
Chapter 32: 14.2

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Meanwhile Fey was starting to panic.

“Oh no! We need to get out of here!” 

“Wait! You can't leave my sister behind Fey! She’s trapped with all your stuff filling her!” said Kayla as a legionnaire smashed a beer bottle over a guard’s head right next to her, where the religiously pure legionnaire had gotten said beer bottle was a question that would remain unanswered.

Fey glanced upward but Flora was already floating away, she couldn't even see the gnome around the smooth orb of her belly.

“I- I can carry her! I think!” said Fey.

Kayla looked sceptically at the huge mass that was Lily, her body a blob of cum that she was spread eagled over, her reddened cunt drooling a thick line of white that ran down her belly to pat pat onto the cobble below.

“Can you really?”

“I’ve got to try! She’s mine to protec-, sorry, I mean, I can’t just leave her like this!”

The centaur stepped forth amongst the chaos swirling around them. She bit her lip and grabbed hold of the otterkin’s legs eliciting a gasp from her. Then she tried dragging the girl toward her, with a groan she managed to shift the heavy cum filled girl, to her surprise it wasn't as hard as she thought it was going to be and the otterkin was slowly moved across the cobble to Fey’s side as Fey crouched downward onto the cobble, readying herself.

Kayla looked on worriedly as her cum balloon of a sister was pulled and angled and then Fey began to awkwardly lift her, the huge mass of her belly drooping down as her body rose. Kayla, standing on Fey’s back, grabbed at her sister and with Fey’s own outsized strength working together they managed to pull her against Fey’s side and then using the softness of the otterkin’s belly as an advantage they managed to pull and tug her over the top of Fey until her tummy was slopping over either side of Fey’s back.

“I’m- i’m on top of youuu Feyyyy,” murmured Lily, still delirious with pleasure.

Kayla clambered on top, using Lily’s legs to pull herself up until she was on top of the bed that was her sister who was herself atop Feys back. 

“I think, I think we're ready Fey!”

“Okay, here I go!”

The centaur set her legs and began to strain, heaving and pushing herself to the utmost limit, desperately trying to get the leverage she needed to lift the huge mass. Somehow it worked and with a groan Lily began to lift into the air atop Fey. The centaur made it to her hooves, her legs trembling a little. Kayla whooped in glee as she rode her sister, wobbling atop her enormous cum filled belly.

“Wh-where should we go though?!” said Fey, looking around at the storm of chaos in a panic.

“Over there! Look Ellaria is beckoning!”

Fey turned with difficulty to see Ellaria standing by the door to the AG waving at her and clearly wanting her to come over. The centaur made her first step and found to her surprise that she was perhaps getting used to the otterkin’s weight as it wasn't as bad as she had expected. She would carry her mate to safety- er, she would carry her friend to safety. She walked steadily, her gait quickly becoming more natural.

“Fey! Vivi! Quick get inside!”

Fey turned her head to see Vivi waddling toward them, her belly significantly larger than it had been, the naked and heavily pregnant looking fox girl jiggling all over the place as she wobble dashed between the fighting. She soon made it over just as Ellaria ducked inside the guild, Vivi followed, a thick line of cum still drooling from her snatch, leaving a trail of white in her wake. 

Fey bit her lip and followed her inside the dark interior, careful not to bash Lily against the door frame as she went. Inside she found tables knocked over and pointed toward the door along with couches and chairs. The adventurers of the AG were crouched behind them, weapons drawn. She blinked in confusion.

“Centaur lass, get behind, we’ll hold em off if any come for you, quickly now.”

What was this? The adventurers had their back?

“Uhm you will?” she said as she trotted forward. 

“Adventurers help each other when they can Fey, like we tried to, with the warning about the thieves,” said Ellaria, who was already behind the barricade.

