
Chapter 83: 30 part 2

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It seemed that it was going to take some time for the mimics to mine their way out of the dungeon as there was no follow up, at least that could be heard.

After an hour of jogging with no furious mimics hunting them down the band began to relax and their pace slowed. Mimics did not make very good trackers and the vast maze like forest for once worked in their favour.

A small tingling chime sound sounded and Fey turned her head to see Flora touching at a glowing rectangle resting on top of her breasts.

“What is that?” 

“Dunno, the idiot human dropped it.”

Flora pushed at the glowing thing and it beeped at her. She blinked at it.

“That human’s clothing was strange…” murmured Lily, “And the things he spoke of…”

“The clothing was unfamiliar to me too. But we have seen similar things before.”

“We have?”

Ellaria nodded. “Yes, when we fought the Kobogons. That was the place that blue summoning stone Kayla possesses comes from. The goblin child was the original owner of it and used it twice. Recall the two dead humans we found after we defeated that ancient Kobogon Shiva?”

“I remember,” said Fey, “I helped bury them, poor things. I’m sad we couldn't do anything for this suicidal one Kayla summoned.”

“Yes. Those two wore clothes like that young man. I strongly suspect that this summoning stone is calling humans from the eastern continent. It would make sense as their wear is consistently unusual and people on the eastern continent are supposed to be quite different to us here in the west...This is of course all without mentioning that a summoning stone able to summon something other than monsters is supposed to be impossible…”

Vivi tilted her head. “There’s an eastern continent?”

Ellaria nearly tripped over her own feet and turned to stare at the vulpine. “Really Vivi? Really? How do you not know an entire continent exists after all your travels?”

“Hey, I don't need to know about some dumb shitty continent when I’m kicking ass, besides I bet most people don’t know about some stuffy scholars nonsense like that, Lily and Kayla won't know, they’re salt of the earth folk like me.”

Lily waved a hand, “No no, I know, it’s common knowledge.”

“I know too,” said Kayla chiming in. “I don't think I’ve ever met anyone who doesn't…”

“Wait wait, this is just a bad sample size, most people don't-

“Uhm I’m pretty sure I saw an advert for an exploration expedition out to the eastern continent in Bine…”

“No this is-

“I overheard some people arguing about it in the market,”

“Now hol-

“I saw some children telling ghost stories about it,”

Vivi looked around at the rest of the band who were staring at her.

She huffed and crossed her arms. 

“Oh fuck off. First my bloody sword gets squished and now some shitty continent appears out of bloody nowhere. This sucks.”

Lily raised a hand. “Erm, actually I think it has always been ther-

Vivi growled at the otterkin and she squeaked and put her hand down.

More beeps came from the rectangle on Flora’s breasts as the gnome tapped rapidly at the thing. After a moment the sound of a guitar being played came from the rectangle, a strumming song interlaced with a crooning voice.

The band slowed and stared, even Octavia sleeved on Fey’s dick leaned her head out from beneath Fey’s barrel and stared up at the rectangle.

“Oh!” said Fey. “It’s just like at the whore house!”


“It’s magically recorded music! When I was there I saw music recorded on a crystal, it’s a new kind of magic!”

Flora looked down at the rectangle then back at Fey.

“This uh, is a little bit more advanced than that Fey… I don't know what this is honestly. There’s writing look see, but I’ve never seen anything like it, it’s not in Common, I’ve no idea what it says, and the way things change when you poke stuff… ”

Ellaria stroked her chin. “It would seem that wherever these humans are coming from they are more magically advanced than we are. Curious. If I had to guess why the writing is not in common, as the young man spoke, it is because of the way summoning stones work by forcibly implanting our language into a summoned monster’s brain. The young man wasn’t aware he was speaking a different language the same as a summoned monster wouldn’t… It appears to have affected the audible component of this magical device as well... Another thing that isn't supposed to happen.”

The crooning voice became a background sound as they walked, the guitar strumming pleasantly, the band listening intently, if slightly confused why the singer liked the countryside so much.

After a little time walking Lily spoke up.

“...What’s a truck?”

Vivi rolled her eyes, “Oh the innkeeper genius doesn't know what a truck is does she? Wow how ignorant of you, gosh.”

“Do you know what a truck is?”

“Well, no. But that’s not the point!”

