Chaotic Romance

Chapter 28: NOT EDITED YET

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As much as Azarel wants to continue playing with his dog, since there is an urgent matter that he has to attend to, he can only kiss Duke in the forehead

"Bring Duke back to his room and tell Landers to assign maids that wouls monitor him 24/7 while I am gone!" Azarel ordered and the maids around nodded their heads

After one last glance at his dog, Azarel regrettable went back to his bedroom

He sat in front of his work desk and turned on his computer. He retrieved the files he has containing the information about the owner of Hashtag Publishing

Although Azarel didn't investigate the owner down to the tiniest bit of detail, since he would be partners with them, he naturall must be prepared

Azarel still have information that the general populace doesn't know. The owner of the Hashtag Publishing was named Peter Obletz

He was a man already at his sixties and Azarel found out that although Peter was still the CEO and major shareholder of Hashtag Publishing, it was actually already his son that is running it

Hence the reason why it was renamed to a more modern name

Aside from that, Azarel also has tons of sensitive information about Peter that he can use to blackmail him

Azarel and Azael's means when doing business can be divided into three. First one is 'legal persuasion', they would negotiate the terms they want first

If the negotiation failed they can then use either 'blackmailing' or 'pressure'

Blackmailing is already pretty self explanatory. This pair of father and son would investigate their 'prey' to dig some dirt that they would then use to force the other party to give up and accept their terms 

If they cannot use blackmail then they would put pressure on that person or that person's company

Lancaster Oil Corporation is already a giant business, a Business Empire even. People that wants to have relationships with them are uncountable

Not to mention, they even have Azael's brother a Senator to do some wonders if business pressure was not enough 

Azarel inherited his father's way of doing business. At normal times, Azarel wouls first use the legal negotiation strategy but since Peter wants to make a fool out of him, he would go straight into blackmailing 

While Azarel was scrolling through the files he has to choose what his 'bargaining chip' would be, he found the family photo of the Obletz Family

Azarel is the type of person that can recall memories even from years ago if he wish to. However, if it was one of his uncountable hook ups, he would forget them almost immediately 

But since his almost hook up happened just yesterday, he can still recall that man's face

"Bingo!!" Azarel sneered while staring at Peter's son - Wilson Obletz. It was the guy that Azarel drag into the restroom last night!

Azarel might sound being overly confident but he already has a solid theory as to why the Hashtag Publishing backs out

Since the company is essentially being run by Wilson already then the incident last night might be the trigger for their backing out

All pieces of the puzzle finally formed the whole picture

"I see, so he likes me hence the reason why the COO was being overly polite towards me. The negotiation is merely a way for him to force me into meeting me. His looks and skills doesn't look bad, I can play with him for some time. Too bad that he tried messing with my company and I would not be merciful to anyone that does that" Azarel muttered before calling his secretary again

"Fine the current location of Wilson Obletz. I now know why they want to renegotiate" Azarel ordered

After some time, Glynn gave him the address via text and Azarel immediately head out

"Eddie, choose one of my cars and drive!" Azarel ordered and the poor driver hurriedly went to do his bidding


Huxia Mall

Azarel's car stops directly in front of the Huxia Mall and Eddi immediately opened the door for him

The first that got out was Azarel's long legs. Just his legs alone already made tons of people to stare at his direction 

When Azarel showed his face to the public, even more people starts staring at him. Although he was wearing his shades, it still wasn't able to completely hide his demonic charms

In fact, it gave him a mysterious vibes and people wants to see the entirety of his surely handsome face

"Book me a hotel and do what I told you to do. You can't mess this up, understood?" Azarel said sternly and Eddie nodded his head

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"Don't worry boss, this is not the first time that I did this! You can rest assured!" Eddie replied with confidence and Azarel nodded his head at him before heading inside the mall to find his today's prey 

While Azarel was trying to find that Wilson Obletz, he heard a familiar voice shouting with rage

"Fuck you! You dare to ruin my day! Look at how wrinkly my clothes become for dealing with a shitty maggot, how will you compensaye me? Yes, yes, you are the shitty maggot that I am talking about. Don't act so surprise, we are enemies, not friends! I of course would not call you anything nice!"

Azarel's eyes locked on his husband and his brows furrowed. Aren't those his clothes? Why is that bastard wearing it?

Not to mention where's the wrinkles? It still looks like a newly ironed clothes. Is this bastars trying to scam someome again?

When Azarel's curious eyes turned to look at the man below Evren, he was surprised at who he had seen

Isn't that Wilson? The very guy that he was trying to find?

If not for Evren's loud mouth, Azarel would be hard press to find him in such a gigantic mall 

Seems like Evren is really helpful at times. Not to mention, seeing the blackeye in Wilson's eyes made Azarel happy

Who wouldn't want their hated person to be hurt? Only saints would be like that but Azarel is far from being a saint

He was more of the devil and he was proud of it

Anyway, although Azarel wants to help Evren beat that Wilson, he still have his plans to do

As such, he steps out amidst the the people that are already gathering in curiosity 

"What's happening here?" Azarel asked with a frown while removing his shades and throwing it away for a more impactful entrance

At first, with how shameless Evren was, Azarel thought that that guy would immediately come running towards him and complain

Evren might even say that Azarel has to do him justice and have him ask Wilson for compensation for 'mental damage'

However, the displeasure that flashed on Evren's face didn't escape Azarel's eyes

What did he do to receive such a look?

Anyway, although Azarel was curious, Evren was not as important as his plans for the bigger picture

As such, he held out his hand to help Wilson from standing up to the cold floor

Seeing the gentle gaze that Azarel was giving to him, Wilson's eyes lit up

His heart felt overjoyed and he immediately accepted that hand and he was finally standing again

"Azarel, look at what that bastard did to me. How could he be so violent?" Wilson complained

"What the! You were the one that tried to use your weak fist against me! I just retaliated! What a two faced man, I knew it, with your looks, you are surely born a liar!" Evren seeths with anger

If this was an anime, Azarel reckoned that Evren would be releasing smoke by now

"Look at your clean state and look at the blackeye in his eyes. Don't you feel ashemed for lying?" Azarel questioned coldly taking Evren by surprise

What the... he was innocent! That Wilson guy is really the one that was giving him trouble!

It waas Wilson that talk shit about him and even tried to punch him! If not for Evren's physical strength and skills, he might be the one that has blackeye now!

Evren shot Azarel a look of resentment. Although he don't have feelings for that guy, with how perfect they were as teammates, he thought that Azarel would at least listen to him

Tsk, rich people are really all the same. They only see and care for people with the same social standing as them!

"I apologize on his behalf and to make up for it, why don't I invite you to a nearby hotel?" Azarel said flirtingly and Wilson became even more excited

"Sure, sure!" He instantly agreed and the two starts walking way, ignoring the seething Evren

"Fuck this!" Evren cursed and he was about to just comtinue his shopping spree to vent when Azarel returned to his side and whispered in his ears

Evren's expressions instantly brightened but that was only for a single moment as in the next second, it became even darker than before

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