Changing My Fate At Age 30

Chapter 12: Accompanying Her for the Prenatal Examination

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Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The next morning, after my wife woke up, she yelled at me for half an hour.

I lay on the bed with my head bowed and didn’t fight back.

“Zhang Teng, I’m warning you. If you dare to repeat what you did last night, I’ll sue you for rape!” My wife finally ended angrily.

I turned around and with my back against her, afraid that she would see the twitch in my face.

She was my wife!

However, she wanted to sue me for rape!

This was the most sorrowful thing in the world…

No, what’s even sadder was that she didn’t yell at me because I forced myself on her.

She was afraid that I would hurt the child inside her!

I buried my head in the pillow to hide the tears that leaked out of my eyes.

After my wife vented her anger, she packed up and left the house in a hurry.

Only then did I get out of bed, pull out my phone to locate her whereabouts.

If everything was as I suspected, then her destination today wouldn’t be to go to work.

Indeed, her location confirmed my guess.

She went to the Women’s and Children’s Hospital!

I tidied up the bed and room quickly. Then, I left the house alone and drove to the Women’s and Children’s Hospital.

In the carpark, in a very conspicuous position, I saw the car I expected to see—the Bentley!

The bald man had also come…

It made sense. After all, it was his child. If he didn’t accompany her, who would?

I held my breath, put on my cap and sunglasses, and marched into the hospital.

Soon, I spotted them at the waiting area.

I remained calm and collected as I stood a distance away. With the crowd to conceal me, I secretly recorded the scene.

These recordings could be used as evidence in the future.

They didn’t leave the hospital until noon.

When they left, the bald vice president was grinning until his face was about to split open. He was hugging my wife.

I even heard a nurse calling for her husband to enter as well. The bald man answered shamelessly and entered the room.

We haven’t gotten a divorce, and this fellow was really treating himself as my wife’s husband?

At that instant, I almost had an urge to stop recording and rush over to push him and my wife down the stairs!

Their whole family could reunite in hell!

However, I could only stop myself.

I wanted to take revenge on them, but I can’t ruin myself.

There were many things in life that one had to choose.

The consequences of recklessness were often unbearable.

Although I could do that, my parents and siblings couldn’t bear the consequences of losing me. I couldn’t be so selfish!

Watching as they walked towards the exit a short distance away, I was about to follow them.

“Hey! You are… Brother Zhang Teng?” A hesitant female voice suddenly sounded from behind.

I froze.

Holy shit!

I’ve already disguised myself and put on a cap and sunglasses. Yet, someone still recognized me?!

I subconsciously turned around and saw a young female doctor in a white coat. She was adorable and charming. Her eyes were huge and she looked delicate. She was staring at me in surprise.

I was momentarily stunned before I recognized her. “Ah, Lin Xiaoyun!”

Lin Xiaoyun was from my hometown. She was well-educated and was a few years younger than me.

In the past, we were very close. When we were young, she would often run behind me and call me ‘Brother Zhang Teng’ in a cute voice. She was really adorable.

However, after she went to college, we basically stopped staying in touch. All I know was that she attended medical school and later graduated and accepted a job at a hospital. I had no idea that she actually worked here.

“I didn’t expect to meet you here. Brother Zhang Teng, what were you looking at just now? You seemed very engrossed.” Lin Xiaoyun poked her head around and took a look.

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“I… I wasn’t looking at anything,” I replied, feeling a little guilty. I was afraid that she would realize that I was observing the bald man and my wife.

After all, it’s private and an ugly secret. If anyone found out, how should I raise my head high?

“Don’t lie to me. I knew it. You’re looking at that beauty.” Lin Xiaoyun pursed her lips and smiled. “All men are like that. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. However, she has a husband.”

“You know her?” I quipped.

“I was the one who gave her the results of her check-up.” Lin Xiaoyun replied with an envious expression. “Her husband is really rich. He even dotes on her. Although he is a little old, and quite ordinary-looking, she is really lucky to be able to marry such a good husband.”

I turned to look at the two of them. By now, they had stepped out of the building.

I felt terrible.

The ‘husband’ that Lin Xiaoyun was talking about was that bald scum!

She had no idea that I was Yu Qing’s real husband!

What a joke!

My wife and her adulterer entered the hospital openly, but as the legitimate husband, I could only follow them discreetly!

My face darkened and turned grim.

“Brother Zhang Teng, are you okay? You don’t look too good.” Lin Xiaoyun noticed my expression and asked with concern.

“I’m fine. I was just reminiscing about our childhood. Time flies.” I snapped back to reality and quickly added, “I still have something on. Give me your phone number. I’ll contact you soon.”

When Lin Xiaoyun heard that, she suddenly blushed crimson.

But she didn’t say anything and gave me her number.

It felt odd, but I didn’t dwell on it as I scurried away.

It wasn’t until I was back in the car about to start the engine, that I suddenly jolted.

Hold on!

I suddenly remembered why she was blushing!

When we were young, we used to play pretend together.

Every time we played, she would insist on pestering me to be her husband.

She even declared that she would marry me when she grew up.

I remembered on a few occasions—we even slept under a blanket together. Of course, I was still young at that time and I didn’t have any other thoughts.

As for being mischievous and lifting her skirt at times, I’ve done that plenty of times.

Now that I pondered about that, it was inevitable that she would feel a little embarrassed.

Sigh, Xiaoyun was a good girl too. If I waited until she grew up before wooing her and not choosing Yu Qing, how would I have ended up in this state today?

I grimaced bitterly.

A person had many choices in his life. Sometimes, a choice didn’t always involve making a good decision.

But damn it, I chose the most disastrous one!

I roamed the streets in a depressed mood for the entire day. When I returned home at night, my parents-in-law yelled at me the moment I entered the house.

They complained that I didn’t clean the house nor did I throw out the trash. It was as if I was their slave and I should do their every bidding!

I kept a straight face and didn’t argue with them. I just wanted to go back to my room.

“Stop right there!” my mother-in-law shouted at me. “Don’t forget to pick her up tomorrow!”

“Pick up someone?” I stopped and turned to look at her.

“You’re really useless. You really forgot!” My father-in-law said in an odd tone. “Yu Lan is coming here tomorrow to apply for a job at Xiaoqing’s company. She’s unfamiliar with the place and we’re all busy. You have nothing to do at all. Of course, you have to go and pick her up! I just told you recently, but you forgot. Your memory is really worse than a dog!”

I almost wanted to slap his face!

They grumbled and complained all day long, and they said at least a few thousand sentences. Who the hell would remember every sentence for no reason!

But in the end, I endured it and turned around to return to my room.

But when he said that, I recalled it too.

Yu Lan was the niece of my father-in-law. She had just graduated and was looking for a job. She was preparing to apply for a job at the company my wife was working at.

It was said that they had already confirmed her for the job.

I was aware that my wife’s company was very strict with its hiring process. If Yu Lan could secure a job so smoothly, there was no way she could have done it with her connection to a public relations manager!

It was likely that the bald man had helped her again!

Forget it. Endure it.. It’s not time to completely shed all pretenses just yet!

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