Ceres’s Chaos: A Tragic Space Opera

Chapter 28: Chapter 26: The Wager of the Five Families

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[The second stage and third stage will occur in a month’s time! This year's stages are going to be different than ever before, thanks to our sponsor Rawes Industries for allowing us to test their new patent on our examiner pods.]

[No details will be released as of yet to prevent participants from preparing over the month we begin! Stay tuned for our 24-hour special coverage of Chad Athen and the documentary behind his life!]

Ceres, Erik and Braton reunited in the orphanage bunk area, planning to rest up for the next day to give their best for the second stage. "What do you guys think is the format next? Shouldn't have any more questions, right?" Braton asked, while stuffing his face with as much nutri-paste as he could.

"Can't be a battle royale, would be too chaotic with close to 100,000 participants. Don't think you can finish it in five hours without having to close the 'ring of fire' extremely fast" Erik replied, caressing his chin as he pondered.

Ceres sighed, "It's gonna be some weird funky thing for sure, especially if Rawes Industries are involved." He had an overall negative experience with the Rawes old-gen 3D printer in his workshop, leading him to generally distrust anything with the Rawes logo on it.

The boys continued discussing plans and strategy on various formats through the night, trying to brush up on any missing knowledge and trying to fill the gaps in information for each other. They remained extremely tense, hardly able to contain their nervousness and excitement for the next stage of the qualifier!


A month later…

On an orbiting habitat connected to the main spaceport of Athen, the emblem of the Dynasty of Hawthorn was emblazoned on the exterior. The emblem featured an axe, with the head of the axe imprinted with a red rose while the handle was coiled in green thorns.

It was intended to display that the Dynasty treated the use of military force as a painful process, while the use should be intended for peace.

Cardenia Hawthorn, representative of the Dynasty of Hawthorn, owner of Athen and fourth daughter born to the second wife of King Hawthorn, was fast asleep, drunk on the couch in her blue silk pajamas.

The room was designed in a luxurious fashion of red and green colors, with rare true wool used for the bed and pillows and was spacious enough to be called a palace that an ancient king would reside in, if it wasn't for the fact that the floor was littered with bottles of high-class liquor and wine, and a few undergarments belonging to several people and genders were strewn across the floor.

An automated voice beeped out of her wrist which was hanging limply off the couch.

[It is 4pm Athen Local Time, Cardenia. You have an appointment with the various administrators and lobbyists in 30 minutes to watch the second stage of the qualifiers.]

"Urgh... I hardly give a shit about the competition, please let me off..." Cardenia soon drifted off into her dream again, but it wasn't even five minutes till someone slapped her face directly, shocking her awake.

It was her secretary, Senia.

"What was that for?" Cardenia exclaimed in shock

"That's for putting my reminder for you on snooze." Senia stoically replied.

Just as Cardenia was about to come up with a witty rebuttal, another slap came in hard on the same cheek.

"Now what's that for!?" Cardenia yelled angrily as she held her cheek in shock.

"That's for forcing me to wake up, come over and slap you for the first reason."

Senia raised her hand again, which prompted Cardenia to immediately move off the couch like her life depended on it.

Calling an automatic cleaning bot to clear up the mess, Senia squinted her eyes at Cardenia before leaving the room. "Don't you dare not dress formal for this event, it’s important. You’ve barely met the Consortium apart from the annual events – you must meet them this time to sshow your presence!"

Cardenia sluggishly got to her walk-in wardrobe, and started picking one of the Dynasty provided dresses that were tailored to her size, and most devastating of all, decked in the Dynasty's colours of red and green.

"Urgh, I feel like I'm wrapped like a present" Cardenia complained as she tidied herself up in front of the mirror.

She stared in the mirror, slapping her own face twice, forcing her to change persona from just Cardenia to representative of the Dynasty of Hawthorn, Cardenia Hawthorn.

An air of importance seemed to emit from her stature as she exited the room, which immediately deflated as Senia grabbed her mouth open right at the door and sprayed as much breath fresheners into her mouth, causing her to choke.

Senia ignored her actions and continued spraying copious amounts of perfume into the various crevices of Cardenia, even having an automated make up bot do up her face. "Oh, what will I ever do with such a baby?" Senia grumbled as she continued grabbing Cardenia's chin, turning it left and right to double check on her.

"I'm thirty-one years old and will not tolerate such disrespect from someone younger than me!" Cardenia stared angrily at Senia, who still partially ignored her and continued treating her like a baby.

"Yes yes, you're so capable, you don't need my help in the future, do you? Please fire me." Senia sarcastically commented, finishing up the touch-ups to Cardenia's skin. Grabbing her by the arm, Senia walked hastily towards the ballroom where they were supposed to watch the exam for five hours.

Cardenia balked at the thought of wasting five hours with useless old fogeys while having to keep up appearances, having more important things to do; except she didn't particularly look important when she was being dragged along.


"Ah, your Honor, thank you for the party you hosted last month. I have heard from my son that it was quite an entertaining one." An old lobbyist remarked as she approached Cardenia, forcing Cardenia to put on a forced smile. She had been entertaining petitioners and lobbyists for a good hour, seeing as the qualifiers hasn't actually started yet.

