
Chapter 126: 48 3/5

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The nymph slowly sat up, still eyeing Fey warily and checked over her body.

"Was it all a dream Shalaevar? There was so much… burning, so much pain… but I'm fine?"

Shalaevar hummed as she gave Fey a careful look. "You are an extremely powerful and talented healer."

"I know." said Fey standing and looking away. "Where was the other voice you heard?"

The nymph took a moment to reply, "Th-there."

Fey strode amongst the eggs to where the nymph pointed.

This time however as she neared there was no need to drag free the occupant.

Tentacles exploded from amongst the eggs, shoving and pushing them aside as Vivi rose from the depths, pussy tentacles lifting her up in the air.

"G-gently W-Wummy, g-gods!" she moaned as the tentacles writhed between her legs. 

The tentacles lowered her and her feet gently alighted on the grass.

"What the hell happened?" said the fox girl looking around in dismay at the mountainous egg-scape.

"The arrow hit the dimensional bag, and well…" Fey shrugged lightly.

"I see, and- Fey, get back!"

The fox girl shifted into a fighter's pose as the tall Shalaevar approached, the pussy tentacles spreading her legs going into a frenzy.


"SQUEEEE!!" came the war cry from Wummy as more tentacles poured from Vivi's pussy.

"No, wait, stop! we're under a truce!" cried Fey jumping in front of the nymph.

Wummy didn't seem to know what that meant as the tentacles darted around her lunging for Shalaevar who stepped back in alarm.

It took Vivi yelling for Wummy to stop to avoid the nymph being killed, Wummy had even wrapped a tentacle around her hip and was about to rip the nymph's arm off when she finally stopped moving.

Fey knew well the slime girl's terrifying strength even if the nymph likely didn't, with her strength sapping elven manacles Wummy was probably now the physically strongest member of Magic Mog. The nymph woman had genuinely been moments away from dying.

She decided then and there she needed to do something about Wummy at some point. The slime girl needed an education about socialising and how dangerous she was and how society treated monsters. Wummy as she currently stood was a bit like a blind person controlling a trebuchet, overreacting to simple stimuli by destroying buildings.

But for the moment she let out a breath of relief as the tentacle eased off the confused looking nymph woman.

"...Is that a fucking slime monster in her pussy?" said Shalaevar.

"Uhm, Yes. But Don't worry, it's tame-ish and you kinda get used to the idea."

"I… see."

Fey turned to the fox girl.

"Listen Vivi, we're under truce right now, meaning no fighting just healing okay?"

"That's not very warrior like, if I had my sword, gods I would just destroy-"

"L-Later okay, for now can you send Wummy to search for the others, including the Nymphs, and ideally without killing them?"

"Sure, I guess. Wummy, go search and retrieve like she wants or whatever."

The fox girl shivered and gasped as even more tentacles poured from her cunt, her paw coming down to clutch at her overtaxed loins as the tentacles spread her thighs and stance wide.

With Wummy's help things of course became trivial. Arm thick tentacles dove into the masses of eggs and squirmed their way through cracks and crevices as deep as needed until they came across something that wasn't an egg whereupon they grabbed hold of it and dragged it back.

In mere minutes limp Nymphs were being hauled free along with an invisible Kayla, who Lily rushed over to tend, and an unconscious Flora and Ellaria.

Fey dashed about healing everyone as quickly as possible, triaging for those most in need first. 

Then it was Ellaria's turn. She pressed her palm against the naked elf's sternum then rolled her hand down and between her breasts, checking over every little part of the elf's body inside and out using her senses as a healer.

Fey had to admit that it wasn't just her surface appearance, Ellaria was sheer perfection to her core, she had never felt such a strong and healthy heartbeat in any living being, every cell in her body perfect and practically immortal.

Her hand reached the peak of her rounded belly and she sunk her senses deep, seeking her offspring. They were there, many slowly growing tiny eggs, of course stil impossible for her senses to penetrate, and the elf's womb itself. Ellaria had of course been unintentionally physically perfected by her limit break, whether that meant appearance or heartbeat, but It also meant her womb was the most optimal womb in existence for reproduction.

