
Chapter 79: 29 part 1

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Previously on Centaurus: The band leave on a journey to the west through ancient forest seeking a dungeon to dive. They decide to hire a local guide to take them there to avoid getting lost in the endless woods. Unfortunately the guide turned out to have been plotting machinations on Fey from the very start. The guide succeeded in her hidden agenda and achieved what she truly wanted.

Now Chapter 29:

“I can't come up with the words, I just can’t! Quick! Someone describe to me how it made you feel!”

“Uhh, like an intense pressure in my core, or something, I don't know I’m an artist not a writer. Whatever.”

“Like a morning stretch but so much more, being spread that way on a ginormous horse dick there’s nothing more satisfying, and it’s so intense cause I’m smol! I’m like a little cocksleeve!”

“The sheer size and output does make one wonder what one ever saw in any male, *cough* I mean, I, uh, imagine that is how it would make one feel if they experienced being penetrated by such a monstrous tool.”

“She’s totally a goddess of fertility, of course it’s going to be a life changing dicking, being stretched out and left gaped is the best feeling ever, not to mention the tons of cum.” Flora slapped her preggers belly as if to emphasise her words.

Fey’s cheeks went from pink to scarlet as they talked.

“P-please stop talking about me like that guys, it- it feels really really weird…”

“Yes, the feeling, not Fey herself, I have plenty of fond words for Fey, ” said Octavia twirling her pen between her fingers as she walked.

The sound of a disembodied voice cleared their throat.

“Uhm, in the throes of being r-rutted? Well, I can’t think straight when that's happening, I feel lost! Sometimes I try to control the clenches or convulsions of my p-pussy, but it doesn't work when I’m so stretched out with her size, made so f-fucking sensitive. The surging downwave makes me l-lose control, trying to stay on top of it just makes the reversing force that much more wild. The thrusting penetration pushes me higher and higher and higher, becoming so intense I can't speak, I can't breathe, I can't think, until I’m throwing my head back and screaming, until I feel like I can't take it anymore and everything is roaring in my ears.”

The voice was becoming more confident as they spoke.

“Then after reaching the peak I come crashing down, floppy limp, my whole body glowing and pulsing until it focuses back on my core, my pussy is left contracting over and over with after shocks, it feels amaaaazing! Each contraction is fast and so strong at first then slowing, until I’m so sensitive that I can barely move. The afterglow feels like I’m high and I just want to lay there stuffed full with gallons and gallons of horse cum in my womb, just feeling incredible and complete, like a deep primal need to be bred has been satisfied that never could have been before.”

The rest of the band stared at the spot in the air where Kayla floated.

“...Yeah, uh, that.” said Flora.

Octavia’s pen continued to scribble furiously in her book, copying down everything the otterkin said.

“Gods, I’m going to write the best thing the newsletter has ever seen, sales are going to go through the roof.”

“Isn't this club only a few days old?”

“Yes, but in this market there’s frantic demand for more and more and more. Why do you think there’s fiction alongside the true Fey stories? Of course the real deal stories are way more popular but the demand is so strong that even the fake ones are desperately grabbed up as soon as they get published. The club wants more Fey and I intend to supply it.”

“You people are all absolutely crazy,” said Flora, “...So, uh, just so I know how to avoid it, where would someone come across one of these terrible slanderous newsletters?”


“What? I said I wanted to know so I can avoid such an awful thing, specifically know, exact location… and price, so I can ensure I don't have enough money on me to accidentally purchase it.”

Ellaria rolled her eyes then glanced ahead.

“Ah, is this it Octavia?”

The mouse girl looked up from her writings.

A large stone entrance stood before them. Nearly twenty feet tall and constructed from coal black stonework. The stone was marred and chipped with age, suspicious rust red stains criss crossing beneath crawling dark green ivy that wound across its surface.

“It’s not like I led you to the wrong dungeon. This is the place.”

“Uhm, that is quite… scary looking, are we, ah, sure about this?”

“Hey I’m just a guide for lumber jacks, don’t ask me.”

“Yes, we will be descending down into the dungeon. Control your fear Lily for fear is the prologue to death, best never to read it.”

This did not seem to help Lily’s state of mind and she paled further, making big wary eyes at the dark dark depths the entrance stood over.