"Mrs Derfas, thank you for the compliment. I have heard that the first stage of the qualifier was quite interesting, though it pains me to have completely missed it last month." Cardenia was trying her absolute best to steer the conversation away from the supposed 'entertaining' party last month.

To be frank, in her five years since being assigned here to this backwater planet of Athen, she had never bothered to watch the qualifiers or the exam.

She only participated in award ceremonies, hardly caring about the results or how were the people of Athen doing. Cardenia was spoilt and childish in every sense of the word, which also partially led her to being dumped into this unwanted job.

However, due to the nature of her upbringing and birth, her sheer capabilities, genetic enhancements and implants bought with wealth gave her a significant advantage over every other member in the large ballroom.

It would not be a stretch to say that Cardenia could defeat everyone here including Senia in a personal duel with no weapons, but she had to act the part and not let violence get the better of her. A Hawthorn was better than that, for wielding an axe always comes with thorns.

"Yes yes, it was very interesting, there were a lot of good scenarios that forced the participants to think, which is very good for the development of our younger generation here on Athen. I wonder what does our dear Cardenia think about the top participant?"

Cardenia acted as though she was busy savoring the drink she held in her hand, while she desperately listened to a voice that was communicating to her directly in her ear in a sharp tone.

"Ah yes, Chad Athen, he is from a very prestigious school and family. I'm proud that he has held up to his declaration so far, and I look forward to more good showing from him today. The Athen Family definitely deserves their reputation." Cardenia spoke confidently despite it being Senia assisting her from the back.

"Great, then that makes my petition a lot easier" An older gentleman dressed in a black tuxedo came from behind Cardenia, bowing before her. He had tanned skin and a proud demaneour.

Despite his respectful manner, his eyes still retained a certain fire in them, not unlike those seen in ambitious young men. "Oliver Athen, principal of the Five Families College." Senia began speaking fast into her earpiece, providing as much information as she could while Cardenia gave a slight nod, upon which Oliver continued.

He had slight wrinkles on his forehead, the sign of aging past a hundred and fifty years. Being one of the very first kids to have landed here in the early days of Athen, he had witness the development and growth of Athen as a mining planet.

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Struggling through the initial colonization phase, he had made a name for himself in the mining industry, surviving multiple mine disasters and wildlife attacks, growing up to be a mining magnate when he was younger and ruthless. Marrying multiple wives, Oliver eventually started what is now known as the Athen Family.

Years of consistent competition and struggling has catapulted them to the top of the five families, being the defacto representative of the planet and a prominent member of the Consortium. Anyone who wanted to set up a lucrative business had to go through Oliver Athen first!

Skipping him meant that the business would collapse within two months of being set up, sometimes even in a week especially when it threatens critical industries that they and the other four major families own.

Even the other four major families had to inform him of any large business decisions before execution, else those involved would eventually disappear themselves! While this went against everything the Consortium stood for, it was part and parcel of political warfare.

He had also previously helmed the city administration board for close to thirty years, before finally retiring to take better care of the next generation. Oliver was also known to be a very doting and somewhat controlling patriarch of the Athen Family, hence his deep involvement with Chad Athen to ensure that he has the best result.

Recently there’s been a larger push for greater education in the inner zones since sixteen years ago, led by the Five Families College who continuously push the boundaries on what is known as ‘elite’ students here in Athen.

"Pardon my intrusion Mrs Derfas, but I must put forward my own opinion and petition when the name of my grandson has reached your Honor's ears. One must be a fool to give up such an opportunity." Cardenia internally groaned as Oliver said that, knowing that she had been trapped into listening to yet another proposal from the five original colonist families.

The Five Families were continuously trying to erode the authority of the Dynasty of Hawthon, which Cardenia knew was a slippery slope to full autonomy if she didn’t play her cards right. She had to hold on to the reins as tight as possible – failure would be the death of her!

"I believe that the students of Athen have been improving overall as a result, with the Five Families College leading the pack. Other schools are also catching up rapidly, bolstered on by the improvements seen in the students specifically from the Five Families College.” Oliver confidently announced, while more and more of the participants in the ballroom listened to him.

“It is due to this upwards trend that I'm proud to announce a proposal to establish a university for further studies in Athen! This proposal is backed by the five families, and I hope to formally hear a favourable response from your Honor with regards to obtaining an official charter." Oliver bowed again with a slight gentle smile, while Cardenia racked her brains, realizing that Mrs Defas and Oliver Athen were collaborating to corner her!

She was very much inclined to reject them here outright, as there were already a few universities on the main planet of this system, Strathon. No way a backwater resource mining planet such as Athen could compete with minimal heritage and support!

But if she were to reject them outright, it would create a rift between the Dynasty of Hawthorn and the five main families of Athen. She obviously couldn't give less of a shit personally, but her role was a representative of the Dynasty, and she had to act like one.

[Cardenia, you can't stall your response for too long! Don't give them a definite answer, make up something to buy time for us to weigh the options!] Senia said into Cardenia's ear remotely.

