
Chapter 49: 19.2

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“Er, you sure this isn't a prank?”

“I don't think so, maybe Rina wrote down the wrong address? This doesn't seem like the sort of place to board adventurers, or anyone really.”

They came to a halt outside one of the larger more impressive mansions, its heavy gates capped in gold.

“This is the place, so we just uh, go… in?” said Vivi.

The vulpine stared blankly at the gates with her hands on her hips.

“Uhm, I think you need to open it.”

“Right… where's the handle thought?”

As she finished speaking the gates suddenly creaked and with a squeaking sound they swung wide of their own volition forcing Vivi to back up.

“Oh, magic. Right. I forgot we were back in a city where they have more of the damned stuff than they know what to do with.”

The otterkins stared at the extravagance. Using an expensive enchantment just for opening a gate? Madness.

The band moved inside to a tree lined carriageway, artfully crafted bushes lining the road up to the grand mansion. They walked toward their supposed accommodation, or in Fey's case trotted, and Flora’s floated, until they came to the main circular front drive, a huge pair of double doors made from dark wood and fringed in more gold centered at the front of the building. The band stared at it wondering what to do next.

After a moment of nothing happening Flora rolled her eyes. 

“Gods it's like being out with a bunch of idiot hicks from the countryside,” the gnome zipped forward and rapped her knuckles on the front door.

Nothing happened.

“Uh, maybe there’s no one in? Or the enchantment broke?”

“Or maybe they’re being rude, I know the type, rich snooty bastards. “

“Your fists are too puny is the problem,” said Vivi, watch, I can do it properly, as a warrior.

Vivi stepped forward, cracked her paws and then rapped hard on the door, significantly louder than Flora, using her Skill based strength. The knock was so loud it quieted the birds singing in the nearby ornate trees.

After a moment a distant voice could be heard from the interior.

“Fuck off!”

“Did you hear that? I think someone just told us to fuck off.”

“Bastards! They’re all the same, rich assholes living in their golden ivory towers looking down on the rest of us, I bet it's an elf in there, elfs are all like that.”

“Really Flora? I’m right here you know.”

“Present company excluded, obviously, you're alright for an elf Ell,” said Flora curling her fist.

“Thanks, I guess- hey wait! Stop Flora!”

Too late, the gnome magically grabbed hold of a nearby aesthetic boulder set out as part of the gardens and ripped it into the air flicking mud across the drive. She whipped it around and flung it at the front doors.


The doors shuddered on their hinges and the noise was so loud that the echoing sound from within reverberated all the way outside. Dust trickled from the walls as the impact shock went through the whole mansion.

“Oh my gods Flora!”

“He,y they're rich, they can afford to fix shit, don't get your panties in a twist.”

“They're rich, and likely powerful too, meaning they can make our lives a pain while in the city! I swear to gods I’m going to tie you to a chair and give an eighteen hour long elven style marathon lecture on manners and politeness one of these days. I’ll reform you into unrecognizability, as only a teacher can.”

Flora blinked and turned to stare at Ellaria.

“Er, you aren't actually serious about that are you? Eighteen hours? What the fu-”

The door suddenly yanked open and an angry face appeared, glaring at the band.

To Fey's surprise the face was quite young, teenage looking, on the older side, her body lithe and slim. Her hair was long and blonde and highlighted, her head capped with a pair of rounded fluffy ears, black and orange, tiger ears. A short crop top barely contained her chest, and a short flitty skirt hung off her hips which showed off a large band of thigh, she wore a pair of black cat stockings which her soft thighs muffin topped over. Fey caught a flash of orange behind her as the teenager’s fluffy tiger tail flicked by, waving irritably. She was a tigerkin.

The tigerkin had a stick in her mouth which she promptly grabbed and pulled free proving it to be a large disc shaped lollipop.

“Who the fuck are you people and why the hell did you just to do to our doors?”