One of the adventurers, the one who had spoken, a huge man with a thick black beard braided at the edges belted out a laugh. “Aye lass you saved us a pretty penny, whatever that highway crew was they found us, but unfortunately for them we were ready, all stocked up on mana before coming into town, we blasted those scumfucks a new asshole. Couldn't ‘ave happened without your warning though and I’m pretty bloody grateful for that.”

“Th-thankyou! For helping us!” said Fey as she trotted past.

“We’re just apprentices, but thank you!”

“Thwank ywouu!” slurred Lily.

“This is highly irregular, I highly suggest you put the AG’s furniture back where it was or you will all be responsible for replacing it,” said the clerk. She was fussily moving around behind the barricades rudely poking at the adventurers with a look of sheer contempt on her face.

Vivi was resting with her paws on her knees, the additional weight in her womb causing her to struggle more than she would otherwise, but she still heaved herself up enough to give the clerk the middle finger. 

“Read the room clerk,” said Ellaria. “Fellow adventures I highly recommend you put in a word of complaint to the actual AG about this woman's performance, she has little to no interest in adventurers safety or success and would likely be happier for it if she was fired. She won't even extend the smallest iota of care to an adventurer, she refused to do anything about the thieves at all.”

“Is that so?” said the large bearded man turning his gaze on the clerk.

“Wha- are you trying to get me fired?! This is outrageous!”

The front doors of the AG suddenly exploded off their hinges and a barrage of shredded wood peppered the barricades causing the adventurers to duck down in surprise. 

Framed in the doorway stood the old bishop, except he didn't look quite so elderly and frail anymore. His white robes had been torn open leaving cloth hanging from his hips, his upper body bared revealing a body rippling with lean striated muscle covered in the scars of war. His muscular arms were wreathed in light all the way down to his fists, covering them in a misty golden transparent armour. The bishop surveyed the room with a grin and then crashed his fists together, each impact sounding like the heavy gong of a church bell and setting everyone in ear range on edge.

“I came to the conclusion that if the gnome was going to float away the simplest answer would be to take her friends. If you would all kindly put down your weapons and come with me I would be very appreciative.”

Mary crawled around the doorway as he spoke, literally climbing on the walls, her clawed bare feet visible beneath her white robes. On his other side Seth appeared carrying the Bishop's censor which was now misting a multicoloured miasma. He smirked knowingly as he spotted Magic Mog.

“Sorry bishop, ain't happening,” said the bearded man stepping forward.

“Oh? You are approaching me? How bold of you.”

The bearded man turned to Ellaria. “Get your band out the back, we’ll hold them off as best we can.”

Ellaria nodded. “Thankyou.”

You are reading story Centaurus at novel35.com

“No problem captain, and congrats on the silver.”

Ellaria grabbed Vivi’s paw and pulled her back as the blackbearded adventurer pulled a pair of cutlasses from his hip and flourished them. Fey followed the elf, otterkin still balanced atop her back as they made their way to the back of the AG. Ellaria stepped into the back room behind the counter and rushed up to the heavy iron banded door at the end of the room. She tried the handle but found it was locked.

“You’re not getting out! The church shouldn't be messed with, I- I'm going to turn you in!” 

Ellaria turned to find that the clerk had followed them into the back room. She was staring her down superciliously, a triumphant gleam in her eye.

“Key. Give me the key.”


Ellaria ignited her hands and stepped toward the clerk threateningly.

“Give me the key or I will burn your face from the surface of your skull leaving nothing but a crater of gore. I will take great care to ensure you live through this and feel every excruciating moment of it.”

“You- you wouldn't dare!”

“For the safety of my band I would-”

The sound of tearing breaking wood suddenly filled the air and she turned as daylight poured into the room, the entire wall ripping from the building along with apparently another room that had been on the other side of the door. The floating room wobbled in the air for a moment before collapsing under its own weight turning into a pile of falling rubble that crashed down to the ground below.

Flora floated above it, looking down at the rubble blankly. “Whooops!”

Ellaria smirked. “Nice timing.”

“I do try,” replied Flora with a grin.

