
Chapter 89: 33 2/2

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“Well, what are we doing first? What's the priority?” said Vivi as she hefted her weapon egg under one arm. The band had found a deserted alley not far from the entrance

“Kayla needs a Class, we should have helped her get one ages ago, after the dungeon and everything I feel so guilty!” said Fey, her hands fretting. 

“Uhm, that is if it’s not too much trouble,” came Kayla’s quiet voice.

“See! It’s the right thing to do!”

“That’s a point,” said Flora. “But allow me to make a counterpoint. Give me my fucking cut and let me gambley gamble that shit, gods knows I haven't let loose in a while.”

“Well now you have said that absolutely not,” said Ellaria.

“Oh fu-


“N-no I d-didn't mean-!”


“Please no! Please captain!”


“I promise to behave captain ma’am!” said Flora, attempting her best impression of a straight-backed military salute, eyes wide and fearful.

“Hmm. Better.” said Ellaria, easing off. Flora shuddered and sighed in relief.

The elf turned to Vivi. “The absolute priority is quite obvious. You are holding it. We need to understand these eggs as soon as possible. We do not know when they hatch or if they will hatch, they could hatch in ten minutes or a month or never, and also importantly, we do not know what they contain.”

“Who would be able to tell us about that?”

“Well, I did consider a healer and I have already asked Fey if she can tell us something about them.”

“I, uhm, can't. I can't extend my healing senses inside, the shell is really really really really dense.”

“Which means we need someone higher level than Fey.”

“M-much higher level, I can usually tell how much higher level I would need to be to push my healing sense through a surface or armour or fabric on a patient, but I uhm, can't with this.”

“Right, and the only place you might find a healer of that calibre is at one of the city's hospitals. So, we shall proceed there and-”

“I think that's a bad idea. What if they are weapons?” interrupted Vivi, holding her egg closer, a little defensively.

Ellaria raised an eyebrow at the fox girl.

“They aren't w-weapons they're my eggs Vivi, stop acting like you're going to bash things over the head with them!”

Vivi waved her paw dismissively. “I don't mean in that way, I mean like, what if they aren't eggs, what if they are all really really powerful magical bombs?”

The band stared at her.

“Oh come on don't look at me like that, this all originated from a secret dungeon made by gods knows who, and a giant mechanical sphere thing clearly insanely magical, remember?”

“I really have no idea what you are suggesting,” said Ellaria.

“The giant sphere is a weapon that made Fey into a weapon who then makes girls into weapons that go boom! All those eggs in Kayla explode at once and the city would be flattened.”

“I’m not cumming bombs!” 

“I’m not pregnant with bombs!”

“How do you know? You don't, do you?”

“We do not. That is why we’re going to see a high level healer Vivi.”

“A high level healer, likely one of the hospital heads, extremely powerful and has lots of strong people with them.”


“How do you think they will react when a band wanders in with enough bombs to kill everyone in Bine? I don't think we’d ever see the outside of a prison again if that happened. Just sayin’.”

“I don't believe this, what utter-”

“Do you remember the giant sphere in the dungeon El? We thought it was the boss of the dungeon for a reason… it looked like a machine meant for war, tell me it didn't.”

Fey, Ellaria, and Flora paused, the uncomfortably terrifying memory being recalled by each of them, that vast incomprehensible space, magical technology, all far far beyond anything they had ever heard of.

“So what do we do instead? We need information, do you have something in mind?”

“Dunno, but like, we just need to see through the material right? Any artificer could do that.”

“...That’s... actually a pretty good point, about the artificers, not the bombs. And likely to be far cheaper. Huh.”

“Are we sure she’s a warrior Class? She’s way too sharp for my liking sometimes.”

Vivi looked incredibly smug hearing that, and somehow so did Wummy, a smug fox girl surrounded by smug tentacles.

“Fine. We shall go find one of these Artificers. If they disappoint we shall ‘risk’ the hospital.”

Fey turned and followed after the already striding elf. A flash of patchy colour from the other end of the alley caused her to pause however and she turned to see who it was.

Nobody was there.

Deciding it must have been her imagination she hurried to catch up to the others.


“Did that insanely pregnant vulpine really just say bombs and- and- did she have a fucking slime monster in her pussy? I really don't like this Zoey!”

“Hush you're being silly, they were clearly joking, or something, and that slime was an illusion spell or, s-something, obviously! Listen, the important thing is what we stand to gain Penny, we could become the most flexiblest acrobats ever if we could just-”

“Just what Zoey? Just what?”

