
Chapter 139: 52 2/4

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A mixed expression fell over Ellaria's face and a kind of wariness that Fey hadn't seen from her captain before.

Fey was about to respond when a click and a flash of light came from beneath her barrel and the elven smith reeled back in surprise.

Flora looked over the image of the startled smith on her magic rectangle and nodded her head. Yes she was a good imager.

"F-Flora! what the heck are you doing?!" yelped Fey trying to lean down to her side to see Flora.

"What? I was bored so I captured part of his soul in the magic rectangle."

"Captu- It does what?!?" whinnied Fey, real fear entering her voice, "H-how many times have you taken images of me?!"

"Oh don't worry, like ninety nine percent of the images are of your dick so if anything it's only your dick that has no soul left. You probably have what counts as an undead zombie penis at this point. A Zenis if you will."

"But I don't want a Zenis!" wailed Fey.

"Flora..." ground out Ellaria, her lips set in a line. 

The smith beside her blinked rapidly and touched his eyes. 

"...What was that?"

"Nothing, just my idiot subordinate messing around."

Another click and a flash came and Ellaria glared flaming daggers down at the gnome who was happily humming as she flicked through the images in the magic rectangle.

"That's it. Flora, would you kindly get the hell of Fey's dick."

"Nuuuu!" wailed the gnome as she slid forward, her pussy desperately trying to keep Fey inside but failing as she forcibly hauled herself off revealing feet of cock slick and glossy wet with her juices. 

With a soft pop her cunt slipped around the head and was left open to the air, the cavern of her pussy easing back slightly from her stretching.

The smith's hammer fell from his hand as he seemed to realise what it was he was looking at, the massive cock and the tiny gnome who had just been speared on it.

…Which only caused Ellaria to look even more embarrassed. She grabbed hold of Fey's hand and quickly led her away down the street, leaving the stunned metalsmith staring after them.

The others followed in her wake. 

"What does it mean Ella? Your sister made these manacles?" whispered Fey once they were away.

"I… don't know. it doesn't make any sense, she would never…" Ellaria blew out a calming breath as she slowed to a halt and faced Fey. "My sister may or may not have made them, but unfortunately she is very far from here which doesn't really help us recover your strength. I can only hope that there is another more skilled metalsmith in the city who can break them."

"But your sister… he said what she did was forbidden."

Ellaria nibbled her lip. "Yes. But don't worry I will be sending a very stern and strongly worded letter to my sister, that will set her right I'm certain."

Fey wasn't sure that a letter was really going to solve this particular problem but she was distracted by seeing Flora sitting down behind Ellaria. 

She blinked as she looked past the elf to see the gnome lying back on a chair, her blouse unbuttoned beneath her chest and a man between her legs with what looked like a glowing pen, awkwardly trying to avoid looking at her wide open gape visible below her too short skirt. The gnome hummed as she tapped on her magic rectangle, barely paying attention to the man working on her midriff.

"Uhm, Flora, what are you doing?"

Ellaria followed Fey's gaze and frowned as she found the gnome.

"Hmm? Oh just getting a tat."

The two looked down to see the first of a few pink glowing lines being drawn onto her skin above her mons.

"H-how much did that cost, it's just we're a little low on funds…" murmured Fey.

"What funds? There's only scraps left, it was barely enough to pay for this, gosh."

Ellaria twitched. "That was supposed to go toward freeing Fey from the manacles! How are we going to afford-


The ground suddenly shook as if it had been struck, windows rattling violently as drinks sloshed from cups on nearby cafe tables, fruits on a nearby stall falling to the ground and rolling across the cobble. Lily's breasts rippled alarmingly from end to end. Metal barbeque grills rattled as their frames shook and the meat hissed and spat on top as it was disturbed, releasing a fresh billow of delicious smelling smoke that spilled across the street.

"Wh-what was that?" said Fey looking around in surprise, expecting there to be cries and screams of alarm.

Instead, everyone walking the streets hadn't seemed to notice the shaking in the slightest, and were carrying on as normal, merchants casually strolling over to pick up the fruit, brushing dust from their surface with their sleeves.


The ground shook once more, a tile falling from a nearby roof to shatter on the paving below.

