
Chapter 115: 44 2/2

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A determined group consisting of two teenagers, an orc, and dozens of teddy bears streamed toward the front gates of the estate.

"Is that normal?" asked Glasha, eyeing the dozen or so girls who were hanging off the bars of the front gate and peering within. She had found a short skirt to replace her ripped apart shorts from somewhere, it wouldn't have done to walk around half naked in public even for an orc.

"Mm, pretty much. Ever since Fey started staying we get a few hangers around. More and more as the newsletter blew up. The maids usually chase them away though."

Ruby unlocked the front gates as she spoke and the group of girls tried to rush inside.

Glasha took hold of the gates and prevented them from going further with her body. 

"You want in? you want Fey?"

The question sent a ripple of chattering through the gaggle of girls.

Glasha grabbed up a note from one of the passing bears and shoved it into one of the girl's hands. "Follow the instructions on this and try not to get in the way yes?"

The girl took the note blankly and began to read it. The other girls peered over her shoulder reading it too as Glasha and the teenagers pushed past.

Once outside they quickly made their way away from the estate and into the city streets proper. It wasn't long before they were forced to split up though, the teenagers headed toward their school as Glasha went to her favourite bar.

She arrived quickly. It was nearby and being seven foot tall tended to give a long stride that ate up ground, especially so when the need was quite urgent. 

The signboard above the door read, 'The Green Bitch'. 

Glasha pushed inside, the heat and smoke and the smell of spilt ale and sweat washing over her. It was the smell of home.

The roar of noisy orcs was deafening. Unfortunately orcs always had an opinion and weren't afraid to share or talk over each other in a competition to be heard. All orc bars tended to be like this.

There was of course a mix of male and female orcs, the guys flirting and boasting and flexing like peacocks to the girls. Not very successfully. Glasha doubted that they knew every single female orc there almost certainly had a piece of Fey shaped mini rubber in their panties.

She grabbed hold of the nearest female orc and bellowed in her ear, trying to make herself heard over the noise. 

The girl blinked at her in confusion, then looked down at the hand gripping her shoulder. To Glasha's dismay she realised the orc had drunk more than a few and found a fist headed toward her face.

She slipped by it and flipped the orc over her knee sending her crashing to the ground.

Not even that slowed the packed bar from its mayhem, although it did trigger a fight as the orcs ale mug whipped from her hand and crashed over the heads of a group nearby.

The fighting quickly spread, fists flung, chairs smashed, beer splashed. 

Sometimes being an orc was such a hassle.

She strode toward the wooden bar and climbed on top, giving her a view over the now near rioting crowd.

Then she turned and lifted the near full size fey dildo from its bracket over the bar. The thick heavy thing dipping in her grip.

A few girls had taken notice and were staring wide eyed.

Glasha was happy to give them a show and she flipped up her new skirt and in one motion slipped the dildo into herself, her breasts wobbling madly as her belly bulge crashed into them.

The noise in the bar petered off as the sight of an orc taking a cock the size of a leg drew all attention.

"Any girl here wanna be able to take a real cock? Then follow me out of this shithole, Fey is waiting for you."

She jumped down, dildo still inside, and strode out the bar.

After a moment every girl in the place hurried after her.

Ruby crouched down at the back of the class and tried to catch the attention of someone she knew.

"Psst, psst, hey!"

The teenager she was trying to catch the attention of lifted her head away from the paper she was bent over, ink stained hands coming away with a quill as she turned to look down at Sarah.

"Wh-what are you doing?!" whisper-hissed the teenager back.

"You like Fey right? You liked the newsletter?"

The teenager glanced across the class to check if anyone was watching.

"I mean, sure, really really good to uh, you know, do stuff to, in private."

The teenager rocked her hips back and forth nervously.

Ruby eyed the wooden chair she was sat upon. A few lines of clear fluid were rolling toward its edges and dripping down.

"You've got one of the minis I sold you inside you now Celia?"

The elf flushed red with embarrassment.

"Y-you can't say anything, you had a way way bigger one, we all saw your blouse nearly breaking around your tummy!"

