
Chapter 120: 46 1/3

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Previously on Centaurus: Queues of girls line up to touch Fey's balls as Lady Alexandria is distracted by a certain glowing rectangle. Later Fey and Ellaria are finally intimate, but unfortunately not truly ultimately intimate as desired because Ellaria is forced to share Fey with many many other girls at the same time via Lily's Limit Break. 

Now, Chapter 46:

"I must say I've grown to quite like these so-called Lannisters, they really are quite dragony in their thinking even if they are just humans."

"I, uh, think they are supposed to be the villains, like in a play? That's what this is right?"

"I believe we are agreed on that, a play put on to entertain, albeit the most advanced play I have ever heard of. The playwrights behind this must be incredibly powerful mages of some great calibre. In fact I would think that dragons were behind it such is the advanced brilliance, but the appalling identification of dim minded 'wyverns' as noble 'dragons' makes that impossible, no dragon would ever make such a mistake."

Flora and Alexandria nodded knowingly together, two incredibly cum filled females enjoying the show emanating from the giant glowing floating rectangle.

"Watching humans fight for the pointy chair is most amusing. To think they believe they have the right to rule, it really is quite laughable. I half expect a real dragon to arrive and squish these scrawny wyverns and take over this city of 'kings landing' at any moment. A dragon ruler would never have made half as much of a pigs meal of things, we are inherently superior at ruling after all."

"I… guess? I'm more worried about these ice based undead thingys and their leaders." Flora for once seemed a little nervous and she squirmed atop her palace of a body. "I don't like seeing undead… back home we had… problems, not that you would know what I mean," she muttered.

The dragoness gave her cum dome companion a studied look. "Hmphh. You may think of your dragon rulership as aloof, but I am a warrior, I go to war, to conquer and subdue whatever I wish, cities and towns, lands and peoples. I have fought countless undead including undead gnomes."

Flora blinked. "You uh, have? You know what I'm talking about?"

A strange expression appeared on the dragoness's face. "Undead are one problem, but yes, undead gnomes are something else entirely. Each species changes uniquely in undeath, gnomes more different than most." Her tail lashed behind her. "The last group of those little fuckers that I fought gnawed off a good third of my scales, took an absolute age to regrow them properly. I often say it would be far more convenient for us dragons to simply kill and burn the entire gnome species into extinction than have to deal with the undead version."

Flora stared at her, her mouth slightly parted, clearly wondering if she had misheard, "Uhhh, hang on, you often say what now?"

But before Alexandria could reply, noises started drifting up from the estate, female voices, moans and groans and wailing and screaming, the sounds muffled and distant as they echoed from inside buildings.

The dragoness paused in lazily picking at her teeth with a claw and blinked.

"What is this? An attack on my newly acquired estate? The merchant class is counter attacking already?"

Flora glanced down warily. "Should have told them to stuff socks in their mouths first," she muttered under her breath, then to the dragoness. "Hey ain't that a Dragon on the glowy rectangle? Looks like a dragon to me!"

Lady Alexandria's head snapped around and glared daggers at Flora who swallowed nervously.

The glowy rectangle loudly announced that the wing armed reptiles were in fact dragons and Lady Alexandria grit her teeth with anger.

"I swear this must be an issue with the eyes of non-dragons, your eyeballs are simply too small to work properly, they cannot function as normal eyes do."

"Uh, yeah, something like that. It's a disability, really. Look, that dragon is burning some humans!"

"Say dragon one more time gnome and I am going to extract your disabled eyeballs."


The front gates of the estate were hanging ajar, the ornate ironwork squeaking lightly on its hinges as it shifted in the breeze. 

There was no one about and from the perspective of the entrance the estate seemed abandoned and empty, no one in attendance to close the gates. Only the great twin domes seen over the mansion rooftops gave any indication as to why the place might be deserted, especially the draconic scaled one, those with any common sense did their best to stay out of the way of dragons in general.

So it was unexpected when a group came down the empty street toward the gates. A group dressed in fabulously expensive clothing, bedecked in excruciatingly expensive jewellery and attended by many servants who carried them in open sided palanquins.

The Size Queen Tea Club arrived as ladies of high society were supposed to, making as grandiose an entrance as possible. It was a shame then that no one was around to see them arrive.

The gate squeaked in the breeze.

"Lady Ariawyn is this really the right move? I fear that we might end up simply annoying Lady Alexandria," murmured young lady Emallia.

