Changing My Fate At Age 30

Chapter 6: An Unexpected Lawyer

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Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

A long time ago, that sum of money meant nothing to me.

But now, it was a huge sum of money!

Moreover, it could indeed resolve my family’s current predicament!

My wife was indeed smart. She knew my parents and siblings’ situation very well. She was aware of what she could do to touch my heart.

So the moment she made a move, the amount of money was calculated so accurately!

However, that bald man gave her thirty million yuan, and she just wanted to give me three hundred thousand yuan to appease me?!

Was I really a beggar!?

Wait, why did she give me this sum of money?

After all, she wasn’t usually such a gentle and considerate person.

Was she trying to make it up to me?

Or could it be… that she wanted me to turn a blind eye to her affair with that old man whose head was as bald as a rubber ball?!

This money was simply used to seal my mouth!

So that I could be cuckolded in silence!

Blood rushed to my face as I grabbed the bank card and threw it away.

“Zhang Teng, what are you doing!” My wife screamed in fury.

I whirled around, opened the door, and jumped out of the car.

“Zhang Teng, stop right there!” My wife was furious. She chased me out of the car and pointed at me while screaming, “If you dare to leave, don’t you dare enter my house again!”

I jolted and stopped.

The onlookers hadn’t dispersed yet, and they were all surprised and delighted. They pointed and whispered among themselves.

“Aren’t you ashamed! Get in the car now! Let’s go!” My wife couldn’t stand being pointed at and yelled angrily behind me.

“What happened?” My mother-in-law asked in her unpleasant voice.

She and my father-in-law pushed their way through the crowd with Qiqi.

“You’re embarrassing yourself in front of everyone again. You’re really a useless bum,” his father-in-law added eccentrically. “It’s such a joyous occasion to purchase an apartment, and everyone is ecstatic about it. Only you would insist on making a fuss here, it’s as if we have wronged you.”

Furious, I whirled around.


I couldn’t bear to listen to any of this!

Since all of them want to fall out with me, fine! I’ll cooperate!

Just as I was about to explode, Qiqi suddenly broke away from his grandparents’ grip and ran to me. He grabbed my hand. “Daddy, what happened to you?”

Looking at his adorable face and hearing his startled cry, my anger disappeared.

I squatted and hugged him tightly. Tears streamed down my face uncontrollably again as I sobbed silently.

In this family, the only thing that I was worried about was my son.

He would never despise me, nor would he be a snob who mocked and criticized me!

Was he really the son of the bald man who stole someone’s wife?

No, I don’t believe it!

He had to be my son. Otherwise, how could he be so close to me?!

“You’re crying again! You don’t find it embarrassing, but I do!”

A distance away, my wife stomped her feet and stormed away, her face livid.

My parents-in-law also looked disgusted as they came to drag Qiqi away.

“No, I want to be with Daddy!” Qiqi struggled and writhed, and he started to cry.

“Useless! You’re just like your father! You’re a grown man, yet you’re wiping your tears in public! Don’t you feel ashamed!” My mother-in-law cursed angrily and pulled her husband along with her.

Only the two of us were left, hugging and crying.

The onlookers shook their heads and sighed. Some were gloating, while others were sneering with contempt.

I ignored them and hugged my son as I cried for a long time.

The onlookers gradually got tired of watching us and left.

“Daddy, why are you crying?” Qiqi asked me amidst his sobs.

As I regained my composure, I let go of Qiqi and wiped my tears. Then I looked at my son.

My son cried together with me. When I stopped, he naturally stopped and he gazed at me too.

How could he be the child of that bald man?

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Although he didn’t resemble me at first glance, as long as people observed carefully, they would notice that my son and I had similar facial features.

Unfortunately, I was so livid that I lost my mind. I actually thought that my son resembled that bald man!

How was that possible!

Even if that bald jerk were to undergo plastic surgery, he wouldn’t be able to produce such a good-looking son!

Guilt surged in my heart.

I actually thought of using my son to force that sl*t to get a divorce!

In this family, he might be the only one who still cared about me!

Moreover, he was so sensible. If I really used him to do that sort of thing, how would I face him in the future?!

Even if he wasn’t my biological son, he was still innocent!

“I’m sorry, Qiqi… I’ve let you down!” I choked out.

“Daddy, don’t cry. I’m afraid…” My son hugged me as he choked on his words.

“I will stop crying. Come, let’s go home!” I sniffed and wiped away the tears on our faces. Then, I held his hand and stood up.

I had already decided.

The paternity test might work, but it would also hurt Qiqi.

There were other ways to resolve this matter. It wasn’t necessary to take the test.

For example, I could continue to endure and think of ways to gather evidence of the bald man and my wife’s affair!

But before that, I had something else to do.

When we got home, my wife and parents-in-law hadn’t returned just yet.

I asked Qiqi to play by himself for a while while I scrolled to look for a contact on my phone.

In the past, when I was investing in businesses, I met some friends, including one who worked at a law firm.

Whenever I had legal issues involving my investment, I would seek his help and he would arrange for someone to settle them for me.

There was too much at stake if I were to file for a divorce. I wanted to figure out the consequences first. The best way was to consult a lawyer.

Over the phone, my friend promised to help me to look for an experienced lawyer who specialized in divorce proceedings.

Relieved, I hung up.

At this point, there was no point in dwelling on other stuff.

I had to get custody of Qiqi.

But I wanted to get that fifteen million as well!

And this had to happen quickly.

I was afraid that my wife would transfer her assets.

Back then, I had also thought of transferring the money away from her account.

However, if there was a request to transfer such a huge sum of money, the bank would definitely request further confirmation. Such a move would do nothing but alert her.

So in the end, I could only return the card to her.

Now, the best solution was to obtain concrete evidence of her affair with the vice president and force her to give in!

After all, she and the bald vice president were both people with reputations to uphold in their respective companies. So such a scandal would ultimately affect them.

A few minutes later, my friend called me back and said that he had arranged for me to meet someone tomorrow to have a talk.

The next day, I arrived at the law firm on time.

I reached the meeting room and waited for a few minutes before the lawyer that my friend had arranged arrived.

I was stunned and cried out, “Why is it you?!”

It was a woman. One could tell from her eyebrows that she was smart and pretty. She had shapely eyebrows, cherry lips, fair skin, and a voluptuous figure.

It was a familiar face!

Although it had been years since we last met, I couldn’t be mistaken!

Liu Xin!

She was my university classmate!

Incredibly, she was the one who would be helping me. The awkward thing was that she… wooed me during our university days!

But I didn’t accept her!

At that time, I was hot-blooded and I had yet to mature. Although she had a good personality, I had eyes for the beautiful Yu Qing.

Thinking about it now, I was indeed blind. I missed such a good woman. Now I’m really regretting it!

If I had accepted her back then, I wouldn’t have ended up like this today!

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