
Chapter 112: 43 1/2

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Previously on centaurus: Ruby, Sarah, and Tami hatch a plan to take terrible vengeance on an unknowing Flora. Their plan was almost interrupted however by a pair of adventurers, Orcs who became incensed when it was revealed to them that Tami was able to level without risking her life. After an agreement was made to defuse the situation the plan went ahead, and Flora ascended into pleasure 2.0

Now, chapter 43: 

"See, I told you I was right! I told you it would work!"

"You can stop being so smug Lucy it clearly didn't work the same way."

"It... mostly worked."

"If by that all the growth that was supposed to happen went into her balls then yeah, it worked. Oh, and it lasted no time at all."

"It wasn't just that, her coat went red and- and- she became super aggressive, and dominant!"

"...Admittedly I do like the sound of that last bit, being able to make a super aggressive wild Fey on command, all animalistic and brutal like, that is so hnnnff! But that's not what happened with the stallion when you tested it, you made that horse grow."

"Amazing right?"

"Not if it doesn't work on centaurs."

"Hold on Tami, we don't know that's how it works."

"Of course that's how it works!"

"Well, could you always do what you do now? There's such a thing of leveling up you know."

"Uhm, it was only gear zero, same as the stallion, I can't go higher gear than that yet."

There was a pause.

"How… high does it go?"

"I'm not sure, more than a few probably.

"Hmm. Well even if it just means even bigger balls that's good, that means more cum."

"Not right now though. Have you seen her? I think Fey might shrivel up into a raisin if she cums anymore."

Fey let out a weak groan hearing that and opened her eyes. She unfortunately had to agree with the words. Twice at the palace and then this she had cum her soul out. The centaur felt as dry as a desert, like a soaked sponge that had been wrung out until there was nothing left.

There was a noticeable weight on her back, the human? She struggled up from where she lay atop Flora and turned to see her. Lucy bit her lip and waved shyly back.

Fey's eyes wandered down to see that her now returned to normal coat was soaked underneath where the teenager sat. She could even see the teenager's swollen pussy through her skin tight leggings, a large camel toe, the two puffy sides of her puss and a nub at the front where her clit stood proud. The thin leggings were so soaked through in fact that she could make out the swollen redness beneath.

"I didn't say you could ride me."


"I don't even know who you are…"

"T-Tami's friend! Oh gods please don't be mad at me!"

"Calm down Lucy, look you're making even more of a mess."

Lucy glanced down to see the growing wet stain on Fey's back and jumped up with a yelp, apparently not having realised how messy she had gotten. She landed on the smooth pale surface to the side, barefoot along with Tami, Ruby, and Lucy who were also barefoot, the surface indented slightly below their feet.

Small clouds of dust could still be distantly seen at the edge of the smooth blemish free surface and Fey reluctantly realised that Flora's pregnancy had grown quite a bit. The teenagers and herself were very small on her incredible vastness.

Apparently the teenagers were standing around her for a reason and Fey blinked as she felt something loop around her back hooves.

"Sorry Fey, but you're kinda in the way, we can't get at the valuables with you like this."


The ropes on her hooves pulled backwards and Fey found herself slowly sliding bit by bit over Flora, her hands slipping against the gnome's breasts as pink hair emerged from beneath her barrel. 

She caught a glimpse of the gnome's expression and wished she hadn't, only the whites of her eyes were visible and her hair was so frazzled that locks of the stuff were lying in her foam-filled slack mouth. Not that the gnome was conscious enough to notice. She was unmoving apart from the occasional twitch that rolled up and down her body.

The twitching increased as Fey's flaccid length came free with a gush of horse cum and Fey slid between the gnome's thighs, lubricated on her plentiful fluids, given a front seat view to the gnome's violently gaped pussy, the slick thing fucked bright red, a massive cavern that still rippled and trembled as though clutching at a phantom cock no longer there.

Fey found herself coming to stop on a slathered layer of cum and squirt as Tami released the ropes.

She tried to struggle up, she really did, her hooves slipping wildly on the mix of bodily fluids, made worse by the smooth tightness of Flora's belly below.

After several failed attempts she gave up with a huff.

Instead, she watched as the teenagers ran back and forth, clear rubber tubes being gathered up from somewhere over the edge of the mass that was Flora and ran between her thighs.