It was Sarah's turn to look a bit embarrassed.

"But then you saw Ruby and came running right? When she flashed the class."

"It was kinda hard not to after reading those damned newsletters. It's one thing reading, but another to see a girl's rear parted with so much.... so much…"

She squirmed on the chair, a little breathy sound escaping her lips as a fresh rivulet joined the others.

"I can get you the real deal. Not these mini things, but the real Fey, just like in the newsletter."

The teenager's eyes widened.

"All for the low low price of five gold."

"Goddamit Sarah, I swear you absolutely ripped us off last time."

"Hey, do you want to have your pussy absolutely ravaged by massive throbbing horse cock or not? you'll never get another chance."

The teenager bit her lip.


"Now. we need to go now, right now."

"Now? but it's the middle of class!"

Celia's voice unfortunately came out a little loud and an authoritative voice came from the front of the class.

"Sarah. Ruby. Stand up."

The pair slowly stood from where they crouched, looking guilty. Ruby from another row that she had slowly been working her way down, talking to each girl.

"You skip class multiple times and when you finally deign to come back you think it appropriate to interrupt my lesson by crawling around gossiping with others?"

The teacher stepped away from the blackboard and lifted a cane from his desk.

"To the front of the class please."

The two teenagers stood up hesitantly, fearful of what was coming, their feet slow as they moved to the front, dozens of eyes watching them go.

They stood by the teacher's desk, nervously glancing between the teacher and the wooden cane held in his hand.

"I didn't want to do this, but the children of the rich and wealthy seem to only understand pain and shame. Bend over."

Ruby and Sarah glanced at each other, nodded, then leaned over.

Their hands darted down at the same time and their short flitty skirts were flicked up over their hips revealing that they weren't wearing panties.

The both of them slipped and hooked fingers into their puffy muffs and hauled back, stretching themselves and exposing their massive gapes to the full view of the class, male and female both, their pink insides and donut like cervixes visible to the sea of stunned teenagers.

"If you want something as awesome as this!"

"Then come to Tami Besindral's place!"

"Within the next hour!"

"But don't leave it for later or you'll miss out!"

The two turned and legged it out of the room.

The class and the teacher were frozen in stunned silence.

Then every single girl in the class lunged from their chairs and stampeded toward the doors after them.

The room was dark and very very warm and humid. In the gloom flesh could be seen moving, huge arcing curves of soft flesh that pressed and slipped against each other, unbelievably huge breasts each at least the size of a wooden carriage, the perfect blemish free massive softness of each breast capped with an engorged thigh-thick nipple. The nipples were stiff and reddened because each of them was enclosed in a glass nozzle that applied a powerful vacuum force, slurping on each one, gulping gallons of milk down and sending it through one of the many clear rubber tubes that passed through and intertwined the many breasts.

The near total dark of the room was filled with soft and gentle moaning, the female bodies attached to the enormous breasts lying messily over each other, on each other's breasts or bodies, legs entwining, fingers curled with their fellow girl's fingers, sometimes clutching harder as a shiver rolled up their bodies.

The expansive room was filled end to end with girls, their breasts filling every available space, spilling up against the walls, the corners, massive breasts lying over each other.

The nozzles continued to work as the cowkins were pumped and pumped of milk that just seemed to come without stop, their breasts always producing more, gradually overwhelming the nozzles' capacity.

Above this space filled end to end with moaning lazing cowkins was a catwalk. Upon the catwalk a number of oiled men walked, each of them with a long staff. On the end of each staff was a massive rubber horse cock.

A staff was lowered down and the cock pressed into the puffy pussy of a limp cowkin, her moans rising as she was penetrated, the man above thrusting the thing down, his biceps bulging as he stirred up the cowkin's cunny.

The man he had replaced gave him a relieved look, massaging his sore muscles as he stepped away for a break.

The staff plunged down, and with it dozens of other staffs, plunging dildos in and out of the insensate cowkins, sometimes two dildos to one pussy, anything to stimulate the cowkins further, make them produce more milk, better milk.