The Lady Ariawyn looked up from a letter she was reading from an attending messenger walking alongside her palanquin.

"You should know now, I've had word that Lady Alexandria has made Fey Swifthoof her property, Fey is no longer considered a sapient being under city law, she is considered a possession."

A murmur of alarm went through the group of maybe thirty ladies.

"Wh-what does that mean? What are you saying?!"

"I'm saying that it is no longer a question of simply seducing Fey into becoming our pet. Matters have come to a head far faster than I expected, if we are to guarantee ourselves access to the item known as Fey Swifthoof then we need to either enter into Lady Alexandria's good graces and convince her to lend her centaur shaped masturbation toy to us, admittedly unlikely. Or…"


Lady Ariawyn pursed her lips. "Or we will be stealing the penised object for ourselves."

A gasp of horror ran through the crowd of ladies.

"B-but I don't want to die! Alexandria will glass our estates with dragon fire if she were to find out!"

"Quite. This isn't exactly the ideal scenario I would have hoped for, but I did make backup plans for this eventuality, any fool knows to include a backup dragon eventuality branching sub clause in any of their plans. Ah, it seems the keystone element has arrived just in time."

The group of noble ladies blinked and then turned as a clopping noise filled the air. They watched as a centaur made its way up the street and came to a stop outside the estate's gates alongside them.

The centaur hesitantly raised a hand and waved it.

"Uh, hey, 'sup?"

"You cannot be serious! this is! this is-!" said the noble human Lady known as Audrey. She was the only noble not to have ridden in a palanquin carried by servants, instead electing to simply walk beside for the 'exercise'. She was wearing a pair of loose silk trousers and her chest was wrapped down tightly in strips of white cloth, although she made up for this less than noble attire with an open fronted jacket which was so encrusted with diamonds and emeralds and rubies that it hurt to look at.

She waved her arm wildly at the centaur, unable to find the words.

The quite clearly, male, centaur.

"Yes. I had short notice to enact my plan but I believe this should suffice in distracting the dragoness while we steal Fey. It is quite well known that dragons struggle to tell the difference between non-dragons, we are simply small people to them who mostly all look the same."

The group of noble ladies stared at lady Ariawyn, then turned and stared at the nervously shifting centaur.

Their eyes moved from the long blonde wig he was wearing down to what was quite clearly a pair of watermelons strapped under his blouse, then down lower to under his barrel where a big black rubber Fey dildo had been attached, the tip of it dragging on the ground as Fey was so much larger than him.

The centaur nervously scratched at his beard.

"I uh, don't usually do house calls, it's just the money was so good."

Lady Ariawyn frowned. "Unfortunately finding any centaur is quite problematic as they so rarely leave the great plains, especially during the summer running season. Kevin here is currently the only other centaur available in all of Bine other than Fey."

"Wait, so he's not an actor? He's just some random guy?"

Kevin smirked, "Well I am kind of an actor, it's just my stage is the bedroom if you know what I mean." He lifted his eyebrows up and down a few times suggestively.

The group of noblewomen gave him a frosty cold stare and he quickly stopped, nervously coughing into his fist.

"You hired a male prostitute!?" hissed Audrey.

"... limited options…" muttered lady Ariawyn

"Hey, I'm a good option, everyone loves me, you would not believe the number of customers I've had since this Fey chick arrived in town. I'm a prime commodity I am, people are begging to have time with me these days. I literally get queues of girls outside my house, you know, all waiting to do it with me."

"W-wearing that?" croaked Emallia, staring at his get up.

"...Yes? I made it myself, it's quite good isn't it?"

Audrey stepped up close beside lady Ariawyn and hissed urgently in her ear.

"Literally nobody is going to believe that's Fey!"

"Would you mind moving back. And yes, the dragoness most likely will. I know dragons. I was raised in Draconica, the dragon capital. This is the thing with the eyes of dragons you see, their eyeballs are simply too large to work properly, they cannot function as normal eyes like ours do, they lack the ability to differentiate differences with us small folk. To Alexandria, Kevin will look exactly the same as Fey."

Kevin was fondling his melons and nodding in self-satisfaction as she spoke.

"We are definitely going to die," groaned Emallia.

"Nonsense. The Size Queen Tea Club fears nothing in our hunt for a larger cock and a larger stretching!... And in any case, if Lady Alexandria doesn't know where Fey is hidden she won't know what to burn down."

"Unless she burns down the entire city…"

"That… probably won't happen. Now Ladies, on me!"

