
Chapter 110: 42 2/3

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"This is dangerous Sarah, you know that," said Ruby crossing her arms and looking down at the two limp girls. "You can't just cum over and over forever without stop, you'll die at some point, or at least feel awful."

Sarah blinked up at her. "I… guess." she shivered as yet another aftershock orgasm rolled up her body. How many had that been? she'd lost count somewhere along the way. "It's fine though, the loops dropping off on its own with time."

"Ugh," groused Tami, "I totally could have handled it all the way to the end, Fey didn't need to do that to me."

"She was probably just worried about you Tami, she is a healer you know, you've read the stories, kind hearted to a fault, more than a fault probably."

The Tigerkin sighed but found she couldn't disagree. If only Fey was as aggressive and assertive and dominant all the time as she had been when she had absorbed those two minotaur assassins. Now that had given her dreams she would cherish forever.

Tami would never allow a sexual partner or even a friend to dominate her… but Fey was different. It was hard not to be when just Fey's penetration dominated a girl's body, turning her into a happy little cock sleeve.

"I still totally could have handled it. I still could have- have-"

Tami blinked as a voice reached the infirmary from somewhere distant, a muffled cry.

"Did you hear that?"

"Yeah it sounded like someone shouting for help, something about a flower."

"N-not flower," said Sarah, her gold pierced bunny ears twitching as she still slowly writhed on the bed, "Flora, and that was Fey's voice."

The three teenagers considered this.

"You don't think…"

"Fey is here you know, and she must have woken up by now."

"Are you saying she's been captured by that demon?"

"That gnome girl is pure evil she would definitely capture Fey for her own evil wicked ways, honestly she makes demons look like innocent babes."

"I know you're saying that mostly because you're still mad at her Tami."

"So what if I am! She stole all my hard won horse cum! She's the villain!"

"Well, what are you gonna do about it?"

Tami scowled. 

"For one I'm going to go rescue Fey. If that gnome thinks she can get even a thimbleful more cum out of our centaur she is sadly mistaken."

"I'm in," said Ruby. "She didn't even ask, just sucked the cum right out of me. I want justice."

Sarah struggled up with difficulty.

"M-me t-too."

"Bitch, you're so well fucked that you can't even stand!"

"Shut up, shut up, I totally can stand, just watch."

The plump teenager drew in breath and thrust herself up from sitting on the bed's edge, rising to two legs.

She wobbled like that for a moment, trying not to cry out as she came once again and her pussy gushed down her leggings and over her bare feet.

For a moment, she almost seemed like she had done it, wobbling but upright. But then she began to sway, her legs shaking, knees turning inwards, her curvy thighs wobbling like jelly. She staggered like a drunk and nearly fell, only remaining upright because she grabbed hold of Ruby's shoulder. 

The pink eared wolfkin nearly collapsed under the impact but managed to remain up, an orgasming bunnkyin hanging on her side.

"S-see! Upright!"

"You're using her to cheat!"

"It- it counts okay!" said the bunnykin even as she leaned into Ruby, her impressive cleavage enveloping the teenager's arm.

Tami snorted derisively but flipped her legs around and stood up from the bed.

"Whatever, let's go before Flora drains Fey's balls dry and there's nothing left."

She strode over to a pair of glass paned double doors, throwing them open in her typically dramatic style.

Tami waited as behind her struggled Ruby with Sarah, the two making their way far too slowly for Tami's liking. She sighed and rolled her eyes. Then she snapped her fingers and rope poured out from a nearby hedge, heavy rope, rope useful for carrying things.

The Tigerkin had taken to placing stores of the stuff all over the estate after she had been almost assasinated not one but twice. It just made too much sense, this way she would never be defenseless and would always have access to lots of useful rope. Not that she couldn't use her Class to create rope out of mana, it was just far more mana efficient to have it pre-prepared.

The rope snaked behind her as Ruby and Sarah looked down in alarm.

"Hey Tami-- Hey hang on a sec!"