“Well, I may not have fully explained the, hmm, process to become flexible, there may be some, ah, light and gentle sexual activities involved, it’s nothing I’m sure, I promise you will barely notice being penetrated.”

Penny stared at the lemurkin.


The artificer they found wasn’t that far from the alley. A small shop set back a few paces from the crowded street, a clutter of devices large and small, wood and metal crammed into the space outside, some even spilling out onto the street's paving. A heavy sign chained above made from a myriad of metals forged into letters made it clear that it was an artificer if the collection of things was not enough.

Unfortunately, they had not gone unnoticed and a trail of girls followed in Fey’s wake, trying desperately to pretend they weren't stalking the centaur but simply happened to be headed in the same direction. The problem was that with so many all doing the same thing it became rather obvious.

One group seemed separate from the others however a smaller more serious group who didn't seem to care if they were seen. In fact, strangely enough they had eyes for Octavia. The mousekin realising they were there wandered over and a furtive argument broke out until the mousekin produced her book. The crowd of girls swarmed it, forming a huddle as they skimmed through it, page after page being flicked past, tails slowly flagging into the air as thighs were eased together. 

The huddle broke, faces flushed and breath heavy, the girls looking at the beaming Octavia with new eyes, a sense of awe even, a conqueror returned to their home city, the population eager to throw a parade.

In fact they looked ready to pick the mousekin up and carry her through the streets when she held up a hand, expression dead serious. Her hand dropped down and she produced a bundle of paper. The group of girls stared in confusion, drawing closer, the first sheet was shown, then the next, then the next, they stared down at the drawings in dead silence, hips rocking side to side, a shiver rolling through the group as hands descended entirely unconsciously, slipping below waistbands and panties. A chorus of soft whimpers grew throughout the group as the pages turned until one jack russell terrier dogkin with red floppy ears atop chin length auburn hair lunged for the papers, snatching half of them from Octavia’s grip. Chaos immediately broke out with the girls fighting to get at the pages, snatching them from the air, trying to grab them all for themselves. The fight spilled outward and crashed into a food stall, stools and tables were sent bouncing or were crushed to splinters as an enormous elephant luxodon girl tripped and fell over the terrier dogkin snatching up paper from the street.

There might have been food for the brawlers to get covered in as the stall broke, but the food stall had been stripped entirely bare of anything edible by an industrious legion of teddybears.

Lily downed another bowl of soup and watched bemused as Octavia continued to do furious battle with members of the Fey Hunting Club. Beside her several teddybears held up more food for her to consume, and a continual stream of more of the bears waited behind them. She didn't wait on manners, grabbing the nearest plate of mash potato and steak and tipping it up, devouring it in seconds. She tossed the plate aside and a bear caught it as she grabbed the next plate. 

When they had entered the city Lily had taken her entire army of golems taken from the dimensional bag and they had spread out like insects, scouting the part of the city they were in street by street for miles, noting every possible source of food.

Then they set to work strip mining. 

A stall full of fruit was full and ready to be sold one moment, then gone the next, in the seconds the owner was distracted a sheet was stretched on the ground and then the fruits were shoveled down onto it. The corners of the sheet were grabbed and then the teddybears legged it into the nearest alley, disappearing amongst the maze-like and extremely narrow alleyways that densely crisscrossed the city, even when chased they only needed to squeeze through a grate or window where they could not be followed. A plague of locusts that robbed everyone they set their teddy bear eyes on blind.

Safe to say the grocers, restaurants, and stall owners of the city were not having a particular good day.

But, the golems’ creator had an addiction, an addiction that needed to be sated, an addiction to eating... and growing.

Lily ripped through an entire roasted chicken in moments, practically breathing the thing in she ate so quickly. The teddy bears were starting to panic, no matter how fast they worked, no matter that there were hundreds of themselves, Lily was out eating their efforts. 

Apparently travelling away from the city and back had caused her to work up an appetite, an appetite that was making itself now known. Her chest was clearly benefiting from it, her ferociously hyper hormonal body unleashed by Fey’s cum digesting and channeling all the growth gained from everything she ate instantly into that single part of her body and nowhere else, the massive swell of milky breasts slowly inching larger and larger, her levitating bra struggling to contain the sheer size of them, her semi transparent shift draped over the top become more and more comical as it covered less and less of her top, nipples well clear of it and protruding proud and fist sized into the air. She felt glorious when the under curve of her breasts touched down on the paving while she was still standing and spilled across the ground, the bra being pressed down by their immense weight, milk beginning to roll from reddened angry nipples under the sheer pressure. Lily only knew that she wanted to be bigger and that she was hungry, so so hungry, she would have so many to feed after all.

