Chaotic Chaos

Chapter 5: ch5: new people!

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???: she looks so young and weak how did she manage to make it this far into the forest.

Hana: leader, it's almost night, if we leave her here she would undoubtedly die.. look at all the blood on her, she's wounded!

Leader: you think so?

???: We can't take her either, we're already short on food supplies, and she looks weak and wounded, she's useless to us, and I bet taking care of her will just slow us down..

???: She looks like she can't even defend herself.

???: We can't bear the responsibility of a kid

Hana: SHUT UP EVERYONE! lead what do you say, Take or leave?

Leader: ... Pffttt y'all are so stupid aren't you?


Leader: you all are so underestimating her, she wouldn't have made it this far if she was as weak as you're assuming.

???: lead do we take her?

Leader: she might be useful, let's take her for now after she wakes we'll see, if she's useless we can simply abandon her.

???: What a brilliant idea, as expected from our leader!

Leader: Hana take care of her

Hana: sure.

Hana put her bloody axe back into its leather sheath, she used one hand to carry alvah and place her on her back, Hana continued walking past the forest with her group leaving the man and his decapitated head behind.

soon after, the night came and the forest became so dark that one couldn't wander alone so carelessly.

The group settled down inside a dark cave below a mountain, they lit a fire to keep warm and scare the wolves away.

???: Hana you wanted to bring this girl with us, so you take responsibility and guard her all night.

Hana: fine, just shut the hell up and stop nagging my @ss, nelo.

nelo: mind your words Hana, do you think you're superior to us, just because you're bigger?

Hana stood up and took her axe and directed it towards nelo.

Nelo: hoo, I'm sorry, did I hurt your feelings by my words? that You wanna end me now? I didn't know you were this sensitive Hana!

Hana: I think it's time we end this mess, win or Die nelo!

Nelo pulled his flail, cracked his fingers and gave Hana a challenging stare as he was ready for the fight.

The leader was looking at the two getting ready to fight, others around were expecting him to step up and stop, however he just kept looking without moving or saying anything, he seemed somehow interested in the fight rather than worried about his subordinates.

Some if the people there were shouting in excitement and joy, and some were annoyed..

Ron: these two have been picking on each other since they met, it is finally time we see the winner! I'm team Hana!

Freya: sister Hana, stop it you might get hurt and I..

Hana: Freya, are you suspecting my strength?

Freya: noo, I'm just worried for you and nelo, I..I don't wanna lose any of you guys..

Hearing Freya's words, Hana stopped for a second and considered backing off, however, nelo snorted in an arrogant way seeing Hana's reaction, which made her even more determined to end him.

???: Nelo beat her @ss

Ron: Hana you can do it!!

Freya came closer to the leader and leaned over to whisper in his ear..

Freya: I..I think we need to stop them..

Leader: oh? Then do it yourself.

Freya: you see, I'm Soo weak, a..and sister Hana will beat me up if I try so..

The leader looked uninterested in whatever Freya was saying, and let out a snort of boredom.

on his side, the young girl in her black school uniform was sleeping peacefully unaware of the whole situation around her, Hana covered her in tons of layers to protect her from the cold as she seemed fragile to her, her long black uncombed hair was all over the place, her skin was fair and her cheeks were rosy due to the fire's heat, her lips were red, and she had a mole under her right eye which added a special touch to her mesmerizing delicate beauty. It was no other than our cute alvah.

The leader turned to look at her and smiled before lightly poking her forehead

Leader: hey little girl, aren't you gonna wake up? My people are fighting because of you..

Alvah didn't wake up no matter how many times he poked her forehead, so instead he closed her nose making her unable to breathe, seconds after she opened her mouth to breathe and then she opened her eyes slowly, Her eyes were blood red and had an fade-out pink shimmer inside it.

Seeing the scene Freya bit her lips and clenched her fist.

Freya: you looked so angelic before you opened your demonic blood eyes, I wish you are still asleep..

Alvah said in a sleepy voice: I wish I'm still asleep too, who would want to wake up to your face and your voice?

Freya: huh? You little b!tc-

Leader interrupted: Hana your little human woke up!

Hana who was about to fight turned to look at alvah in curiosity, she stopped her fight and went closer to alvah and the others followed, soon enough alvah sight was blocked by unknown people.

Nelo who was left alone snorted in boredom and walked away..

- everyone is welcoming our new guest huh? What's so special about a fragile weak girl like her anyways pshh - nelo thought.

Alvah sat down properly to look at her surroundings, she could see right beside her, a black-haired boy with black eyes and pale skin, he was pretty handsome, after seeing him alvah got immediately bewitched, she stared at him in awe for some time before finally speaking..