The rope didn't pause and wound its way up their legs, up their thighs, encircling their hips. Then it began to lift. The two teenagers found themselves rising in the air as dozens of living ropes surged around them like snakes. They were transported forward as Tami took a step and placed her feet on a pair of particularly thick ropes. 

She stood like the admiral of a grand ship as the ropes moved her, simply standing on them as they slithered like snakes across the ground and carried her forward. In her imagination she looked truly awesome, a commander stood with her legs apart, arms crossed, chin held high as she was moved by her servants.

To Ruby and Sarah's eyes she looked very ridiculous, but they were struggling with their own rope based problems too much to comment.

The rope based transport moved the three of them through the estate and toward the vast sphere that rose over one end, the unimaginably vast pregnancy that made up Flora's fecund belly.

Tami's lips set in an irritated line as she caught sight of it.

Really that should be her who was filled with a staggering number of eggs and wonderful amounts of cum. She had been robbed, mugged, and thieved from.

In her head she was a noble merchant queen on her way from city to city who had been waylaid by a pink haired brigande, made to turn out their pockets, or in this case her womb, to the pink-moustache twirling gnome bandit.

Clearly she needed some kind of revenge.

At the very tip top of the great sphere she could just see a centaur struggling, struggling in the air as she was forcibly positioned over the gnome's rear out of view. After a moment a distant cry of 'saaaveee meee!' could be heard.

Tami's suspicions had been correct, the unbelievably greedy gnome wanted more! more! She wanted to be larger than she already was!

"Outrageous." She shook her head in disbelief.

They came to a slow stop when she spotted Lucy in an ornamental garden part covered by the gnome's pregnancy. The horse obsessed girl had apparently also heard Fey's cries of alarm and had come to investigate along with the Lily doll still held in her arms.

The ropes slipped from under Tami's feet and she was deposited, still posing like an admiral with her arms crossed, next to Lucy.

"Hey." she said.

Lucy nearly jumped out of her skin, she had been so distracted staring up at the gnome's size that she hadn't noticed the tigerkin arrive.

"H-hey Tami? Oh, are you feeling better already? That was quick."

Behind Tami, Ruby and Sarah stumbled much less gracefully free from their rope harnesses. Sarah's legs immediately buckled as she descended into a crouch with a low groan, a wet patch quickly appeared on the flagstones below her hips.

"F-fuurrrcckk, maybe that was a mistake," groaned the bunnykin as her hands slipped between her thighs and she began frantically masturbating.

"Totally able to deal with it huh?" said Tami, looking down at her with a smirk.

"Should we do something?" said Lucy looking between the three.

"Do something?"

"Yeah, you know, about Fey and Flora."

The three teenagers looked up at the smooth wall that was Flora's belly. It cast a very large shadow.

"I didn't really think about it but how are we supposed to do something, anything with this?" said Ruby, "You know she already crushed and beat us once. Do you want to get on her bad side and be launched into the sky with her telekinesis?"

"But your new Classes!" cried Tami, "you're supposed to be strong and useful now!"

"Tami, I can make an assassins portal, a keyhole. As much as you resent her I don't think you want me stabbing her to death."

"I'm not going to vibrate her brains into soup either so you can forget it."

Tami threw back her head with an exasperated sigh of disgust.

"Fiiiine. No killing her to death. But what are we supposed to do? You know how much stronger she is, with her Class and levels she is unstoppable."

Ruby scratched one of her pink ears.

"Isn't it kinda obvious?"

The others turned to look at her.

"Tami, have you forgotten already, you couldn't use your Class at all after you got trapped in a loop. The trick to do what we want to her is simple, we just do what happened to us to her, and she will be completely and utterly helpless! Trapped uselessly on her own belly in a recursive orgasm! Hey, we could even drag some pumps and hoses up and empty her into ourselves while she's like that, she wouldn't be able to stop us at all!"

Tami and Sarah stared at her, then as one they turned to stare at the Lily doll that Lucy hugged in her arms, hugging it partly between her cleavage.

"Uhm," said the doll.

"Please Lils," said Tami, "I'm begging you, as a friend, you know this needs to be done, it would be an injustice for Flora to get away with stealing from us without any karma at all, you would basically be a hero by helping us!"