The elf pointed ahead and the parade of noble ladies were carried forth into the estate, the centaur called Kevin trotting along beside them, fiddling with his bra as he went, the too-large Fey cock dragging against the paving between his hooves.


Fey slowly extracted herself from a softly mumbling Ellaria, her hands pressing against the dome of her belly as she pulled back. As she did so her cock slipped free from the elf's lovely folds with a soft wet splch and a dribble of horse cum, the cloth of Ellaria's skirt lightly brushing against her still stiff length as she was freed to the air, her stiffness bouncing as it came down under its own weight.

Strangely, despite having ejaculated some staggering amount, Fey didn't feel particularly emptied, in fact she could feel her balls resting taut and heavy against her thighs, back to their new normal of slightly bigger than watermelon size.

Apparently just barely touching one tiny little bit of the great dark planet had been enough to recharge her tanks enough to empty them and then have some left over. She struggled to imagine what would have happened if she had drawn more than such a tiny minuscule amount into herself. An image of being trapped by the weight of her own balls appeared in her mind before she quickly discarded it. 

Instead, she turned her attention to her queen brood mother... Ellaria.

The elf was of course completely insensate, flopped against her own vastness, her elegant legs lying limp, fingers vaguely clutching at her dress clad belly.

What was unusual and a new experience for Fey was that for once the clothes of her sexual partner hadn't exploded and shredded apart as Fey made her expand with cum.

The Dress was wrapped skin-tight around Ellaria's belly, its fabric somehow stretching with ease to encompass Ellaria's greater size. In effect it made her vast belly appear as a soft fabric sphere and somehow that was even more attractive to Fey's eyes than if Ellaria had been naked, somehow making the gravidity of her cummy pregnancy even more appealing.

The wonderful sight had its effect and her cock, which was still rock hard, causing it to throb and slap against her barrel, a good gallon of pre violently spraying from the tip and splashing up Ellaria's dress clad belly, soaking through the fabric and splashing back over the cream colored carpet below. 

Fey blushed and turned her hips to the side so that the powerful jets of pre coming every four or five seconds missed her lover and sprayed up the wall instead.

She could have stayed like that, just looking over her conquest with infinite satisfaction forever, but there was something still weighing fearfully on her mind, a certain draconic something.

"Uhm, E-Ella, what was the next part of the plan?"

"hmmmshplan? whassha??" Ellaria slurred into her belly, a little drooly wet patch appearing on the cloth where her face pressed against it.

You are reading story Centaurus at novel35.com

"Th-the plan to save us from Lady Alexandria!!"

Ellaria snuggled against her own warm mass and sighed. 

"Dunno, talksh to Lils, hnnfff," mumbled the clearly extremely cum drunk elf.

Fey set her lips in a line and watched the elf rubbing her face against her belly, her eyes closed.

Clearly help wasn't coming from this quarter.

With a sigh she turned to the door and approached. They were on a timer and she simply couldn't wait for the elf to recover from her addled state, things needed to happen if she was going to save her band and herself from the dragoness.

She stepped out into the hallway and very carefully and gently closed the door behind her, leaving Ellaria in peace to work through her horse cum high.

Once it was closed she turned back from the door and with a yelp almost immediately slipped over, her hooves slipping and sliding across the marble until she crashed into the opposite wall, needing to grab hold of a table to keep herself upright. Even then her hooves wildly slid around on the frictionless floor.

She, at last, managed to steady herself and looked down to find that there was a slick white gooey substance all over the marble, a substance that seemed to be moving. To her surprise she realised she was looking at a stream of white that was slowly oozing its way down the hallway. Her gaze followed it upstream seeing that multiple tributaries fed it from multiple doorways. It didn't help that her cock was adding to it with regular excited sprays of precum, although thankfully that was starting to peter off now she was out of sight of the stupidly attractive elf. 

She stared at the stream.

A stream of white… cum?


She followed the slow oozing stream a few steps and paused at an open doorway. It was a large open doorway, one suitable for a mansion, yet it was entirely blocked by a perfectly smooth surface, a wall of skin bulging outward in an arc, unable to fit. 

From beneath this solid mass little rivulets of white slowly oozed, rivulets joining up with the main stream that seeped down the hallway.

"Was this done by me…?" mumbled Fey looking at the only mark on the wall of skin, a popped out belly button straining under the liquid pressure behind it.

Fey bit her lip before moving on, trotting carefully down the hall so as to not to slip. Her dismay grew as each door she passed was simply a wall of cum belly with a little white rivulet oozing from beneath. 

