepped outside. 

A pair of maids were waiting for her there, of course, each holding trays with various drinks balanced over their pregnant looking bellies. Fey squinted suspiciously at them but the pair remained completely stone-faced, as if they had no idea what she could be suspicious of, and that their distended bellies were just completely and totally normal.

Rebecca didn't think Fey could see it but from her lower down angle she could very clearly see lines of escaping fluid oozing down the maid’s inner thighs, over their stockings, and creating puddles on the ground between their high heels.

Fey picked out a hot chocolate with marshmallows with a muttered thank you and quickly moved on.

The two maids seemed like they would continue to remain perfectly poised as Fey was departing, that is until their eyes happened to drift down under Fey's barrel where they caught sight of a stark naked Rebecca sleeved on Fey's cock. Their mouths opened with outrage that she had gotten away with being fully penetrated, staring flaming daggers at the speared girl.

Rebecca waved at them as she passed them by.

Fey traversed the mansion, happily trotting corridor after corridor, passing maids and butlers who struggled to ignore the naked Rebecca bouncing along underneath her waving nervously at those who noticed her.

They emerged out into a dining room where a large afternoon lunch was being set out by the servants for a group of guests.

A green feathered harpy girl and a labrador dogkin were seated at the table and as Rebecca watched a pancake levitate into the air and bites were taken out of it, its invisible owner clearly quite hungry. There was even a trio of minotaurs lazing on a couch who Rebecca was vaguely familiar with due to the newsletter.

The captain of Magic Mog was there too, the commanding and imperious elf known as Ellaria. Although she wasn't seated like the others, instead walking up and down and visibly fretting about something.

Rebecca eyed the elf as the centaur neared. Was her belly looking rounded? She had heard rumours of something happening at Bine's adventuring school...

Fey yawned, still half asleep, and plucked up a plate of chocolate muffins from one of the passing maids, nonchalantly lifting one and taking a bite while at the same time passing on her finished hot chocolate. 

"Is everything okay Ella?" mumbled Fey, eyeing the elf's midriff with more than a little confusion. "Did you take another egg insid-"

"You know you really shouldn't be the one asking that after you were quite literally kidnapped by a Dragoness and taken to her palace. I was on the verge of storming the place with any warm body I could find to rescue you until Rina told me that her spies reported you weren't being imprisoned... I almost did it anyway I was that concerned."

"Uhm, s-spies? I don't remember much of it to be honest, it all became kind of a blur. There was a lot of maids, like a ton, and then later I woke up outside on top of uh, and then I scrambled down this blue dome of- uh, it was a long fall!! and then, well, no one was left to stop me so I just kind of just walked out the front door..." Fey scratched her cheek and grinned sheepishly.

Ellaria paused in her fretting. 

"...At least you're okay Fey, being kidnapped by a dragoness is scary, even if it was for benign reasons, there isn't any way around that. It's good that you were allowed free."

Fey nodded happily "Was that everything that was bothering you?"

"Not quite. Fey, he has arrived."

Fey blinked. "Who has arrived? what do you mean?"

"The Arch-Soulomonancer. I paid them the money Fey, all of it, and they are here to see you, to find out what happened to you and to tell us if it's dangerous, and if you can be changed back."

"Changed back? oh, you mean- you mean lose my p-p-p- my thingy?"

Ellaria raised an eyebrow. "Isn't that something that you wanted?"

"Yes, no, maybe, I mean… well, it's kind of grown on me..."

"Yes, in more ways than one. I admit I would be sore to see such a wonderful, ahem, member vanish from the world."

Fey bit her lip.

Ellaria smiled comfortingly. "It's fine Fey, you don't have to think about removal yet, first we just need to know if it poses any danger to you. The maids are making comfortable the arch-soulomancer and his helpers right as we speak. Finish eating and we'll-

A wail echoed from the hallway outside. 

They blinked at each other.

"What was that?"

The wail came again, and they turned to investigate, stepping toward the nearby open doorway.

Coming out into the hall Rebecca couldn't see much at first from her perspective beneath Fey, just a pair of maids who seemed to be carrying a stretcher between them. The person on the stretcher was obscured as they were headed away from them, that is apart from the pair of naked legs that were protruding from either side up at a forty five degree angle, stiff and straining, the toes splayed.

The wailing voice came again and a spray of fluid splashed over the maid, particles of the fluid flinging into the air around her as more spattered down on the marble below leaving a wet line in the stretcher's path.

"... Was that Tami?"

"I think it was yes"

"On a stretcher? Is she sick? Hey, maybe I’m needed here!"