"Uhm," said Lily again, floundering.

"P-please, I'm really asking you. Friends do this for each other, you know, help pleasure another friend until she is helpless, that's a totally normal friend thing in Bine."

"It- it is?"

"Yup. totally."

The Lily doll looked between the teenagers. Tami eager, and the other two trying not to look directly at her, but clearly hopeful that she would say yes.

She thought she should say no, but then, if it was just getting Flora off, well maybe the gnome would thank her afterwards, she really seemed to like getting off quite a lot.

"...I'll help, I suppose."

Tami grinned wickedly.

"I- I can supply you with the special layered plushies, you should be able to use them on Flora, that's your plan right?."

"Won't you need her hair for them to work?

If the doll could have blushed it appeared it would have. "I uh, already have a ton of Flora's hair. F-for safety reasons. I uhm, collect it while they sleep…"

"Wait, what do you mean by they?"

"I'm just being extra safe okay!?!" yelled the doll, crossing its arms in Lucy's arms.

Tami flipped her hair over her shoulder.

"It's fine Lils, nobody minds if you're creepily gathering hair from a few people while they sleep."

"A f-few, haha, y-yeah, just a f-few, b-barely anyone really haha."

"Whatever. Now where are the plushie things we need Lils? Look, Flora is winning!"


Fey was very strong, it was just, well, Flora was very strong too, and worse, while she only had the shifting soft surface of Flora's pregnant belly to hold herself up on Flora had unlimited perfect grip on her body, a continual enveloping pressure pushing her down.

She didn't want to fuck the gnome! she wanted to chase down the god damned Arch-Soulomancer!

Despite her desire not to do as the gnome girl wanted her loins had other ideas. 

Her cock slapped loudly against her barrel, flesh smacking against flesh, and her balls growled and churned, visibly growing larger little by little, the surface becoming hard as they filled, the nearness of one of her broodmothers stirring them to life.

"It's too late Fey, He's already gone!"

Fey let out a groan of frustration. Worse, she partly agreed with her, the gryphon had been lightning fast. 

Her hooves began to slide against the gnome's vastness as she gave up and was lowered, the massively gaped pussy of the gnome practically gasping at the air it was so desperate to be filled.

Her cock was quickly grasped by Flora's ability and angled down, the gnome's thighs spreading apart further as the needy broodmother readied to take her stallion breeder.

Despite knowing what was coming Fey couldn't help but let out a little gasp as Flora's incredible softness enclosed the tip of her cock, her pussy clamping down and trying to draw her in further. It undeniably felt amazing. Especially as the gnome seemed to have not only gained thicker thighs and larger breasts and more production but more musculature in her cunt to better receive horse cock too. Flora's body had adapted well to massive pregnancy.

The sheer amount of sloppy wetness slipping along her shaft as she slowly penetrated the broodmother was enough to make Fey tremble. Flora had truly become something else, something incredible.

The gnome girl's pussy sucked her further and further inside, her smooth pink cervix parting eagerly, the pink donut practically slurping on her cock as it took in more and more, drawing the centaur into Flora's vast and industrious womb.

The touch of something hard on her cock tip made Fey shudder. Eggs. Many many eggs. huge eggs that pressed against her cock, their indestructible shells pressing against her length in the most delicious way as she pushed them aside.

It just felt sooo right. Her broodmother needed more, more pregnancy, more eggs, more! More! She couldn't help but want to give it to her. 

"Fucckkk," groaned Fey as she eased down until her entire cock was sheathed inside the gnome girl, her hips coming to rest on Flora's thighs as her barrel came down on her back, her human half resting in the cleavage of the gnome. It was as if the gnome was designed for her dick, shaped and moulded for her to mount. The sloppy flood of juices that came with hilting indicated her readiness, her body ripe and breedable, ready to be multi-impregnated with huge amounts of stallion seed.

Broodmothers were truly built for massive breeding.

Her hips began to thrust.


Down below a number of teddy bears had started appearing, making their way from inside the buildings of the estate or out from under bushes. Each of the teddy bears held a plushie above their heads, a loose approximation of Flora without her endless pregnancy.

