Chaotic Romance

Chapter 26: NOT EDITED YET

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At this time, there is nothing that Hessy wanted more than to get as far away from Evren as possible but you are telling her that not only could she not do that but she even has to help this despicable man?

Seriously? Just what did Hessy do to be punished by God to this extent?

Before Hessy can even say anything, Evren already pulled him towards the men's section of the Lux Fasion

It created quite a weird and funny scene as Evren looks like he was merely dragging a randome sock

Hessy wants to cry tears of blood becausw of that. Who dared to treat her like this?

Although she was the one that is most unlikely to inherit the Family Business, at the end of the day, she was still a Lancaster!

Not to mention, she was the most spoiled and doted upon as she was the only one that didn't make troubles for their father!

No one has ever drag her like this and Hessy felt like her reputation is now ruined

However, with Evren's physical strength, even though she tried resisting, she didn't win against him

In return, his resistance just made her lose even more face due to the comical scene she created with Evren

One was pulling the other's clothes while the other was pouring all her strength into his feet to prevent herself from being dragged

The other people inside the mall as a result stared at them with frowns on their faces

This mall ks only accessible for the rich. All of them grew up while being taught manners and etiquette 

For them, only poor and country bumpkins would act like wild kids in this mall

These rich people even had an urge to call security and say that there are unqualified people that entered the mall

However, after staring at the two for a bit, most of them recognizes the Second Young Miss of the Lancaster Family

To make troubles for Azael's daughter... those people that initially was on the brink of calling security heaved a sigh of relief

Even if they can't be friends with Azael they should at least not make him their enemy

Who doesn't know Azael's ruthless ways of solving things? He was already a business giant yet his brother is even a Senator! He was an almost untouchable man!

In the end, Hessy was dragged against her will to the men's section of the Lux Fashion and Evren shoved him at the couch

Although the two created quite the scene, only people with enough financial capabilities can buy clothes from Lux Fashion

As such, the stuff were more than professional as they didn't let their thoughts be seen in their facial expressions 

One of the female attendants recognizes Hessy and her eyes twinkled

Although Hessy don't have any company to run and her only hobby is eating and shopping, she was still quite well known

Not to mention the fact that she is a billionaire's daughter, Hessy's fashion sense alone was already superb!

She almost post pictures of her OOTD (Outfit of the Day) in instagram and that earned her a few millions of followers!

Many people tried mimicking the clothes she wore and some of them have positive results although they weren't able to carry the clothes just like how Hessy can

The female attendant was a fan of Hessy and she became enthusiastic 

"Sir, ma'am, do you need any help?" The attendant inquired and the already lifeless Hessy didn't reply but Evren does

"Yes, yes, fetch all the clothes from casual to formal that you think would fit me!" Evren replied excitedly and the attendant gave Hessy once last glance before she went to do Evren's order

It only took a few minutes before tens of casual clothes were presented to Evren and he grab the first one that he got to change in the fitting room

When Evren was done, he went out of the fitting room to look at himself in the mirror and also urging Hessy to give her opinion 

Hessy at this point was already numb at Evren's shamelessness. However, since she has to give 'tips' and her 'opinion' she sat up straight 

After all, Hessy treats fashion as her life. She would not let anyone ridicule her taste

Earlier, Hessy was full of grievances towards Evren as such, she didn't bother paying much attention to him 

However, now that Hessy focuses her attention in Evren and the clothes he was wearing, her eyes twinkled

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Whether it be in the body and the face, Evren can become a top model!

In fact, Hessy is even thinking that maybe it was only Evren's personality that drags him down to the point that he cannot become a model because of it

In a blink of an eye, Hessy became enthusiastic as she gave out her genuine opinion and she even stood up from her seat to check the other clothes to see what would fit Evren the best

Instantly, the two acted as if they were long time bestfriends. One is choosing clothes for the other and the other would then wear the chosen clothes excitedly

Evren went to the female attendant and whisphered in her ears. "Put the bill on her tab" 

The attendant although think that Evren is shameless as not only did he not buy clothes for Hessy, he even had her but clothes for her

But although the attendant was thinking like that, she still nodded her head

Evren spent hours trying on numerous clothes and this was his first time not caring about the price tag at all

"I have to go to the restroom. You can settle things by yourself. I'll be back after I retouch myself" Hessy said and Evren nodded his head

"Thank you, sis!" He said happily and Evren even gave Hessy a hug

The woman that never received such an affectionate hug from her own younger brother felt joyful inside

She even thinks that Evren was not as bad as she originally thought. As such, she pats Evren in the back before they ended the hug as she really need to head to the restroom now

As soon as Hessy turned her back, Evren smiled at the attendant and handed Hessy's credit card

Evren of course didn't just hug Hessy because of gratitude. He did that to 'borrow' the woman's credit card

Although Evren received a million from Azarel as his down payment, if he can, he would still use other people's money to buy the things that he wants

While Evren was setting the bill, a cold and arrogant voice suddenly entered his ears

When Evren turned his back behind him, he saw an unfamiliar guy that is completely full of hostility against him

Evren doesn't know that guy but if Azarel was present, he might remember him... or actually not

"What is a chesp prostitute like you doing here?" The man questioned coldly and arrogantly. His despise was clear for everyone to see

The way he look at Evren was even like he was looking at an ant

Evren is already used to people belittling him but it was never a good feeling!

Evren's countenance turned cold. He was not the one to make trouble for other people without any good reason (mainly money) but that doesn't mean he would let people make trouble for him

"What is a man that thinks too highly of himself doing here?" Evren questioned back

Since this unknown guy was being overbearing then Evren would be even more overbearing!

He was not the type of person to just let himself receive insults for nothing!

"What did you say?!" The man exclaimed, completely shock at Evren's rebuttal

With a sneer, Evren pole his ear with his pinky finger. "Is there something wrong with your ears? Try seeing a doctor for that. Maybe you can also hire yourself a psychiatrist, you look like someone that also need that"

"Pfft!" The professional attendant can't help but let out a chuckle after hearing Evren's blatant insult

However, in the next second, she immediately realizes what she does and she kept her mouth shut in fear that she would further offend the unknown gu

The guy felt like he just got slap in the face and he turned red from shame

"How dare you!" The guy said angrily and Evren continue sneering at him

Please, why does Evren have to deal with a 3rd rate bully? Can't he say much more insulting and infuriating words than that?

"Shoo shoo! You're no fun. Come back when you already sharpened your tongue!" Evren said boredly while waving his hand

He thought that he would have a juicy confrontation today but turns out this unknown guy was merely an idiot

"Who do you think you are?! Just because you are Azarel's hired husband doesn't mean you can act arrogantly! Hmph, who knows, he might even divorce you even after just a week, no a few days!"

Azarel... hooo.... turns out he was the reason why this guy is so bitte

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