They quickly followed after as the maids brought Tami through the mansion, moving quickly toward a door with the words clinic marked on it. From within came even more moaning and wailing.

They entered to find a trio of beds, with Tami just being deposited onto the third. The other two were already filled with Sarah and Ruby. All three of the teenagers were writhing and squirming on the beds, their backs arching as they moaned freely, thrusting their hips into the air as they came over and over and over, the riding leggings which they wore soaked to the bone with their fluids.

Lucy was there, looking on in dismay at the trio. She held an expensive looking doll that looked suspiciously like Lily in her arms.

"What's happening here? What’s wrong with them?" said Ellaria, glaring at Lucy. 

"Erm, w-well, they uh-"

"It's my fault captain!" 

Fey and Ellaria frowned as the doll in Lucy's hands opened its mouth and spoke.


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"Mhm. I'm outside really, I uhm, struggle with doors currently so I came up with this!… but that's not-"

"What did you do to our benefactor's daughter Lily? Why is she writhing around on a sickbed?"

The doll somehow managed to look ashamed. "I might have found a new multiplying kind of trick for my Class and then used it on them and- well-… They s-seem to be locked in some kind of loop, I thought it was okay at first! but then they woke up and wouldn't stop orgasming until they passed out again! Even when they weren't being touched!"

Ellaria sighed and shook her head. "The first thing you thought to do when discovering a powerful new aspect of your Class was to use it on a person? On a trio of innocent teenagers?"

"I'm sorry! I'm still new to all this! I didn't realise that their bodies wouldn't be prepared for so much pleasure! I- I promise not to use it on novices again captain!" The doll saluted in Lucy’s arms.

The three teenagers howled as they squirted into their leggings, fluid burbling through the cloth.

"M-maybe I can soothe them?" said Fey trotting forward hopefully.

"Uhm, I'm not so sure that's a good-

Fey neared Tami and the tigerkin cried out, her hips bucking up into the air as she instantly came again, spine arching incredibly far. "Feeeyyyyyy!!!" moaned the teenager, tongue lolling from her mouth, eyes rolling up.

The reaction didn't deter Fey however and she touched a hand against the teenager's forehead, a soothing light pouring around her fingers.

After a moment Tami started to relax, easing back against the bed, her body merely trembling and twitching with orgasmic aftershocks instead of creaming herself non-stop.

"There, that should help get her through this, uhm…whatever it is you did to them Lily."

She moved from Tami's bed to the next, trotting between them, then pressed a hand against Ruby's head. The reaction was the same as Tami's, at first needily cumming at Fey's nearness, then relaxing into trembling limpness, calming from the pleasure loop she was trapped in.

Rebecca watched with awe. Not because of the healing, but because she was desperately wondering what it felt like to be so well fucked that you were trapped in a loop of non-stop orgasming afterwards. Just what had been done with these girls that Fey had to use magic to soothe them?

The pink eared wolfkin finally eased back into a restful trembly sleep and Fey removed her hand, already turning to the last patient.

Unfortunately, Sarah seemed to be slightly less out of it than the others and had seen what was happening. She had also apparently decided she wanted no part in leaving her blissful state of continuous pleasurable orgasm.

Rebecca blinked as she felt something touch against her belly bulge and looked down to find a hand placed firmly on it. She followed the arm it was attached to back to Sarah who was crouched on her bed, body trembling and shaking, leggings soaked with wet.

The bunnykin teenager looked like she was barely managing to stay upright as she sprayed down her leggings, but then she focused and began to mutter under her breath.

"P-pulsing reverberative triple effect deep nerve-"

"...Huh?" said Rebecca. Then as her pussy started to vibrate, "HUH?!"

At first the sensation was mild, but still something that she had never experienced or heard of before, a tiny repeated motion on a very tiny scale, but then it grew stronger and seemed spread out from the bunnykin's touch.  her pussy walls which had been gripping the horse cock became the source of an incredibly deep and powerful vibration that sunk into Fey's shaft all the way to the core.

"What is that!" shrieked Fey, having also never experienced a sensation just quite like it and being taken by complete surprise.

She reared backwards as the vibration abruptly became more intense, a pulsing roar that went from the surface of her shaft to deep within.

"Wh-what's happeningggg! I c-can't!"

She bucked backwards, instinctively trying to escape the incredibly intense all over sensation, then turned and raced through the clinic door when it just didn't stop, Ellaria and Lily's voices calling out after her as she fled the scene.

Rebecca hardly knew what was going on anymore, her pussy was an ocean of pleasurable vibrations stimulating her in waves, waves that started at the top of her core and washed down to her labia and clit, vibrations so powerful it made her gasp for breath and cry out as she squirted and sprayed down the marble between Fey's legs. On top of that Fey's running only made things that much worse, the medial ring pounding against her pussy with every stride.

