
Chapter 66: 23.4

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Ellaria’s head snapped to Braddox. “Do it now! He knows!”

Braddox lifted his anvil hammer high in the air.


The anvil hammer abruptly quintupled in size, becoming a monolithic block of metal of unimaginable weight. It seemed to have inherited velocity because it was already moving, the air around it immediately igniting into streamers of blazing fire, a thing coming down from the stratosphere to earth like the wrathful burning fist of a war god.

“Shiva! it’s -”

Shiva didn't need more warning than that, her head turned and a pulse of magic blew out from her causing a tingling sensation to wash across Fey’s skin, Baerinda let out a scream behind her and collapsed atop Chloe. The illusions were gone.

Worse, the Kobogon’s arm whipped out and her clawed hand slapped up against the descending super sized anvil, her body efficiently slid into the absolute most optimal position and she simply took the anvil’s combined weight and velocity. She immediately sank about a foot into the solid stone beneath her, her clawed feet punching through, creating meters wide craters of fractured stone.


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Braddox roared and put his all into it, but it didn't matter, somehow the impossible had happened, the Limit Break had been halted, the immense hammer now held in the slim Kobogon’s one hand.

Then she turned and punched Braddox.

Fey could only look on in horror, time seeming to slow to a crawl as it happened. The Kobogon’s fist hit Braddox’s chest and much like the stone below his chest Cratered, the impact point causing his ribcage to go concave as his shattered ribs shredded his flesh, his lungs becoming pulp as bone ripped through and fired out the back of his torso.

Blood gushed from his open mouth, his eyes wide with shock, as he was launched backwards through the air to slam against the cave wall with a gruesome crunch before he fell to the ground, blood waterfalling from the dome-shaped torso wide crater, his body a ruin.

Everyone moved at once. Ellaria flung out her hands and fireballs bloomed then promptly fizzled into nothing as red translucent chains circled her limbs, Flora flung her hands forward before promptly dropping out of the air and crashing into the cave floor as a red chain encircled her neck. Chloe’s spears became so much falling white liquid that did nothing but splat on the ground. Raeger tried to shoot his bow but chains materialised around his limbs and he found himself tied to the ground, in fact all of them did, more and more chains, wrapping around and tying them down. 

That is until Vivi came sprinting at the Kobogon screaming. She stepped then leapt up, her body twisting in a powerful leap. Too slow, chains grabbed at her and the fox girl let out a grunt as she suddenly found herself pinned midair. That wasn’t about to stop her though.

“Wummy! Give it to her!”

The tentacles hanging from her pussy suddenly whipped around, joining together until they formed a huge arm that emerged from the fox girl’s crotch. The arm thrust forward and the Kobogon taken by surprise had a large glossy white fist punch her in the face.

She took a paced step back more out of surprise than pain.

“What? Is that a slime monster?”

She reached out a claw and touched at the arm. The point where she touched abruptly froze over becoming ice, the ice spread and the slime rapidly became a block of frozen slime, Vivi yelped and squeaked as the ice flowed up and into her, her comfortable passenger swiftly becoming a freezing cold icepop and also quite uncomfortable passenger. Red chains snaked around Vivi’s mouth acting as a gag and silencing her, and then any of the others who voiced their distress, cutting them off and reducing them to muffled murmurs.

The Kobogon touched at her face where Wummy had struck her then glanced at the goblin. 

“You know of these… people?”

The goblin child looked between the members of Magic Mog in grave dismay, it seemed strange to see such an expression on a child.

“A band of naive idiots who seem to be following me around. Kill them.”

She gave him a look that clearly read: ‘did you really just tell me what to do?’

“Er, if you want to,” he quickly amended.

“I will, but first…” she sniffed the air, and then took in a deep long breath through her nose. A shiver ran up her spine. “This is… Interesting.” She licked her lips and eagerly continued to draw in air.

Fey had an uncomfortable flashback to the moment Lady Alexandria had caught her scent. She did not like where this was going, and that feeling only became more pronounced as the Kobogon’s violet eyes came to rest on her.

“Why does this one have so much life about her? And that scent, what is that wonderful scent…”

The goblin glanced at Fey and scowled. “Yes she is carrying a bit of life about her, no doubt some aspect of her healer Class, it is no matter.”