The bunnykin, Sarah, Fey vaguely recalled, straddled the insensate gnome's back and began busily shoving hose after hose down in the gnome's cunt.

Fey watched this wondering what the teenagers were doing. They seemed to be struggling a bit, finding that Flora's changed cervix did not want the plundering teenagers to enter.

She watched as they battled with the gnome's pussy, but she had to wonder why they seemed to be getting further away from her, and not only that, they seemed to be accelerating.

Fey blinked and looked down. No, it wasn't the teenagers, it was her, she was resting on a highly slippery slurry of fluids, and unfortunately, that slurry was on top of a very gently curving slope.

She watched with alarm as her sliding started to speed up further, the slope of Flora's belly becoming steeper and steeper.

Desperate to stop her descent the centaur scrambled with arms and hooves, scrabbling at the smooth surface, trying to find something, anything, to grip hold of.

To no avail, the gnome's belly was simply too slick and there was nothing to get a grip on. The centaur watched in dismay as the teenagers vanished out of sight over the horizon of Flora's monstrous size and she began to plummet earthward along with a waterfall of slop from many stories above the ground.

With a cry of fear she managed to twist mid-fall, somehow getting her hooves beneath her.

She still came down very hard.

With an explosive crack all four of her hooves hit the flagstones and they instantly impacted into the earth in four separate craters. Her body shuddered under the strain of so much inertia but thankfully managed to hold together.

Fey stood frozen like that for a moment, in disbelief that she had survived and hadn't gone splat.

Apparently being absurdly strong had more advantages than she had realised.

After a moment she hesitantly stepped out of her four impact points and looked around.

The estate seemed… somewhat normal honestly. A maid passed her by, a basket of towels in her arms, glancing hungrily at her lower half yet ignoring the mass of Flora that was significantly larger in size, more of the estate cast into shadow by the gnome girl.

Maybe it was a little bit concerning that the people who lived and worked on the estate had gotten so used to her extreme filling of girls that it was just normal now.

The maid disappeared and Fey was left alone once more.

She felt… dry. 

She was pretty sure her testicles were smaller than they had been in a long time, and her cock was for once fully flaccid and sheathed neatly. Looking at the thing nobody would realise just how terrifyingly large she could be when fully erect.

Her loins weren't the only thing feeling a bit desiccated. She licked her lips and realised that they were dry and cracked. 

She needed fluid, a drink. 

So she went in search of one. 

The estate was vast and extravagant, but it did like to keep things at least somewhat evenly spaced apart and decentralised so she was quickly able to find a kitchen attached to a dining hall. 

The maids inside paused in their work as she entered, murmurs and stares breaking out.

Fey ignored them, stepped over to the nearest sink, and stuck her head under the tap turning it on full blast.

She drank, to put it lightly, like a horse, and only pulled back after what felt like drinking more gallons than she ever had in her life.

The maids had apparently appreciated the show and were gathered around her rear end, examining her stallion thighs and balls, cooing and gossiping.

"D-do you do uh, p-private sessions Miss Fey?" 

"You can't just ask a guest of the master that!" 

"I don't think I could even if I wanted to, I'm, ahem, empty."

"We saw what you did to miss Flora, c-could you do that to me someday?"


"No! We agreed to pre-cum only! it's the only way to be fair, there's just too many of us and Miss Fey doesn't have time for lowly maids!"

"Sh-shutup! I know you've been working the books, getting into the parties over and over!"


The maids' squabbling was only broken up by an incredibly loud bellow, one that sounded angry, aggressive.


Fey blinked.

"I think they mean you Miss Fey."

Fey wandered from the kitchen, the maids following in her wake, and into the attached dining hall. The hall was full of maids eating at a pair of long tables, maybe forty of them, but It clearly wasn't they who had been shouting. 

The audience watching on while they ate had eyes for two maids who appeared to be storming down the dining hall toward Fey.

No, that wasn't it. She furrowed her brow in confusion as she tried to understand what it was she was looking at. The two maids stockinged legs and feet were dangling just above the floor, and their short skirts were hiked up behind them. 

Fey blinked as she realised they were being carried.

It was only when the pair of maids came to a stop did Fey see the third person, their head pushing between the two maids' shoulders.

The person had green hair and yellow eyes and as Fey watched a long chameleon tail appeared swaying behind her.

"Fey the centaur. It's me. Your rival."

Fey stared at the teenager.

"...I have literally no idea who you are."