Fey hadn't quite understood that the perfection would go that far, and was shocked to find her ovaries alone were unlike anything she had ever sensed before, the sheer staggering amount of ovum production…

That was not normal… Elves, she knew as long lived species, were only supposed to produce one ovum every six months, yet that was incomparable to Ellaria as she was now. in fact as she focused on her depths she sensed her body was slowly changing, evolving, readying for even more production. Was her body adapting to her? The demands of perfection requiring her to keep up with Fey's own growth? To match the higher than expected virility it sensed from Fey? It was true that perfection simply wouldn't be perfection if her womb wasted a single drop of Fey's hyper virile sperm…

She bit her lip. The thought of just how insanely fertile her Ellaria was was enough to make her cock throb with excitement. Now she was becoming even more so? Just how fertile would the elf become?

"Fey?" mumbled Ellaria as she opened her eyes.

Fey snatched her hand away,



"W-were under truce so please don't shoot fireballs at them Ella."

The elf narrowed her eyes and struggled up, finding the nymphs laid around the grassy clearing in various states of limpness.

"They tried to murder us…"

"I- I think it was all a misunderstanding!" yelped Fey flapping her hands in the air as Ellaria gave Shalaevar a death glare, sparks already spilling from her red hair.

"A misunderstanding is not a good enough excuse for what they did. They peppered you with arrows and they nearly killed Flora."

"It's not a misunderstanding. You are allies of those who killed our treant lover," snapped Shalaevar.

Ellaria blinked in surprise. 

"What? Your treant is dead? But doesn't that mean you are…"

"Yes, our line is dead too. Once this generation of nymphs die there will be no more Nymphs, we were the last whole nymph clan left, all other clans we know of in the world have had their treant destroyed and so all nymphs were reliant upon our treant, ours was the last."

Ellaria wiped her brow. "I can somewhat understand your anger as I have made academic study of Nymphs and the slow eradication of their treants by poachers in the last century or so, but why attack us?"

Shalaevar pointed to the headless corpse of the human lying out on the grass, one of the things that Wummy had pulled out.

"You work with the strangely clothed humans, they are amongst your number." Her hand moved to Lily, "And the those whose bodies have become sexually extreme."

Her expression went from serious to irritated as Fey and Ellaria looked at her completely nonplussed.

"Don't act dumb, there is no others like those who attacked us anywhere."

"Hang on, are you saying you were attacked by a group of humans from the eastern continent?"

"I… do not know if that is their origin. There were maybe two dozen of them and they were led by a goblin child. They wore strange clothes and were either powerful mages or powerful warriors."

"G-goblin child?!" squeaked Fey.

"Could you not have hunted them after they left? Why come after us?"

"We could not. Once the humans were done killing our treant lover they took blades and saws to him and took our lover to pieces before our eyes. They dismantled him and at the goblin child's direction fashioned him into armour for their bodies."

"Treant wood is nigh impenetrable to magic," murmured Ellaria, "Even a dragon might struggle to damage it."

"Once they had finished butchering our treant lover and making items from him a great white mass came down from the sky, a kobogon whose belly was a vast thing, her breasts expansive. They had fashioned ropes around her body like the rigging of a ship and once they had grabbed hold she took off, flying into the sky with all two dozen humans and the goblin child."

Ellaria chewed her nail. "Why do I suddenly have a very bad feeling…" she muttered, her voice filled with concern.

"That's probably Shiva, I think," mumbled Fey, "But she's not with us! She tried to kill us! We tried to kill her! She's- she's bad… and those with her killed your lover?"

"They killed many of us and our treant lover too, they did it and called us monsters, they claimed they were heroes. With us few nymphs and no treant left in the world it means the extinction of all nymphs. We seek vengeance at any cost, the last doomed nymph clan destined to die out, we will make those who did this to us pay with their lives."

Ellaria rubbed her chin. "I suspect you are already second guessing our involvement. I can tell you the goblin child at one point very nearly killed me, the kobogon nearly killed all of us, and the human we summoned came from a stone we stole from the goblin child and was unrelated to the group of humans the goblin possesses. Lastly, the kobogon's size is because she… slept with Fey here, against Fey's will."

"That is highly convenient." snapped Liluth, "Do you really expect us-

Shalaevar raised a hand with a sigh, "I think it's true."

"D-does that mean he has more stones like the blue summoning stone to summon insane humans?" said Fey.

"We can only speculate, he may have acquired these humans before we stole the stone and has been training them for some years, or they may be recent and from another stone." she sighed, "Not just one insane human running around, but multiple of them? I guess I'm not too worried though, they seem to have zero sense of self preservation."