“A bit? You are mistaken, I cannot see the ends of the amount of life this one carries, she is like an ocean full to the brim with squiggling wriggling fish desperate to live and breed and multiply.”

Fey strained at her binds but could do nothing as she was pulled into the air, the minotaur girls were pulled from her back as she was moved until she was floating alone in front of Shiva. She looked up at Fey, her nostrils flaring.

She reached a claw forward and Fey let out a gasp as her claws ran down her upper half’s abdomen, her claws denting her skin as they gently caressed her.

“You smell better than any male I have come across, any Kobogon, such incredible intensity, I can feel myself heating just from it tickling my nose,” she let out a breath and her tongue flicked across her lips. 

Fey found herself rotating in the air to her distress and her lower half being turned upside down. Shiva’s eyes lit up and became round with interest as they landed on Fey's length, still throbbing rock hard, her balls bigger than ever. 

The centaur was gently lowered onto the cave floor as Shiva stepped forward. She lifted her foot and smoothly placed it on top of Fey's dick. The girth of her dick alone dwarfed the Kobogon girl’s foot, this only seemed to please the kobogon all the more.

“Such immensity, must this have been how my mother felt when she lay with my father, a tiny thing before an example of record breaking maleness.”

“I- d-don't know how she f-felt but I’m not a dragon, please leave me alone!”

“Hah. Do you think you have a choice in the matter? You have lit a fire in my loins that I have not felt in centuries, now you will take responsibility.”

Shiva stepped forward, her feet coming down either side of the base of Fey's shaft, the kobogon entirely standing atop Fey. She was surprisingly lightweight, or perhaps that was Fey's own strength fooling her.

Shiva leaned down and grasped at the shaft, she made an appreciative sound as she found Fey too girthy for her to get her hands around. Then she lifted, the massive pillar of Fey's maleness rising up and up, going from resting atop her barrel to being near vertical.

“S-such size…” murmured Shiva. Even standing the tip of Fey's dick was above the Kobogon’s pussy, the thing as thick around as one of her thighs.

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She pressed it up against herself, the flared head pressing into her snow white abdomen. Fey was surprised to feel that her scales were almost soft, the sensation of her small scaled  belly rubbing up against her causing a small spurt of pre to splatter up the Shiva’s torso eliciting a small gasp of delight from her.

The Kobogon shifted her hips, going up on her tiptoes, then higher still on the very tip of her toes until she had raised her pussy as high as she could and she just about managed to squeeze Fey's length between her thighs. She let out a breath as she came to rest atop it, her full weight neatly held up by Fey’s dick, only her toes helping to manage her balance.

The others were a captive audience, bound to watch the show, unable to look away from the display. This was really happening and they could do nothing tied up as they were, only look on wide eyed.

Shiva did not keep them waiting, she ground herself down atop Fey, letting out appreciative noises every time a spurt of pre washed up against her lower lips. It wasn't long before her muff was becoming engorged with the stimulation and Fey caught sight of the Kobgon girl’s clit poking from its scaled hood momentarily before she dragged her pussy back over the centre hiding it from sight.

Then Shiva turned her feet inwards and grasped hold of the base of Fey's length, using her grip as leverage to drag herself down, squeezing herself down on top of Fey.

For anyone else as petite this might not have been enough, but the incredible strength of the Kobogon meant that her pussy was slowly spread out wider and wider until the edges of her labia were peeking over the rim, once twice, and then with a SCHLPOP! Her pussy slipped over the flared tip tightly wrapping around the head. Fey let out an unwilling groan as the Kobogon’s insides wrapped snugly around her. The Kobogon felt incredible, she could feel every sliding motion of the Kobogon’s internal musculature sliding over every bump and groove of her dick.

Shiva herself seemed startled, her usual perfection of motion suddenly off kilter, she stared down at the spot where the massive length entered her, her lower lips spread wide in a thin O, her puffiness reduced by Fey’s sheer girth squeezing inside. She gently placed a clawed hand over her mons, caressing the scales where Fey's flared head pushed her trim stomach out subtly.

“This feels… Why does this feel this way?”

Fey glared down at her body at her.

