
Chapter 76: 28 1/3

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Previously on Centaurus: Lily was left at the mansion as the rest of the band went out to purchase a firepower upgrade. Later Vivi had a milking emergency and the band ended up at a Cowkin Dairy where Fey rampaged amongst the Cowkin girls.

Now, Chapter 28:

The teddy bear brushed a paw over its brow feeling strangely exhausted. Which was odd as it wasn’t like he had any muscles to get tired with. He adjusted the red dust rag on his head and glanced over the room he was in, checking the others were keeping busy.

He was standing in a vast kitchen, a huge thing with dozens of long counters, dozens of ovens, dozens of, well, everything a kitchen needed but multiplied. The mansion was excessive, so of course the kitchen was also excessively excessive.

He watched as a team of dolls boiled and mashed potatoes, a work line that dragged sacks of potatoes from storage to those cleaning and cooking them, then to those mashing and buttering and salting, then pouring it into to the basin of steaming mash potatoes beside that.

It was hardly the only operation going on in the kitchen. Every surface was covered with dolls and teddy bears busily clattering around the kitchen and turning raw ingredients into meals. Dozens of separate cooking operations from steaks to bacon to veggies to bread to cereal, the sheer quantity was incredible, the mansion's ridiculous stocks of ingredients turned into ridiculous quantities of food. 

He leaned to the side and checked on the servants. Yep, they were still huddled in the pantry, absolutely terrified, the rotund head chef at the front holding a saucepan up in a white knuckle grip, her face drawn and pale. That was fine, as long as they kept out of way of the operation. 

He stepped forward off the counter and casually stepped on top of a food trolley passing by being pushed by a dozen dolls. Putting his nub paws on his hips he stood at the bow as the trolley left the kitchen, banging the double doors open, and drove down the hall joining a number of other trolleys being pushed by dolls from other kitchens.

The convoy swiftly made its way through the mansion, servants cowering out of the way as they passed, any attempts at interference prodded away with kitchen knives. This was a serious operation and the teddy bear would not allow delays. 

They soon made it to their destination, a three-storey stable outside, several of the doors and windows open with a smooth expanse of taut belly bulging out. The trolley rolled to a stop by a scaffolding construction that had been built up the side of the building. The teddy bear looked up as rows of block and tackle operated by dolls lowered ropes down onto the trolley, hooks latching onto the frame. The teddy bear kicked at one of the hooks checking it was solidly in place then nodded. The dolls then heaved on the ropes and the trolley rose up into the air, the teddy bear riding it like an elevator, one paw steadying himself against a guide rope.

The trolley went up and up and up and then it was hauled up onto the tiled roof by more ropes and more teddy bears and dolls, a positive army of the things who swarmed over it, pulling apart the trolley and taking the dishes from the shelves, holding them above their heads as they marched them across the tiles in long lines.

The teddy bear with the red headcloth jumped down and observed, a general inspecting his army. Then he followed to their destination. 

A large hole had been made in the roof about thirty feet across, the edges swarming with movement, a conga line of teddy bears and dolls taking fresh food down a ramp to what lay below while on the opposite side a conga line took cleaned plates out, stacking them on the small hill of the things that had been built up beside the hole.

Strangely the red headcloth teddybear felt a little pride as he looked down into the hole to see his queen continuing to devour their hard work.

Lily tipped the plate of mashed potatoes up and expertly shovelled it into her mouth, practically drinking the stuff down. It was an impressive sight to see the food disappear so swiftly, as though it was just a snack when in reality it was a full meal. She tossed the plate aside as she finished and let out a tremendous belch. She slipped her hand below and patted her belly, still completely trim and flat, perhaps even more so than when she had started eating.

“Gods Lils you really are like a bottomless pit. How on earth are you eating so much...”

Lily glanced over to the one next to her who had spoken, Tami. ‘Next’ wasn’t quite accurate as the teenager was both below and to the side. She was sat cross legged on the vast cum belly of the teenager, her taut horse cum filled stomach arcing away down into the dark stable all around them, the teenager’s naked body at the peak of this vast shape. Tami was wearing a pair of darkened spectacles, sunglasses she called them, the reason why fairly obvious as she had gained a pleasing tan over her body where the sun’s rays reached down through the hole in the roof.

“Mm, I’ve always had a crazy fast metabolism, mother used to tell me off for eating so much, she said that no male in the tribe would want me. I ended up hiding it, pretending I wasn’t hungry, it was just sooo unladylike for a tiny little girl like me to eat an entire chicken on her own, I just couldn't do it without driving everyone else to distraction.” she grinned at Tami. “But now I don't care, and better yet it feels like I’ve been unleashed, my body is crying out for food for all the babies I’m going to have, its using everything it can get hold of to prepare, using it all in one place. I used to be able to eat a lot, but now that's like, multiplied.”