“Good luck, don't die!” said Octavia cheerily, perching on a pillar of fallen stonework beside the entrance, her pen returning to her book.

Vivi had been frowning at something on the ground and had barely glanced at the entrance. As the band prepared to enter Wummy extended a tentacle down from the hem of her skirt and pulled something from the long grass. It was a rucksack.

“Hey… what is this?”

Ellaria paused and then approached, her brow creasing in concern.

“A pack. A pack that has clearly been left out in the open but has not begun to fall to nature. Look, it's clean still.” She leaned in as Wummy held it out, another few tentacles appeared then flipped open the flap and pulled free a number of basic camping supplies amongst other things. “...It also has all the signs of belonging to an adventurer.”

“What does that mean to us?”

Ellaria straightened back up, a slightly displeased look on her face.

“It means that an adventuring band was here recently, perhaps very recently.”

“Recent enough that they could still be inside the dungeon?”

“I do not know… Come.”

The elf turned and strode toward the entrance, the band forming up behind her. As she passed Lily she slung the strings on her dimensional bag wide and a dozen teddy bears leapt forth including the red scarf and the eyepatch bear.

Darkness swallowed them as they made their way inside, the sunny brightness of the outside world becoming only a memory in the pitch black. That is until fire flared to life, a dozen fist sized orbs glowed and flickered around Ellaria, lighting the large chamber they had arrived in.

“Lily. Normally we would make use of Flora’s ability to trip dungeon traps. However I would like to see how your golem bears do. Send them ahead, impress me.”

Lily swallowed, suddenly feeling the pressure. She gestured and the bears ran forward, disappearing over a stone lip at the end of the chamber.

Fey trotted toward the stone lip, her stomach doing flips. It wasn’t that she was afraid of dungeons, she had been in a number of them, just that her last experience with one had left her with an animalistic wariness, an instinctive fear. Could this be the same as that dungeon? An irrational question but still one that hung over her.

She blinked as Ellaria stepped out beside her, the elf confidently making her way down the stairs. What was she doing?! She couldn't let her just go ahead on her own, she needed to protect the elf, to heal her from any injury, to keep her safe.

The clopping of hooves joined the elf’s near silent steps on the vast staircase. Behind them came the others.

The stairs were monolithic in scale, thirty foot wide and with large steps. Fortunate as it allowed the more pregnant of the band to easily descend. The stair alighted on a small square landing before another stair to the left took them down further, then another, a vast spiral descending deep deep into the earth, monumental blocky stonework creating a passage through millions of tons of earth and stone.

After nearly twenty minutes of descending the great staircase they, at last, stepped free from the last step and emerged into a vast cavernous hall. An underground stream had broken through the wall of the hall and flowed across it, water falling down another stair on the other side. The echoing space was filled with the sound of rushing water, the light from Ellaria’s flames causing wet stone to gleam in the oppressive dark.

“Care, the floor is slippery with moss and dew.”

A spot of colour caught Fey’s eye and she turned to see a blue gemstone floating in the air. The gem turned over and over as though the owner was furiously studying it.

“Erm, Kayla, is everything okay?”

The gemstone froze up. Then lowered slightly as though the person holding its shoulders had slumped. 

“Y-yes…” came a sad voice, “I just… I just don't want to be useless anymore, I, I want to help the band, I want to help like Lily, but I don't have anything Fey. I can't fight, I can't do magic, I'm stuck being invisible and extremely preggers. I can’t even move on my own anymore without Flo.”

The centaur paused at that suddenly feeling a bit guilty. It was fair to say that the otterkin was being overlooked due to her invisibility and new found shyness, she hadn't even considered that she might want to do more than be an observing apprentice adventurer in the dungeon. She promised herself that she would do something to help her if they made it out alive from this place.

“Don't fret Kayla,” said Ellaria, “An apprentice first timing a dungeon is only expected to learn, just keep back and watch us.”

The gem shifted as though Kayla was nodding.

They made their way onward, crossing the stream, then making their way down wide corridors. At one point they passed by a chasm in the ground, part of the corridor collapsed into the pit, its walls stretching up and down into the darkness, vast cliffs hidden underground. Fortunately they could once more rely on Flora to get by as trying to squeeze around what little remained of the floor poking from the wall was risky, and terrifying, the stone looked ready to fall into the bottomless pit at any moment.

