
Chapter 93: 35 2/2

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The vulpine let out a long pained groan, “Fiiiiiine.” Then she sighed and reluctantly turned back to the dwarf. “How would you want to become a partner in my new business endeavour, get in on the ground floor before this blows up, and it will totally blow up, and not in an explosive potion kind of way.”

“....I’m listening.”

“I want to... well, just watch me and you’ll see, you’ll understand.”

This time she turned toward the workbench without interruption. As they had been speaking Wummy’s tentacles had been working and had gathered everything she needed, rows and rows of buckets and vats, huge blocks of wood and hundreds of carving tools. 

Vivi picked up a pair of tools and twirled them in paw.

“Ready Wummy? On three, two, one!”

The tentacles immediately surged forward, a block of wood was lunged for and slammed into position in front of Vivi. Alongside it twenty four tentacles grabbed hold of twenty four carving implements and together with Vivi exploded into action, the wooden block shredding in moments, a hail of wooden chunks flying in all directions causing the audience to lift their arms protectively. 

As that was happening tentacles were working with the vats, dipping the original wooden carving into one after the other then pulling the levers on the side, steam billowing into the air as the sides fell away revealing white cubes in two parts within. The cubes were then moved over to the side where they joined the original white cube which a bucket of steaming purple goo was being poured into. They too had buckets of various coloured goo poured into them and then the freezing charm was slapped atop each, one cube after the other. They were then pulled apart and a new fresh glossy dildo pulled free and stacked to one side. 

Vivi finished with her carving as this was happening. The original carving she had made had been a little over a foot long, this one was smaller, about seven inches, a micro Fey penis, small enough that she had been able to carve two lengths from the same block of wood, the second length was the largest of the now three carvings, a foot and a half long, eighteen inches. 

The two new wooden dildos were snatched up and added to the frantic assembly line, each being dunked into vats, steam exploding everywhere as cast after cast was made of them, then those casts being added to the moulding queue.

Vivi didn't even look up, more blocks of wood being shoved into paws reach, her motions fluidly moving from the first block onto the next and the stream of wood chips continued unabated. The block of wood rapidly disintegrated down into a form hidden inside that only she knew. 

Soon another carving was added, then another, and another, and another. Some of the girls were picked up and shoved aside, making room for more work space, more assembly line.

The Dwarf and the Fey Hunting Club watched with round eyes, mouths hanging open slightly at the furious pace of work, already so many dildos stacked up that they were spilling off the sides of the workbenches and onto the floor.

And then many many carvings later… it was done. Vivi slammed down her tools onto the workbench and let out an exhausted breath.

“Phew.” She looked to her side. A mound of dildos. She looked to her other side. Another mound of dildos, she looked past that, a huge stack of white casting cubes that covered a work bench's surface stacked a half dozen high, many more of them scattered across the tables.

“Uh, maybe I got a little bit carried away…”

“A little carried away?! You’ve used my entire bloody supply of rubber making materials- making bloody horse sausages!!”

“Yeah, pretty cool huh?” said Vivi, giving him a foxish grin.

“That’s it! I’m calling the city guard, I've ‘ad just about enuf of this!”

“Why? You're looking at treasure, treasure that you get a cut of.”

“This isn't treasure, this is obscenity! Perversion!”

Vivi rolled her eyes and turned to the Fey Hunting Club. 

“Who here would buy a dildo of Fey’s dick?”



“How much for every single one?”

“What’s your policy on scalping? These are limited edition correct?”

“I’ll take one, but uh, which one? There's so many.”

“I’ll take ten! Here take my money! Take it!”

Vivi gestured at eager faces, ignoring the yellow scaled lizard girl trying to force coins into her paws.

“Just, ah, ignore the shop damage, or whatever, and you can handle the continued production while getting a cut, easy deal right?”

“For just these few customers it is not enough to cover all of the damage.”

“Well yeah, that's why it’s going to be way more than this lot, way more. Speaking of which, time to do some assessment, there's only one way to figure out what the most in demand model will be, and that's with product testing.”

The dwarf eyed the girls, then eyed Vivi, and then the piles of dildos, some newer shrewder calculation happening behind his eyes.

“I... suppose I can see some potential profitability, and I must admit my curiosity has been tickled... Perhaps I could make some improvements to my rubber solution. Hmm.”