She continued to devour.

Behind her Fey awkwardly pushed aside a particularly large artifact by the shop’s door, which appeared to simply be a stack of clay pots with bronze arms attached to either side, and stepped awkwardly through the entrance, having to duck down to fit. The inside despite how the exterior looked was very large, a true workshop, an expansive space filled with everything an artificer could wish for. Wood, metal, clay, gems, cloth, many materials could work with an artificer's magic, even, somewhat incongruously, a huge tree growing out of a huge pot in the middle of the room. A number of metal valves pierced the trunk of the tree and occasionally dripped a sappy substance into a collection of buckets below.

The owner of the shop, a dwarf with voluminous grey hair and a beard, stepped back from the bench he was working at. A flashing device atop the bench sparkled and crackled until with a small pop it exploded. The artificer didn't move in the slightest as his hair and braided beard billowed in the wind the small explosion generated, apparently so used to his work exploding that it was fully expected.

He let out a weary grumble and wiped the sweat from his brow.

“Ahem, you are the owner of this establishment?” said Ellaria.

The dwarf turned, a pair of heavy violet goggles he wore becoming visible, which he promptly removed from his head seeing her.

“An elf? We don't see your lot round ‘ere much... Much less one carrying a child rare as it is. How many years along are you if yah don’t mind me askin’?”

It took Ellaria a moment to grasp that the dwarf thought she was genuinely pregnant. She hesitated, it occurred to her that explaining she had squeezed an egg up inside of herself might not be the most productive way to begin their business relationship.

“I have been regularly normal elf pregnant for two years, in two more years I shall give birth to a regular normal elf child.” she nodded in satisfaction, she was an excellent liar.

“I can sympathise on the long haul, dwarves ain’t much better. I can say I hopes it all goes well n’ that. Now, what is that I can do you fer in my little ol’ shop o’ mine miss elfy?”

“We need an egg looking at.”

The dwarf blinked. “An egg? I’m not a cook lass, youse do know that right?”


The fox girl slipped from behind a table and approached, her enormous breasts and belly nearly knocking over several delicate-looking devices and causing the dwarf’s hairy brow to rise up.

“What in the abyss? Is this normal fer’ youse vulpine types? Lookin’ preggers enuf to give birf to a dozen full litters!”

“Oh yes totally normal,” said Vivi following Ellaria’s lead “You just haven't seen a fully along vulpine before, we get kinda big before the end.”

“Hmm.'' The dwarf ran a stubby hand through his beard eyeing the sheer size of Vivi’s body which was only being held up by the Wummy’s tentacles spiralled around her body beneath her clothing.

“Look, can you check this out, I want to know how hard I can hit stuff with it- Ah, I mean I want to know how delicate it is so I know how careful I have to be while I’m holding it,” said Vivi holding out the egg.

Ellaria glared at the vulpine, “I see, so that was your real motive all along. A healer couldn't tell how strong the egg was so you twisted us into going here. Tch. I’d be annoyed if I wasn't a little impressed.”

“Hey, I’m a warrior, a warrior without a weapon is nothing, I’ve gotta do what I’ve gotta do.” She turned to the dwarf, “So? Can you check?”

“I… suppose. First time anyone’s given me a full on egg… a big ‘un at that.” 

The dwarf hesitantly took the egg from her and after looking it over in puzzlement he placed it on his work bench. Then his hands dropping down he began ransacking the draws below, pulling them over one after another until he found a small silver hammer. 

“This is for testin’ material toughness and the like, mostly metals, don't worry tho I’ll be gentle with summin’ delicate like this. The ringing sound the hammer makes will tell us how tough it is, the softer the sound is the weaker the material, the louder the stronger.

He eyed the egg and then ever so gently let the hammer touch up against the shell. Like brushing a feather across delicate ceramic. 


The hammer immediately exploded, the blast wave knocking the dwarf off his feet and sending him flipping head over heels over and over through the air until he crashed into the opposite bench with a BOOM which promptly toppled over, a hundred different artificers works smashing to the ground in a cacophony of explosions and shattering glass and clanging metals.