The music changed, shifting to a stranger more artificial sound, nothing like any instrument Fey had heard of, but then she remembered Abby had shown her something like this, music made through pure magic, no instrument needed. The normally serene forest was filled with a throbbing bass beat, the chirping of the birds quiet as the glowing rectangle played music that made the band step restlessly. 

They were an hour into what seemed a non stop stream of that kind of electrifying music when Flora paused and looked up from the rectangle.

“Hey, isn't this a very different direction from the one we came by?”

“Mmhnn, g-gawd yes!” moaned Octavia.

“Is that a yes to my question or just you loving being bare back walk fucked?”

“B-both, hnnyaa!”

“This is ridiculous, would you just tell us where the hell you are taking us already?”

Octavia didn't reply but raised a shaky arm pointing ahead.

“Are those… rooftops?” said Lily squinting into the distance.

Indeed a moment later they broke through the treeline and emerged out onto a road, onto a road right in front of what appeared to be a small fortified village.

“I f-figured since we were never going to make it back this late in the day we could make a stop off at one of the few villages that exist out here. Well technically it’s a nexus camp of several lumber networks but it’s grown big enough to be called a village over the years.”

“A camp with walls?”

“Well they are lumberjacks, all that easy wood to hand gets put to some use.”

The band approached cautiously, unsure what they were getting into.

“Oh don't be like that, look it’s old Murkfist up on the wall there, just say hi and he’ll let you in.”

A grizzled old man holding a crossbow turned and noticed them for the first time. Then nearly fell over at the sight of Flora and Vivi and had to do a double then triple take as he spotted Ellaria and Fey.

“What the hell is this? Who are you extremely suspicious people?”

“Psst, might want to play down being adventurers,” whisper hissed Octavia from beneath Fey.

“We aren't going to pantomime as something we are not, we are adventurers and proud of it.” 

“Adventurers!?” exclaimed the man on the wall.

Octavia let out an irritated sigh and wiggled her hips, making herself comfortable as the mouse girl cock sleeve that she was.

“Yes, adventurers, and we are looking to stay the night at this… village.”

“No. We don't want your kind ‘ere, we ain’t gonna be liable for any of the mess you cause, I know what your kind are like, buncha drunken louts.”

“Oh please, we are an all female team, we would never-

“That ones a gnome! Gnomes are more destructive than any man!”

“She is a reformed gnome, watch. Flora would you kindly do a barrel roll.”

There was a squawk of outrage from Flora as she rotated in mid air.

“See, we are all perfectly capable of behaving ourselves and not drinking.”

“Oh hell no I'm definitely drinking as soon as my preggers ass can find a damned bar,” grumbled Vivi.

“Vivi.” hissed Ellaria out of the side of her mouth, “Ahem, she is of course only a light drinker who would never drink more than reasonable, just a pint or two.”

“Pff, naww, don't you remember me drinking my way through a whole entire barrel just the other month? I can drink dwarves under the table, I’m like a professional drink- OW! Hey, why are you trying to set my tail on fire?!”

“We will leave the vulpine outside if necessary.”

“You’re not getting in, any of you. And you can keep your troublesome adventurer asses far and the hell away from our village.”

“Uhm, captain,” whispered Lily, “M-maybe it’s a good idea to use some of the erm, l-loot?”

The band turned to stare at Lily.

“Is she... suggesting a bribe?”

“Lily what has happened to you?” said Fey, in shock, “Old Lily would never say such a thing!”

“H-hey I just want to sleep in a regular bed and not a monster infested forest okay! Is that so much to ask!?” She crossed her arms and stared at Fey defiantly, the crowd of teddy bears around her copying and crossing their arms too.

“Our little apprentice is getting all grown up into a proper adventurer,” grinned Flora.

“There may be some… merit I suppose.”

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“Oh Don't be such stingy cheap skate for once El, gods it’s like milking blood from a particularly stubborn stone,” said Flora rolling her eyes.

Ellaria made a sour face but pulled a fist full of coins from the dimensional bag. She tossed them into the air and Flora levitated them up into the surprised man’s hands.

“More than enough for you to turn a blind eye I believe. It is not your problem what we do and never will be. Do we have an understanding?”

The grizzled man blinked down at the glittering metal coins filling his palms.

“Uhhhhh... I guess I must have misheard. You're prospectors out for cheap lumber, nothing to do with those troublesome adventurer sorts I’m sure.”