As the last of them levitated over Lily made an exclamation of surprise and stepped forward to where Ellaria stood, her light illuminating something on the ground. It was a teddy bear, partially torn apart. 

“Care. It’s a trap.”

The elf sent several fireballs forward illuminating the shadowy walls with flickering light. A stuck spike trap was revealed. The bronze had clearly become worn with the years, muck and stones falling into the mechanism causing it to get stuck when it had been triggered by the bear.

They carefully passed by the bronze spikes and continued on, Lily scooping up the ragged teddy bear as she passed.

Deeper, then deeper, corridor after corridor until suddenly the red scarfed teddy bear came running from the dark, darting up to Lily and leaping onto her breasts.

“Whats is it? Tell me.” said Ellaria.

Lily cradled the bear who seemed quite pleased with his position in her cleavage.

“He says there’s someone ahead, a human. Uhm, they sound like they are in trouble.”

Vivi unsheathed her long sword and several more flames spun to life around the elf.

You are reading story Centaurus at novel35.com

“We go slow. Cautious.”

They crept down the corridor until a voice could be heard.


Fey couldn't stop her body and found herself quickly stepping ahead, rushing down the corridor, ready to heal.

“That's not slow or cautious Fey!”

“Someone needs me! I-”

She came to a halt as she neared, a large open doorway appearing to one side. She beckoned for Ellaria to catch up with the light, it took only a moment and light soon spilt through the entrance.

A man was lying on the ground. He stared up at them, his face sweaty with fear. Fey quickly looked him over, searching for any injury or wound. She blinked as she found his ankle trapped in a pile of wood and chains? He was trapped?

“W-water please!” wheezed the man, his voice like dust. 

Ellaria’s hand darted into her dimensional bag and plucked out a water skin then tossed it to Fey who grabbed it and sat down beside the man, her barrel hitting the ground.

“What happened here? Who are you? An adventurer?” demanded Ellaria as Fey tilted the bottle back and the man drank.

He gasped as he took his fill. “I’m- I’m an adventurer- yes- we came here, but we weren't prepared, oh gods, we weren't prepared!”

By that point the rest of the band had filtered into the room and were looking at the man on the ground in curiosity.

“Ah, I see what happened now. You are new to this line of work I assume?”

“...We- we haven't been a band long if that is what you mean yes, this was supposed to be our first dungeon as bronze rank, but-”

“Fools.” sighed Ellaria. “How many?”

“There were five of us! Oh gods, what am I to do!”

As they had been speaking Fey had been moving her hands back along the man, out of view as he conversed with Ellaria. She was of course checking to see if he was injured, the problem was that there was something wrong with this man, his flesh was…different, not quite right. Puzzled she moved her hands over to the wood and chains and extended her senses. She flinched back at what she found hidden below the wood, not feet, no, something unformed.

“He’s not human!”

The man moved instantly, his mouth splitting apart into a vast fanged maw that divided down his neck to his chest. His eyeballs bulged from his face becoming blade tipped tentacles as the thing lunged toward Fey in a snake-like cobra strike. 

Razor fangs were about to tear into the panicking centaur’s side when Vivi’s long sword flashed through the air in an upward strike, an arcing slice of silver that instantly cleaved through the creature’s neck sending its head tumbling through the air.

Before the head had even begun falling back to earth the rest of the body exploded with blade tipped tentacles, a terrible scream ripping through the air. The band reacted violently and fire and metal and crushing force obliterated the thing, dicing and burning it to nothing in an instant.

As that was happening the head fell, falling directly onto Lily’s cleavage and knocking off the the scarf bear who was sent head over heels sprawling. The otterkin gave the disturbing severed head resting on her breasts a look of utter horror and fled screaming back into the hall.

Fey not being able to help with the violent destruction of the creature by the rest of the band chased after her, emerging back into the dark hall.

“Lily! Lily! Are you okay!”

“Help! Help!”

Strangely, the voice came from above. She looked up to find Lily attached to the wall, a number of tentacles squirming over her body from cracks in the stone.

Fey gasped and rushed forward, reaching out and grabbing onto the otterkin’s legs, trying to pull her free. She applied her outsized strength and hauled on the small girl, the otterkin started to be ripped free from the wall, the tentacles failing. This seemed to shock Lily, as though she hadn't expected Fey to be quite this strong and had been put in an awkward position. In response Lily’s face split in two, becoming two sides of a huge pair of fanged jaws that lunged for Fey.