Ellaria stepped forward. “Hello and good day, we were told that there was a place to stay for adventurers here.”

The girl stared at her blankly, then her lip twitched and formed into a smirk. “Y-you can't be serious? Did you actually think? Yikes. That's pretty sad elfy.”

Ellaria’s expression soured a bit, the sheer brattiness of the girl pulling at her memories of her days being a lecturer and teacher.

“I don't take kindly to being talked to that way, girl. I suggest you keep that tongue of yours in check before I force a brick of soap down your throat.”

The girl squinted at Ellaria. “You give off weird vibes elfy, like someone mixed a fashionista with one of the strictest lecturers at school.”

“Holy shit that's so accurate,” muttered Flora under her breath.

Ellaria’s annoyance ticked up a notch.

“Is this what the people around here take for nobility? A snotty upstart brat who has zero understanding of how the real world works?”

The girl giggled, it was quite an annoying giggle and Fey got the impression that she had practised it repeatedly to be as obnoxious as possible. 

“Nobility? What are you on about you silly idiot adventurer? I’m a merchant's daughter.”

“Oh. Ohhhh,” said Fey. “Do you know a pink haired and pink scaled lamia by any chance?”

The girl turned to Fey, her eyes flat and unimpressed, that is until she caught sight of the thing below Fey's barrel and then she nearly fell over having to grab hold of the door to keep herself up right. Her extremely cocksure confident demeanor suddenly punctured by Fey’s massive cock.

“Wha- what are you doing? With- with-”

“Never seen a penis in real life before huh?” Said Flora.

The girl shook her head without thinking then realised she had just admitted to being a virgin and scowled with irritation. “Of course I have you silly gnome, I've seen all the penises, that’s just an a-average one, I think, and I was just surprised is all, people don't normally h-have them out in the open you know.”

“I’m sure,” said Flora with so much sarcasm that it was surprising that a visible haze of sarcasm wasn’t wafting off her body.

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The girl pouted. “Think what you like dumbass shorty.” 

“Permission to launch the brat into the stratosphere captain,” said Flora

“Permission denied. Please, the lamia with pink hair and pink scales?”

The girl rolled her eyes. “That's my mother, duh.” 

The band stared at her.

“I’m adopted, jeez what the hell are you even thinking right now, bunch of weirdos.”

“Rina is your mother?”

She nodded. “I suppose she sent you then. Lame. And I was planning on inviting some friends over, now I have to babysit your sorry asses.”

“… oh, so that's what she meant by seeing us later…” muttered Fey.

The girl glanced at her. “I wouldn't count on it, if she’s just come into the city she will be slithering her scales of all over setting up in the markets and then wining and dining and networking until she passes out in some manse or other. She's not a very good mother you know, but it's not like father is much better.”

It was Fey's chance to nearly fall over.

“Rina is married!?” she squeaked. 

“Yeah, to a Human, that's why I'm adopted, they can't have kids. Why so surprised?”

“N-no reason!” said Fey hurriedly.

“Hmmmmmmm. In any case, I guess I can show you some rooms or whatever. That is probably what Mother wants me to do.” She glanced at Fey, down then back up, “You can call me Tami by the way.”

“Fey,” said Fey.

Tami stepped inside, pointedly ignoring the others. She sent another glance over her shoulder as she went at Fey. Noticing that Fey was looking in her direction she quickly snatched her gaze back.

The inside of the mansion was as ornate as the outside with marble flooring and large paintings and large cushy furniture that somehow managed to look simultaneously like the softest feathery things imaginable as well as sculpted marble perfection. The endless halls and rooms made it clear that it was a wonder that Tami had heard their knocking at all, but then perhaps it was magically enhanced and she had simply been trying to ignore it.

A tiny purple slime monster suddenly zoomed out of a hole low down in one of the walls and zipped around the band making soft squeaking noises. Vivi for her past nearly leapt into the air and quickly backed up against her wall, pressing her rear defensively against the marble as she drew her long sword and pointed it warily at the little thing.