Tami’s eyes moved to the otterkin girl’s breasts. They had grown massively since she had first sat down with her, going from cantaloupe-sized to melon, then spilling across her lap, then touching down on her own belly, then still bigger and bigger, growing and swelling in realtime as she watched Lily eat and eat and eat, all of it going to her chest, her body preparing furiously to feed a coming army of young, her extremely unique metabolism harnessed for one single purpose. 

Lily grabbed up another plate of food and devoured it and even as Tami watched her breasts slowly inched across the top of her cum belly, their mass already many times greater than the smol otterkin girl, her nipples becoming fat fist-sized turgid things, swollen and looking ready to gush with milk at any moment.

The teenager bit her lip. She had to admit that seeing Lily swell and grow larger was not a little bit erotic. That Fey could make a girl so insanely motherly, causing her body to prepare for an immense brood, well, she wondered if she would become like this at some point. The thought made her hips squirm, her still partly gaped pussy performing kegels, hungry to be filled by horse dick once more, rivulets of her wetness rolling down her vast belly.

The Teddy bear with a red cloth on its head marched up to Lily and bowed, clearly respectful of the otterkin.

“Oh? Is that all they have?” said Lily between gulping down more plates.

Tami blinked. “You… ate it all?”

“Seems that way, gosh it didn't last very long, you guys should get more grub next time.”

“Lily. You just ate everything that's edible in my entire bloody mansion! multiple kitchens, all our stores, do you have any idea how much you’ve even put away?!”

Lily patted her massively increased breast size, soft boob flesh jiggling dangerously.

“Not enough clearly, I can get way bigger!”

Tami let out a sigh, blowing a lock of hair from her forehead. This otterkin was too much… and not with just how much she was eating. She glanced over to the arena.

The arena was a circular space that had been marked out on her cum tummy, a space where an audience of teddy bears and dolls watched as a snake did battle with a bear. On second glance the snake wasn't actually a snake, instead a bundle of coiled and twisted ropes, the end knotted to look vaguely snake like. The teddy bear fighting it was cream coloured and for some odd reason had an eye patch, and a scar under its other button eye. It also held a sharpened kitchen knife in its paws that it swung to the side in a wicked slash, just missing the surface of Tami’s stomach and causing her to wince. The teddy bear didn't pause however, instead turning the slash into a darting dodge, just avoiding being struck as the thick heavy rope snake lunged forward, a strike that would have hit harder than a minotaur’s fist. The teddy bear rolled then dove to its feet, sleekly swinging the blade in a circle in the same motion until the blade struck home, digging deep into the already partially cut and frayed snake’s side, cutting deep, causing several of the bundled ropes to fling free. 

The rope snake thrashed in pain and then drew back, wary.

Tami had to admit that the Otterkin must be some kind of one a million genius with her Class, that she was empowering literally hundreds of golems while at the same time having one fight with genuine tactics was mind-boggling. Not that Tami knew a lot of people with Classes but it struck her as extremely unusual that this young, naive, and just beginning otterkin Witch Doctor was doing things that would give a master of any Class pause.

It had to be Fey, it had to be because of the centaur, she desperately wanted that to be the case because that could mean that she could become strong like Lily too.

Not that she hadn't already become stronger. She glanced over at the rope snake and squinted at it. Ropes surged from its body and lunged at the cream teddy bear trying to ensnare it in hemp. The teddy bear hopped back trying to avoid the attack, but one hemp string managed to catch it by the foot sending it stumbling. The knotted head of the snake snatched the chance to attack and lunged forward, striking out like a cobra. Unfortunately the bear reacted, turning its stumble into an abrupt backflip, instantly regaining its center of balance. The cream teddy bear drove the kitchen knife up into the rope cobra’s head in one violent motion. 

The rope flopped down limp and Tami let out a sigh.

“That’s ten to zero. You win. Again.”

Lily smiled innocently at her. A passing stranger would never think that the owner of such a cute face was the commander of some kind of terrifying teddy bear army.

“Don’t worry, you’ll catch up. I mean, just look how much cum is in you! You’re more horse cum than girl right now Tami! Tou’ll for sure start rocketing up in levels soon, you have to!”


A scream from outside broke her train of thought and she blinked behind her sunglasses.

“Wh-what was that?”

“Maybe your father again?”