"What's happening?!"

Even Flora looked surprised, the rectangle drooping in her hand as she looked around, and then recalling the tattooist glancing down.


If the tattooist cared about what was happening he didn't show it in the slightest, drawing through the shaking with zero issue, hand effortlessly steady and experienced.


Ellaria glanced between her bandmates.

"Ah, didn't you see it when we were overlooking the city?"

"S-see what?"

"The mountain snow? The glaciers?"


Fey looked up suddenly as something enormous and white passed by overhead, the tip of an absolutely vast… tail.


Her gaze moved down to the palace just seen over the rooftops, the top of the great rock outcropping and the luxurious palace on top.

Something was sitting down, something was leaning back against the slope of that vast rock outcropping, leaning against its cut flat surface, an enormous white something.


Came the sound as the mind shatteringly large dragoness eased back against the stone, a dozen tiles falling from a nearby house.

Distantly a tower on the palace collapsed.

"Yes, that wasn't all snow and glaciers on the mountain tops, that was Queen EXCALIVANIA sunbathing."

Fey took an unthinking step back. She needed to FLEE. She needed to run from this city and never ever come back, that wasn't a dragoness, that was a GOD.

The dragoness appeared to be getting comfortable, and the sound of howling wind suddenly started to near, a few of the merchants held their products down as the awnings over their stalls flapped in the disturbed air.

And then a leg was swung over top the street, a leg that blocked out the sun. Fey stared up at it, mouth hanging open, just the foot alone dwarfed a six storey building and her shin was wider than the street was wide.

Her view was of nothing but clean pure white perfect scales overhead, and then the leg was passing, coming down elsewhere in the city with another boom.

In the distance the dragoness put her hands behind her head and sighed, wiggling against the rock outcropping that was simply the back of her sun lounge. The sloped plane cut in the great rock outcropping was made for her! The entire thing was just her seat!

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"Gjhfjgej," babbled Fey, on the verge of having a panic attack.

A hand came to rest comfortingly on her midriff and she looked down to see Ellaria looking up at her.

"It's okay, Fey, you've nothing to fear."

Fey opened her mouth, closed it, then opened it again. Queen Excalavania made Lady Alexandria look tiny, in her— wait, Fey suddenly blinked, realising something utterly mind bendingly horrifying. 

This Queen, she wasn't even in her dragon form!

"Sh-she's bipedal Ellaa! What the fucckkKk! How big- How does- How big is this dragoness!!?!?!"

The tattooist had finished up with Flora's tattoo as Fey justifiably freaked the fuck out at the sight of the godlike and utterly terrifying dragon queen. He turned to her.

"New here eh? Don't worry, our Queeny won't squish you or anything, part of her magic is that she has one hundred percent perfect awareness of her body and those around it, she's never stepped on anyone ever. Although it certainly makes it more convenient for her to lie down throughout the city when there's space, which is why we have the extra-wide boulevards and the squares and such if you hadn't figured it out yet."

"B-But her form!"

"Hmm? Oh yes, that's not her true form."

"H-how big is that," croaked Fey, fearing he would answer.

The tattooist shrugged. "Dunno, she hasn't taken it in centuries and then she was a fraction of her current size. If she did take it now it would probably squish the city at the very least."

Fey swallowed noisily. What a terrifying thought, the only thing preventing the entire city from being flattened was Queen Excalivania holding back from releasing herself.

Her gaze turned back to the dragoness whose head was just visible over the rooftops, a head the size of a castle. Many pointed white and gold scaled horns curled elegantly around her head like a naturally ornate crown. She yawned, her great muzzle opening wide, revealing snow-white teeth and a pink mouth. The air displacement of her yawn caused every window in the street to rattle and every door that wasn't locked to spring open. 

Then she closed her eyes and seemingly took a nap.

Fey shivered. 

"I promise we won't be going in the vicinity of the Queen Fey, she, well, she doesn't really count as a normal dragon, other dragons don't grow to this size, that's just her. The most you'll see of her is her distantly sleeping over the rooftops. The dragon soulomancer we seek won't be anywhere near to her I promise."

