
Chapter 135: 51 2/4

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The guards looked like they were struggling to believe her, but the sheet once more began to descend, the arc of her perfect breasts becoming visible. Several of the guards swallowed.

"I- I suppose that it's not possible that they are living since species don't mix like that…"

"And it don't look like a kid despite being small boss, way too cute, more like a toy or something ya know? It's kinda adorable."

Ellaria smiled, beaming down at them, "I'm glad you like my handiwork."

The flustered guards became increasingly flustered under the death beam of attractiveness.

"Now if you would just let us by…" Ellaria raised an eyebrow questioningly.

"I…" the head guard hesitated, "don't know if all of these caravans just contain these… golems… as you say." The guard looked uncomfortable saying it, first because he was going against what the beautiful elf said and second because, well, checking that many caravans seemed like a lot of work.

"I'm so weary from my travels that I'm dying to rest, but I can come around later in the day if you need to have a look. Would you put such duress on someone as in need as me and keep me from my bed?"

Her hands were lowering as she spoke, the sheet slowly showing more cleavage, and then the edge of the Dress, the fabric cupping her perfect breasts, her softness muffin topping slightly over the fabric in the most mouth-watering way imaginable, all framed in such a way that it drew the viewer in, making them lose sight of the entire rest of the world, unable to do anything but stare at such attractive form, such dazzling mind bending sexuality.

The guards drew closer, staring, lips slightly parted, their trousers starting to tent.


She lifted the sheet a little, hiding her breasts some, and it was like a physical blow to the guards, something they needed as badly as oxygen snatched away.

"W-Well, I'm sure it would be possible for you to come back l-later, ma-am, uh, my mistress, I mean uhm, L-Lady, uhm, breasts, I mean breasts NO! I mean breasts! AH! I mean-" the guard managed to end his increasingly high pitched and panicky verbal slips by jamming his fist into his mouth.

Ellaria jumped on the seat excitedly, letting out a light girlish laugh. Her breasts wobbled, their perfect blemish-free surface rippling deliciously with the motion over the top of the cupping dress in a way that practically electrocuted those watching. Three of the guards keened and grabbed their crotches as small wet patches appeared on the tented fabric. The railing of the caravan started to splinter and break as Fey's hand on it went white knuckle just from hearing such a laugh.

"Oh! That's perfect! I'll be sure to come back later for some… personal… time… with you all."

One of the guard's eyes rolled up and they collapsed unconscious, the crash of their armour against the ground turning heads.

Flora snorted and flicked her hand, tossing his unconscious body to the side as the caravans trundled by. Each caravan was able to make its way beneath the vast gatehouse and into the city proper unstopped, the guards too mentally stunned to do anything but watch, or unconsciously masturbate.

Ellaria let out a breath of relief. 

"Phew, I was afraid that wasn't going to work."

"That Dress is too scary you know, there's something seriously weird with it," muttered Flora.

She held up the square sheet of cloth as the elf quickly stripped out of the Dress and returned to her adventurer's attire. Once done, Fey was allowed to remove her blindfold. She blinked in the light and quickly turned to see the elf, although she was disappointed to find her as normal once more. Probably to the surrounding crowds benefit if they wanted to remain dry of precum. Those who had caught sight of Ellaria in the Dress at certain angles slowly drifted away as they came to their senses. 

They had done it, they were inside the city of Draconica with two dozen enormous intercity caravans. To anyone's unknowing eyes they might think they were a merchant group made of several companies in a convoy together.

"What now though Ella? Where are you going to find us somewhere to stay?"

"Well, we are starting to get a bit low on funds, but we should be able to comfortably afford some of the inter-city coach houses that the merchants use."

There was a small crowd forming near them, curious eyes wanting to know what was with the giant convoy of caravans, and so Ellaria was able to get a quick answer from them when asking for directions.

Flora sent the caravans rolling again and they made their way deeper into the city.

Grand white and blue stone buildings and white flagstones were what they found, although, as Fey noted, a few buildings were built of a dark black stone and had a far grimmer crueler look, pointed arches and jagged crenelations, twisted gargoyles and iron spikes.

The streets were fortunately quite wide, and some of the streets were even wider than that, some as wide as large fields, vast boulevards dotted with palms that swayed in the warm breeze. 