"What does it all mean?"

Ellaria shrugged lightly. "Nothing good, that's for sure. in any case I think you nymphs owe us an apology for attacking." She glanced around at the mountains of eggs. "And a very very large sum of gold for destroying an extremely expensive dimensional bag."

Liluth scoffed. "Nymphs have no need for meaningless gold. Metals from the earth belong only in the earth."

"You will find nothing of the like with us and nor do I care to entertain such an idea, why should we, we are doomed to extinction, perhaps you had a hand in that intentional or not."

Shalaevar flopped down on the grass and bowed her head. After a moment Liluth crouched by her and whispered into the depressed nymph's ear.

Fey raised a hesitant hand.

"Uhm, w-would you like to be undoomed? I could maybe help with that? it's not like I haven't done it before… kinda seems to be a trend…"

Liluth scowled up at her. 

"Make mockery of us again centaur and I will kill you."

"She isn't lying," said Ellaria, "But I really don't want to assist you after you almost killed us."

"C'mon Ella, they're going to go extinct!"

"Do we even know what's in these eggs Fey?"

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"It's- s-still worth trying!"

Liluth suddenly stood. 

"Do you not hear yourselves? You mock and ridicule victims of evil!? What is wrong with you people!?"

Lily held up her egg "It's real though!"

"It's all lies!" shrieked the nymph and she kicked the egg held in Lily's hands as hard as she could. A snapping sound followed. The egg being ridiculously hard meant that she instantly broke her toe on impact and fell back with a cry of pain clutching her foot.

Fey sighed and went to heal the despairing sobbing Nymph. Really, they were kind of pitiful now that she knew their story.


"No, it was more of a snapping sound."


"Not like that, wait how are you making that sound Lily?"

Lily looked up at her captain, then down at the egg held in her arms.


A split appeared on the white eggshell, one that ran across it as the egg started to come apart.

Liluth, still holding her foot, stared frozen at it, as did Fey in the middle of healing her, Ellaria and Shalaevar too.

"Uhm," said Lily, "I think it's hatching."

The cracks spread as something pushed up from within and after what seemed like a lot of effort a top part of the egg fell away, then another part until there was a gap.

A head appeared from the egg, one with long brown hair and otter ears, tiny. 

Fey stared at the thing.

It wasn't… quite what she had expected. It was… extremely cute, but not like any child she had ever known, in fact it almost seemed familiar and with surprise she realised she recognised the tiny otterkin's appearance. It was like the males she had absorbed when they were made small, the face rounded, chibi like, with big eyes, and a blank look. 

Was it a child? Fey honestly wasn't sure. Yes it came from an egg, it was just…

"Bwuh," said the chibi otterkin and fell forward clumsily. The front of the egg broke apart and it flopped out and onto the grass below, the clear fluids of the egg spilling away with it.

A sharp intake of breath came from every person in the clearing, eyes going so round they made perfect circles, hands going to mouths.

The tiny otterkin stood up. 

It stood up on its four legs.

Its four horse legs.

Fey boggled at the thing.

"H-hey what's going on, what am I looking at here? what is this thing?" spoke Flora, her voice shaky.

"Th-that's not an otterkin… and it's not a centaur."

The thing wasn't quite upright ofcourse, there appeared to be a bit of a problem with this newly invented centaur otterkin. That was while its horse half was ready and raring to go like a newborn foal its upper body was as floppy and weak as a normal newborn otterkin child.

Magic Mog and the nymphs stared in horror as the otterkin centaur began prancing across the grass while its upper body hung down limp, cooing 'Bwuh' sounds coming from the thing as it ran blindly across the grass before tumbling over, the otter tail emerging from its horse rear end waving excitedly in the air like a dog.

"F-Fey, did you make a new species, am I looking at a new species???"

"Impossible!" squawked Liluth.

"It's not… completely impossible." breathed Ellaria. "Where did you think Kobogons come from? Sometimes if there's some distant relation it is very rarely possible, it's just, there isn't one between centaurs and otterkins."

"All life is distantly related," mumbled Shalaevar, "If you go back far enough."

"See!" said Lily, "Fey totally could could fuck you full of babies!"