Everyone was curious and waiting for what the new girl was gonna say, as she opened her mouth to mutter some words, they all opened their ear and eyes widely to hear and judge her for whatever she was gonna say..

Alvah: ...

Hi handsome, what's your name?

She said it in a flirty way, while blowing a wink.


Upon hearing Alvah's words the whole place went silent, one could say they all shared the same thought as they all made the same expression, they turned to look at their leader who was just called handsome with a look of disbelief and disgust on their face.

Freya opened her mouth from shock and couldn't contain her anger anymore..


leader: Kyrin.

Freya thought: - eh? He never even told ME his name.. and where did she even get the audacity to.. -

At this point, the silence disappeared, and everyone was murmuring and gossiping with each other, but alvah didn't give a and continued doing her flirting anyways.

Alvah: oh, Soo rin where are we now? I'm kinda lost I don't know this place..

Kyrin: r..rin?

the whole place went silent once again.

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Alvah: I'm sorry did you misheard me?

Nelo: new girl!! I like your attitude.

Nelo shouted suddenly as the crowd dispersed leaving him alone in the spotlight, nelo looked in his 30s, he had blonde short hair and small light green eyes.

he took several steps towards alvah, with his confident arrogant face, it was clear he was looking down on her.

Nelo: so you're like the peasant who dares challenge the emperor huh? We'll what you're capable of doing.

- emperor, challenging, what the hell is wrong with those people, but most importantly, me? Peasant? You must be out of your mind uncle blondie -

Alvah: oh? and you're like the powerless little prince who lost to the emperor right? too bad I can't see what you're capable of doing, cuz there's nothing.. hehe

Nelo: what did you just say?

A: mom!! I'm scared.. uncle blondie is so strong and powerful and scaryy oh my god (mokingly)

Nelo felt extremely embarrassed and angry because of Alvah's attitude and showed an ugly expression.

Seeing nelo like this rin smiled a little, but tried to hide his enjoyment from the others, on the other hand Hana laughed as loud as she could tapping Nelo's shoulder, in a sarcastic tone she says while making the happiest face ever: "it's okay little nelo, don't make that face, you're making me sad"

Nelo's expression was horrendous, his face darkened and his confident smile completely faded, his killing intent showed as he was staring at alvah like a small insect under his feet..

Alvah: dude! Calm down I was just joking..

Nelo tightened his grip on his frail and went closer to alvah, his green eyes shined with a malicious light as his killing intent was all over the place.

Hana: back off nelo.

Hana stood between alvah and nelo blocking the two from seeing each other.

Nelo: hohoho look who's talking.

Rin: cut it out you two. It's not time to fight.

Hana and nelo looked at each other in an underestimating way before parting their way, everyone's attention came back to alvah again who was still putting the same confused face as before. 

Alvah looked at the people standing around her.

she could see a strong built tall woman with a caring expression and a powerful aura, her hair was light pink and contained in one big braid, and her eyes were yellow, the fire in the place reflected on her brown skin making her look even more beautiful and unique, she looked in her 30s as well.

- that is Hana? That's what I heard them calling her when I was pretending to be asleep, she's the one who bought me here and took the responsibility for me, and also the same one who decapitated the Man's head before I fainted.. I mean she's scary but Soo cool.. uhhh I should be scared of her, but for some reason she's my idol -

Next to Hana, there was nelo.

- oh so that's the nillock? For all the confidence he has shown, I thought he'd look better than this, kinda disappointed not gonna lie -

And then there was Freya, Freya looked in her 20s, her hair was short and light green, her eyes were orange, she had a mole below her lower lip, she was the embodiment of a pretty snake.

- oh that's Freya? Hmm, I feel like we'll meet a lot in the future.. -

Others Didn't matter a lot to alvah since they didn't have an outstanding appearance or showed questionable behaviour while she was pretending to be asleep.

Rin: you had a pretty long nap, didn't you feel bothered by all the noises?

Alvah: uhh I'm a heavy sleeper haha

- no way this dude.. he doesn't know I've been faking my sleep all long does he? - 

Alvah pov : 

Actually, I'm a light sleeper, I woke up when it was still day not long after I fainted, I realized I was carried by someone and that i was surrounded by a lot of people through the noises I kept hearing, I didn't feel safe because I knew no one, and well after hearing what they were saying about me and how they were gonna throw me away if I was useless to them, I got even more scared and anxious..

So I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep, to gather some informations about who they were, and also to think of what I should tell them and what I shouldn't when I «wake up» .

After hearing their conversations for long enough, I knew they were outsiders who were strong enough to beat a large group of insiders and fully exterminate them.

They all had strong abilities, and some cool weapons they stole from the insiders.

it seems that it has been three weeks since they formed this group, and their leader is that black-haired guy.