They weren't to last through, the streets were starting to get cramped as they began to near their destination, the walls of the buildings on either side of the street getting uncomfortably close to the walls of the caravans. 

The buildings became more run down and as they did the crowds increased. Dramatically.

They emerged onto a street where they found it opened up somewhat, but it was also packed end to end with people, people who were very interested in their caravan.

"Uhh, E-Ella!" said Fey as people swarmed her, pressing her up against the side of the caravan. Of course, things being what they were, Fey found herself surrounded solely by females with an excellent sense of smell or who appeared to be in heat. Hands, claws, and paws reaching out to touch at her body as they cooed over her scent and massaged her muscles. Vulpine and lupine girls buried their faces in her balls and drew deep deep breaths through their noses, and shorter species ducked beneath, dozens of hands and tongues pressing along her length.

Her cock throbbed proudly, basking in the feminine attention, and her balls rumbled, eliciting gasps of amazement from the girls.

The caravan itself wasn't doing much better as the crowd quickly became more cocky, climbing up the sides of it and pulling at the wood, trying to find a way in.

"Hey, stop that!" yelled Ellaria looking around the side of the caravan from the front bench.

They didn't stop, and to her outrage a panel was ripped off the side of the caravan and people began climbing inside.

"Captain, I think this is gonna end in a riot if you don't show them what's what," murmured Vivi, looking over the vast churning crowd filling the street.

Ellaria scowled but turned and stood, kicking open the door behind the front bench to access the interior. 

It swung open to reveal a scared looking Kayla and Lily squeezed in at the far end with a number of Feytaurs and teddy bears. Before them were a group of red-scaled drakes. The drakes had opened up a wooden chest and were plundering the insides, the last of the band's gold vanishing into pockets and pouches. Ellaria's eyes flashed with fury, sparks exploding from her hair in an instant crackle of rage.

"What the hell do you think you are doing!?" 

The drakes took one look at her and fled. Except for one, who continued grabbing up the last of the gold coins into his shirt.

He turned, coins falling from his grasping claws, at last taking note of Ellaria. "Elven cunt, bringing family wealth onto our turf, you deserved to lose every bit of it." He snorted a laugh and spat on her blouse.

Ellaria twitched, her eyes beginning to glow orange-red. Before the drake could make a run for it her hand snapped out and gripped his neck like a steel vice. The drake yelped, dropping his shirt and causing coins to fall free as he grabbed at her arm, trying to pull her off. But Ellaria was unstoppable. She hauled him free from the interior and over the front bench. She lifted him up and then threw him down over the side of the caravan.

…Down over the side and directly on top of Fey.

"G-get off of me!" cried the drake as Ellaria held him down, pressing him against Fey's back. 

"You elven slut- You imperial bitch- you-'' he paused as his voice went up an octave, then he glanced down, seeing his shorts tented out with an erection, a wet patch at the tip, "H-Hey what's happening? What are you doing to meeee!"

The drake rapidly began to shrink as Fey bellowed a whinny, her hooves trotting on the spot excitedly as her body started to put on mass, draining the drake, shrinking him down, already a foot shorter and more. The girls below made appreciative noises, gasping in delight as the flesh beneath their tongues grew taut with growth, hands eagerly caressing the increasing mass of her stallion muscles and balls.

"Oh god, Ella!!" wailed Fey as her body strained, feeling like the best ever morning stretch but more.

The drake was small enough now, well below four foot, that his shorts slipped down and his rapidly shrinking cock was freed, spraying frantic little strings of white into the air as it rapidly lost mass, reaching two inches then one inch as the drake shrunk below three foot, then two foot, then a little above one foot, his face became rounded and wide eyed.

Fey cried out as she absorbed the drake, all of him, a spray of pre coming between her front legs, her now three foot nine inch cock unleashing all over the girls in front of her, who of course all cheered happily, lapping it up from their soaked bodies.

Ellaria bit her lip as she looked over the now greater sized Fey, a bigger, more dominant, and more irresistible centaur. Fuck she wanted more Fey, more and more and more, she wanted to feel as one of the otterkin's below her, smol and helpless beneath overwhelmingly massive she-stallion, a little wailing feminine cock sleeve having her world rocked.

The cute drake struggled up and let out a bluh! waving its arms mindlessly. The motion drew Ellaria's attention back from her daydream.