Ellaria smiled gracefully as the man kicked open a latch at the top of the front door and it swung open.

“Hah! See that wasn’t so bad now was it elfy?”

Ellaria turned her graceful smile on the gnome. It remained steady and unmoving.

Flora’s grin slowly dropped away.

“H-hey now, wait, h-hold on a second, I was only-

“Flora, would you kindly spin like a top until I say you can stop.”


The band made their way into the village along with a swearing scowling gnome who was levitating through the air while rotating rapidly, her face becoming increasingly green and nauseous.

The village was… basic, as was to be expected of what was basically an overgrown logging camp. Still, the buildings were well constructed if simplistic in design, the loggers having easy access to wood gave them the freedom to build as they liked, houses, shops, a blacksmith, a temple, stables, warehouses. The village was dominated by one building in particular, a large thing four storeys tall, an inn equipped to deal with all those who passed through for work across the many lumber camps networked throughout the forest. 

They neared the inn while drawing a lot of stares. It was hard not to attract attention, especially as Flora continued to rotate huffily, her arms crossed, doing her best to retain her composure and utterly failing.

The inn was large but the entrance was not and Flora and Kayla were forced to remain outside. Vivi paused and looked up at the inn, tapping her chin with a claw. Then she turned and looked back at the blacksmiths they had passed by.

“I’m… going to buy a sword. Lily come with me?”

“Erm but I really kiiiinda-

The red scarfed teddy bear turned and waved at her, moving its head as it communicated silently.

“You think so? I... suppose…”

Vivi rose her brow in question.

“Yes, I’m coming I guess, apparently soldiers need equipment, or something.”

Ellaria and Fey pushed through the front door of the inn as Vivi and Lily left in the opposite direction. The sound of Flora projectile vomiting in a spiral as she continued to spin fading away as the door shut behind them.

The inside was brightly lit and welcoming, more than comfortable for what was such an out of the way place. Fey supposed the lumberers must be doing well for themselves to construct such a thing.

There were a number of lumberjacks lazing around the lobby, their rough hardy clothes a contrast to the well cared for room. There was a group who did seem to be more fancily dressed however, a group wearing their absolute best clothing.

Each and every one of them were gnolls.

There were ten gnolls in total and all of them wore snow white wedding dresses, long ankle length skirts and cupping push up bodices, trim waists made slimmer with tightly fitted cloth above flared hips, colourful flower tiaras set on heads, an intricate display of natural beauty.

The thing was, they might have been brides… but they didn't exactly act the part. One of the brides slammed a heavy wooden tankard down on the table with a bang and let rip a rafter shuddering belch that went on for quite an astonishing amount of time.

“Huh, guess they’re having a gnoll wedding,” said Octavia from below Fey.

It took a moment for Fey to spot a groom. At first she thought she was looking at a gnoll child such was his diminutive size. He was sat between two of the brides and utterly dwarfed by the tall woman to either side, small enough that the table he was sat at was awkward for him, in fact Fey rather suspected that he was sitting on a booster seat.

They passed by, Octavia dangling below her. 

Of course, gnolls being gnolls meant that they had an excellent sense of smell. The girl nearest jerked in her seat as she caught the scent of something despite the distance, the pink roses of her tiara wobbling dangerously. Confused, she blinked and then drew in air through her nose, and then more, practically huffing the air now. 

She turned and stared at Fey, her brow raising, then raising so far it looked like it was attempting to escape her forehead as she spotted the mousekin speared on Fey’s dick bouncing along below.

Fey avoided her rude gaze and followed Ellaria to the main bar where a ruddy-faced fat man was mindlessly cleaning a glass with a rag that had seen better days. Fey got the impression he wasn't actually cleaning it, just making the habitual motion. She very carefully aligned herself behind Ellaria so the barkeep couldn't see Octavia.

He gave Ellaria a suspicious look but managed to put aside his apparent life’s work to attend to her.

“Whatcha want?”

“A… room? This is an inn correct?”

“To adventurers? Well, that depends.”

“Depends on what?”

“How good your gold is. The adventurer rate is a little higher than most.”

“Why in the gods name-”

The innkeep scowled. “Don't play games now elfy. You look like you very well know how it goes. I charge more because you and your adventurer ilk have a habit of damaging my property, oh and not to mention you have a great big stonking centaur with you. Now you can suck it up or find someplace else to go. I’m sure that the non-existent inn down the road will be willing to take you, failing that I hear the forest floor bed and breakfast is comfortable enough.”