Fey nodded unsteadily, feeling light-headed as she stared up at the sleeping vastness just seen over the rooftops. Were they standing between the dragoness's legs in this part of the city?! The thought was terrifying.

A click and a flash came from beside her, and she looked down to see Flora cooing over her new Womb tattoo, a design with a heart at the centre and two horse cocks crossed below all worked into the swooshy lines of the design. The tattoo glowed bright pink, spilling a little light.

"It's awesome isn't it? With this everyone will know my pussy is for horse cock only."

"Y-yes?" croaked Fey, feeling like her brain was breaking in two from dragoness trauma.

Flora held up the magic rectangle to show the image of the tattoo she had taken on it. The tattooist looked at it in surprise… and then he collapsed. 

An equally surprised Flora looked down at the man slumped against the chair she was in.

"Oih, shit head, what are you doing?" 

She scowled and waved away some of the smoke from the nearby street grills as she got no response... Then she yawned. "Goddam, you know sympathetic yawning? When that oversized lizard queeny yawns there must be ten thousand people yawning right after her."

Fey wasn't sure what she meant but she rubbed her eyes... It was true that she was feeling a bit sleepy. 

Then she blinked as she noticed that the street grill's smoke was everywhere and that rather a lot of the passers-by were starting to sink down to the ground or slump against the tables they sat at.

Turning, she was alarmed to find Ellaria passed out over an ornamental bush, along with Vivi who was drunkenly hanging onto her leg as she lay on the ground, a drunken tentacle emerging from her pussy and wobbling around. As Fey watched the tentacle seemed to give up and flopped to the ground and went still.

There was only Fey left standing as the red-scaled drakes emerged from a nearby alleyway. They wore fabric bound around their mouths and carried small leather bags from which heavy smoke poured and pooled.

They assembled before her and held the bags up, wafting the smoke up toward her face.

Fey collapsed.

Consciousness came murky and ill-defined, like a hangover that was particularly toxic.

Eyelids coming unstuck, Fey managed to open her eyes a little. 

Cold hard stone floor met her gaze, a few bits of hay scattered across it.

"Urf." she said, opening her horribly dry mouth and rolling her jaw. She felt uncomfortably dehydrated, which only compounded her pounding headache.

After a minute, and starting to feel a little better, she managed to slip a hand beneath herself and slowly lift her upper half.

She found herself in some kind of stone cell, one with a heap of hay at one end and a barrel of water, perfect for a horse. 

It was also very dark. 

Not the nicest of places to wake up in. 

Gradual alarm dawned on her addled mind. She managed to slowly and heavily roll onto her hooves and get to her feet, nearly banging her head against the ceiling in the process.

There was a door to the cell and she approached it hesitantly.

"H-Hello? Is anyone out there?"

She listened carefully and after a moment footsteps approached. She backed up, fists raised, ready to attack.

The door swung wide and a red scaled drake appeared in the door, but he was far from unprepared for her readied attack. He held a long metal stick in his claws, the end of the stick was forked with two points at the end.

"You're awake. Come with me, you need to begin work."

The drake gestured with the stick and disappeared from the door.

Fey's fists dropped slightly. Work? What work? What was going on?!

She hesitantly lifted a hoof and stepped toward the door, then another, until she was ducking below the frame and peering out.

She appeared to be in some kind of stable with hay strewn across the ground. Ahead of her were a group of red scaled drakes and in front of them were… a number of girls bent over wooden frames? Fey frowned as she approached, her brow rising as she first saw the cow-like ears emerging from their long hair, then their cow-like tails and then the enormous larger than beach ball sized breasts hanging from their chests, nipples reaching past their knees as they were bent over.

"Cowkins?" murmured Fey.

The red drake with the stick waved it at her.

"Yes, perfect for what you do to girls, yes?"

"What do you mean what do I do?"

The drake scratched at his muzzle. "We all heard it, when we were in the crowd yesterday, we heard that you were responsible for that otterkin's breasts, for her breast milk. That your cum did that to her."

"In the- Hey! Were you the ones who robbed us!?"

"We relieved you of excess metallic weight so that your travelling efficiency is greater. We did you a favour."

"That's called stealing and you almost left us stranded in the middle of the city with nowhere to go!"


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