"I find the proposal very interesting, but will require further consideration from the Dynasty of Hawthorn for future discussion. Perhaps you can bring this up on our next annual Consortium meeting?" Cardenia formally replied, but Oliver immediately shook his head, his smile consistent.

"No, your Honor, I do know the proposal will have to be vetted in the small print, but I would like your specific seal of approval on the general idea. We require the seal to legally establish the university as per imperial law. It would be best if we hear your response now."

[DON'T SAY ANYTHING CARDENIA! YOU REPRESENT THE CONSORTIUM!] Senia shouted into Cardenia's ear, just as Cardenia was about to state her original thinking of wanting to reject them.

Seeing as Cardenia was deep in thought , Oliver remarked: "How about a wager to make things clearer? I know your Honor is fond of using wagers to determine what is the right way forward." He showed a small smirk, aware of Cardenia’s avid pastime as a shuttle racing gambler.

Despite Senia’s continued shrieking, Cardenia's interest was immediately piqued, causing her to turn off the remote connection on her earpiece, instead turning and smiling towards Oliver.

Before Senia could 'run' over as fast as she could through the ballroom, she heard Oliver continue: "If my Five Families College students dominate the top 4 position, which means if we get two or more students into the top 4, I hope that you will then provide your seal of approval for the university proposal. I guarantee you that the university will not be a mark of shame on your Honor."

Cardenia's smile widened even further, causing Senia to instinctively grab her shoulder. " I apologize, Mr Athen and Mrs Derfas, I must consult with my secretary first. Please give us a moment" Cardenia gave a slight bow, moving off into a quiet side.

Oliver bowed, a smirk growing on his face knowing he had hooked the interest of the rumoured avid ship racing fanatic who loved to wager on everything. It was one of the main reasons why she ended up on this planet anyway.

"My god! Cardenia, you let him back you into such a corner! Now the best-case scenario is that you piss off every other school principal or director here by rejecting his wager! Think about the Consortium!" Senia grumbled, while a glint of brilliance showed up within Cardenia's eyes as she quickly weighed her odds. She calculated everything in her head, a hallmark of the Dynasty’s advanced gene augmentations.

"The Consortium is a sham and we both know it. Two can play at this game, Senia. Watch and learn how a real gambler works!" Cardenia confidently walked over back to Oliver, with a good number of eyes now fixed on her every movement after hearing the wager declaration by Oliver.

It wasn’t everyday that the rich people or members of the Consortium could see such a huge ‘friendly’ wager being thrown directly against the planet’s Dynasty representative! A audible murmur spread across the ballroom, some even starting their own private bets on the wager itself!

"What do I get if I win, which is to say that only one or none of your students do not dominate the top 4?" Cardenia asked.

Oliver bowed again. "You will have earned my family loyalty for one generation, in which all our industries and resources’ output will be given to you and your Dynasty at cost price, no more."

This was a huge concession!

Cardenia contemplated quickly. Senia was giving her a quick rundown on the chances of the students from the Five Families college – their distribution amongst the three major categories in the competition, and what were the chances that another student could upset the slot.

Senia finally noted that every category had an equal amount of students from the Five Families College, making it hard to choose. “It would be better to choose any other category than exosuit repair – Chad Athen is there. It will be hard to dislodge him from the top 4.”

"Make it two generations." Cardenia tried to reach for more, hoping that she could get an edge since the large amount of risk that she was taking finally hit her. How could she hope to topple Chad with another student?

”If so, then I would only want to bet on the exosuit repair category." Oliver still had that same gentle smile on his face, undisturbed. Cardenia’s eyes widened, and whatever she thought previously was thrown out the window.

“Then make it three generations.” Cardenia wasn’t about to let her fall into that without an increased potential prize!

Three generations is a long time, especially considering that life expectancy was much higher here among the upper class of society. With life-extension treatments, three generations could potentially extend past five hundred years! She was sure Oliver would hesitate at this, which would buy her more time.

If Oliver backed out of the wager, then she would save her reputation, but instead what followed shocked her!

“Deal. Should we sign an agreement? Or we can let everyone hear be our witness.”

The rapid acceptance of Oliver's losing conditions made Cardenia frown a bit, but she nonetheless donned a happy face.

She stands to gain a lot as long as three other participants outside of the Five Families College made it into the semifinals, and she had an okay chance because Senia had updated her previously that Chad Athen was the only good exosuit repair participant from the Five Families College, causing her to finally accept.

The amount of discounted resources she could get for her Dynasty from this wager would boost her reputation within the Dynasty and elevate her to a new standing. She might be even able to return to her old position!

Cardenia was a gambler through and through: high risk, high rewards!

As she walked back over to Senia, the ballroom burst into an loud murmur. This was maybe the biggest wager this year – both parties had a lot at stake, not to mention their reputation!

The hype around the qualifiers were a lot more tangible now, with different people taking sides. Senia grabbed her arm: "What the hell are you thinking this time? I know that look, that look you get when you bet everything on a ship race." Cardenia only gently smirked.

"Oliver thinks he's the only one with good students, but who's to say I don't have one? Or more specifically, why can't I GET one?"


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