There was an awkward moment of silence.

"Liar! You- we competed! We competed to fuck Tarra senseless! and- and then you shamed and embarrassed me by f-fucking me inside of her!"

Fey stared in complete incomprehension. Had there been a girl with green hair? It was so hard to know, her time in the palace was a blur, so many girls eager to be bred, so many pussies.

"I'm sorry but I don't remember you…?"

The chameleokin's mouth opened and closed, her cheeks flushing red with anger, clearly very upset that she hadn't even been significant enough to remember.

"You- you manipulative psychopath! Trying to trick me into thinking you don't even remember me, th-this is some kind of way to mind game me out of our confrontation!"

The teenager struggled and then managed to push off the two maids who seemed to be attached to her front. They slid forward and then fell to the ground, a pair of massive two-foot long human-like cocks slipping from beneath their skirts and hanging from the teenager's hips. 

Fey looked between the two cocks then up at the teenager. She narrowed her eyes.

"You're telling me I'm tricking you? You know I can't touch p-penises, right? If I do then bad things happen to the owner of the penis. I definitely didn't have sex with you, whoever you are, because you stil have your p-penises and aren't six inches tall!"

"You definitely didn't seem to think that when you were ruining my pussy! Look!"

The curvy teenager turned and bent over, her fingers reaching behind her rear and toward her exposed cunny. Her fingers hooked around her pussy lips and she spread herself, exposing her vast gape for everyone to see.

Fey stared at the teenager's insides, her glossy pink donut-like cervix quite visible. It was almost cute.

"That does look like your work. Got a pretty nice preview of it myself with all that rubber."

Fey blinked and turned to find that two of those who were eating in the dining hall were a pair of Orcs and not maids. She realised she knew them, they had been the Arch-Soulomancers bodyguards.

"But that doesn't make any sense. I can't touch males, y-you know two that, you said you read the newsletter!"

"That's true, You read about what happened to those stallions Tami used on her right Shel?"

"Then why not the spoiled palace bitch over here? Look, she's got a pair of cocks to make any male orc rage with jealousy, two of em' even."

Glasha shrugged. "If I had to guess it's probably because she's a chameleokin."

Fey gave her a blank look. 

"Well, not that she's a chameleokin specifically, but that she's a hermaphrodite. The brat heres a fertile herm and all chameleokin females are herm."

"I still don't understand. Why should that matter?"

Ryoka snorted. 

"'Fertile'. What a joke. And it's Ryoka. Learn to watch your mouth."

Her hand dropped down to just below her navel. She held her hand there for a moment and then a flash of gold light came from beneath her fingers.

Something materialised in her other held up hand, something round.

Ryoka held the thing up. It was a ghostly gold sphere about the size of an apple, one engraved with a heart.

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"All chameleokin females have one of these inserted at puberty. It's a magic so powerful you couldn't even begin to understand let alone comprehend it."

Fey eyed the thing. It was true that the semi transparent object seemed to radiate a certain power, a slight heat haze drifting from its surface and the light it reflected split rainbow chromatic at the edges. It was clearly a depiction of a very powerful Artefact inside her body.

"...Why do you have that inside of you?"

Ryoka rolled her eyes. "Isn't it obvious? All chameleokin females are hermaphrodites, virile hermaphrodites, meaning we can get each other pregnant with ease. If this didn't exist then male chameleokins would be bred out of existence in a generation or two. Even with this you will catch married chameleokin girls spending nights together, or forming female only sex clubs."

"Uh, why?"

Ryoka held up her pinky then curled it so it was half its length, a nub. "The males are a tad lacking. I wasn't kidding about the one or two generations thing."

"That's- but you didn't have a choice? They just put that in you?"

"Well yeah, gotta prove the product works on your own species before you can sell it to other species with the same issue. Chameleokin merchant kings aren't incredibly wealthy for nothing. Every species with a herm problem like ours spends vast amounts of money on our permanent and indestructible anti-breeders."

Glasha nodded. "Every year a few orc girls are born with a herm cock. S'why I know what those golden things are, wouldn't be the first batch orcs have bought. You won't hear about it, but pretty much every fertile herm of any species has one of those golden ball things in them Fey, and it sounds like it's powerful enough to block whatever it is you do to guys when you touch them yes?."

"I think I understand, b-but still I don't trust it! what if it doesn't work and accidents happen!"