One by one they began depositing the plushies by the teenagers' feet, building a small mound.

"Okay Tami, now what?"

Tami hesitantly picked up one of the plushies. She prodded at the colourful rubber pussy inserted up between its legs. The belly of the plushy was open and the blunt back end of the rubber sleeve protruded several inches from it, up to the plushies fabric breasts.

"Uh, well we're going to need help I think, that is if we're to have a hope of tipping her over into the loop." Tami pushed her hand inside the rubber pussy and held the plush up to show the others. "Flora here is probably like Lily and Vivi, they're experienced with extreme pleasure unlike we were, they didn't fall into the loop."


"Meaning that it's probably going to take a lot of these to have the same effect it did on us…"

The Lily doll in Lucy's arms let out a sigh. "I'll send more, but you're going to need something to actually thrust them on you know."

Tami looked hopefully at the Lily doll.

"And I suppose you want me to fetch that too?"

The three teenagers nodded their heads.

The doll set its lips in a line.

"Fine. I guess I can borrow some rubber from Vivi's warehouse-


"oops, uh, maybe I shouldn't have mentioned that."

"Like a warehouse just full of…"

"Yes, it's just like you think. She's going all out on this thing, she's even getting guidance from Rina on the commercial side of it. But… I'm not sure Fey even really knows what she's doing yet, not like this anyway." The doll scratched its cheek. "That's probably a bad thing right?"

"She's probably going to be pretty mad, yeah."

The group paused as they tried to imagine what an angry Fey would be like on discovering that rubber versions of her cock were being sold on a grand scale without her knowledge. 

"You're lucky Fey is nice."

"Aheh, I guess," said the doll nervously.

As they spoke a pair of teddy bears emerged from under a bush, a huge horse dildo held on their shoulders like a piece of lumber, the pink rubber dipping in the middle it was so long.

Tami picked the thing up as it arrived, the three foot and three inches of horse cock flopping in her arms, too large to easily manage for the teenager. As she did so more bears carrying bright rubber horse cocks started to appear.

"Okay, so the plan is we get as many of these Flora plushies as we can going up and down on as many of these Fey cocks as we can, and then we make her head literally explode from orgasming too hard."

You are reading story Centaurus at novel35.com

"Uh, I'm not sure that would happen Tami."

"Alright alright, no head exploding, just until she's turned into a dribbling cumming mess who can't tell up from down and we can do as we like to her."

She hesitated then waved at the bushes around them.

Ropes started to appear, huge ropes, the kind of ropes used on ships, hundreds of ropes with knotted ends ready to go to work.

Lily stared at the sheer number of them.

"I see I'm not the only one to have leveled up…"

Tami grinned. "Holding all that horse cum in me for so long had a pretty nice effect you know."

She flourished her hand and the ropes began grabbing up the plushies or snatching the dildos being carried by the many bears.

Tami concentrated as a three and a half foot long horse cock was held in front of her, a plushie of the hated Flora held above, ready to be plunged down.

She was about to do it, spearing the plushie on the dildo, when an Orc stumbled from the bushes tripped over the ropes and fell flat on her face.

The group of teenagers stared at the Orc.

She was a very large and muscular Orc and had a hatchet on her hip that looked like it had seen a lot of use, the edge chipped and worn. She wore rough short shorts exposing her bulging with muscle thighs, and a cropped blouse tied off under her breasts.

"Uhm, h-hello?" said Lucy.

The Orc flopped against the ground for a moment, then managed to sit up.

"Ow. Hey you know those ropes of yours are a real tripping hazard when you're stalking prey in the bushes."

"Uh, p-prey?"

The Orc rubbed her nose then gestured up at the great dome that rose above their heads. 

"Maybe prey isn't the right word, mate might be more accurate. Orc women hunt their males you see, compete and hunt them for the strongest, the biggest, the most virile, and the largest down there if you know what I mean." She waggled her eyebrows suggestively. "Big is good yes?"

"you're talking about Fey, aren't you?"

The Orc grinned fiercely, flashing her tusks.