Fey raced down the corridor, servants diving out of the way of her panicked flight as Rebecca bounced madly up and down beneath wailing her heart out.

A door started to open ahead and Fey slammed through without thinking, crashing with her full body into the wood and launching it inward.

Rebecca caught sight of an old man wearing a purple and gold robe with a beard down to his knees just as he was launched across the room. Apparently, he had been standing in the wrong position at the wrong time as Fey came barreling through the door. He came down on an armchair which promptly flipped over in a crash of breaking wood.

Fey didn't seem to have noticed what she'd done, instead charging straight ahead and directly into a couch, one occupied by two unusually large Orc women who filled it end to end with their large bodies, their green skin skin tattooed in angular red. She crashed into them and Rebecca found herself squeezed between their expansive breasts as Fey rose over the top, her front legs slipping over the back of the couch. Fey instantly began to thrust into Rebecca, her hips moving on instinct due to the stimulation.

Despite suddenly having a large centaur land on top of them, and begin publicly fucking a small dogkin, the two Orc women seemed surprisingly game and grabbed hold of Rebecca's ankles and wrists in their powerful grip, laughing as they spread eagled her for Fey to fuck even harder.

"W-wait!" cried Rebecca, but her voice was flatly ignored, the centaur already in full breeding mode.

Rebecca, for the first time in her life, felt herself being truly fucked, centaur dick thrusting into her until the medial ring slipped past her lower lips with a soft schlcking sound and feet of horse cock surged into her unprepared snatch, her belly bulge reaching up over her face as the massively thick base slammed home to the root, unable to fit even a fraction of an inch more horse cock inside, her womb and pussy stretched beyond any reasonable limit, an unimaginable amount of nerve riddled surface area stretched taut over huge amounts of horse cock.

It was a lot to take in.

"Ohh fuuuuck meeee!!" shrieked the diminutive girl as her vision began popping and flashing, her pussy rippling and milking around the length desperate to be filled fat with cum as Sarah's vibrations only brought her to new heights.

Fey didn’t give her time to get used to being so stretched and feet of horse cock were dragged from her vibrating pussy before being thrust back in. The centaur quickly settled into a deep thrusting rhythm, taking advantage of the orc women holding Rebecca spread eagled to rip free thirty six inches of horse dick in a spray of girl cum before roughly thrusting it back into her, her massively stretched pussy barely managing to hold on as so much horse cock pistoned into her, each stroke back bringing with it the most lurid wet sounds as the medial ring tore past her pussy lips followed by the vacuum breaking behind:


Which was followed by her madly trembling puss spraying down the centaur's underside yet again.


Rebecca was left with her mouth agape, tongue lolling from the side, as she was given an absolutely world changing fucking, every stallion thrust the greatest orgasm of her life afresh, and more, building on the previous one, it just didn't stop, a chain reaction of messy squirting orgasms that built and built and built until she could do nothing but throw back her head and howl.


She thrashed in the orc girl's grip, actually causing them to struggle to hold her in place as her fingers and toes splayed and stretched.

And then Fey moved into more aggressive thrusting strokes and her howling only increased.

The wonderful vibrating feeling was driving Fey to animalistic madness, desperately needing to rut the sensation away.

Rebecca seized up in the orc's hands, her body going stiff as her back arched, her mouth yawning wide as she screamed and screamed, squirting hard up over Fey’s underside, the backspatter soaking through the clothes of the orcs who cooed at her cute little motions.

And then Fey was cumming and Rebecca's vision went white.

Long ropes of cum sprayed into the dogkin and her belly began to push outward, slowly at first, then rapidly as her womb was filled with surge after powerful surge.

The two orcs gasped with amazement as she swelled, pressing their hands into her belly and exclaiming as they sunk into the soft surface.

Rebecca expanded until her cum belly filled the laps of the two orcs and they had to spread their arms to embrace her, their voices going from delight to awe as she grew and grew with horse cum, her body spilling over their legs and thighs and pushing Fey up and away from the couch until she was covering both orc women entirely with belly and her cum tummy was spilling down onto the floor, her softness spreading across the carpet, pushing aside furniture and crushing coffee tables.

It seemed the filling was too much for the vibration magic to handle and as Fey came to a stop, the last droplet of horse semen shivering free, so did the vibration.

Rebecca groaned as she was splayed against her own belly, pinned between a reared back Fey and her own obscene curving expanse, more lake of cum than girl.

"I'm in heaven…" she moaned into her body.


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