A cowkin with a comparatively reasonable chest size, although still with some canyon-like cleavage, strode across the catwalk, her high heels clicking on the steel.

"Stir the producers harder! Faster! put your backs into it! we are this close to forcing them to produce platinum grade milk!" said Bessy.

The pumping up and down of the staffs redoubled and the chorus of moaning cowkins grew louder, milk gushing into tubes, straining them wider.

She nodded in satisfaction, a small smile appearing as she looked over the scene from behind her red spectacles. She then turned and strode back to her office, clipboard in arm.

Down below a teddy bear made its way up the slope of a massive breast before sliding down the other side, bouncing off a nipple before he came to a stop in front of a certain cowkin.

The cowkin looked down blearily at the bear, the constant haze of milky pressure and pleasure lifting for once. 

The bear coughed politely into its paw and lifted up a sheet of paper.

Melly's eyes darted back and forth as she read, brow rising as the spell broke and she became fully alert.

Her grip tightened around her friend's hand and the owner of the hand she held turned to see her.

"Wh-what is it?" said Taylor.

"It's from Lily, she says Fey's in trouble, she needs us."

"We're in trouble Melly! This feels too good, I just want to lie like this forever! I can't think!"

"You want to lie here while Fey is lost forever?"

Taylor wiped at her eyes. "Wait what?"

Melly began struggling, standing atop the breasts she was lying across, her feet sinking into its softness.

"I know you lot have something left in you other than getting milked and fucked silly all day everyday!"

A soft grumble went up from the milky cowkins, someone muttered for her to shut up.

"You want to lie here as our breeder is imprisoned by a Dragon? Fey is in danger and we might never see her again, she might never mate with us again, we might never feel that joy again! Real actual sex! True breeding!"

There was a collective pause, and then the cowkins began shouting, struggling, their voices forming a collective roar as they struggled against each other.

Feet pressed down on breasts as the cowkins rose and… sometimes rubber hoses. The cowkins howled as glass milking nozzles were ripped from their nipples and milk gushed freely into the vast room.

Panic took hold and a struggle, more nozzles came free. The milk started to rise, breasts floating on the liquid as it reached five foot, then higher, the room filling.

A door slammed open with a slosh of milk on the catwalk and Bessy looked on in fury at the lake of milk atop which floated flailing cowkins, their breasts spraying in every direction.

Her anger turned to fear however as with a terrible crack the walls started to give.

Boze stretched her wings over her head with a yawn and flopped back on the bed.

"You know, for all the times I've used my crossbow to save her damned precious caravan my pay really doesn't reflect it."

The brown skinned and green feathered harpy girl lazed on the bed.

"That's just her Class caravan Boze," said a dogkin who was perched on the edge of the bed beside her, she was fidgeting a lot, her legs pressing together. "That's the one she cares about, her personal project, but there's so many other much more mundane caravans she owns, you should just count yourself lucky you're on one that doesn't go through a really dangerous area."

"Yeah whatever. Still not getting paid enough either way, bloody penny pinching merchants. I mean have you even seen this place Zal? It's lke that dumb snake decided to compete with a dragon for extravagence."

"I- I s-struggle to n-notice honestly," the labrador dogkin drew in a long shuddering breath. "Her musk, her pheromones are freaking everywhere here Boze! I feel like I'm going to fucking explode!"

"If you must explode please do it over there. I would rather not get blood on my fur, I spent rather a lot going to a stylist and having my fur shampooed," came a voice.

Boze pushed a wing under her head and tilted it up so she could peer over her breasts at the speaker.

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A blonde minotaur stood there, her fur so conditioned it was as fluffy as a husky, fluffier than Zal. She wore a red dress over the top, one parted at the legs on either side, the split going up well above her hips, the red cloth dipping between her thighs.

"Did you come expecting a dance at a ball or something?"

Astrid scowled at her.