"It didn't take long for that newsletter about her to become popular because Orcs like more, always more of a good thing, and this centaur, she is more and more and more, so much more than any orc male. Even the most sought after male orc is like a puny waif in comparison to this mighty centaur."

"Yeeeeah I can kinda relate to that," muttered Sarah. "The boys at school don't even rate anymore, it's like not even the real deal. I tried, and I nearly fell asleep as the biggest boy I knew tried his best to do anything. Didn't even feel him in me to be honest and he had to tell me he'd cum and had finished up. So awks."

"Yah think that might have something to do with plugging yourself with giant horse dildos all day every day Sarah? I saw you walking around school trying to hide the bulge in your tummy under your blouse and sticking between your cleavage."

The bunnykin shrugged. "I felt empty okay, and hey! You were doing the exact same thing! You think no one in class noticed the giant puddle you left behind on your chair? and your skirt is so short when you bend over you can see the giant rubber base of the thing between your cheeks, panties really aren't enough to hide something that wide Ruby. Everyone saw it when the teacher asked you to the front of the class and you dropped the chalk, you flashed literally everyone!"

Ruby blushed, her cheeks going deep crimson with shame. 

"You're lucky I've already spread the newsletter around to every girl in class, you wouldn't believe the number of sales I made later in the bathroom after they saw that in you. I literally ran out of mini Fey dildos. Turns out scalping is pretty lucrative."

"Y-you profited off me?!" squeaked Ruby.

"Hey, the lifesize dildos I need can be pretty expensive, I ran out of pocket money ages ago. A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do."

As Ruby fumed the orc's eyes alighted on the dildo being held up by Tami. She suddenly scrambled to her feet and the Tigerkin's eyes widened as she found herself dwarfed by the seven foot tall orc woman.

"I recognise that model from the newsletter. We even bought one, but none of us could fit the damned thing."

The Lily doll looked at the orc with alarm. "I should think not if you haven't touched Fey before. Gods, are people trying to take nearly full sized dildos without her gifted elasticity?"

The orc scratched her cheek. "Nah, it was just the novelty. We keep it over the bar currently, it gets used in brawls a lot, it's the weapon of choice. You know it's a good fight when the massive rubber horse cock comes down and some gets slapped around the head with it so hard they are knocked unconscious."

The teenagers stared at her in horror. "You do what with Fey's co-"

"Hey, ain't no one taking that big of a cock without meeting Fey first yes? What else were we supposed to do with it? Anyway the smaller versions we can't get enough of, I have a whole shelf full of the things in my collection. Fit the biggest horse dildo you can stretch yourself around, get used to it, try fit something larger, compete with friends." She thumped her chest with pride. "I passed thirteen inches. Bigger than any girl in the bar can take."

"That's bull Shel and you know it." A rustling came from behind and a second orc pushed from the bushes.

She held up her hands to demonstrate. "I can take this much cock."

The group looked at her hands in incomprehension.

"They can't tell how many inches that is from sight alone you twit," said the first orc apparently called Shel.

"It's fourteen inches, obviously."

"And they aren't gonna believe your lies. You can't prove what you're saying."

"Yes I can, I just-" the orc paused.

"Yea, you finally twigged it. We touched her Glasha."

"Huh." said the orc looking down at her body thoughtfully. "I didn't even notice it happening."

"I did. And you can't prove you can take fourteen inches anymore, because you can take way more."

Glasha scratched her chin and her eyes drifted over to the horse dildo held in Tami's ropes.

"Hey, do you mind if I borrow that for a bit?"

"No, and get lost! We're busy conquering a gnome here!"

The ropes moved back to work and yet another horse dildo was plucked up from yet another pair of teddy bears and drifted into the air. 

Glasha licked her lips as she watched it pass, eyes hypnotised by the massive cock.

Her hand reached out and she grabbed for the thing. She missed however as Tami snatched it away and the orc found herself stumbling forward.

"Hey! why won't you share?!"

"Because like I said we're trying to do something, we're very busy, so shoo."

The ropes suddenly lashed out and the two orcs found their arms and legs bound tight in hemp rope.