“NUUUUU you can't just break the building! That's AG property you just destroyeeeeed!” the clerk looked genuinely outraged, a complete break from her previous demeanour.

Flora shrugged. “You should have provided better access for gnomes.”

“Gnomes aren't giant floating orbs! You horrible wretched-”

“Oh do shut up,” said Ellaria as she clambered over the wreckage of the room. 

“Uhm, s-sorry for the trouble! It will probably be okay!” said Fey to the clerk.

“You- centaur- I regret ever having crossed eyes with you and your horrible band you-

Fey had begun backing up as the clerk stormed toward her with her finger pointing. Lily abruptly fell off Fey's back as Fey stumbled over some rubble and lost her balance. The otterkin slammed into the plank floor hard and her huge soft tummy squashed down under the momentum. This, of course, had the effect of squeezing down the fluid inside of her and left with nowhere else to go it exploded from her pussy and unfortunately for the clerk she just happened to be in the exact right position to be hit entirely by the deluge instantly turning her entire body from clean and prim to covered in a thick musky layer of horse cum.

“Oh shit,” said Kayla looking between her squealing wiggling sister and the frozen in place and heavily frosted clerk.

An awkward silence filled the broken room.

“Well, uhm, we really must be going!” said Fey, suddenly turning and quickly making her way past the rubble.

Flora grinned down at them and even Ellaria couldn't help but let out a laugh at the still unmoving clerk who appeared to be frozen up in shock. Flora flicked out a hand and everyone suddenly drifted into the air, Fey, Vivi, and both Lily and Kayla atop Fey. The band made exclamations of surprise as the ground dropped away below them and they flew through the air, up over the rubble and into the street proper.

Behind them a fat blob of cum dripped from the clerk’s still pointing finger.

Flora carried the entire band, keeping them low, below roof height so they couldn't be seen from elsewhere in town. Pedestrians had to dive out of the way of Flora’s bulk. She roughly shoved aside a number of food carts as she passed, their owners left blinking in confusion, often with food tongs still in hand.

They swiftly made their way through town, zig zagging through street after street away from the AG and all those who were after them. As they sped along Fey, with her hooves dangling below her, watched with interest as the buildings changed from more upscale to poor and dilapidated, they were clearly entering the poorer area of town. On her back Kayla stood, her hand on Fey’s upper back as she leaned around the centaur to look at the street rushing by. She had one small fist thrust in the air as she whooped with joy. To the side of them flew Lily the otterkin was clearly very confused and was looking around as though she didn't quite believe it was real. To the centaur’s other side was Ellaria, somehow the elf hand managed to keep herself in a standing position and she stood arrogantly with her arms crossed as she moved through the air, the effect was a little more ridiculous looking than Fey thought Ellaria realised. 

Bringing up the rear was Vivi who was sat cross legged, her now somehow larger belly held in her lap, her paws wrapped around it, a strange look on the fox girl's face. Fey thought she saw several bumps moving about her stomach but that must have been her imagination.

As they kept going it became clear what the gnome’s intentions were, the huge heavy stone blockwork outer wall of the town was rapidly approaching, the thick crenellated curtain wall that surrounded the settlement, designed to keep out any monsters, or attacks.

“Going up!” yelled Flora and the band began to rise as they flew forward. Fey’s last view of the town before they went over the wall was of a homeless man with a bottle of alcohol staring at them. The bottle dropped from his limp fingers as their strange procession slipped over the wall and down to the grass on the other side.

“Keep going Flora, get us to the woods and out of sight!”

“Gods you have no idea how much mana I've burned through today, it's actually ridiculous. I’m going to need a break from magic for a while after this!” The gnome blew out of breath showing her exhaustion, but wiped her brow and kept the band up in the air, flying toward the forest. 

Soon they were under the cover that the trees provided and safe from prying eyes. Flora took them a little deeper to be safe and the town disappeared from view. She let the band down along with herself, giving herself a moment to catch her breath.


(This is a 4 parter)

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