Fey looked horrified at the instant bedlam and frantically trotted forward to help the dwarf. 

The dwarf had other ideas though and hastily scrambled to his feet, patting at his beard which had slightly caught fire, smoke rolling around his body.

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“What in the bloody blue balled blazes, I made pentuply sure to check that hammer was locked in and unexplodable when I made it, I-”

The smoke cleared on the first bench revealing the egg, entirely pristine and perfect and entirely untouched by the explosion, not even a mark on it.

The dwarf slowly turned to Vivi. “What was it that you said this thing was made of precisely?”

“Uhh, egg stuff, it's made of egg, because... it is an egg.”

“Youse sure you didn't accidentally hand me some impossible adamanti-mythril dream alloy shaped like an egg, you're sure?”

Vivi shrugged, “I don't know, it’s an egg, what else is it going to be?”

The dwarf nodded slowly as though accepting this.

“Okay. How much to buy it?”

“What!? you can't buy my egg!

“Centaurs don't lay eggs, in fact this egg is clearly none of yours. Perhaps I won't ask too many questions and you’ll allow me the buy hmm? I reckon we don't need to look too closely at where youse got it if yer catch mi drift.” The dwarf waggled his bushy eyebrows threateningly.

Everyone began talking at once and things were quickly going off track when a wail came from outside.

“Was… was that Kayla’s voice?”

“She couldn't come inside, so, uh, yes?”

“Outside… with Flora?”

Fey nodded.

“Hmm. Okay, Vivi go and check on them and make sure nothing bad has happened. We’ll stay here and-” she turned to the dwarf, “We need you to look inside the egg and tell us what is there, you yourself don't even know so purchase isn't something you should even be considering right now, for all you know you it’s an unusually smooth dragon egg.”

“D-dragon egg?!” exclaimed the dwarf taking a hurried step back from the bench where the egg lay.

“Well, probably not, but you see that purchasing a dragon egg might cause you more than a few issues so best we find out what is actually inside it first, correct?”

“I… suppose that is true. Give me a few minutes, I will need to put together some of my more specialised lenses for this.”

As he spoke Vivi drifted toward the door. It was a pain being separated from her new skull cracking indestructible weapon buuut waiting around with her thumb digit up her butt while the dwarf buried himself in crate after crate trying to find some lens or other wasn’t really her style. 

She stepped outside the shop and looked around trying to spot the apparent Kayla problem. Of course, Kayla being invisible meant that was somewhat of a low effort attempt. She did however spot Flora. The gnome was floating with her hands on her hips staring up at the empty air above the street.

“It’s c-comng outttt!” wailed a voice. A few members of the crowd looked around in confusion, trying to see where the voice had come from.

“Uh, is she saying what I think she’s saying? Like her eggs are coming out?”

“Yes, she’s giving birth. Just like I did.”

“Isn't that kind of a problem? We’re in the middle of the street!”

“Hmm? Oh, yes, I guess we are.”


“I… miss that feeling.”

“What feeling?”

“The feeling of being stuffed to the brim with eggs and all needy and milky, well I’m still milky, but whatever you get the idea. Now there’s just a big void in me, a cold empty space in my core...I don't like it.” The gnome's hand pressed against her flat stomach.

“Yeah, I’m stuffed full like that right now, feels fucking amazing, you should totally ride Fey's dick and get super knocked up again.”

“I could… or… I could do a little pilfering right now.”

The pink-haired shortstack began to rise into the air, floating higher and higher until she was above the street. A squeak came from somewhere as she touched down on something. 


“Just let me get sat right…”

She moved around awkwardly, grabbing hold of something and then lowering her rear, her flitty white micro skirt draping over her thighs as her legs did the splits, legs straight out to either side. Vivi looked up puzzled, Flora’s pussy was entirely visible from the street below, having apparently foregone panties, the invisibility of Kayla allowing a clear public and exposed view of everything.

“Wha-what are you doing Flora!?” came the disembodied voice.

“Just relax, look I’ll even help with a little squeeze, I’ve already been through this remember?”

“W-wait I- AIIHNNNN!”

Flora bit her lip as something hard and round and slick with wet and entirely invisible touched up against her pussy.

“Gods you’re going to beg for them back once we’re done, I can't stop thinking about being stuffed full, g-give them to me Kayla, give them all to me!”