She wondered how the wombs of the girls had managed to contain her seed when supposedly it was possible to penetrate alongside the magic penetration of her cock, what was to stop her cum gushing back out of their pussies as soon as it was ejaculated?

She wasn't sure but whatever it was it seemed to have mostly done the job. She eyed a pair of legs dangling from the top of a doorway, feet lying limp against the owner's massive belly, the enormous steaming gape of her pussy between her exhausted thighs. The girl, whoever she was, apparently had managed to keep Fey's load inside, mostly. A long line of white oozed from the glossy pink donut of her cervix, rolling out of her gaped pussy and down onto the arc of her belly where it rained down to the floor below and joined up with the larger stream. 

It seemed like Lily's Limit Break had ended the connection between Fey and the girls as soon as she finished and allowed their cervixes to snap shut, trapping her uncountable gallons of seed inside.

After passing about a dozen more blocked doors filled with cumflated girls Fey began to feel a little concern that she had also trapped herself in the mansion, locked in a labyrinth of her own making with no way out, doomed to be lost forever within a maze of softly moaning happy women who blocked all exits.

In fact, she was starting to get seriously worried as she sped up and only found more and more door blocking bellies.

"We- we didn't plan for this Ella! Your plan is going to come apart because of too many girls!"

Seriously how many girls had she passed already? It seemed like a lot and this was only one small part of the estate!

She came to a stop at what seemed to be one of the larger tributaries of the river. The main source of the stream of slowly moving white was apparently an enormous pair of double doors.

Fey looked up at them warily as the doors let out a desperate groan, wood bending under extreme load. It wasn't hard to see why, the wood was bulging out into the hallway and between the gaps where the wood was coming away over filled belly could be seen.

"This can't be good," she muttered. 

There wasn't anywhere else to go apart from a staircase to the side so Fey hesitantly made her way up, climbing skillfully despite being a centaur, her hooves coming down where they needed to be. 

She reached the landing and came out on a balconey over looking a great hall, a geat hall that was filled end to end with pressed together cum bellies, girls lying limp and softly groaning on top themselves or part trapped between other bellies, the hall echoed with the sound of blissful moans, a sea of extreme feminine satisifaction, toes curled and fingers clutching at soft belly, their well fucked gapes trickling white.

Knowing that this had been the plan and feeling the pussies of all these girls was one thing, but seeing the results of her actions was truly something else altogether. Fey's shoulders fell In dismay. There were just so many! and she hadn't even talked to them let alone learned their names! So many freshly made mothers carrying her offspring, soon to grow fecund with her eggs, so many broodmares for her own use, more fertile girls for her ever growing harem, a rush of satisfaction flooded her as she looked down upon her conquest, hers, all hers.

Fey blinked. Where had that feeling come from? Okay, admittedly she did love the sight of seeing so many well fucked girls, she could be honest about that, but her conquest? her girls? She knew nothing about them! They could have families! They could have husbands or boyfriends! And those husbands or boyfriends could never give these girls true satisfaction, true breeding, what they so desperately desire on a primal animal level, to be roughly fucked by the one true alpha, to be massively impregnated with her far far superior seed.

Fey shook her head. Her thoughts had gone off track again. Maybe it was the scent of so many girls, the hormonal heat of their gaped pussies was practically steaming the air and the humidity of the hall was enough to create a faint feminine mist. Clearly it was having an effect on her, she needed to get away to clear her thoughts.

She turned and flinched as she found something looking at her.

"Gods, were you standing there the whole time?!"

The brown teddy bear wearing a red scarf tilted its head at her from where it stood balanced on the gallery's balcony railing.

Fey wiped a lock of blonde hair way from her heated cheek and swallowed. Right, she had left Ellaria for a reason. The plan. The threat of the terrifying dragoness moved back to the forefront of her mind.

"Look, can you lead me to Lily, we need to do the next part of the plan, it's important! what if Alexandria starts looking for me before we're ready!"

The bear looked at her blankly for a moment before nodding quickly then jumping down onto the floor. It sprinted ahead and Fey found herself needing to hurry to catch up.

They made their way around the edge of the gallery balcony, made a turn down another hall filled with blocked doors, then down some stairs back to the ground floor. The bear wasn't very fast, or rather Fey just had a much longer stride and she found herself needing to slow down.

That is until they reached the bottom of the staircase where the bear leapt on top of a tiny miniaturised stallion harnessed by the step.

