Change in a New World

Chapter 16: Chapter 17 – Breakthrough

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[Ezekiel’s perspective]

Today’s the day, after dozens of tests reminiscent of a certain Kerbal program we have achieved something that would be impossible on Earth, the first space battleship. The project started as mortals wanting to go into the stars, quickly pulling the interest of cultivators and becoming a fast-growing project, somewhere along the line the plans for a simple space shuttle grew complicated and grander, weapons and factories were added until we arrived at today, the hard work of thousands of cultivators and millions of mortals.

Looking out the watchtower window I see the ship I helped create, dozens of kilometers long, appearance similar to that of modern submarine on Earth, the sleek black surface hiding the millions of weapons installed on the faces of the ship. Lines of gold snake across the surface like lightning on a stormy night sky, that is the surface qi formations designed by Ana.

“Final checks complete, parameter checks in progress, ambient qi levels safe, onboard Avatar crew checks in progress” A deep, electronic voice sounds from the panel of computers behind me. The mentioned Avatar crew is the first crew of the battleship, one hundred cultivators practiced the Spirit net Avatar technique for this purpose, me included.

The view of my avatar is the internals of the ship, seated in a soft black chair I look at the panel before me, numbers and data running through the holographic screens. The internals are optimal, life support functioning like intended, I extend my senses to feel for myself, no stowaways, or trespassers. Even if I am not a monstrous genius like Luka, I have still reached the Immortal King Stage in the short few centuries I have lived and cultivated for.

“Avatar check completed, initiate count down when ready” I say once I return my focus to my main body. Turning to my side and seeing my wife, my love for her still as firm as the day we wed or the day the twins were conceived.

“Launch of SSA Uno, space-class battleship begins in 5 minutes” The mechanical voice sounds again, murmurs and tension rise in the watchtower as we prepare to make history. South Space Agency is what we came to be called at some point. It feels good to be part of this, something that was legendary a legendary race on Earth is a great collaboration of mortals and cultivators here. Recalling how the rift between the two groups was like man and ants when I was born compared to now where you might not even notice a cultivator within a group of mortals for they all treat each other as other people, peers, and friends.

Looking out past the launch site I begin to have a bad feeling, the clear sky showing no signs of storms or troubles but an instinct in me is whispering dangers. The count down begun, at six the world shook, qi rushing to a distant point far on the horizon. The laws of the world kneeling before the rising strength of others, sword laws are what I feel spreading in power.

“Hahaha, make my own world? My world is the sword, and the sword is my world! I will beat that puppet this time!” The majestic voice booms across the sky, filling the world as the source rises into the sky, great power emanating from them, I can feel their presence and pressure from here. Like a blade held to my neck as the blood lust grows. It’s the Sword Ancestor, one of the few ancient Dao Realm cultivators from long ago, a victim of a certain robot with a stabbing addiction.

The count down errors out as the qi is pulled from around the spaceship, the reactor destabilizes and goes into meltdown. I feel the imminent doom as a sea of gold threads ruptures through the ground and encases the ship in a cocoon, suppressing all the chaotic energy as the dominating pressure of Sword Ancestor begins to fade as if being sucked out of this world before he disappears completely.

The history making launch failed, and someone ascended the Dao Realm. Today will be a tale told for ages.

[Luka’s Perspective]

“Did you make it in time dear?” Elise ask as I relax into her embrace. The world shook as someone completed their internal world enough to be pulled from this world and to another. What Elise is asking about is the launch of the SSA Uno, when Sword whoever broke through, a lot of energy reactors went out of balance becoming explosive generators, one of which was the core generator of Ezekiel’s spaceship.

“Yes, I double layered it and sent the energy to our inner world, sucks that some ancient fossil beat us though…” Pouting, I slump further into Elise’s embrace. We had our world planned and ready to make, we just lacked energy to fuel it, for that we needed time or war. I hadn’t participated in a real war since the first few decades we arrived in the Immortal World, and I wasn’t going to be starting needless war for my own gain or growth.

“There, there dear, we have a lot of energy now and we work to wrap things up here since we know the next realm can’t stay in this world. We can use the data we collected from his ascension to fine tune our simulations and models.” Elise whispers as she smiles beautifully at me. Being born in that village all that time ago was the best thing that happened to me, and my time with her is the happiest time.

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She is right, we can improve our simulations now we have the data. Looking at it, the Sword guy made a world full of swords, it was all just swords, swords upon swords with sword aura filling the gaps. Our world is far more complex and will have life in ours so there wasn’t much to gain.

Three years later we complete our combined inner world, a world with a twin opposite realm a void of space between. Floating in our inner world we look upon the sole solar system, a perpetual energy generation formation that appears like a shining star dwarfing the green and blue planet between us and it. Made in the image of Earth the planet forms under Elise and I’s power, once complete the inner space begins changing on a level we haven’t reached yet. A force of machines and programs blends with a burning sea as our world’s energy.

Outside of our inner world I feel the Immortal World qi wrapping around us and the passage forwards invites us in. Looking to Elise, meeting her eyes as they ask the same thing as me, are we ready? Yes, yes we are. With a step we cross into the hole in space.

“Welcome new Creators! A world with a pair, now that’s quite rare.” A joyful voice sounds as we appear in an office space. The source a man with short yellow hair. The office space blocking my extended senses, I look bewildered to Elise.

“Are you our world’s creator?” Elise asks the first question of many thought.

“I am just an assistant here, my creator has ascended long ago. This is the Goffice, the office of gods. Your world’s creator ascended not so long ago, it seemed she got her world sorted after breaking it a while ago. At the Goffice you can oversee your worlds and access the community of creators from your own office.” The assistant replies and explains. A community of creators, mind blowing yet expectable. Cultivation was always like that in novels, from one world to the next, the standard growing each step.

“How do we-” Mid way asking how to go to our office we appear in a new room, familiar but different. Thought controlled space, impressive indeed. Our office is simple just like in the Immortal World, a large wooden desk with a pair of computers side by side with office chairs seated beside each other, then a large couch against one wall with a coffee table before it. This office lacks all the trinkets and bits we had before but it’s neat and nice.

“Thought controlled office, like any good system would have.” The assistant appears in our office as I sit down to see the network. Data of the Immortal World’s history, Earth, and many more worlds also have entries.

“This world seems to be stuck in a time loop” Noticing the recorded data of Earth having dozens of iterations of the same five thousand years.

“Ah, yes, you were from there too, due to some time travelers and problems with AI turning against all life there, it has been put in an eternal loop, great place to pull souls from if you have a human centered world. Their creator even gives some away every iteration. You were from the twenty-third iteration, just over two thousand years in, a popular time to get souls as you weren’t full of computers and still have a view of nature.” The assistant says several unexpected things. After some thought it all seems normal for creators to be like this. The assistant bids us goodbye and disappeared with a thought.

“I guess that is our welcome to this new world” Elise turns to me with a wide smile on her face.

“Yep, just us and our world to develop. Oh! We also need to officially name it since all these other worlds have names” I match her smile and return to my computer, just like before we work side by side.

“A. Proper. Name. Dear. We are not calling it Spare Change just because it will become a coin” Her voice stern as she turns serious, pouting at her as I still think Change is a good name for our planned world. My pouting earning me a kiss that grows to something more~


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