The orcs struggled against their bonds, muscles bulging. 

To their surprise they found they couldn't break free.

"That one is stronger than she looks sister."

"Well yeah, I did it with Fey, of course I'm stronger than you two idiots."

"T-tami, we were warned-"

"I was the size of a stable so filled with horse cum I couldn't move an inch! So of course I leveled up loads!"

The two orcs considered this.

"That can't be true…"

"Liar!" yelled Shel, she began struggling violently in her binds, her breath coming in pants.

"I'm not lying, it's totally true, and it was easy peasy. So many levels, they just came to me, I got more and more powerful while doing nothing!"

Glasha scowled at the teenager. "Brat, do you have any idea how much blood I have shed in the name of leveling, how many times I have been nearly killed by a monster, mauled and bitten, stabbed and clawed?"

Tami blinked.

"I've lost count you little shitrag! My comrades, everything they worked for, holding them as they bled out, dying in my hands…  and then you- you just level up by being an unbelievable slut? No! NO!"

"Oh shit me sideways, they're fucking adventurers! Tami you idiot!" cried Sarah backing away in alarm.

Steam was beginning to haze off the two orc's bodies, their muscles swelling larger, their blue eyes taking on a red hue.

"Sister, I think this spoiled child needs to be taught what it means to have a Class and to risk your life to level, a little appreciation for the pain and suffering of all those who have come before her."

The ropes binding them broke one after the other under their unstoppable might, the hemp shredding apart as the two orcs shrugged their shoulders and moved their limbs, tattered rope falling around their feet. 

The last of the ropes fell away and the two of them took a threatening step toward Tami, intent on beating her bloody.

Tami with wide terrified eyes threw up a rope net, making a wall to stop the orcs advance.

It lasted less than a second, the orcs took hold of the thing and ripped it to pieces like it was nothing, bits of rope left drifting through the air.

Tami, looking genuinely frightened, backed away until she was blocked by the wall that was Flora behind her. She had nowhere left to go.

"H-hey stop!" cried the Lily doll.

The orcs ignored her.

"I said stop!" bellowed Lily and an army of bears swarmed from the undergrowth, charging forward and piling up until they blocked the path of the two orcs.

"I mean it! don't make me do something you won't like!"

"Stuffing burns like tinder sister, I think we should make a bonfire," said Glasha, her eyes flashing deep red.

"Enough! We'll make a deal!"

The two orcs for the first time actually stopped and turned to face the Lily doll who was being held by Lucy. Lucy for her part gulped and cowered down as the two incredibly intimidating orcs faced her.

"What deal?"

The Lily doll drew in a breath.

"A one time deal of a lifetime, something you won't ever regret, the most advanced up to date model yet, a limited edition run that-

The two orcs looked at the doll in surprise as the doll seemed to hold its hands up in front of itself, reading off a sheet of paper that wasn't there, the doll imitating her true body which held the paper she was apparently reading from.

"-a super advanced shape that eases friction burns while stimulating the vaginal passage at twice the performative rate of previous models, we present the Ultra Fey Xtreme edition that-

"Uh, Lily, what are you doing?" said Ruby, the first of the group to speak up.

Lily came to a stuttering halt and looked up. "Uhm, well basically Fey went to the palace and when she came back she was even bigger, so uhm all the current models of Fey dildo are outdated. You said you liked to collect right? Does a first edition of Fey's new size sound like something you would want for your collection now that you can take that size? You'd be basically the first anywhere to own such a thing."

"Fuck yeah!" cried Shel.

"Ssshh sister! that's-"

The two orcs quickly stilled their bodies, their expressions going deadpan.

"We have a small potential interest in this available product."

The lily doll made a small smile that would make the most crooked of merchants blush. She knew she already had them.

The Lily doll raised one finger. 

"Number one. You must leave Tami alone. I'm an adventurer like you, I… understand how painful it might be to hear that a frankly spoiled silly teenager with no real life experience could cheat in levels while adventurers suffer. I get it, but you can't beat the snot out of her for that, you just can't."

The two orcs scowled but after a moment nodded their heads in reluctant agreement.