As he stroked his beard in thought Wummy’s tentacles were advancing on the girls sitting along the counter tops, tentacles lunging forward and eliciting yelps, grabbing hold of skirts and yanking them around ankles after tugging off shoes and socks, or finding the bottoms of shorts and slipping up inside, flexing and tearing the cloth apart. Then came panties, which were nothing under the unstoppable tentacles, ripped aside in a moment, shredded panties fluttering through the air and leaving naked exposed hips behind, girl after girl had their bottom half left entirely bare.

As that was happening tentacles were grabbing up dildos, picking through them until they had a few of every variety. There were a lot of varieties. The tentacles shifted, their ends bulging outward and then engulfing the base of each dildo until each tentacle was tipped with a horse dick. Then they turned their attention to the girls.

Vivi scratched her nose thoughtfully and peered at the yellow scaled lizard girl in front of her. A green dildo was held in front of her snatch, her legs stretched out to either side, tentacles wrapped around her ankles, her back flat on top the counter. She gulped noisily, looking down her flat chest at the length aimed at her cunny.

“So this model has nodules on it, yeah Fey doesn't have that for real, but it's not like it’s ever going to be as intense as doing it for real with Fey would be, so why not?”

“N-nodules?” squeaked the lizard girl peering down at the length which indeed had rows of small bumps up its seven inch length.

“Yup, for extra pleasure!”

The tentacle abruptly thrust forward and the lithe lizard girl wailed as she was stretched around the dildo, her labia slopping around each nub one after the other, then wailed again and again as the dildo was roughly dragged free and piledriver plunged back in.

Vivi nodded and scribbled a note on a clipboard Wummy had produced.

“Good, good, excellent reaction.”

She turned to the next girl, a purple furred, probably dyed, minotaur who had a particularly large dildo pistoning in and out of her pussy, the length large enough that a very slight bulge was appearing in her midriff with each thrust, her hands clawing desperately at the shape, fingers being pushed at each time it hilted. The dildo had two medial rings instead of the usual one.

“And how would you rate this?”

“F-FIve out of Fiiiive stars, hnngffff!”

She turned to the next

“Okay, and you, what you would you rate yours?”

“A-ALSO FIVE!” the human girl had to shout to be heard as the chorus of howls around them was getting louder and louder as every one of the girls was being plunge fucked by horse cock tipped tentacles, rows of wet pussies being ruthlessly slammed with relentless pounding strokes and rutted by endless dildos of different sizes and modifications, legs splayed wide as hips shook and thrust, dildos glossy with their exuberant lubrication. The air was quickly becoming thick with the scent of sex.

Vivi set her lips in a line.

“Do any of you have less than five out of five stars to give?”

A wall of voices replied with a very definitive no and suggestions of tens out of fives, as well as various scattered wails of “FEYYY!”

“This isn't going to be a very productive product testing if you all give everything full marks you know.” 

The tentacle holding her clipboard waved for attention then pointed at one girl then another.

“Ah, a comparative test, that would be perfect. Go on then.”

The tentacles suddenly all ripped free from their assigned pussies in the same motion, sprinkles of fluid flinging into the air, and moved to the next girl along, a switch up for each of them. A chorus of wails rose and then broke as they were each freshly penetrated by a new dildo.

Vivi turned back to the Yellow scaled lizard girl. “Better or worse?”

“B-better! Oh my gods why does this one have a clit rubbing thingggggyyy!!!”

A long ridged ‘arm’ protruding from the base of the length rubbed past her clit. Each time the tentacle drove the length inside the laddered texture rubbing past her stiff nub also. It wasn't long before she screamed and a spray of clear fluid exploded around the length, spattering clear fluid over Vivi’s white fur and onto Wummy’s tentacles which happily absorbed the fluid and then cleaned the rest of Vivi.

The vulpine scribbled something on the clipboard and moved onto the next subject.

She moved from girl to girl, making notes, then having the dildos shift girl again, slowly building up a picture of which was most popular, and which size was most comfortable for what body type. Without Fey’s strange elasticity magic the constraints were far more limiting despite how enthusiastic the cries for increased size were.

They were so into it that it took a few moments for them to notice that water was roaring through the destroyed shop front door, a wash that spilled around the workbenches as a river of water passed by outside.

As the river started to lower, and the water that reached up past Vivi’s ankles started to recede, a heavy body crashed up against the exterior windows which had been exposed by the water washing away the artificer’s collection of junk outside. 