“What are you doing? Have you never seen a slime cleaner before? Gods mother really does know how to pick them huh, what ass end of nowhere did she find you in?”

“Uhm I think that might be a traumatic reaction more than anything,” said Fey as the slime slid over her hooves cleaning up any dirt stuck to them. Fey hesitantly lifted each hoof letting it clean under them too.

“Y-you don't know- It’s causing- hnnggg!”gritted out Vivi. The tip of the longsword wavedered as it tracked the slime.

“Pull yourself together Vi it's just a slime monster, are you really going to call yourself an adventurer and a warrior when you’re afraid of a little slime?”

“It's not- oh fffuck, it’s- godsdammit! Okay fine I'm afraid of the slime, Flora made me not like shiny purple things or something! C-can we just move along!”

The tigerkin girl was already walking away, bored by Vivi’s standoff. Fey paused a moment looking at the defensive vulpine as the others followed. As she watched her rounded belly suddenly moved, a slight bump rolling across its surface as her shorts shifted as though something was moving beneath them,

What the hell was that? Fey blinked, unsure if she had just seen that or had mistaken it for just the vulpine’s shaking, and she was shaking, her knees turned inward slightly her thighs trembling.

“N-not now, p-please, s-stop,” whispered Vivi under her breath so quietly Fey could barely hear. After a moment the vupline’s trembling ceased and she rapidly returned to normal.

“Th-thank you Wummy,” said Vivi as she passed. She gave Fey a terribly guilty look and hurried after Tami and the others.

Fey watched her go. Could it be? No, no that wasn't possible, they would have noticed that right? Right?  

Fey trotted after, wondering if she should push the matter.

As she was pondering, Tami came to halt outside a large door. She pulled the lollipop from her mouth once more and yawned, every iota of her body language suggesting that she was bored just by being in the band's presence. She was truly the embodiment of an annoying teenager. 

“Here, a bedroom. Go on, pick one of you to take it.”

“I- I may as well,” said Fey stepping forward.

Tami abruptly held up a hand, “A-apart f-from you, uhm, this bedroom isn't big enough! Or something!”

“Er, really? Well I suppose I am kinda big.”

“Right! Exactly! So you get the special bedroom, the one for lamias.”

“Fine.” said Ellaria. “Vivi you take this one, you look like you need to get off your feet as soon as possible anyway, all that weight must be dragging on you.”

“I do? Uh, I mean of course, yeah!”

The tigerkin girl took them through various hallways splitting off Ellaria and Flora into separate rooms, the casualness of which she did so saying something about just how large and expansive this mansion was and how many spare rooms it had.

Fey, Tami, and the otterkin twins came to a stop. Tami looked up at Fey and then her gaze couldn't help but roll down the centaur’s body, it took Fey clearing her throat for her to get her attention.

“Uh yeah, h-here, this room here,” said the tigerkin distractedly.

She gestured to a door that appeared even amongst the grand mansion to be particularly impressive, a pair of solid gold leaf doors. Tami pushed at them and they practically floated open, clearly magically enchanted, and the room inside was revealed to Fey. It was a huge room with a massive bed in the center, a row of large windows running down one side. What was most eye catching though was the giant painting of a lamia above the bed, a pink haired and pink scaled lamia.

Fey furrowed her brow.

“Hey, is this Rina’s bedroom you’ve put me in?” 

Not receiving a reply she turned to see the doors closing behind her, the tigerkin nowhere in sight, apparently having already moved on to find rooms for the otterkins.

With a sigh Fey began to get undressed. She had not only fucked the man of this house’s wife but she apparently was about to sleep in what was probably their marital bed. Well it hopefully wouldn't matter, and besides, it was not like she had actually fucked Rina, more like fucked Flora and Rina just happened to be there, that made it not count... Probably.

Tossing her clothing aside she climbed atop the lamia sized bed and was soon asleep.


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