The shortstack gnome ground her hips down, viciously pressing herself against the invisible object, her puffy pussy flattening and then starting to glide open, pink lips sliding across the slick with wet surface, gradually parting, blooming, flowering, and all within total complete view of everyone on the crowded street below.

Her pussy stretched wider and wider, a large invisible object slowly pressing up into her, flattening her insides against an invisible dome, the tip of an egg, spreading her until her labia was thinned and her clit was strained against the incredibly hard surface.

“Hnnf, f-fuuurrcckkk, I forgot they’re s-so beeeeg!”

The obscene stretch continued, her pussy inching wider, becoming a pink slick cavern, engulfing an invisible shape.

At first, only a few in the crowd noticed, glancing up and double taking, then from there more and more noticed, fingers pointing and whispering breaking out. Even the still ongoing brawl amongst the Fey Hunting Club paused to see the commotion, Lily too, although she didn't even pause in her eating, leaky milky breasts still growing, 

Flora didn't seem to care, her wild mindless desire for pregnancy overriding all cares, all worries that the interior of her pussy was completely on display to the crowd below. She simply rolled her hips, her wide split legs tensing and easing, toes curled, flitty short white micro skirt shifting and fluttering as she bounced her hips up and down on the egg, desperately trying to get more of the invisible thing inside of herself.

She stretched wider and wider, over a foot across, pussy lips paper thin, her clenching rippling insides visible to everyone looking up, puckered pink cervix in clear sight, her split legs and flitty skirt somehow making it all the more obscene. 

“Oh fffffffuuuu- I forgot how furking gewwd this feels, HNNNN!” 

The invisible egg lurched up suddenly being pushed by Kayla’s powerfully pushing pussy contractions while being drawn in by Flora’s own sucking slurping contractions, walls rippling from front to back. The invisible egg hit a certain point and then with a lurch it slopped into Flora in one quick motion, cervix yawning wide and engulfing the entire egg as it rushed upward, her belly bulging out so quickly it made her breasts ripple and bounce as they were struck from underneath.



A twinned scream came from Kayla and Flora and then the sound of spraying fluid, that which came from Flora flowing down a vast invisible spherical shape, clear liquid suspended impossibly in the air until it rolled far enough down to drizzle onto the street below. Kayla’s fluids too, although it took a little time for the invisibility to wear off once leaving her body.

Flora’s brutalised cunny barely had time to start easing back from the savage stretching before a second invisible egg thrust up against her and began pushing in, this time far faster as the girl’s juices blended together making their pussies especially slippery.

The shortstack’s cunt yawned wide and eagerly engulfed the invisible shape, her cervix pressed over the tip of the egg and then again in one sudden motion the egg rushed inside, a sloppy wet double sucking shlorping sound filling the air as the egg passed from pussy to pussy, the diamond hard object being eagerly swallowed by Flora’s cervix and drawn into her needy womb.

The next egg followed, and then the next, each egg stretching them wide causing pleasure to build progressively higher as the tail end of each peaked orgasm wasn’t allowed to settle before the next crashed over them. 

Clear fluid was raining down on the street now as the two girls squirted and sprayed over and over again, clutching as hard as they could at each other’s legs as they roughly scissored into each other. Grinding their pussies together as hard as possible, little bean like clits occasionally flicking past each other, straining and yearning for the touch.

Flora’s belly rapidly grew in size as more and more eggs slopped into her, her massive breasts being pushed up and to the sides as her belly grew and grew, a great smooth pale sphere seemingly filling out of nowhere to those watching in the street below as Flora’s bawling cunt stretched out and engulfed over and over.


And the eggs only came on faster, more and more, pushing her to a higher and higher peak.


She squirted harder each time, each egg causing her to cum that much more intensely until waves of wet were washing over her split wide thighs thoroughly soaking her micro skirt and running down Kayla’s invisible belly.

But the eggs only thrust up into her all the harder.


The gushes of girlcum doubled in intensity and her split legs spasmed, thick thighs wobbling like jelly as her toes splayed and curled, eyes rolling up into her head, hands frantically clutching at her expanding belly, whole body shuddering as her ravenous pussy pulled more and more and more massive eggs into her insatiable womb.

The street grew shadowed as she grew in size, her enormous pregnancy passing her original size and nearing the buildings on either side of the street.

And then, with one final dual scream, it was done, Kayla was emptied and Flora was filled once more, once again massively pregnant with eggs. 