The doll raised a second finger. "Number two. You're going to help them."

"Help with what precisely?"

Sarah waved a hand to get their attention. "I think I get what she means. There's something to be said for being really really strong like an orc and being able to pound a plushie pussy up and down really really hard, that could totally be the thing to send Flora over the edge into the loop!"

The two orcs looked at her in utter confusion.

"Uhm, I can make it simple," said Lily, "Don't worry about what I'm doing with my class, I just want you to use a Fey dildo." She held up a plushie of Flora, the rubber sleeve protruding from its front. "While this rubber pussy is inside of you."

"How ridiculous I don't see why-

A rustle came from the nearby pushes and a parade of a dozen bears came from beneath. Together they held a massive black three foot seven inch rubber horse cock between them, its surface covered in nubs and bumps and ridges. A rubber tube came from its base and led back to an enormous barrel that sloshed as the bears wheeled it out onto the grass.

"What the fuck is that?" said Tami, peering from behind the bear pile.

"Hey I read the newsletter advert out for you, you know what it is. Rina said the advert would attract only the really super serious hardcore customers."

"It looks fucking dangerous, are you sure that thing isn't meant to be used as a weapon?"

Lily looked over the massive black rubber horse cock covered in nubs as the bears heaved it up onto its base. The thing radiated an almost frighteningly dangerous air.

"I… don't... think so… uhm, probably not?" said the Lily doll, suddenly sounding unsure.

The group of girls eyed the second dildo as it was next carried out, this one bright pink, as pink as Ruby's ears and the nubs that were dotted up its surface were pyramidal in shape.

"If violence was ever bottled that would be the dildo you could make out of it," muttered Lucy.

The Lily doll jerked as the Flora plushie was suddenly snatched from her hands. It looked up to see Glasha towering over her.

"We accept your terms."

"Quickly get me one of these things already!" cried Shel, her hips squirming. She snatched a Flora plushie from a nearby rope.

The two orcs practically skipped over to the two monstrous pussy brutalising dildos and they swiftly examined their respective horse cocks with an almost starved eagerness, Shel getting the pink one as Glasha got the black. Each cock came up to a little above each of the orcs' mons, which considering they were both seven foot tall was quite intimidating. The dildos were close and the two orcs faced each other as they readied to ride.

Not wanting to wait a moment more they grabbed at their clothing and simply ripped it away, their shorts pulling apart under their strength revealing their panties which held up about as well as wet toilet paper, the things shredding apart as the two orcs exposed their lower halves, revealing their swollen and drooling pussies.

"Don't forget the plushie! you agreed!"

"Ugh, this better not make it feel less good,"

"Uh, it sh-shouldn't, the-the rubber becomes so thin like a condom so…"

Glasha rolled her eyes but lowered the flora plush between her legs. The top of the rubber cock sleeve that protruded from the plushie's belly was pressed up against her puss and then pushed inside with ease, her pussy hungrily engulfing it.

The orc woman shivered as she was penetrated.

"Fuck that went in easy. It makes the struggle I had with the mini Fey's seem like a joke."

"You aren't kidding, I feel like I could take a bunch of the mini ones at the same time now."

The two orcs eased themselves over the dildo tips, standing up on their tiptoes to slip their undercarriages over the top of the wide cock heads.

"Holy shit this thing is big, I can't believe how fucking large she's gotten."

"Y-yeah, just imagine the real thing."

"That's later yes?"


"Don't count on it," muttered Lucy, "I've been trying to get a chance for ages, it's hard when she's so in demand you know."

"Well we will just have to make the best of this, just in case."

The two sisters lowered themselves down from their tiptoes, the two rubber pussies inserted into their own pussies pressing down against the rubber horse cocks.

They paused as the two pieces of rubber touched, a plushie of Flora poking out from between each of their muscular thighs.

"Wait wait!" cried Lily.

The Orcs reluctantly paused.

As they did so bears dashed up and began slopping a clear gooey substance over the rubber. After a moment they were done.

"Sorry, forgot the lube, need that for rubber on rubber, okay, go ahead!"

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