A heavy grey skinned body. 

With a trumpet of distress the Loxodon stumbled through the doorway and fell against one of the workbenches. With her came a few strange fish, ugly sharp fanged things that had tendrils on their foreheads, a small bulb of light at the tip. One of them flopped close to the Loxodon and suddenly bit her.

The Loxodon did not appreciate this very much and with a roar snatched the fish up and threw it to the ground where she then stamped on it so hard it pancaked. She followed this up by hurling the other remaining fish across the room where they splatted against the stone wall.

Breathing hard she finally seemed to realise where she was, and what was happening.

Eighteen girls still being vigorously pumped with dildos by Wummy stared back at her.

“What- what is this?! I chase and fail to catch that provocative centaur, then a god damned tidal wave appears out of nowhere, and now, now I come back to find I could have been getting some this entire time? This endless teasing is INFURIATING!”

She trumpeted loudly, the sound deafening in the closed space.

Vivi scratched her cheek and looked over her notes, then up at the nine foot tall elephant girl. “Well I still have the full life sized dildo, no one here is able to take it... but with your size…”

“The same as the centaur’s? Yes, You will give me this fox thing or I will stomp you into foxy paste.”

“Er…” said Vivi as the Loxodon approached. She didn't walk around the workbenches and counters, instead she simply walked through them, utterly uncaring, her powerful legs crushing the wood to splinters, her feet crashing through panels and pillars like they were nothing.

“Wummy?” Vivi murmured. The slime moved and grabbed up an enormous length of rubber that had been laid out separately on one of the workbenches, a blue and pink marbled mix of rubber, a massive three and a half foot long perfect replica of Fey’s dick.

The immense thing needed more than one tentacle to move it and stop it flopping around. 

The Loxodon stared at it, her breath practically steaming the air, hands curling and uncurling into fists over and over.

“Mine. This. Is. Mine.”

“No! My dick!” shouted the diminutive Rebecca. With a yelp she ripped the triple pronged dildo in her pussy free and leapt for the super sized dildo, fully wrapping her body around it in a full body hug, thighs and arms squeezing tight, desperately clutching it with everything she had.

Vivi was pretty sure the Loxodon’s eyes were starting to turn red with berserk rage seeing this and out of concern for the dogkin’s continued existence she had Wummy gently peel her away from the enormous dildo. The dogkin mewled and cried, tears in the corners of her eyes. It did make her feel a little bad to see.

A tentacle tapped her on the shoulder and pointed at something on the workbench.

“Ah, that could work, and that is something I do need to test for.”

Rebecca blinked as leather belts suddenly appeared around her waist, wrapping around her thighs and hips too, multiple layers of them, more belts then appeared connecting them, and then a large steel metal ring that sat over her crotch.

The full sized Fey dildo was carefully lowered into place and attached, slotting onto the ring, an absolute monster of a strap on, a dick hanging from the dogkin’s hips that quite literally hung past her toes.

Once that was done she was carefully lowered to the ground. Fully standing the end of the dildo rested partly on the floor despite her standing at her full height, like a third leg except larger than her regular legs. She looked down at it, not quite sure what to make of it. Then, experimenting, she tried moving her hips. The extremely heavy dildo nearly dragged her off her feet with its momentum and she had to use it to prop herself up, like a tripod.

Her chance to get accustomed to the thing was only short lived however as a massive set of grey fingers wrapped around her throat. She let out a squawk of fright as she was lifted into the air and brought to a height with the nine foot tall Loxodon. 

Two huge amber eyes stared directly into hers, eyes surrounded by grey skin, a head framed by a pair of enormous elephant ears threaded with gold rings and chains, and in front a heavy trunk that moved, the tip just touching at the base of the huge dildo below, a reach due to having to stretch down between a pair of breasts that the dogkin could potentially fit inside of curled up. The white cotton shirt she wore was stretched absurdly tight over her chest, long horizontal creases in the fabric between each fist sized nipple stiff and rigid, their diamond hardness straining against the cloth.

“Such a small thing you are but with a male Loxodon sized member. I suppose you will do. Prepare yourself, this will be a mortal experience.”

