
Chapter 21: 11.1

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Previously on Centaurus: The band low on funds decide to take a goblin hunting job. During the job Vivi in a fit of anger with Flora unleashes a number of slime monsters on her genitals. This ends with an evolved slime monster hiding out inside of Flora.

Chapter 11:

Fey’s legs wobbled as she gradually heaved herself up onto her hooves, the ground was soggy with her own juices and squished wetly underfoot. The slime monster had done a number on her and her pussy still trembled with the aftershocks, clenching at the air as her clit throbbed and pulsed.

“G-gods, I’ve never felt anything like that in me- like being milked and rutted for everything I’ve got,” she murmured between heaving breaths.

She wiped sweat from her brow and glanced over at the vast smooth skinned sphere that was Flora. The dome of her belly seemed… taut, more taut than normal. Fey eyed it. Somewhere in that sphere was an evolved slime monster doing gods know what. Hesitantly she stepped toward it and then after a moment put her hand on the fair skin. It was hot to the touch and Flora was so full and stuffed with cum that when she applied force her hand barely sunk in any distance at all, the cum inside at so high a pressure that there was little give.

As she pressed her hand harder the gnome above her let out a lush moan and a slim spurting rope of white leapt from her gaped wide pussy, squeezing from her cervix.

Fey bit her lip. Just some of her cum had caused those slimes to evolve into a super strong elite slime, now that slime was surrounded by a thousand times more and being high pressure squeezed on all sides. What the hell was going to happen to it?

“That slime monster… what do we do?”

“She may be in trouble but I’m not sure trying to remove it is the best idea, having it become aggressive may be problematic,” said Ellaria appearing at her side.

“It would have tried to escape by now if it wanted to right?”

“Maybe, it’s impossible to know. Listen Fey, we can continue like this for now but we’re going to be relying on you if something happens to her, you're the only one who can heal, you will have to heal Flora if what's inside her tries to harm her. Just be ready okay?”

Fey nodded her head, and removed her hand from Flora’s wall of a belly.

She stepped back and looked up at the gnome. Flora was awake and looking down at them, although her body kept twitching from being so overwhelmed.

“You can stop worrying, I’m fine, I can feel it inside me. It’s not moving, it’s just curled up in a ball sleeping.”

“Are you sure?”

“Certain, it’s weird, it’s like I have a sense for it.” She shrugged, “maybe it’s because my power doesn't work on it, it’s like a void I can see in my own body.”

Elaria put her hands on her hips and tapped her finger.

“That’s probably the best we can hope for, I suspect we will need to go find yet another expert to deal with this though… More money...”

“Whatever, let’s go find Vivi, I am now in dire need of some revenge.”

Fey bit her lip. “Uhm, Flora, wasn't what happened kinda revenge for what you did with the purple balls and later draining Vivi, which was revenge for what she did to you at the hotspring? Don’t you think you might be caught in a little bit of a cycle?”

Flora paused and put her hand to her chin, thinking. “...Nah, cause I’m different, people don't get revenge on me, I get revenge on them, I am the revenger. That’s just how things work.”

Fey wasn't sure that made much sense but she decided to let it go for now. She stepped back and took in the vastness of the gnome's womb, an obscene and mind boggling ten foot five inches in diameter, she was truly vast, a solid room sized sphere of smooth blemish free skin with a short stack gnome at the top, her limbs splayed over her own tummy, her large breasts pushed up by its mass.

A little feeling crawled into the back of Fey’s mind, something that she found she liked, that feeling was pride. She had turned this gnome into this icon of fertility, that was all Fey filling her out and stretching her, breeding her to such an incredible degree.

I wonder if I could fit more in her, breed her more and more… Fey furrowed her brow, where had that thought come from? Having sex with this already hyper-sexed gnome was absurd! But then…

“Come, we’re near enough to where we need to be, no sense dawdling. We have goblins to kill,” said Ellaria.

The elf was already walking as she spoke, waving her hand over her shoulder. Fey began trotting after her and after a moment the vast mass that was Flora pushed into the air and began floating after them, moving aside branches and trees with her ability as she went.

It wasn't long before they found their first sign of goblins being nearby, or rather signs, two of them in fact, well they had been one sign originally but now they were two. A goblin bisected at the waist lying in two parts on the forest dirt path, a splatter of blood around them.

“I rather think that Vivi might have gotten here first. This looks like her handiwork.”

“Uhm, Can she handle it if lots come on at once? She’s not the best when it comes to multiple attackers.”

“They are only goblins, it should be fine, I can say I am pleased to see her motivated at least, better than being a big useless cum dump.”


“Hey! I resemble that remark!”

They continued onward, every so often they came across more and more goblins cut up in various disturbing ways, beheaded- a body uncorked, bisected- divided from clavicle to groin, just a torso and nothing else not even limbs. Vivi’s bad mood illustrated by the various creative deaths she put the goblins through.

It wasn't long before they started to hear the sound of fighting, the howl of furious goblins and the swish swish of a blade slicing through the air. 

They rounded a corner and Vivi came into view. The vulpine was surrounded by two dozen goblins crowding around her and trying to wear her down with sheer numbers, darting in and cutting minor wounds with their poorly made weapons, shrieking insults in the goblin tongue.

