Change in a New World

Chapter 8: Chapter 9 – The Ninth Princess

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[Anastasia’s perspective]

Having finished dealing with today’s tedious meetings with nobles I double check the gift I finally acquired, a piece of an ancient relic. The relic looks like an elongated stone about the length of my own arm and twice as wide as my finger span due to age, the records described it as a support piece of complex heavenly relic that was left over from when the two continents were one. Legends have it that our world is a small island cut from another world and due to a great war the island split in two. Relics and information like this are the reason the divine empire has ruled for many ages, our origin has ties with the participants of the war that was said to split our world after being cut from the immortal world.

I find the relic secure and place it in a secure storage ring I hid on my body and prepare to visit the recipient. I first met her at an auction that was selling a cultivation tome found on the East Continent, only appearing here because contact with that continent has become more known as their ships of metal and weak artifacts have been arriving more often and openly with many powerful treasures. The auction house advertised the tome contains methods for any one with working meridians could cultivate to the Spirit realm in their lifetime without problems. Such a method was one of three things, a lie, a demonic technique, or a nation moving asset. It was the last one, I found that out by the girl I met there.

In the middle of the tense atmosphere between all the noble houses and famous merchants there was a little girl no older than nine years old with a servant in a unique black and white uniform, the uniform looked beautiful yet showed the woman was a servant by its design, they entered one of the high-tier VIP booths. I was at the auction to spectate to begin with, as the ninth daughter of the emperor I had no chance in the competition for it and knowing my own brothers, there will be bloodshed afterwards. Shortly after the auction began with its usual kind of items that I have seen hundreds of times, the servant came and invited me to the VIP booth.

The girl introduced herself as Luka and after answering my immediate question of why she would invite me we started having a friendly discussion, the answer being she felt I was out of place out there with all the serious silk-pants out there. The topic shifted from how exhausting nobles are to stories of the East Continent and possibilities that would arise if the tome were real. After the show stopper item, it was kept till last, having sold for more money than I have ever owned as the empire’s princess with many assets to my name, Luka was happy about it and when I asked why she was so happy when someone else got the treasure, she just smiled and pulled out a pair of books, both identical to the one just sold as far as I could tell, before she disappeared out of the booth she forced both books into my hands.

I quickly found out her identity, a relative of a genius cultivator, living in a mansion with her brother’s servants, I sent a letter requesting a visit, something that other nobles would make a fuss about. The reply I got was a cheerful and quite childish approval, the first time I visited I saw many new things including the different servant uniforms. We had a tea party and discussed the things written in the books she forced onto me at the auction, although she was a child she spoke like an expert as she explained the pieces I did not understand, quickly leading to a cultivation epiphany. Since that visit I made regular visits to Luka and quickly came to think of her as a friend, something that surprised me when my guard-servant pointed out. Today I was visiting to deliver something she mentioned she wanted along with saying a new volume of ‘circuit-qi 101’ would arrive soon.

She liked the gift very much, smile beaming brightly like she always does when she gets what she wants. Her older brother, Ezekiel, was also home for once, something that had not happened in the time I knew Luka and she left us with the new volume she spoke of as she went off into the mansion. Ezekiel was quite speechless at the information in the book at first, but he quickly started studying it seriously, it was revealed he did not know Luka had things like this and was not as knowledgeable as Luka seemed to be, but he was an excellent discussion partner, after several cups of tea we were deep in discussion as we studied the new volume together. Luka is very weird and strange, but her brother was much more what I expected of an expert apart from his occasional jokes and times where he missed obvious answers and made a blunder out of it, that made him quite weird too. After we discussed circuitry methodology for formations the sun was setting. I bid Ezekiel farewell and he invited me to visit again to discuss cultivation and other strange ideas coming from the East Continent. I look forward to the future with this pair of siblings.