Fey cried out as the jaws closed on her head only for them to freeze as something took hold of it, desperately trying to close the distance and bite down but unable to quite reach, the thing snarled in frustration, its muscles bulging, fighting against tan invisible force, even starting to make ground, that is until a long sword plunged through the creature’s head and ripped out the side in a shower of gore.

Fey stumbled back as fire bloomed to life, the creature igniting, screaming as it died.

“Fey are you okay!?”

“Yes! But Lily! Where is Lily! Ellaria! Quick! The light!”

Fireballs zoomed in every direction, the corridor lit bright as day as flames filled the air.

There was no Lily in sight.

But then Fey spotted a certain teddy bear, one with a scarf. It waved at her and then ran down the corridor. Fey thundered after the bear, her hooves striking the ground like hammers. The bear darted down a side passage and she skidded to a halt, having to backtrack a little to turn into it. She followed inside and emerged into a small room.

The scarf bear was at the center along with a dozen more bears, each of them futilely attacking a… plant?

It certainly looked like a plant, a pod made of several thick fleshy veiny leaves curled up in an egg shape. Fey approached cautiously, not quite sure what she was looking at. After a moment she raised her hands and extended her healing sense. There was nothing, then, a heartbeat.


A muffled sound came from with and what sounded like struggling.

Fey didn't hesitate, she grabbed for the leaves and in one vicious motion ripped the pod in two.

Lily came tumbling free, slumping on the ground, coughing and spluttering.

“Th-thanks. It- that thing got me! I didn't know what was happening until it was too late, I should have kept further b-back, I didn't think-.” She shook her head and continued to desperately draw in air.

The others appeared behind as Lily slowly clambered to her feet, swaying slightly. Vivi stepped forward to help stabilise her but was stopped by Fey’s hand. She blinked at the centaur in surprise.

“Hold on. Let me check her.”

Fey grabbed the otterkin who yelped in surprise as she was lifted into the air. Fey held her tight, squeezing the small girl into her cleavage, their breasts squashing together as she forcefully examined every single inch of her body at the same time. After a moment she sighed with relief.

“It’s her, it’s Lily.” she said as green light spilt from her hands and healed any scratches or bruises on the otterkin.

“What the hell is going on in this dungeon…” muttered Flora. “Fake adventurers?”

“It’s a kind of monster that can imitate living beings and apparently has a penchant for hunting adventurers. But if Fey can sense whether they are real or not it would appear to be a non-issue and they are just like any other monster. The answer is simple, she checks each of us then we move on. This time we don’t rush up to the injured human and try to save them. Right, Fey?”

Fey looked down meekly, “Y-yes…”

“Yes is right, your protective instincts are getting out of control as of late. Take a more cautious tact, I’m asking as your captain.”

The centaur busied herself checking the others and avoiding Ellaria’s eyes. Fortunately, it seemed there were none of the imitating creatures amongst them and they soon left the room.

It wasn’t long before they started hearing more voices, this time directly ahead of them. They approached far far slower and found a campfire out in the open of some kind of hall. Besides the fire a number of cloaked people were seated.

“Has to be the same creatures,” whispered Ellaria.

“B-but what if it isn't? Are we just going to attack and kill fellow adventurers?”

“It hardly seems likely.”

“But we don't know for sure Ella, we could be making a mistake!”

“Fuck em, it’s a risk worth taking.”

“Uhm, couldn't we just ask first?”

“No that's so stupid! Why would we give away our advantage of surprise?”

The debate descended into a whisper-hissed argument and it wasn’t until Lily started coughing and spluttering that they realised something was wrong. The smoke from the fire had filled the hall ahead entirely and was quickly washing down the corridor, unnaturally fast, as though it was being driven by a wind.

“Hmm.” Ellaria turned to back away from the hall, checking their retreat was clear, but found that the corridor was simply gone, a flat wall of stone where they had just come from. 

A loud thump made her turn back in alarm to find Fey slumped on the floor. She was quickly followed by Vivi and then Lily, each of them swaying then collapsing as they fell unconscious.

“This- a sedative?” slurred Ellaria, her words sleepy as she tried taking a step forward.

She fell to the ground.



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