"I saw Fey's reaction to that dress the elf wore. I… wanted to try to get the same reaction…"

"Didn't bloody work did it?" laughed Baerinda. She was lazing in an armchair, one leg kicking. "She didn't even notice you were there at lunch, and I saw you perking up, pushing your chest out."

"Sh-shutup! She was just distracted by that girl hanging off her cock!"

"You're just not going about it the right way Astrid" said Chloe from where she sat at the bedroom dressing table.

"Oh and you have? What the hell do you even call that?"

The minotaur spun around in the swivel chair to reveal she was bottomless. She had found some glue from somewhere and a box full of Rina's gemstones, the minotaur had carefully glued the gemstones around her gape in a constellation of glittering bedazzlement, there were even tiny gemstones on her clit. 

"It's called fashion Astrid, gape fashion, it's going to be big, I promise you."

"Ugh. Whatever. When is Rina getting here anyway. She promised us a job on her next trip after we impressed her at the medal ceremony."

Boze raised her wing from where he was flopped on the bed. "That was my recommendation by the way. I saw you there. It was pretty funny when you punted that noble lady over the crowd."

"Wasn't my fault, they were going insane over Ellaria. It was like a horde of undead swarming out of a crypt to bite your face off."

"Yeah that's why I thought you'd be a fit, seeing you defend the stage as it fell under siege, it was just like defending a caravan from monsters."

"Uh, right, sure."

"G-gods this is reeally hnff, getting to me!"

"Are you okay Zal?"

"No, I need, I need cock okay! this heat is driving me insane!"

"So use your dildo."

"Didn't bring it with me! hnffnfnf!"

Chloe suddenly held out a hand and a white liquid streamed from a bottle on her hip, flowing into a ball above her palm before forming a shape, rising up and forming a tower, a towering life size Fey horse cock.

"You mean something like this? We've never needed to buy all that rubber people are raving about."

Zal looked at it like a starved street dog seeing a hunk of beef.

"G-give!" she made grabbing motions at the air, nearly falling from the bed, her legs squirming together as fluid dripped between her thighs.

"How about you just lie back hmm? Don't worry I do this for Astrid and Baerinda all the time, we've gotten quite good at it."

The dogkin hesitantly lay back on the bed next to Boze, spreading her legs and lifting her skirt to expose she was pantiless.

The pure white horsecock wobbled as it came down between her thighs and then gently pressed against the dogkin's pussy lips.

Zal shrieked and jerked back.

"What is that! Why does it feel all wriggly!"

"Oh, right, I forgot. I got the new stuff so you wouldn't know. I bribed a maid or two at the palace to get me this. This stuff isn't like the old Fey cum, the wrigglers are way more determined, that's what you are feeling."

"It's made of Feys sperm?!" said Zal trying to look down between her thighs from where she lay.

"Well yeah."

"G-goodd! Get it inside of me!"

The cock pressed against the dogkin's pussy, slowly spreading her wider and wider as it eased inside, the small girl's body trembling and fluttering as she was penetrated with a horse cock significantly larger than when she had last been with Fey.

She closed her eyes, just bathing in the exquisite feeling of having her puss spread so wide around good cock.

Then she opened her eyes.

Her eyes nearly popped out of her head as she found Fey standing over her, the centaur between her spread thighs as she eased her cock further in.

"F-Fey?!" squawked the dogkin.

"Huh," said Boze. "Considering I just saw a centaur plop out of thin air, I'm guessing that's not actually Fey and is just an illusion." she waved a wing vaguely and her feathers bent back as they pressed against the illusion. Boze's eyes widened in surprise.

Baerinda winked. "Better than an illusion. I got a ton more tricks since I leveled up so much after Fey. Honestly we all leveled up a crap load, so much so that I'm pretty sure we've all overtaken our captain."

Zal squealed as Fey eased her hips further forward, her horse thighs spreading her thighs apart as the front hooves rested either side of her head.

"That's uh, a really fuckign convincing illusion."

"Ah if you know what to do you can break it, it's not really real, but yeah it's a bit harder now, it's more 'real' if you know what I mean."

"Say, uh, would there be a the possibility of someone else getting in on this?"