Fey took a step back as an annoyed Ellaria attempted to negotiate the innkeep down. She was so focused on not causing trouble that she was taken completely by surprise when she backed directly into a pair of held up paws, paws directly in the path of her melon sized balls.

The paws smoothly palmed her spheres, exploring their shape, their incredible heat and turgidity, every little bump and vein, each paw pad caressing in awe as though unable to quite believe their size. 

The owner of the paws, the previous gnoll bride, made a coo of appreciation as she explored, each globe a promise of massive massive insemination.

Fey twisted her upper body side to side trying to see. She caught sight of the bride gnoll and realised what had happened.

“Hey do you mind?”

The gnoll looked up, still palming Fey's balls of course, her arms going around in an arc, matching the silhouette down until they were cupping them from the bottom. Her paws were dwarfed by the size of the things but that didn't keep her from trying to grasp them. Fey’s balls were beginning to respond to the constant attention.

“Mm, no I don't mind, I rather like it actually. These are… magnificent.”

“N-not that! I mean, that is, c-can you stop, please! This is harassment!”

Fey’s ball churned and stirred, their surface shifting as an unimaginable quantity of sperm recognised that a female was very near. The bride gnoll gasped in delight as the balls lurched in her paws, actually shifting, trying to sway toward her womb and pushing at her paw pads.

“You’re an, ah, interesting one.”

“No, I’m not! I’m not interesting at all, I'm just a plain old regular boring centaur, nothing special about me!”

The gnoll gave her a bemused look and then leaned to the side, pointedly looking at Octavia who was sheathed on her dick. Octavia smiled politely and waved back at her.

“Normal huh? I don't think so, you’re,” she breathed in through her nose “Special, wonderfully special. Come, let me get you a drink at least, it's the least I can do for you after allowing me to have a fondle of the girls.” She patted the rounded surface of Fey’s balls fondly.

“I’m not sure I sh-should-”

“Just one drink, I promise. Hey aren't you staying here anyway?”

“Well yes, but-”

“Well then you need to be welcomed by all of us gnolls staying in the inn, obviously! We’re gonna meet anyway, yes?”

The bride gnoll darted out a paw and grabbed hold of Fey’s hand and the centaur found herself being pulled toward the tables the gnolls were camped out at. 

The other gnolls ignored her at first, too busy drinking a tremendous amount of alcohol but then Fey was quite a large centaur and was difficult to ignore. A lot of surprised gnoll faces looked up at her as she neared.

“My name is Neshi by the way, here here, take this.” The bride gnoll pushed a large mug of something into her hands with a broad grin.

“Thank you?”

“And me?” said Octavia from below.

“Neshi, what in flying furs name is that mousekin doing under that centaur?” said a large chested bride with a daffodil tiara. 

Octavia grasped the tankard she was handed gratefully, then she used her free hand to slap the horse dick bulge thrust up between her breasts, the impact making Fey whimper.

“What do you think this is?”

The gnoll furrowed her brow as they stared at the bulge. “Flay my tail I thought that was some kind of strange under barrel riding saddle you were lying atop of , but it's- its-!”

“A massive centaur dick stretching me out, yup!”

“B-but how! It's- you-!”

“When you get the chance to take a dick as magnificent as this you make room if you know what I mean… also magic, okay mostly magic, but still!”

“You think that's mad Lotsai? Check these out.” 

Neshi pushed at Fey's side and the centaur made a face but turned her body to the side. The gnolls gasped as her melon sized balls came into view poking out from behind her hind legs.

Neshi grinned at the female gnolls reaction, even the groom was making big round eyes at the sight of the things.

“And that's just the view, come and try touch em!”

Erm…” said Fey, blushing scarlet.

One of the other gnoll brides stepped up and together with Neshi they placed their paws on Fey's balls, their pads stroking over the burning hot surface, the incredible tautness suggesting just how ready they were to be relieved.

“OH!” gasped the new gnoll, “They’re- they're moving! Oh my gosh!”

Indeed the huge testacles seemed to growl and churn under the female attention, what was beneath trying to get at them, stirring to life, multiplying.

“Are they… are they getting bigger?” said the new gnoll.


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