She hadn't even lasted a full day being not pregnant.

Safe to say the crowd below was having a difficult time understanding what was happening and were mostly standing around in various states of shock.

Not so Flora however. Taking deep panted breaths she managed to wobble her head up and croak out some words. 

“Vi...vi I need, I-”

Vivi blinked up at her, the gnome girl was off to one side of her belly, legs pressed up against it as it hung suspended in the air by her telekinesis.

“What do you need Flo? You know Ella is going to be mad at you for this right?”

Flora’s eyelids fluttered slightly with the aftershocks, her ower lip trembling. “Y-yes, that’s why I can't do this later, it needs to be now, the one time you’re looking after the bag, the dimensional bag, it- it has my eggs in it, please!”

A tentacle plucked the bag from somewhere around Vivi’s body and held it out. Vivi made a face and placed a paw on the tentacle trying to push it down. 

“Wummy, we’re in public! People will see you!”

Another tentacle rose up and glared at Vivi before gesturing broadly around them. The crowd was either staring up slack jawed or rapidly departing, no one was paying attention to the tentacle, that is apart from The Fey Hunting Club who seemed to have resolved their differences, mostly, and Lily who seemed to appreciate the entertainment for her feasting.

“That’s not- there are still people. W-wait!”

The tentacle shook its tip in annoyance then along with another trio that pushed up from the fox girl’s clothing they pulled open the bag and dipped inside. The stretchable string opening stretched wider and wider and then an egg rose forth, the white surface speckled with metallic pink peaking then pushing out. 

Flora immediately took hold of it with her magic and swept it toward her rear where it pressed up against her pussy. In moments it was partially inside and the gnome was thrashing her legs against her belly as it pushed further and further and then splopped into her.

“F-fuuuck! I- I- need more, more! MORE!”

Wummy seemed to think Flora’s demand was life and death and terribly important. The tentacles swiftly dove back into the dimensional bag, rapidly pulling out egg after egg cupped in more and more tentacles as they poured out of the whimpering vulpine’s pussy. 

Wummy didn't wait for Flora to take hold of them, instead physically carrying Vivi closer to the gnome’s rear and then pushing them up into her herself, the slime girls mind boggling strength pushing them into her pussy far faster than either Kayla or Flora or Flora’s magic had been able to, her pussy lips forcibly stretched around each egg as they were inexorably squeezed inside, her legs kicking wildly at her belly as she spasmed.

“YES! YESSSS!” wailed Flora as the rate increased, her belly starting to inch outward once again. “F-FASTER! MORE!”

Wummy took her words very seriously and suddenly the dozens of tentacles around the bag blobbed together, forming one massive hollow tentacle that engulfed the bag at the base. 

Within moments eggs were pouring from the dimensional bag and rushing through the tentacle, their size bulging it out like a series of beads. The huge tentacle thrust up between Flora’s legs and then it began to pump, the entire length of it undulating as egg after egg went surging up its length, forcing egg after egg straight into the shortstack’s pussy, which eagerly engulfed and drew them in, the great speed pushing her to ever greater heights of stimulation, squirt spraying down onto the street below as her belly expanded, filling the street and pressing up against the surrounding buildings until with a creak and the sound of splintering wood and stone the buildings started to fail under the pressure of her pregnancy. 

Wummy only went harder, a number of tentacles lashing out and attaching themself around her pussy, tips opening and slurping and sucking, particularly on her clit, but all ready to collect the copious amounts of juices the gnomes produced as she was stuffed harder and harder, fuller and fuller with huge eggs.

It wasn’t until the walls started to fail in the surrounding buildings that the last egg was pushed up inside of her.

Wummy pulled away, after cleaning her body dry of course, and Flora’s pussy gaped pussy was left to slowly ease close.

Flora groaned into her belly.

“That… was… incredible…” she managed to get out between heaved breaths. “I just… I just… I need more!”

“Well there isn't anymore, so you’ll just have to live with being this big,” said Vivi as Wummy slowly drew her tentacles back up into her pussy eliciting a shiver.

Flora eyed the fox girl's pregnant belly. She was very very pregnant, belly nearly down to her knees, but she was still far from being anything like herself and Kayla had been. No, Vivi would need time yet. She needed something else.

“I want more, but if that's not gonna happen then,” she gave Vivi a fierce grin, “I’ll just have to have Fey make me tripley pregnant.”


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