Chaotic Romance

Chapter 24: NOT EDITED YET

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"Father-in-law, don't shout like that! You're scaring me!" Evren scolded with a frown in his face

The manner in which he speak was as if Azael did something really wrong

When was the last time Azael got scolded like this? Not to mention, it was even from a poor stripper that his son got from somewhere!

"Y-you... who the hell is your father-in-law?!" Azael shouted while pushing several plates in anger

Before everyone in the table could eat their fill, a large portion of the plates were already wasted by the clash between two opposing sides

"Husband, does father-in-law have alzheimers? Who else except him is my father-in-law?" Evren ask with knitted brows, looking really curious and confuse

He has the talent of acting innocent to anger a certain someone to death and Azarel had an urge to laugh loudly but he still has to play along

"Don't worry about him. Even if he do have alzheimers, bad grass live longer that kind people. No need to worry about him" Azarel 'reassured' him

The man even grab some more plates while still sitting in the table to push, imitating what Azael did earlier


Another person banged their fist in the table and when looking at the source, it was Navier that has the same facial expressions as their father

Both of them are red from anger while gnashing their teeth

"Go back to your room, now!" Navier raised his voice, doing her best to come off as strong as possible

If it was any other older sister and younger brother relationship, Azarel migjt really go back in his room

However, who among this family is normal?

As such, not only did Azarel didn't head back to his room. He even grab a piece of pancake and threw them at his sister

Navier was already wearing professional clothes as after brunch, she will head to the company and start working again

However, because of her ever so loving brother, the pancake that was thrown at her dirtied her clothes it has some syrup in it

"Azarel!" Navier called out in a dangerous tone but the person that she wants to fear her wasn't the least bit afraid

"Don't be so petty. You also have tons of clothes in your closet" Azarel said dismissively as if the one that is in the wrong was his sister

"Enough! This is enough! Go enjoy your food!" Azael that cannot take it anymore stood up from his seat and stormed off to god knows where

Knowing that she cannot win against her brother when it comes to the art of angering people, Navier also did the same thing as if she was mirroring her father

"Gosh, I don't know if you're formidable or just really shameless" Hessy commented while poking a piece of bacon that she managed to save from the earlier battle

"Thanks, that was one of my specialties" Azarel answered with a grin before hopping of the table to look at the servants still standing in the side

Most of them are the ones Azarel is still familiar and are long time maids in the Manor

As such, they wasn't faze by what happened at all. Seemingly accepting it as a normal and everyday occurrence in the Lancaster Manor

"Go get my baby Duke, we will have a date today for being separated for a long time!" Azarel ordered

Since he had reach a consensus with his father, namely getting married and only sleeping with his husband, he naturally can have his precious dog back

"Yes, sir" one maid replied and walk away to fetch the dog that is living the life that more than 90% of humans do not have

"As for you, you can do whatever you want in the meantime. I'll transfer your salary later" Azarel said

Earlier, the two were tangled as if they were inseparable. But now, with the excitement of seeing his precious dog that he has never seen for a few days, Azarel completely forgot that husband of his

After dealing with these things, Azarel also went out of the dining room to shower first. How can he hold and hug his Duke if he was dirty?

Evren wasn't the least bit sad or whatever bullshit emotions

The only thing in his mind right now was the remaining intact food

Evren has his own excitement. This is his first time eating the foods of the 'rich'! How can be not be excited?

Unfortunately, there are only few dishes that are still eatable. Most are either flattened or spilled or in the floor

With a bright smile, Evren sat in his chair before using his hand to grab a piece of croissant 

However, before he can get it, his hand collided with a certain someone's hand that was also planning to get the same thing

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"Hey, that's mine! Go get another thing!" Hessy complained before trying to take the croissant again but the shameless Evren was faster than he is

"No, this is the only intact one remaining! How could I give it to you?" Evren said with an air of righteousness 

Hessy's eyes widened in shock while her jaws almost dropped into the ground

It was fine if Evren were to spite her father. But why is he doing the same thing to her!

"You have lived a poor life, how are you being so picky right now?!" Hessy questioned

This is just Evren's first day in the Manor but but he was already acting as if he had a golden spoon as soon as he came out from his mother's womb

"Yeah, and you are rich. Why bother fighting me just because of a piece of croissant?" Evren replied, still as unbothered as before

He even starts licking allover the croissant as if he was afraid that Hessy would still 'steal' it from him

Hessy was too stunned to speak. In her life, there are only two things that she likes

The first one is having a shoppingspree and the other is eating!

Now that her food got taken away from her, Hessy wishes that she could bury Evren six feet under the ground

While Hessy was contemplating whether she should hire a hit man to 'deal' with Evren, she saw the man grabbing a piece of cinnamon roll this time

Evren's manner of eating was unsightly and dirty, not to mention fast

Before Hessy could regain her senses, this shameless man, Evren already swept the food from the table

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Slow down!" Hessy said in panicked and she tried to salvage as much food as she can

As such, another battle started with Evren and Hessy taking food and eating them as fast as they could

Unfortunately, while Hessy although ate fast still has her manners cultivated starting from her childhood, Evren is like a starved beast

Their speed can't be compared at all. While Hessy was still chewing the first piece, Evren already swallowed his fifth one

In the end, Hessy's belly wasn't filled with food but with anger

She gave Evren one last glare before looking at the maids

"Tell my driver to ready my car. I need to go shopping, right now!" She said gravely 

With every cell of her body wanting to beat Evren to death, the only thing that can make her calm down is nothing but shopping clothes, shoes, bags, jewelry etc

"Yes, ma'am" the maid replied 

"Shopping? Hey, I want to go too! Wait for me, I'll just shower and change clothes!" Evren said excitedly

Although he still hasn't received all of his salary and the bonus, he still already got a huge sum from Azarel as a downpayment

Some people when earning a huge sum of money would put it into their savings or investment but is Evren the same as those people? Of course not!

The first thing that he wants after earning money is spending them!

"And why would I bother waiting for you?!" Hessy asked coldly

This uncultured man already stole her food. How dare he ask Hessy to wait for him?

Who is he? The President of the country or something?

"Tsk, tsk, fine. If you won't wait for me then I will have to force you" Evren said and it gave Hessy a bad feeling about this

As expected, in the next second, the bad premonition that Hessy has turned into reality 

Evren grab the spilled food in the table before throwing it at Hessy just like what Azarel does to Navier

Their personality and the way with dealing things would make people wonder if Azarel and Evren are actually related with each other

"Y-you!! This is Gucci!!" Hessy wailed loudly that people would wonder if her voice can be heard inside the whole Manor

Although Hessy loves shopping the most, it doesn't mean that anyone can do just whatever they want to her clothes!

If Navier's baby is the company, Azarel's was his dog, then Heasy was her clothes, shoes, bags, etc!

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