Ryoka rolled her eyes, stepped forward, and slapped her cocks against Fey's leg, then rubbed them up and down against her, crouching and crouching in a slightly ridiculous way.

Fey looked down horrified at the sight.

But then, after a moment, nothing happened, and nothing continued to happen.

"See, nothing. Nobody can take anything from me anyway, even without this stupid anti-breeder thing in me you wouldn't get a thing from me, I'm too strong."

"Uhm I see. Could you maybe take your penises off my leg please?"

"Tch. whatever." Ryoka stepped back, her cocks waving madly. "Anyway this proves you're the liar, you totally took advantage of me at the palace and cheated when I wasn't ready, it wasn't a real competition, it was a fake one."

The teenager strode over to the two maids who were just sitting up on the ground. She grabbed hold of one and dragged her along the marble before picking her up and slamming her down on the dining table. The two orcs made alarmed noises as the plates rattled and their drinks sloshed.

Ryoka ignored them and hiked up the maids skirt revealing her clearly Fey made gape.

"Tarra is still sulking after the boss drained us so I had to get some stand-ins for her which we can compete over. It will be simple, yeah? We fuck these two maids and whoever they both prefer wins. Phobe for me Olivia for you."

The other maid, a squirrelkin with long aubrun hair, looked up at Fey, a hungry light appearing in her eyes as her fluffy tail wagged behind her.

"Get to it Olivia. Look, she isn't even hard."

Fey backed away hesitantly just as the squirrelkin pounced, launching herself beneath her barrel.

"I-I d-don't want to join your competition, sorry but it's not for me!"

Her words wobbled as she felt the squirrelkin below her barrel bury her face in her wrinkled sheath, the thing easily as big as the girl's head, the red lipstick she wore already making kiss shaped prints on the thing.

Olivia moaned as the overwhelming concentrated musk struck her nose, her tail flagging up with arousal and lifting her skirt, revealing her open gape to the audience of dining maids watching with interest while they ate.

She pressed her face into the folded flesh, her eyes fluttering as she drew in air. Already rivulets of her juices were rolling down her stockings, her gape moving as her pussy fluttered, excited that Fey was near.

Unfortunately for Olivia no matter how much she licked and kissed and nibbled and sucked, Fey's cock seemed determined to remain flaccid and sheathed.

The squirrelkin quickly became frustrated with the lack of the response, really, not even slobbering on the centaur's balls produced a reaction! 

She drew back and brushed aside the hair that had fallen across her face and looked up at the enormous centaur.

"D-do you not want me?" her lower lip wobbled.

Fey sighed. "It's not that, I'm just… a little...spent."

"Hah! How pathetic!"

Fey's eyes were drawn to Ryoka, the teenager was between Phobe's thighs, a twenty four inch cock held in each of her small hands.

She turned to the bunnykin maid and flipped up her skirt exposing her cavernous gape. Fey's body twitched at the sight. She was one of hers. What did Ryoka intend to do with her maid?

She watched in a kind of disbelief as Ryoka slipped one then both of her cocks into the girls gape, the size of them so large that she managed to barely touch the sides, although they still flopped down, not quite filling enough.

An audible growl came from her balls as she watched. Something deep and dark stirring to life within her, something protective of her girl, possessive.

Olivia who was busily mouthing the tip of her sheath cried out in alarm as flesh suddenly started to spill into her, pushing past her teeth, rapidly expanding flesh. Already her tongue was squished flat as more and more horse cock swelled into her, stretching her lips into a tight o shape, then larger, growing from an o to and O as she was spread around the unstoppable thing. 

She scrabbled madly at the base of the cock as it grew into her throat, distending her neck obscenely, the size of the bulge in her neck thicker than her neck itself.

The bulge kept on, rolling down into her chest, into her stomach, part of the knobbled tip seen silhouetted in her belly.

The maid began to rise, impaled on cock, her teeth indenting the surface, her stockinged legs kicking frantically at the air as she clawed and scratched at the massive surface, crying out in distress.

Fey lent down and reached between her front legs. The maid's shoeless stocking clad legs flailed past, kicking at her forelegs, she grabbed for them but the sheer panic of the squirrelkin girl made her miss, her fingers slipping off her feet.

"Stay still for a sec!"

The maid maybe slowed a little if at all, but Fey saw her chance and grabbed.