“Hey, he’s not that high pitched! At least he wasn’t when he saw me like this, well mostly not that high pitched…”

A beautiful gem eyed elf doll rushed from the tiled roof above, jumping down on top of Tami’s cum tummy. It swiftly approached the otterkin and waved her arms at her. Lily furrowed her brow as though listening to something.

“Uhm, she says there are some suspicious looking people in the stable yard…”

“Is it that damned journalist again?”


“Something like that.  A girl broke into the grounds of the mansion in an attempt to interview me yesterday, kept yelling about a newsletter or something until the servants kicked her out.”

The Ellaria doll waved her hand at Lily, seemingly a little annoyed at not being allowed to finish. Lily tilted her head listening and then her brow rose in concern.

“She says they’re wearing black clothing, they’ve killed one of the servants and drawn swords they’re- they’re aiming to attack your vulnerable parts Tami! They’re assassins!”

The teenager’s mouth dropped. “Oh no no no! It's the minotaurs all over again! Why are they coming after meeeeee!”

“I don't know! what do we doo!”

“A-attack? ATTACK! You can't let them get me Lily!”

The two girls looked at each other, then around at the dolls and rope. Then, in tandem, they raised their hands into the air, magic swirling.

Below in the stable yard a group of four hooded in dark clothes stalked closer to the naked belly of the teenager bulging from a stable door, drawing scimitars and loosing axes, preparing to kill the incredibly vulnerable teenage girl.

They stepped closer, closer, lifting their weapons, murder in their every languid motion.

You are reading story Centaurus at novel35.com

Then a cream furred teddy bear with an eyepatch fell from the stable roof above, crashing to the ground in a three point landing. 

The assassins froze up as the bear slowly rose, its kitchen knife coming out to the side, readying.

“Wh-what the fuck?” growled one of the assassins.

You would be forgiven for thinking that an expression of smugness came across the bear’s face, although its features remained static. The bear took a step forward and behind it came a waterfall of bears and dolls, flinging themselves from the roof above in a pouring wave, easily over a hundred, sheeting down onto the dirt below, clumsily landing then rising, various pieces of cutlery in their paws and hands, even, for some reason, spoons.

The assassins took a step back, suddenly wary, only to look beside and behind them as more and more dolls and teddy bears came from around the mansion, converging on the stable, surrounding the assassins.

One of assassins became agitated, turning on the others, his hood falling back revealing a purple scaled drake.

“This isn't what you said it was! I didn't sign on to fight some high level golem-mancer, this isn't supposed to happen!”

“Shutup.” snapped back another, his black scaled drake snout just visible beneath his hood. “This is nothing. Cut them to piece-”

The cream bear lunged for the black scaled drake, putting on a stunning amount of speed, leaping into the air, the kitchen knife aimed right for the drake’s gut. The drake reacted, his scimitar coming up, clanging against the knife, flashing sparks as steel met steel.

The bear fell back and as if that was the starting signal the army of golems swarmed forward, disturbingly silent, just the sound of metal rattling and cloth moving filling the air as the golem mob surged in. 

The drakes panicked and slashed out with their swords, chopping down with their axes, dolls were bisected and teddy bears split down the middle. But it barely made the swarm pause, instead they climbed over their fallen brethren and charged ever on, throwing themselves onto the assassins, stabbing and cutting and forking and spooning. The assassins yelped in pain as sharp and not so sharp metal objects were stabbed into their scales with varying degrees of success, flailing around with their weapons as dolls climbed up their clothing like some kind of unstoppable unfeeling army ant.

Of course, it wasn’t going all their way. The black scaled Drake thrust out his claws and a gale of wind shot forth, blowing a good third of the army off its feet and sending them tumbling.

“Fucking garbage power, this is a joke, it’s nothing.” He turned the wind empowered claws on one of the drakes billowing their clothes and ripping dolls free from them with every passing moment. “Come! Stop dallying with the dolls like spoiled whelps, we have a job to do.”

He turned on the last struggling assassin, pelting them with wind. This of course blew their hood back revealing… hemp. The black scaled drake blinked in surprise, unsure what he was looking at. Then the layers deep winding ropes shifted and a screaming purple scaled drake face could be momentarily seen beneath. The black drakes eyes widened in surprise.

“Get him out of that! Use your axe!” He commanded the others. There was only a gargled reply and he turned to find the cream teddy bear sitting on one of the other drake’s shoulders, slowly dragging the razor sharp kitchen knife across the struggling drake’s throat, a wash of thick red blood spilling down his chest as he died, collapsing as the last light of life dimmed in his eyes. The cream teddy bear jumped free as the drake fell, rolling and skidding to a halt, turning its one good button eye back on the flabbergasted black scaled drake.