"This isn't- This can't-" gasped Liluth

Shalaevar interrupted her with an elbow to the side.

"What if… I was to entertain this idea," said Shalaevar slowly.

"Shalaevar!" said Liluth, outraged.

"Shush. Do you think it is better to just go extinct? With this I see… potential."

Lily waved vaguely at the sea of eggs around them. "Bit more than just potential don't you think? All this came from just three girls"

"I struggle to believe that but for now I am more interested in the mechanics of how this idea might happen. That cock she possesses cannot fit in anything short of a loxodon, and even then."

"Erm, well I kinda have this magic you see, and I uh, miiiight have already accidently used it on you all when I healed you?" Fey touched her finger tips together nervously.

Shalaevar frowned but turned to Liluth and touched her hand to her skin. With a flash of light she hummed with interest.

"I sense something, something different. I suppose what you say might be true..."

"And with it we can have s-sex, and I can breed you, a lot, like a lot a lot."

"We don't really have time for this Fey, the sooner we get moving the less likely it is we will be starving before we reach draconica. We may have to make up even more time if we have to go find a dimensional bag and rush back here to collect the eggs, lord knows that comes with its own set of problems"

"I can't just leave them to become extinct Ella! That's wrong! I should breed them all, it's the right thing to do!"

Ellaria rubbed her forehead and let out a captainy groan.

"Gods. Okay fine, but be quick about it."

Fey turned to Shalaevar.

"Uhm, s-so I have permission from my captain, so d-do you want this?" 

Shalaevar looked around at the nymphs, then down at the tiny otterkin centaur wandering around the clearing making mindless burbling sounds.

"I suppose half a nymph is better than no nymph at all being in the world. Fine. Sisters?"

"No, no way, this is utterly ludicrous Shalaevar," groused Liluth folding her arms and turning away.


"No way."

In the end Shalaevar was able to convince only two of the seven nymphs other than herself.

Fey found herself at the end of an egg surrounded clearing away from the others, the three nymphs standing in front of her looking nervous, their arms drawn up tight and defensive under their breasts.

It was one of the most weirdly awkward situations Fey felt she had ever been in.

"If- if it's for the future of nymphs, b-but don't expect me to enjoy it!" said one long legged nymph, her crystalline blue eyes looking up at Fey.

"Like doing it with some kind of beast, this is nothing alike to the nobility of our treant lover."

Shalaevar clucked her tongue. "Really Fildarae? I've seen you seducing lost adventurers under the full moon light not much different than this, you don't have a leg to stand on."

"What adventurer has a beastly cock like that?!" hissed Fildarae.

"Uhm it's not so bad, once inside, I uh, have been told."

The three nymphs gave her disbelieving looks.

Shalaevar shook her head and drew in a breath, steeling herself.

"Just… lie down or something okay, maybe I can just masturbate you as I press myself against the t-tip and take your seed that way or something."

Fey nodded silently, not wanting to make the nymphs any more uncomfortable than they already were.

She got down on to her knees and sat then rolled over onto her back, her upper back resting on a pile of eggs behind.

Her absolutely monstrous veined cock slapped down on her belly with a definite thud.

The three nymphs stared wide eyed at the thing, lips slightly parted.

"Y-you cannot be serious, that thing is bigger than my freaking leg!"

"Sisters, do we want extinction? there's must be some way- if we only- maybe If I lay sideways- If I got the right angle on it-"

"Say what you want, it's not going in. Waaaay too big."

"So masturbate her while I squat over the tip! Goddamit Fildarae, this is important!"

"Y-you want us to touch that thing? Like with our bare hands?"

Shalaevar didn't reply but took a step forward. As she did so the leafy clothing she was wearing disintegrated, fluttering down to the ground in many parts. The nymph was left standing stark naked next to Fey fully on display for her eyes, although her arms were still hugged around her body.

She, like an elf, was very beautiful, with a slim waist and extremely long legs, her breasts more than several handfuls in size. Fey was given a direct view of her very appealing looking pussy, labia hidden between the puffy smooth delicate softness of her surrounding muff, her skin a little pink as though her puss was blushing with embarassment.

The nymph lifted a foot and hesitantly touched a toe against the massive cock. It was unyielding and made her foot look tiny in comparison, the weighty thing not even moving slightly under her push, her toes slipping over thumb thick veins.

Dainty versus brutal was an understatement.


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