White liquid poured from the bottle before she even finished speaking and an array of Fey cocks appeared floating in the air. They spread out across the bedroom and as Boze blinked they were replaced by a dozen Feys, the room instantly becoming packed full as the massive centaurs filled all space.

The Feys turned as one toward the bed and smiled adorably.

Boze looked up at them, her lips slightly parted.


"You get used to it. We pretty much go to sleep each night cuddling with loads of Feys, that is after some intimate time with them."

"Fey!" wailed Zal beside her as the centaur began to slowly saw her massive cock back and forth in the small dogkin's pussy, her skirt straining to the limit around her belly bulge.

Boze swallowed as a shadow fell over her and she looked up to see a very large centaur looming overhead. Fey was quite a lot taller and larger than when they had travelled to Bine. It was intimidating, yet also incredibly fucking arousing.

Boze pushed at her short shorts and frantically shoved and tugged them off, then her green bird themed panties, flicking them off the tip of her bird feet.

"Alright you big fucker, come and ruin me!"

"Yes, Boze!" whinnied Fey as she rose up and slammed her feet down on the bed above Boze.

"The illusions can speak!?" squawked the harpy as the massive cock fell down between her thighs. She looked down to see, her blemish free brown skin becoming speckled with beads of clear fluid as the tip of the horse cock sprinkled pre cum over her belly, all over her pussy, as if to lubricate her for its size. 

Boze could admit it might have been necessary, it was a fucking enormous cock and her breath hitched as Fey eased her hips in and pressed against her nethers, slowly spreading her wider and wider until her pussy was slipping, stretched around the tip, happy to have Fey home.

Fey moaned above her head, her hooves shifting, the carthorse-like things right beside her head. It would only take a wrong move and she could be crushed beneath one of the enormous hooves, but that only seemed to turn Boze on further, the danger of mating with such a wild and massive beast.

The centaur sawed forward and she watched as her belly rose from her body, a sleeve for horse cock.


She groaned as she distended around the horse cock, smooth toned stomach wrapping around the equine shape, rising up to part her indecently round breasts before easing back down to her mons.

it felt like nothing she had ever felt, her first time doing it with Fey just didn't compare, there was just so much more of her now, so much more for her nerves to be stimulated by.

Her harpy toes curled tight as she let out a soft moan, a stream of her juices running down over her ass cheeks as the pleasure mounted, the centaur easing back and forth, slowly accelerating.

It would have been nice to just exist like that, pure femininity below a massive yet gentle stallion, slowly being driven to ecstasy.



Boze turned to the side to find Zal being pumped hard, horse thighs slapping at her legs as her Fey slammed into her pussy over and over, the wet vacuum of her vagina creating the most incredible noise.

"You can take it easy Zal, you don't need to rush it," moaned Boze as her Fey eased back.

"You're wrong! I need more, more Fey! Faster! Harder! More Fey! Ruin meeee!"

Boze blinked as a second shadow fell over her. Two of the other Feys had approached the other side of the bed and reared their hooves up onto it, their massive three foot seven inch cocks swaying beneath their barrels.

"Give! Give us more cock! harder! Give us everything!" squealed Zal.

"Uh, us?" whispered Boze before her Fey rammed her hips home, medial ring roughly slamming past her lower lips as her womb was parted.

The harpy threw her head back and full throatedly screamed as she squirted.

Which was unfortunate timing as the new Feys leapt into action, thrusting forward with perfect aim.

Boze found her face crashing against the massive horse cock, her mouth pressing against its slightly curved surface, spreading her lips wider and wider until with a shclorck she found her lips stretched obscenely wide and her tongue crushed flat as horse cock crashed into the back of her mouth and then drove down her throat.

She screamed around the penetration, wings scrabbling frantically as her neck gained a distention as thick as her thigh.

Despite her screams the two Feys didn't stop, thrusting harder and harder into her, the two Feys grabbing hold of each other's hips as they double teamed the harpy, a mirror to the dogkin who was also getting the same treatment.