Without hesitation, she picked him up and returned to the doorway where she tossed him to the back of the caravan. A crowd of Feytaurs paused as the mini drake fell before them.

The two stared at each other, mini drake and Feytaur, then both threw their hands up in the air and cried BWEH! before running around in circles.

Ellaria looked around, suddenly recalling something.

"Dammit, did any of you see where the rest of those red scaled drakes went? I got distracted by that one asshole."

Vivi shook her head as she looked over the sea of people.

"Can't see anything in this lot captain. Anyone could have escaped in this chaos."

Ellaria groaned. "That was the last of our coins! we can't afford a coach house now!"

"Uhm,'' said Lily, waving for her attention from within the caravan, "I d-don't mind selling my milk, we just need to raise enough for the moment right?"

"What, here?"

Lily nodded, "It's like a huge crowd of customers, right? We just need to pry their money away from them!"

Ellaria hesitated but then grabbed hold of one of the milk barrels they used to feed the Feytaurs, one just to the side of the door, one marked with the word Lily.

Outside she thumped it down on the edge of the carriage seat, her foot coming down on the railing beside it. Flora floated down on top of the barrel and sat on the edge.

"Oih! Listen up!" said Flora, instantly comfortable with the idea of being a merchant.

The crowd blinked up at the pink-haired gnome girl sitting on the barrel.

"I know you're all curious why we're here."

The crowd listened, it was true, they were curious about the giant convoy and its odd occupants.

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"Well, I'll tell you why, it's to introduce you to this." She patted the barrel. 

The crowd stared at the barrel. It was indeed a barrel.

"No, not the barrel, but what's inside the barrel. Watch."

She produced a cup from somewhere and then let it drop. The cup fell down under gravity until it was near the bottom of the barrel where it stopped still floating. The metal tap on the side of the barrel then flipped open and a creamy white milk poured free, rapidly filling the cup to the brim.

A few unfortunate girls nearby were enveloped by the scent and their shirts became damp as they started to lactate.

Flora lifted the cup back up. The cloth over her nipples started to become damp, droplets of milk falling.

"This, my friends, is the milk based nectar of the gods. It's like nothing you've ever even dreamed of."

The crowd did not look impressed.

Ellaria coughed into her fist. "I ah, don't know if it's common knowledge around here but milk is graded for quality, bronze, silver, gold, and theoretically platinum." She pointed at the cup. "That, that isn't just platinum, it's one step beyond."

This time there was a murmur of interest, as while not everyone knew of the grading system of milk, those who did suddenly perked up with interest.

"What nonsense," came the voice from one of those at the front, a red-faced rotund and moustachioed man. "I did my time with the city's dairies and I've never heard of this platinum grade milk, let alone whatever is above it. It doesn't exist."

Flora raised an eyebrow.

"Care to try it then if you are so sure?"

The man frowned but stepped forward, a space clearing for him as the cup levitated down into his hand.

Hesitantly, he lifted it to his lips and sipped.

There was a collective pause as the crowd stared at him, wondering what was about to happen. 

The man removed the cup from his lips.


His eyes rolled up, and he immediately keeled over flat, foaming at the mouth, body going into convulsions, heels drumming on the paving.

Unfortunately, his fall also caused his arm to jerk back, and the milk from the cup was catapulted fully free, splashing across the faces of those behind him… and into their open mouths.

Cries of alarm went up as people started collapsing, any who tasted the milk falling unconscious, little sprinkles of milk flying from the covered nipples of those girls it touched.

"They poisoned them!"

"What did you do to my father!"

"My wife! What's wrong! Darling!"

"Uhhhh," said Flora, "Hey Captain, what just happened?"

"I… don't know, I thought you had tried Lily's milk?"

"No… we only kept the one barrel because it causes us to lactate when scented, none of us can go near the stuff. Hey! Don't blame me Fey's cum does crazy things to a girl!"

The dozen people on the ground were moaning and writhing, and the crowd looked about ready to lose its shit, in fact, someone threw a rotten tomato at Flora which the gnome caught and sent zooming back to blast them in the face. This only seemed to make the crowd significantly more angry. Soon eggs and fruits and stones were being hurled at her which the increasingly angry gnome caught and threw back to their owners which in turn caused their owners to get even angrier and soon the entire crowd was waging all out war with Flora, picking up and throwing anything at her that was not nailed down.