You are reading story Centaurus at novel35.com

The dogkin made a strangled noise, her eyes bugging out of her head, managing to get out a quietly wheezed, “C-can't breathe- H-Heather-”

Heather ignored this and moved, finding a bench that was lower than the others. She slammed the dogkin down on it, the strapon flopping over her body. Then Heather’s free hand moved to her own hips, her shorts, which she grabbed hold of and then promptly ripped apart, tossing the shreds aside. Her pussy was revealed, her muff reddened and puffy, lines of clear fluid spilling down her inner thighs, dozens of long strands of gel like fluid hanging down from her swollen pink labia, some reaching as much as two foot long before they snapped and splattered across the massive rubber horse cock. At the top of her puss a clitoris the size of a human girl's fist stood angry and proud, throbbing in time with her beating heart.

The dogkin stared up at this starved pussy, the result of a Loxodon driven to distraction so far from home.

Heather’s free hand grabbed hold of the dildo and lifted it, slapping it up against her belly and then bending it so it slipped between her vast trunk like thighs. The broad tip scraped past her folds and in mere moments the entire length was coated with wet, glossy and slick with her juices. The Loxodon lowered herself and a long suffering groan spilled from her mouth, her eyes closing as her pussy was slowly parted by a suitably sized member.

“Godssss I needed this. There has been too many unsatisfied heats in these long years, and those graphic stories people keep handing me have stirred my latest heat into a volcanic storm. Truly I am going to relish this.” She opened her eyes and looked down at the dogkin. “Make your peace dogthing for you will die during this mating, your fragile body is not strong enough to withstand my lust.”

“Eep?!” squeaked Rebecca, unable to properly speak around the Loxodon’s crushing fingers.

“Strange final words, but as you wish.”

Without pause she grunted and slammed her hips down, massive muscular thighs tensing as she speared herself on horse dick dildo.

The dogkin made a muffled cry of alarm, her tiny body only able to quiver as a pair of planet sized buttocks meteored unstoppably down to crush her pelvis to dust.

At the last possible moment came a flash of white and a rush of tentacles washed between them. The Loxodon’s hips slammed home against a cage of glossy tentacles at the base, her fat clit slapping down hard against the dogkin’s naked belly hard enough to leave a bruise and eliciting a yelp.

Heather didn't pause and hauled herself up, a full three and a half feet of dick being pulled from her clinging puss, a froth of juices appearing around where her folds fitted suction-seal tight, so tight in fact that her inner folds were being pulled free from her muff as the length was forcibly dragged out and with it a waterfall of her lubricant.

She reached the tip and with a grunt slammed back down in one go, this time even harder, several more tentacles having to join the cage and reinforce it against the crushing force.

The workbench she straddled began to break apart, long cracks appearing, more as Heather slammed down again and again, each time harder and harder, more tentacles required each time to protect the dogkin from being flattened, her bones from being broken. It took less than a dozen crashing thrusts before the workbench abruptly gave up the ghost and collapsed in a pile of splinters.

Heather snarled in frustration and released her hold on the dogkin’s neck, instead taking hold of her wrists in one hand and her ankles in the other. She bent down, dragging the strapon down from her puss, then yanked it up, slamming it up into herself by way of the dogkin, her belly visibly bulging out, a tube of distended flesh rising from her mons up her her belly, pushing out her belly button and then disappearing out of view beneath her breasts, then as she hauled the dogkin down the tube of distention could be seen descending, the shape of the dildo pulling free clearly visible.

“My arms!” Shrieked Rebecca in clear pain, “S-stop! You're going to dislocate my arms!!”

“I Will Never!” Roared Heather, “You are my toy and I shall break you upon my body!”

She bellowed and began to haul up the dogkin, but then a white tentacle appeared in front of her eyes and she paused. The tentacle seemed to give her a long judgemental look... and then it poked her in the eye.

Heather roared in pain and lurched back, dropping Rebecca, as she did so the tentacles took hold of her and ripped her, along with the dildo, free from Heather's enormous pussy, pulling the dogkin into the air, where more tentacles joined her, many many more tentacles.

Heather was turned away and carefully touching at her eye, blinking away the pain. 

When she at last recovered she turned around to find that Rebecca had disappeared. In her place stood a writhing thing, a mass of layered tentacles that vaguely resembled the shape of the dogkin but much much larger.

After a moment of roiling the tentacles parted near the top and Rebecca’s surprised looking face appeared.