Boze's frantic wings lowered to her stomach where she felt a second bulge emerge, one that pushed aside the first, two bulges next to each other rubbing against each other as the cocks pulled back and were roughly thrust back in over and over.

Despite her panicked screams Boze rose up in the air, straining straight as her toes splayed, squirting and spraying down the Fey's barrel.

She tried to scream harder, but the length slamming down her throat over and over made it difficult and she could only flail as the two Feys used her as one.

With so much cock slamming into her she barely knew what was going on, yet she still managed to glance to the side to see a similar scene with Zal the dogkin speared between Two Feys, her belly bulges fighting.

Boze was fairly sure she was losing her mind, unable to even yell to tell the Feys to stop or slow.

Unfortunately the Feys seemed to still be listening to the last command they had been given.


Boze shrieked as she was lifted up into the air, the two Feys straining their hips to raise her away from the bed. She was lifted up on cock, then lowered.

To her horror she didn't come down on bed, no she came down on the heavy slabbed muscle stomach of another Fey, a Fey who had slipped underneath on her back.

She was brought down and the third Feys cock rose to meet her, the tip aiming for just below the first's penetration, where a small pucker was being pushed back by her massive vaginal penetration.

The third fey thrust with all the power of a stallion and Boze's eyes rolled up as her butthole was spread wide by another massive Fey cock, slipping into her passage and thrusting deep inside.

A third bulge appeared in her belly, her stomach distended by three huge cocks.

She screamed even as she squirted, the three Feys sawing into her over and over, feet of cock thrusting up into her, her body nothing but a sleeve for centaur cock, a condom stretched around three groaning Feys using her body to relieve themselves.

It was overwhelming, her senses knew nothing but horse cock, her mind, even her very soul felt like it was filled with thrusting pounding horse cock. She felt like she had gone past her limits, more cock than girl, yet strangely, she found herself enjoying it, more than enjoying it, to be so utterly utterly dominated as her vision flashed, the snap crackle of orgasming so hard lighting her up. 

She half wondered if she had found a new fetish.

A whinny came from behind and a fourth fey rushed forward to muffled Boze's screams of alarm.

This centaur rammed into the first centaur, pushing it up onto the bed with the third, and making space, space for the fourth to rear up, its front legs mounting the first, and to thrust its stiff throbbing cock between the first and third's cocks.

Boze howled as the two cocks in her were pushed up and down, spread apart by the fourth, pushing between her thighs, against the edge of her pussy, harder and harder, thusting over and over until with a scream the cock started to push her pussy down, stretching her, easing in.

With each neighed thrust the fourth Fey spread the bottom of Boze's pussy wider and the first cock up, forcing room, stretching her labia.

Then it was in and the fourth massive horse cock was stretching her pussy around it, her cunt made to take not one but two massive cocks.

The centaurs thrust and her belly became a battlefield, the mass of three separate cocks battering against her breasts as a fourth coming the other way down her throat crashed into and slid between them.

Boze was sure her body was never going to return to how it had been. She was permanently marked, her pussy stretched doublewide by horsecock, she herself couldn't imagine living without such a stuffing. Horsecock horsecock horsecock horsecock thrusting and slamming into each other inside, Feys moaning and screaming as they buried themselves deep in their broodmare, a squirting howling mess, flapping her wings madly as her pussy convulsed, squirting over the three leg sized cocks pounding between her thighs, squirt exploding around them.

It was intense.

She felt sure she would need to befriend these minotaurs, this was what they fell asleep to? They must have been sleeping very very well.

The centaurs cried out as one and thrust to the hilt.


Ellaria strode down the corridor looking for a certain door, Rina's bedroom she had been told, somewhere where she would find a group of minotaurs who would likely be interested in helping with her plan.

An ornate door appeared and she stopped outside. Then she frowned.

What was that noise coming from within?

Hesitantly she took hold of the handle and pushed it open, peering through the crack.

She stood like that for a moment. Seeing what lay within.

Then she closed the door and walked away.

"Too much Fey," she muttered.


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