The cream teddy bear stared at him. Then it drew a paw across its throat. A threat.

The black scaled drake screamed in outrage and wind exploded in every direction from his billowing cloak sending dolls and teddy bears sprawling. The ropes that had been slowly winding their way across the yard however had already latched onto his ankle and abruptly hauled back. With a cry of despair the drake hit the ground with a thump, the breath knocked out of him. He tried to move, tried to get away, but it was far far too late. A wave of dolls and bears washed over him and his view of the cloudless blue sky above was buried under a mound of stabbing cutting cloth golems, sticking their weapons over and over into his flesh, into his eyes, his ears, his mouth, anywhere they could. It didn't take long for his motions to become pathetically weak, then for him to go still and dead. 

The golems continued stabbing.


The teddy bear with the red cloth on his head undid it and moved it down, wrapping it around his neck and revealing it to be what it truly was, a bright red scarf. 

He checked the fit was neat and then the general turned back to his army. The ranks were lined up across the stable roof top, row after row. At the front was their champion, the cream bear, now wielding a blood stained knife. The general gave the champion an approving nod.

Below, in the hole, the last surviving assassin was being floated, a full cocoon of hemp rope was wrapped around his body, practically making him a sphere it was layered so thick. Tami’s tongue stuck from the side of her mouth as she concentrated. A small bright blue portal about an inch across was hovering in the air near the drake, from it spewed a constant stream of fresh rope which added to the already astounding amount of rope the drake was tied up with.

“New Skill?” asked Lily looking up at the drake while tapping her chin in thought.

“Yup! I leveled up too! I can create rope out of nothing now, I don't need to have a store of the stuff or anything!”

Lily laughed and high fived the tigerkin, beyond pleased that the teenager was getting stronger like herself.

The drake spat a few loose strands of hemp from his mouth and glared at them.

“Let me go! I wanted nothing to do with this!”

“Hmm. Okay!” said Tami.

The drake blinked at her. “Y-you will?”

“Sure, if you tell me why you wanted to kill me.”

The drake swallowed nervously. “I- I didn't it was just the job…”

“The job?”

“Yes! Gods you people really have no idea. It’s Bine! This city! What? did you think you could just open up the economy like this and have zero repercussions?”

“I… don't know what you are talking about…”

The drake looked a little exasperated. “Think about it, you’ve made one of the most welcoming cities there is for merchants to come and do what they like, unbothered by the dragons like in other cities.”

“And that's bad?”

“Yes! The capital, Draconica! The short lifer species merchants are slowly moving their business from Draconica and to Bine, away from the capital, do you know what that means? Gradually there's been less and less gold flowing in, less and less gold for the old dragon nobility to leech off and snatchup. They don't like it, they don't like it at all. They don't like that their source of treasure is buggering off here to Bine. They know full well it's happening and are trying to put a stop to it.”

Lily looked up at the drake, suddenly feeling utterly lost in something she didn't understand. She was just a smol rural otterkin girl who grew up miles away from any city, this was far far beyond her pay grade. “Wh-what about Queen Excalavania?” she asked, wondering if she was asking something ignorant.

“She doesn't give a shit, she’s already filthy disgusting rich, she has mountains-, Look, this is about the old nobles only, they are the ones who can't let go of their greed. They gave us the job, kill the daughter of the merchant with the most political reach, the most social influence, the one who’s pushing the city to open up the most.”

“B-but that’s insane! That wouldn't make mother stop, she’d push ten times as hard!”

“Dragons. Dragons don't understand subtlety, they understand overwhelming dominance and threats, sending a message. ‘Mess with us and we will kill your loved ones’. It’s absolutely going to work too, who in their right bloody mind wants to draw a dragon's ire?!”

Lily glanced between the two, suddenly worried for Tami, her friend.

“Uhm, so what now?”

A shadow passed over her.

“Nothing for you Lily, your captain needs you.” 

She looked up to find a still smartly dressed and very preggers Flora floating above. The gnome flicked her hand and Lily yelped as she was dragged up into the air.


Tami let out a breath and looked up at her friend. “It’s fine Lils, I can handle this, I’m not my mother’s daughter for nothing. Go and do your adventuring stuff, I’ll send for the city guard, gods knows now we know what’s actually going on there’s going to be hell to pay.”

“...but” said Lily forlornly. She drifted out of the hole in the roof and hovered up next to Flora. The gnome girl squinted at her suspiciously.

“Why are your breasts suddenly so large?”

“Why are yours so small!”

“A dairy did... nevermind, we’re leaving, come on.”



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