“What are you d-doing you crazy slime monster!?” she keened trying to look down at her tentacle wrapped body. 

The tentacles responded to her voice and with an audible ‘gloop’ they abruptly glooped together, tentacles forming into one mass, a blobby soft shaped super sized version of the dogkin beneath, just her head poking free at the top of the large white slime bodysuit. The suit was so large that her head was now of a height with Heather’s, their eyes level. Like the dogkin the body suit had a tail, but the bodysuits tail instead split into dozens of tentacles which ran back to an alarmed Vivi’s pussy. Lastly, between the new slime legs, a monstrous horse dildo hung well past the knees.

Rebecca blinked rapidly as she became a little more accustomed to being enveloped, and then she experimentally moved. A huge white hand blobby moved up in front of her face.

“Ooh! This is so weird!” 

A faint Squee! Came from the bodysuit in reply.

“I can feel you all over my skin, even in my belly button and uh... erm, did you h-have to put tentacles inside of my uhm, lower holes too?

A louder more insistent SQUEE! Came from within the suit.

“Okay okay!”

“What is this nonsense,” gravelled Heather. “You mock me with a weak and pathetic slime monster?”

She strode forward and one meaty fist lunged for Rebecca’s throat, about to close tight, crushing her windpipe.

A glossy white blob hand intercepted it, catching the huge grey hand and stopping it dead in its tracks.

The Loxodon blinked in surprise, then a flash of anger crossed her expression.

“You dare try to resist me?!” she curled her fingers to crush the hand to paste.

The slime squeezed inward a little bit, but then stopped, the Loxodon finding she was simply unable to crush it further.

A dangerously threatening and slower ‘Squeeee.’ sound came from within the suit.

Heather surprised at the resistance bulled on and rocked her weight forward, trying to drive Wummy and Rebecca down to the ground through force, pushing her down with sheer mass and strength.

Instead the bodysuit remained unmoving, unaffected, and then it began to push back. The Loxodon looked on in horror as the hand of the suit squeezed against her own with an unimaginable force, the sound of her finger bones popping sounding loudly throughout the room. Then Rebecca flung her arm to the side.

The astonished Loxodon was ripped off her feet and smashed through the nearest workbench.

Rebecca gasped in delight and Wummy Squee’d! Encouragingly.

“You- you can't do this! This isn't possible! I am the strongest thing I have known outside the jungles, a mere slime-

“A mere slime and me are about to teach you a lesson!”

She dragged the Loxodon through the room, smashing her against bench after bench, table after table like a ragdoll, sending girls still being ravaged by tentacles squawking as they were dragged out of the way by Wummy’s non-suit tentacles.

A huge stone furnace lay at one end of the room and with casual ease the Loxodon was picked up and slammed against the solid piece of granite, dust falling from the ceiling with the devastating impact.

Rebecca gazed down at Heather, an almost manic light in her eyes.

“Not getting fucked by Fey kinda sucks, but maybe giving you the hardest fucking of your life with her dick wouldn't be so bad, you big bully! You’ve never been nice in our club, you’re always being a massive asshole to everyone!”

The Loxodon stared up at her bug eyed then glanced down in horror as huge fat tentacles emerged from the white suit’s mass and took hold of the horse dildo dangling between the suit’s legs, neatly spiralling down its length all the way to the tip and making it significantly thicker. Then, tentacles flexing hard, it lifted, the three and half foot length rising up into the air, a massive stiff thing that slapped down heavily against Heather’s belly.

“W-wait h-hold on a second now! That's thicker than a male Loxodon’s m-m-much th-th-thicker!”

“But I thought you were in need?” said the dogkin, her lower lip protruding and her brows coming together in sympathy.

“Yes! B-but that will tear me- I haven't been made more s-stretchable like the newsletter stories, I- d-don't know-”

“Oh but your poor pussy is like a waterfall, just bawling and crying in need, your cute little clitty looks like it's going to pop even!”

The Loxodon gave her an aghast look at her particular choice of language but couldn't deny that her core was more heated than ever, having such a huge hulking thing over top of her hadn't happened since she had inhabited the jungles. She shivered unwillingly and swallowed, throat dry. No, this was far too much, even as she stared more tentacles wrapped around the cock, thickening it even further

She shook her head frantically, ears and trunk flapping wildly.


Rebecca lifted her hips back and the massive tentacle wrapped length slipped between Heather’s thighs.