Fey watched, mouth parted in surprise, as the teddy bear galloped down the hallway on his tiny stallion steed. Apparently the stallions she absorbed and turned small were finding more and more uses.

She hurried after and this time actually needed to run to catch up, scared that she would lose sight of the bear.

It was easier said than done to keep her eyes on target of course, nearly every doorway she passed was filled with distracting cum belly, and those that were not looked over rooms filled with leaky well stuffed girls. Fey had thought the area she had been was where most of the girls were but it seemed as if every room and hall of the entire estate was filled! Was there no end?! just how badly had she underestimated the number of girls in the queue…

They at last emerged from a building and out into an ornamental statue garden.

Fey looked up to see the vast mass that was Lady Alexandria looming overhead, her vast legs spread either side of the garden, her feet in the nearby buildings and her long tail hanging directly above the garden, reaching over and coiling through the shattered buildings behind.

They were directly behind the dragoness.

She shivered. It was not a place that felt particularly safe.


She turned to see a doll of Lily standing next to what appeared to be a doll of Vivi, a fluffy white furred thing, a mini chibi stitched version of the fox girl.

"Uhm, is this really the safest place to be?!" She waved an arm vaguely up at the dragoness's rear far above. "I feel like I'm about to get squished!"

"That doesn't matter, ignore the giant dragoness and use your ridiculously oversized strength to help already!" grumped the Vivi doll.

"We don't need help, my bears have this, gosh, you just don't respect me as an adventurer."

"That's because you're still a bloody apprentice!"

Fey blinked and turned to see maybe a hundred bears struggling to move an enormous iron block that nearly came up to her horse back. After a moment she realised what she was looking at, a huge pumping machine, one with levers poking out the sides to pump fluid with.

The bears were clearly struggling with the weight of the thing, their bear legs trembling under its weight. Lily might have grown extraordinarily in levels but her bears still had their limits.

She stepped forward and took hold of the thing, casually lifting it into the air and off the bears.

She turned around with it held in her arms to find the Vivi and Lily dolls staring at her.

"Where do you want this?"

"I still struggle with the idea that our healer is some kind of weight lifting beast when she looks so unmuscular," muttered Vivi.

"Uh, over here Fey," mumbled Lily gesturing behind her.

Fey trotted over and dropped the huge pump with a boom next to another smaller but similar pump. It appeared to be one of many, many pumps, each of them lined up in rows amongst the statues at one end of the garden. Plugged into each pump were bundles and bundles of clear rubber tubes.

There were rather a lot of tubes, and as she followed them away they split into more tubes.

Was all this for the girls she had bred?

"Uhm, Lily, j-just how many, uh, girls did you get to touch my balls and then connect to me?"

The Lily doll tapped her chin in thought. "I kind of lost count to be honest, but somewhere around eight or nine hundred girls I think. I might have maybe overdone it, just a little."

"Eight or-!!!!" Fey suddenly felt faint and wobbled on her legs, nearly falling over and having to grab hold of a nearby statue of Rina to remain standing. "I… I thought maybe two hundred at most," she mumbled, she surely hadn't even seen some of those touching her balls as she had been watching the dragoness, so many girls she didn't know, all now thoroughly impregnated by her. She needed to find a list of names or- or something! 

She suddenly had a thought and turned on the doll.

"Why didn't you just connect me directly to the dragoness, why did I have to do it with eight or nine h-hundred girls?!"

"Oh I tried, but you need something of the target to make a link remember. Turns out it's nearly impossible to rip a scale of a dragon and they don't have any hair to use instead, so…," she shrugged. "Anything we could have done to steal a scale would have also gotten her attention."

Fey buried her face in her hands and groaned.

"Plus we needed you to cum like a lot more than normal despite running dry, sooo…"

"See, I was totally justified!" came a voice.

Fey peaked from between her fingers to see a large soft shape amongst the statues and trees. She blinked as she realised she was looking at Tami, her cum belly so large it was pressing up against various statues of her mother.

"No you weren't, you were supposed to help with moving these pumps!" said Lily.

"Didn't I?"

"Yeah, until you started writhing and moaning and then expanding before passing out. Sneaking your hair into the box wasn't part of the plan Tami, we needed you."

"Oh and like you didn't do the same. I saw your dolls twitching and writhing on the ground, don't act like you didn't add to the box too."

The Lily and Vivi doll appeared to look a little ashamed hearing that and avoided her gaze.


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