Her hands wrapped around the probably suffocating maid's ankles and she hauled her forward.

Her mouth slooorped back in tugs, each yank on her ankles pulling ten inches of cock from her mouth, and each pause was marked by a bright ring of red lipstick printed on Fey's cock.

At last the maid came free with a wet gasp and was left dangling from her feet as fey held her up in the air.

The maid was a mess, and she looked up at Fey guiltily, unable to stop a small precummy burp escaping as a mix of drool and precum spilled from her mouth and spattered on the marble below.

"You need to be more careful if you're not experienced with oral."


She turned the maid over in her hands, holding her up by the hips and looking her over. 

Fey felt, well, not dried up anymore, that was for sure. The sight of one of her girls being fucked had stirred the engine of her body to life. It apparently didn't understand that the chameleokin was infertile and just saw an attempt to breed one of its brood mares.

Ryoka's thrusting into Phobe hadn't stopped and Fey found her blood starting to heat, watching as those two huge cocks slopped and flopped around in the maid's gape.

Ryoka wanted a competition? Fine. Even at her weakest she could destroy pussy better than this upstart teenager.

Olivia found herself being slammed down on the table, her skirt flipped up as her legs were spread. Then a great shadow fell over as Fey lifted her upper body up onto the table, her powerful front legs coming down either side of her head.

Olivia gulped as the mass of horse cock slapped down on her front, the head pressing down on her breasts and her squirrel tail curled up between Fey's thighs, fluttering fearfully against her horse balls.

"Y-You don't have that lock on the base of your p-penis this time?" said Olivia, leaning her head back to look up at Fey.

"Ah, I don't, uhm, s-sorry but I might fill you, erm, a lot more than last time. I think my pre fills girls more than what you probably got at the palace, and neither are like when I really cum."

If words could be candy the squirrelkin looked like she'd just arrived in the candyshop of her dreams. Her eyes sparkled up at Fey, her imagination teasing wild imagery.

"B-breed me Fey, I want your babies! I want all of your babies! Make me so freaking big with your cum that I can't move! Make me like Lady Alexandria!"

"Kinda not gonna happen after what I've been through recently," muttered Fey under her breath, then louder, "I'll try my best?"

The squirrelkin wriggled in anticipation, hugging the enormous cock with thighs and arms and kissing the tip, adding more lipstick kisses to its surface.

"Take care of me Fey," she moaned as she lapped at the urethra.

"Uhm, s-sure."

Shel stood and lifted a mug.

"On my word we will begin this grand maid fucking competition and the winner will be crowned, uh." She turned to her side. "Hey Glasha, what the hell are they fighting for?"

"Obviously to see who is more dominant and the superior breeder. The winner takes all nearby females for their harem."

"...Wait what the fuck, doesn't that include us?! No way am I ditching Fey here for that little brat."

"Even if she can fuck you harder and better and fill your womb fuller?"

Shel seemed confused by that suggestion. "It's Fey though."

Glasha shrugged. "Stranger things have happened. How big is your harem anyway Fey?"


"Lost count?"

Fey hesitantly nodded. "I d-don't have a harem…. okay I sort of do, but not really! Broodmares, uhm, male centaurs can have multiple wives and that's not a harem! I just b-breed lots and lots of girls, but that's not my fault! they just see or read about me and are curious to know what it's erm, like?"

"More than curious, it's more like a need. Its hard to concentrate on fucking your boyfriend when you can't get the idea out of your head of something much much larger stretching you, something that you have read feels a hundred times better."

"Aye, and after stretching myself on progressively larger and larger dildos, regular orc cocks just don't do it for me anymore, they seem so small now. You end up talking with other female orcs about it and before you know it your being bent over and fucked with the biggest Fey strapon that can fit as everything descends into the most incredible masturbatory orgy, all while the newsletter is read aloud or acted out."

"Th-that's normal with the readership?!"

The pair of orcs shrugged. "Yeah, pretty much. That newsletter is kinda like a virus, once it gets into a female community it spreads and spreads and then every girl spends more and more time frantically masturbating, then masturbating together with other girls as they find something in common to chat and gossip about as they masturbate, and less and less time with their guys who can no longer satisfy."

"O-Oh, that sounds quite bad actually…"

"Bad? Is living your whole life without truly experiencing what real pleasure is not way worse? Dying without know what real sex is supposed to be like? trust me Fey it's not your fault that guys can't give us what we need. We need you to scratch that deep itch we didn't even know was there, it's like some kind of primeval animal female thing that you're awakening, something from ancient times when bigger was always better."