I wanna stay with them so they can protect me from insiders and loneliness but they only accept people with abilities that can benefit the whole group or are insanely strong to protect the whole group.

In conclusion, the invisibility and regeneration abilities I have will benefit no one but myself, so if I told them the truth about me they'd abandon me, as for the stealing ability, I can't tell everyone about it easily, I'd rather keep it as a secret weapon or else everyone would be scared of me.

To make it short, if I wanted to stay I need to lie about my ability.

but then if one of them asks me to show him my ability It'd be the end for me, so, I need to think of an ability that no one can see or hear or touch or feel or even taste, and in the same time that ability should benefit those people in some way, it needs to be a perfect lie that no one can suspect, and even if someone suspects me, there should be no way to prove my guilt.. now where do I find an ability like that?

I have thought of saying I can see if the plants here are poisonous or not, and every time I can just ask Arthur about it, and no one will suspect but then, Freya the blTch had the ability to sense poison.. in that case, my ability would be just a supplement for them, and in the worst scenario they can kick me out because they already have Freya who has been with them for so long, why would they ever need me? And I don't want to make that snake my enemy, she hasn't done anything bad to me yet but I can feel her cunning nature, she's not that good of a person, in fact no one here is, except for my beautiful idol Hana queen!!

Also, what if Arthur wanted to play me and lie? From the past 16 years I lived, I've learned that the stupidest thing one can do is trust another one with his life or anything he values, friend or enemy or stranger, apart from family no one is there for anyone.. and sometimes even one's family is far from being trusted, and sometimes some people aren't lucky enough to be born with a family just like me.. 

Using that lie was so risky, plus no one would believe me, I mean who would ever believe that someone could survive the raging insiders and go this far into the forest with such a weak ability as telling which plants are good to eat? for Freya it was understandable since she was with the group since the start, but what about me? They found me all alone in the middle of the forest.

I tried to search for something else to say and this time I had to make sure the ability I'll pretend I have was strong enough to keep me alive in the AYRSHIRE GARDEN!..

I kept thinking and thinking and it was only until I was in that cave that I finally knew what I should say, I finally found it! The perfect lie no one can ever pull, although it's a little hard to believe, I can still use my charms and tactics to make them at least unsure whether I'm lying or not!

Back to the present time:

seeing that alvah woke up, Hana went close to her with a caring expression.

Hana: what's your name little girl?

-ahhh my eyes, she's so gorgeous!! I can't believe Hana queen my idol is talking to me-

Alvah admired and adored Hana so much for taking her side and protecting her, so much that she couldn't even talk normally without stuttering.

- do I tell her how s€xy her back is? It felt like heaven, being carried by my idol!! Alright alvah keep your calm it's not time for this -

A: name is A..Alfa (stuttered)

- huh? Alfa? Sh!t I messed up! It's alvah not Alfa what the hell? But It's not my fault, all those strangers came and surrounded a 16-year-old girl with their judging expressions, and my idol talked to me, stuttering is understandable under all this pressure but still Alfa? Seriously?! -

Hana said in a caring tone: you want us to call you alpha?

A: uhhh, can call me whatever you want.. I don't mind haha

- if Hana queen wants to call me alpha, then I have no objections, although it's kinda cringey, being called 'alpha' is uncomfortable but cool at the same time especially if it's from Hana queen, I don't know -

Rin's eyes widened as he thought: - using a pseudonym huh? As expected, she's probably from a rich influential family, and she doesn't wanna be known here, but why would she ever come here? if her life was good enough back in the normal world, That's the question.. -

Ron: hey Alpha girl, what's your ability, tell me tell me !!

- who's that? I didn't notice him before.. -

Ron had a brown short hair, and his eyes had a dark azure colour, he was so curious about Alvah's ability, which made him seem like an excited innocent puppy.

Ron asked the question everyone wanted to ask but was afraid or hesitant, so normally they all waited for Alvah's answer in excitement, their curious underestimating eyes surrounded alvah from every angle which made her even more uncomfortable and panicked.

- alright alvah, it's time to use your perfect lying skills, breath, focus on one person, don't give many details, and just be natural and spontaneous, it's not that hard you've always done that right? -

Alvah breathed deeply and made a confident expression, the corner of her eyes went sharp as she looked at Ron with pride and arrogance.

Alvah: my ability is ...

______________________will be continued soon

Do you think they'll believe her?

Let me know in the comments what ability you think Alvah is gonna say!

hope you liked this chapter ;)

I've been working so hard for this novel, but sadly I'm not getting any support nor viewers :) I'll keep on writing but I just hope I can get at least one reader to encourage me.

I'll try my best to upload chapters on a daily basis from now on.

See y'all, Luv ya <3

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