Ellaria turned away from the hail of objects being sent back to their owners and pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration. Really, this was not going to plan. For all intents and purposes, they were stranded in a random city street with nowhere to take their convoy of intercity caravans and ten thousand Feytaurs, trapped and surrounded by an increasingly hostile and angry crowd.

It was not a good situation to say the least. 

She was seriously considering lighting up and simply terrifying the crowd away with a storm of fire over their heads when a hand clamped down on the railing of the bench.

A small purple hand, one near Fey.

After a moment's struggle, a head popped up behind the railing.

Big aquamarine eyes were matched with skin of an aesthetically pleasing purple also matched with purple skinned and enormous foot long triangular ears that stuck out to either side of her shoulder length bouncy white hair. She pouted with a small mouth, her face pleasingly cute not unlike an otterkin or gnome.

"Hmph, hey, are you the boss?" said the small purple girl, "The centaur said you were…"

Ellaria blinked down at her.


She smiled, showing her perfect white teeth and a pair of adorable fangs.

"Do you need someplace to stay? We can give you someplace to stay, a nice one."

Ellaria blinked at her. "For our entire convoy?"

"Mhmm! We own the street so you can just park there or whatever."

Ellaria stepped close and leaned over to see that the girl was standing on Fey's back along with two other small purple girls with big ears who were clearly her sisters. They each wore what she vaguely recalled were called Kimonos, something that she knew Onis sometimes wore. Each Kimono was short, reaching down to about mid-thigh, and a soft blue dotted with orange and white flowers, the waist was wrapped in many loops of fine gold chain. The tiny girls the kimonos clad were only a little over three foot tall, and all similarly shortstacked, the expensive looking cloth straining tight around chests and flaring hips. One of the other two wore thin but very large lensed wire frame glasses, and the other had her hair done up in a bun with a pair of ivory hair pins.

Fey glanced up at her guiltily, "Uhm they said they could help…"

"Course we can, hosting such an unusual and pleasant smelling centaur would be of great prestige to our family! I'm Naomi by the way," said the girl, flashing her fangs as she smiled, "No other family could claim such a thing if you stay with us, and that alone has value more than worth the price to stay."

"I… see."

There was something to be said of maintaining caution when accepting offers from strangers. But then they were currently up shit creek without a paddle. The sounds of the furious crowd roared behind her as they continued to pelt Flora with stuff.

Ellaria sighed. "Fine. I accept your offer. Where must we go?"

Naomi flicked her ear then pointed. "Oh, it's just down along and then through a few of the side streets."

Ellaria turned. "Time to put your excessive amount of levels and magic to use Flora."

Flora nodded, standing up on the barrel with a fierce grin.

"Don't mind if I do."

The pink haired gnome stood on the barrel and turned to look over the crowd, which was of course still throwing fruit and veg and rocks and everything else. 

She then clapped her hands together in front of her… and then she began to slowly separate them.

The cry of surprise from the crowd was something to see as hundreds of people were slowly shoved to the sides, pushed out of the center of the road, being packed together like sardines as they were squished up against the walls. That Included the girls tending Fey's body. Their cries were especially loud as they were dragged away.

Then the intercity caravan began to move, trundling forward, its eight heavy double wide wheels rolled over the stone, the people around kept aside with just enough room that the wheels passed by their feet.

The convoy rolled on, faces in the crowd looking on in surprise as so many caravans passed before them.

Fey trotted nearby, the three purple girls were on her back as they left, riding along happily as they straddled her.

With the three girls' guidance, they found themselves moving along at a quick clip, passing through the poorer rowdier area and a fair ways beyond it until they came out onto a street that didn't have buildings on either side but walls, tall walls with roof tiles capping them.

The hair bunned purple girl patted Fey on the back from where she sat and Fey turned to look over her shoulder at her.

"This is it. Our compound is the one on the left at the end."

The convoy rolled into the street. The convoy was so long that by the time the first caravan reached the end of the street the last was just entering. Flora had them come to a stop and let out a breath of relief.

Finally they had reached their destination, and perhaps temporary safety and shelter.

She jumped down off the milk barrel and onto the bench, then stepped along the bench before jumping down on Fey's back along with the three other short stack girls, pushing them aside to make room for her dominating breasts. She settled in as they blinked in surprise. 

"So, are you gonna show us our new digs or what?"


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