Ryoka sniffed. "That smells like a bunch of bullshit. You just want the biggest fattest cock you can find because you've turned into a bunch of thirsty size queens."

"...Yeah, that's probably true too."

"Enough! start the count!"

Shela blinked and recalled what she had originally been talking about.

"Uh right. On my word we will start the competition to see if Ryoka here can compete at all with the alpha breeder."

"That's not-!"

"On three two one go!"

Ryoka snarled but began thrusting in and out of Phobe, the bunnykin already moaning as the two cocks in her pussy went wild on her senstivie bits. Of course they were only so sensitive because of Fey, but that wasn't going to stop the chameleokin from trying to drive Phobe wild. The noise of the two cocks interacting with so much wetness openness was incredible, a constant slurping slapping, mixed with louder slaps as Ryoka's hips crashed into the puffy muff of the girl, her mons crashing against her clit.

Shrlp-Shlap-SKLAK!- SLRTCH!-Shlap!

Fey was a lot slower to start that the energetic teenager, the exhaustion of so much recent sex dragging on her body.

She trotted her back hooves back a little bit at a time across the marble and the massive horse cock slipped down the maids dress.

Olivia's breathing started out fairly steady but as she watched the log of a dick drag down her front on the way to her pussy her breath accelerated and she started to hyperventilate, her eyes opening very wide.

Her small hands grasped at the lipstick kiss printed cock head, followed it down, down over her stomach and then over her hiked up skirt.

Breath caught in her throat as with a lurch the horse cock fell down, falling between her held up thighs and level with her panty-less rear. Seeing the massive thing fall out of sight almost made her panic, momentarily afraid that she wasn't going to be filled and stretched,

But when the centaur's hips came in and something pressed against her nethers. Going by touch alone it felt like something the width of a plate was pressing against her, not only pushing against her puffy gape but at her bum and thighs as well such was its size.

It truly felt impossible that such a monster could fit inside of her.

But then she knew well that it could. Not only had she taken it once already, she was an avid fan of the newsletter and had spent hours and hours jilling herself silly to it, thrusting her fist inside herself and crying out for Fey. After she had taken Fey the first time she had been distressed to awaken empty. The weight of an enormous Tarra on her belly had pushed all of Fey's seed out of her. It was a disaster!

The other maids and she had commiserated by masturbating together. In the end it had turned out quite exciting as Fey had left them with both supreme sensitivity and amazing elasticity. There had been a lot of fun as they had pushed larger and larger things into each other. Olivia herself had been amazed to find she could take her entire dildo collection at once now, another maid had pushed a vase inside herself, another a jug.

In the end though, despite squirting over each other and making an incredible mess, the maids had found themselves pining for Fey.

Lucky for her and unlucky for them she supposed that she'd been chosen by a recently emptied and furious Ryoka to go on a mission to hunt down the centaur.

It hadn't been hard to trick the teenager into bringing her with her. She'd simply lain on her back and faked howling her lungs out as Ryoka exhausted herself thrusting at her gape.

Admittedly it had been pretty nice when the teenager's cocks started to grow within her to their current size, and she had found herself getting off more than once, but there just was no comparison.

The squirrelkin keened as the enormous log of a dick pushed harder and harder against her small rear. She wanted, no she needed to be penetrated by this stallion cock, and her puss apparently agreed as it bawled lubricant and slurped at the surface desperate to pull it into her.

She didn't have to wait long and her puffy pussy quelched as it was driven outward by the pressure, driven to spread wider and wider, her pinkness parting to hopefully subsume more cock than she could dream of.

A long desperate moan escaped her slightly parted lips, strings of drool hanging between them as her thighs shuddered. The pressure was only increasing and increasing!

And then her pussy reached the horizon of the tip and with sloppy wet schlurrp it schlopped over around the horsecock.


Olivia threw her head back and shrieked as the nobbled tip scraped up her walls, a cock that was so naturally fitted that it felt like it belonged, that she was shaped and moulded for this cock and no other. Fey was truly her breeder.

She let her joy be known with a long powerful jet of squirt that sprayed down Fey's horse belly.

"Oh, looks like we got our first squirter! That's a point to fey!" said Shel.


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