“It- It’s b-because y-you’re m-mine, or s-s-something!” the last part came out as a squeak as the Kobogon’s head snapped up and she narrowed her eyes at Fey. The centaur shivered under the Kobogon’s gaze, those eyes seemed to be looking directly into her soul.

“Was that an attempt to control your situation? Laughable. You are not in control of anything centaur, I hold your life and the lives of all of your comrades in my claws. They are as much mine as mine own possessions now.”

“W-well, maybe you should try not being such a jerk!” cried out Fey and thrust her hips up.

The subtle bulge in Shiva’s trim belly surged upward and a tube of distension rolled up her belly, pushing her flatness out, moulding her into the shape of Fey's massiveness. 

Shiva let out a gasp of surprise, saliva flecking from her lip, her claws knocked away as her white scaled belly bulged outward with Fey’s sheer size.

Her thighs trembled and her feet nearly slipped out from under her her legs shook so violently, her pink little clit surged from its hood and stood proud, a desperate little thing against the trunk that was Fey. Her claws curled and uncurled as she shivered, her eyelids fluttering, several rivulets of clear fluid ran down Fey's length as her labia shifted against the intruder. Her previous perfectly poised motion was long gone, her body utterly betraying her.

“S-see, you l-like it!”

“This-” the Kobogon managed to get out before nearly biting her tongue in half, “This is n-nothing! This is having no effect on me! Just entering me, cannot, should not- It can't!”

“You’re lying, you want to be with me, be held down and b-bred!” said Fey, her voice rising in pitch. She was very much not in control of the situation but was doing her best to bluff. 

As her voice peaked she thrust her hips once more and the Kobogon let out a shriek as the tube of distension shoved upward, her belly button popping out as Fey pushed into her. The sound of fluids raining down filled the air as Shiva squirted, the stream of fluid like a burst barrel spraying out in a diagonal line that rose up along Fey’s horse chest before sputtering to a stop, as that happened the Kobogon slapped her hands down atop her stomach, her claws digging into her bulging belly, indenting her scales, a pressure that Fey could feel through the Kobgon’s flesh as points of pressure on her length.

“You came! You totally just came!”

Shiva stared daggers at Fey, her chest rising and falling rapidly. “I most certainly did not. You speak nonsense, this- this is nothing!”

The Kobogon snarled as she spoke and twisted her hips causing Fey to let out a small scream of her own as the incredibly complex musculature of the Kobogon’s pussy slid over her in a maelstrom of varying pressure.

It was Fey’s turn to struggle and she nearly came then and there, barely holding herself together, desperately performing Kegels to hold back the immense dam of cum desperate to burst free.

This seemed to amuse the Kobogon and she wiped at her brow before smiling, flashing her dragon-esque teeth.

“You are an unusual one but no male has conquered me in bed, It is I who do the conquering, I who take as I wish and leave my mate as an exhausted ruin.”

“S-so take me!”

“...say what now?”

“Take all of me! If you think you can conquer me then you should be able to fit all of me inside of yourself.”

The Kobogon looked at Fey for a moment before glancing down, seeing just how much more of Fey she had to go before she even came close to hilting her, a look of momentary nervousness flashed across her face, but it was gone before Fey even registered it.

“V-very well, I shall take all of you into me, it is the only way to be t-truly joined and for me to contain you, all of you, with my s-superiority.”

She wiggled her hips atop Fey causing the bulge in her belly to shift. Then she licked her lips.

“Well?” said Fey, “what are you waiting for?”

“Do not rush me, I take things at my own pace.”

“A really really slow pace? Are you afraid that you won't be able to handle me?”

Shiva snarled, “Your barbs are just that, barbs,”

She glanced between Fey’s eyes and her dick an annoyed expression quickly appearing. 

“Your gaze is distracting me. Look away.”

“No! You said you could do it! So prove it to me!”

“This- this is not-” the Kobogon let out an exasperated sigh. Then she seemed to come to a decision. She lifted her weight upon her feet and then slowly started shuffling, awkwardly rotating herself around the dick, her walls twisting around Fey causing her to moan. Despite herself, Fey had to admit the Kobogon’s insides felt unbelievably good. 


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