“NUUUUUUU!” squealed the panicking elephant girl, hands frantically trying to push the suit off but finding it far beyond her strength.

Rebecca thrust her hips forward and the massive tip now pointed with tentacle tips slammed into Heather’s sloppy folds, the unimaginable strength behind it instantly parting her lips and forcing the length inside, stretching her wiiiiide.

“AAAIIEIEIEEEEEEEE!!!!” howled the Loxodon, throwing her head back in a feminine scream as her belly bulged out far more than before, the huge spiralling tentacles clearly visible and defined through her flesh, the tower rising up her midriff, belly button popping out as she was stretched to her absolute limit.

“Ooh wummy, I can feel it too! It's like it's double ended and another end is in me!”

Squee! Said Wummy helpfully as she stirred up the dogkin’s pussy.

“G-go s-slooooooow!” wailed the Loxodon as Rebecca hauled her hips back, a tsunami of the elephant girl’s juices washing free with her length to splash noisily against the floor.

“No, Faster!” cried the dogkin, happily slamming her hips back up into Heather causing her to trumpet, her ears flapping around her head as her body convulsed.

The Loxodon completely beyond all sense now could only look down flabbergasted at her bulging belly, each fat spiralling tentacle outlined in her tummy.

And then the tentacles began to spin.

Slow at first, then faster, they rotated around the horse dick at their core, the turning motion visible through her flesh, her insides being stirred and stimulated like nothing she had ever felt before, drilling into her pussy faster and faster.

The Loxodon threw her head back and screamed with a voice she hadn't known she had possessed, a high pitched howl, her entire body thrashing, hands desperately grasping and clawing at the back of the body suit, eyes rolled up into her head, trunk grasping blindly at Rebecca’s exposed head.

And then... Rebecca stopped… and began to pull free.

“Oh gods! Don't pull out! F-fuck me! Fuck me as hard as you can! I c-can't-! I- I NEED THIS FEELING!”

Rebecca squinted at her.


“Please Rebecca!! I’ll do anything! Anything! I’ll be nice to everyone! Just rut me with that impossible twisting turning coiling thing!” her pussy seemed to agree, clutching and suckling meekly, desperately trying to stop Rebecca from pulling out

“... Okay!” said Rebecca with an innocent smile, eyes closed.

She slammed her hips so hard into the Loxodon’s pussy that the furnace tore from its foundations and was rocked across the floor. That was then followed up with long pistoning pounding, slamming between the elephant girl’s thighs, each feral stroke shoving the enormous granite furnace further across the ground.


Wailed Heather, biting down on her tongue, trying not to scream, which she just barely managed, that is until a half dozen tentacles burst from the suits midriff and lunged for her fist sized clit, instantly wrapping it brutally tight and then shifting up and down in quick violent little jerks, furiously masturbating her.

This was all too much for the Loxodon and her eyes rolled up into her head as her legs wrapped around the suit’s back, powerful squirt exploding over and over around the suit only to be instantly gobbled up and absorbed by the glossy white.

Heather’s voice rose to a peak as the thrusting hammered into her all the faster, the slap slap slap of slime on flesh, her globular ass cheeks wobbling like jelly as her chest reeled across her torso, first one huge nipple then the other slipping free from the white cotton until bother her breasts were exposed and flinging around madly as her pussy was slam hammered over and over, the spiralling tentacles spinning ever faster and then along every tentacle length nubs started to grow, little bulges growing from the surface and scraping against her inner walls, even the clit tentacles grew nubs as they went to town ravaging the swollen hard thing, practically strangling it, yet more tentacles emerge from the body suit, attaching around her pussy all just needed to keep up with how hard the elephant girl was squirting now, her pussy spasming hysterically as clear fluid sprayed violently in every direction only to be scooped up by glossy tentacles which then attached and began pumping greedily at her pussy, encouraging her to squirt even harder.

Sky filling mega fireworks exploded non-stop in Heather’s mind and her voice climbed higher still, becoming a howling shriek-


-And then abruptly cut off as she passed out.

Wummy and Rebecca came to a slow halt as they realised she was no longer responding to their thrusts.

The dogkin looked down at the limp form of the Loxodon. A tentacle appearing beside her head and peered down with her.

“Ooh. I think she’s going to be a useless fainting mess if she ever does it for real with Fey.”



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