[Ezekiel’s perspective]

I didn’t get to meet the ninth princess like my master planned due to the political state shifting with the arrival of East Continent diplomats, though I would call them preachers or missionaries who spread their culture to everyone that would listen. This led to a new group to form within the empire and the sects, one that followed those ideas of grounding cultivators as people who help the nation and world instead of being a world of strong eat weak.

I wasn’t too fussed with this change as they brought about culture changes that was closer to my past life’s experiences then the ancient culture I grew up in here. Also, my master didn’t have any missions for me so I could stay at home with Luka and meet Anastasia more often, Luka sometimes disappeared when she arrived and we would discuss between ourselves and recently we have been making jokes together, her laugh was as beautiful as her smile.

Things continued as they were for several years as strife started spreading through the Divine Empire, a factions of nobles being conservative in their ways leading to many deaths when the mortals and many sects changed to the East-style as it came to be called. Many new cultivation techniques were introduced from the East so many people discovered they could cultivate no matter their spirit root, it was genius, and the methods are basic versions of what I read in the books Anastasia had with the weird signature of Earth characters as far as I can remember.

News from the East continent has been arriving in shorter intervals and some of the world-study cultivators from the East Continent say the two land masses are moving closer together. World-study cultivators sounded and worked very similar to scientist of Earth and many of the new cultivation methods are written by them. The most recent news though shocked me, the Empire over there dissolved and became a federation, all in power agreeing with the change along with the cultivators happily going along. I never imagined the suppress and dominate people of cultivator society would let such a change happen.

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Luka is currently in her workshop that she made me build for her recently for her fifteenth birthday. When she heard about civil unrest she started spending a lot of time in there doing who knows what. Today I was going to study something that arrived from the East Federation with Anastasia, a sample of it showed it was a device made with some of the skills we were both studying recently, complex qi circuitry and the combination of logic and formations. I arrive at the freshly built research institute built by the people that support the Federation’s ideology.

“There you are Eze!” Anastasia or Ana as I call her now, greets me with enthusiasm. We developed nicknamed for each other due to our names both containing a palindrome that uses only two different letters.

“So it must be a treasure trove of circuit-‘qi’” I emphasize the part Luka lectures me about constantly as I enter the laboratory. I spot the treasure trove, a short cylinder with a diameter of half a meter with dozens of discreet but important formations discernible by my first look.

“Yes, it uses every idea in the beginner books we have read so far. It is decades of required testing proven flawlessly together, I have almost finished repairing it” Ana excitedly shows the different parts and points to the different formations as she explains what each part does.

“So, we are repairing it now? What is it even for?” I ask as I begin working with her to redraw damaged formations and reinforce substitute parts.

“The person that brought it was a cultivator from the East Continent, they said it had a sword attached to the top and it was damaged during a battle. We suspect it is a combat specialist puppet. A majority of the formations are a complex restoration device that we suspect is used to remove signs of battle automatically.” She explains as she shows the related parts to me, and we piece the supposed puppet back together. Looking at it now, it reminds me of something from another world and I feel like it will be a bad idea to completely fix it and attach the sword.

“Alrighty, so how much is left if it is just application of the technology we are familiar with already?” I ask as I notice the pile of pieces disappear quickly and the cylinder puppet becoming. Before she can answer someone bursts through the ceiling and takes the near complete puppet in.

“Mwahaha, This is the pathetic nation’s secret weapon! The Divine Empire will never be tainted by their technology, even if you the ninth princess is already a stain on our glorious nation’s prestige” The man in an ancient robe shouts his words as he flies off. I feel strange for not worrying about the puppet, but something tells me it is not a problem. On another note.

“You’re the ninth Princess?!” I ask Anastasia to confirm.

“Will you treat me differently if I answer that?” I looks away and pouts like my sister does. I hear a hint of fear and worry in her seemingly calm voice. We had been friends for years now and I enjoy her company and considering her question I realize I don’t have to, we can still be ourselves together.

“I will still treat you like my friend, you are important to me… As important as my sister” I feel my cheeks heat up as I say the last part but I keep looking at Anastasia as she has an incredibly charming smile on her face.

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