“Wh-what should we do?”

“She's gonna be fine, she can just break out some of her skills and cut them all to ribbons. No biggie,” said Flora looking bored.

Ellaria was squinting at the vulpine, an increasingly concerned expression on her face.

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“No, somethings wrong, look at how slow she’s moving.”

Indeed Vivi’s reactions were sluggish, and every swing of her sword was as though the sword was made of lead and weighted down with chains. She heaved her sword up and over and brought it down heavily, completely missing all the goblins and sinking it deep into the ground. The vulpine was breathing hard and was covered in sweat, she looked exhausted, exhausted enough that she didn't dodge the goblin knife that slashed up her thigh. She grit her teeth and heaved her longsword from the ground flicking up a shower of earth and swinging it around herself in an arc, spraying the angry goblins with dirt. Unfortunately her attack was telegraphed enough that the goblins were able to dart out of the way and she was left with nothing but frustration as her sword whistled through the empty air.

“We need to save her!” shouted Fey galloping forward.

“Wait! Stop Fey!”

Fey raced across the ground, her hooves drumming against the earth, charging straight toward the crowd of goblins. She was almost there when her entire body turned heavy as lead.

She went wide eyed as her completely shifted center of gravity caused her hooves to go out from under her, the entire centaur flipping end over end into the air, her upper half brutally slamming into the ground and her back hooves going over top. She hit hard and went tumbling and rolling, the crack of broken ribs cut through the air and Fey cried out in pain. She came to a halt slumped on the ground, breathing through her teeth as every breath she took shifted her ribs and caused more daggers of agony.

“Fey!” cried out Ellaria and Flora together.

Ellaria snapped her hands forward even as she ran in and a double pair of twin violet fireballs exploded from her palms spiraling around each other as they flew toward the crowd of goblins. The Fireballs were on track to strike home when they suddenly changed direction and crashed into the ground as though they had been made a hundred times heavier. They exploded on impact sending a bloom of flaring violet into the air and showering the goblins with violet sparks. 

The goblins shrieked in fear and backed off of Vivi who was barely holding on by this point. She was on her knees, her longsword stabbed into the ground, holding herself up by the hilt.

Ellaria stared at what had happened to her fireballs, glancing between the missed impact point and her palms.

“What hell is happening…”

“You know I could ask the very same thing about that gnome you have with you,” came a voice.

The crowd of goblins parted and a larger hobgoblin appeared from behind a tree. He was tall even for a hobgoblin, and wore a heavy black cloak with a peaked hood from which poked an unusual long white beard. Unusual, as goblins did not normally have beards. Around his neck were various necklaces of bone and small animal skulls and in his hands was a staff topped by an elk’s skull, its horns curling over the hobgoblin’s head and hung with many bone and feather dreamcatchers.

“Well that explains matters. A shaman. You speak good Common for a goblin, but that won't stop you from burning in screaming agony for what you did to Fey,” said Ellaria, barely restrained fury in her voice.

“My my, you are a vicious one. An elf hm? A young one at that. They won't have told you the truth about our kind yet would they, and it seems you will never know. Perhaps for the best, the truth has been known to break many a mind.”

“What are you blathering about?”

“Nothing you need to worry about brat.”

The shaman lifted his staff up with a cruel triangular toothed smile. Ellaria realised what he was about to do a moment too late and turned in horror to see Vivi go from kneeling and hanging from her sword to hurtling straight up into the sky as though she had been dropped off a cliff while draped in irons. The vulpine’s horrified scream became distant as she rocketed away, blowing the canopy apart as she went, straight up and up and up until she was barely a tiny dot in the sky.

“YOU WILL DIE FOR THIS!” roared Ellaria, her hair exploding into flame and roiling with sparks. The forest instantly went from a nice summers day to volcano hot and most of the trees in the surrounding area began to spontaneously burst into flame as the air shimmered with heat haze.

“How childish, your anger controls your mind, you are like a wild animal all bottled up, just waiting for the cork to be pulled. Your ancestors would be proud, you live up to their violent folly.”

Ellaria pointed a finger at the hob.

“I do not value your opinion at all. Become ash in the wind.”

She spread her hand and small fireballs fired from each finger, zipping and twisting through the air swirling around each other even as more joined them, gatling firing from her finger tips.

The hobgoblin sneered and shook his staff. The fireballs flying toward him slowed and then came to a stop and then began to fall back the way they had come as though gravity had been turned on its side and amplified. 

The fireballs zipped backward in straightened fiery lines, Ellaria’s head snapped to the side as they rushed around her straight toward the large mass that was Flora. Desperation fueling her reactions she flung out her hands and as the fireballs were about to strike Flora’s vulnerable body they wisped away into nothing. The gnome looked down, genuinely disturbed that she had almost been struck by Ellaria’s own fire. 

She looked back up and her eyes widened.

“Ella look out!”

Too late, the tree that Ellaria had been standing under suddenly shattered as hundreds of pounds of weight was applied at random positions all over it. Ellaria disappeared behind a fallen hill of leaves and branches.

Flora grimaced at the pile then turned on the hobgoblin.


This chapter is a 4 parter.


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