Chaotic Romance

Chapter 31: 31

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Lancaster Oil Corporation

Office of the CEO

Azael can be seen sitting in his task chair with a reading glass on his face. In front of him was a desk with a few stacks of paper

Although the Lancaster Family is a filthy rich family, to maintain that status, Azael has spent almost his whole day every day running and maintaining the family company

As the major shareholder and CEO, Azael can take a day off any time he wants, he doesn't even have to work for or longer than the 9 am to 5 pm that most office workers do

However, he has a bit of an obsession with work. Even though the company was already the leading company in the oil industry, Azael still wants to further improve and advance his already enormous Business Empire

Azael was busy doing his everyday job. In his hand was a report about the feasibility of the company expanding from just oil to other renewable sources of energy available out there

There is solar, hydro, geothermal, wind power, etc.

Azael's personality is mostly inflexible but when it comes to business, he would only think in a logical way. After all, there is a reason why he can maintain the company's prestige for decades

Azael has his own beliefs that almost would not change but professional reports with statistical data couldn't possibly lie to him, right?

From the papers in his hand, Azael learned that the average profit margin of renewable energy sources with today's technology and the profit was around 10 to 15 percent

It was lower compared to the margin profit that Azael got from oil power but it wasn't that bad

Not to mention, the Lancaster Oil Corporation was also already at its peak. It was terribly hard for the company to have another breakthrough if Azael were to only rely on the oil industry

While reading the reports, Azael can't help but sigh. If his only son was 'normal', he could create a subsidiary company for Azarel that would then deal with renewable energy sources

That can be a stepping stone for Azarel as in the future, he would be the one to inherit the main company

With a sigh, Azael can only take the paper in his side while making a mental note to give it to his eldest daughter

For now, since Azarel is still in his 'rebellious phase', Azael decided that he would still think of the feasibility of moving the business in that direction and let Navier handle it

Anyway, his daughter has always been interested in managing the company. Since Navier would most likely inherit the Lancaster Oil Corporation then Azael would give her another company

Even if that company were to fail and be bankrupt then so be it. Treat it as Azael giving his daughter an expensive plaything

Just as Azael was about to continue with the next paper, the door of his office was suddenly swung open

As the CEO, Azael's office was naturally large. Sometimes, he wouldn't even hear it when people open his door silently

However, with how violent the door was opened, it's not possible for Azael not to hear that

The man raised his head to see his youngest daughter running towards him at great speed

Although Azael cannot see Hessy's feet, he was still sure that his daughter is wearing high heels. After all, Hessy thinks that flat shoes are for the weak

Every time that the rare occasion of Hessy running would enter Azael's mind, he would always sigh inside him

Just how is it possible for a woman wearing a pair of shoes that has a 'long stick' in the soles to run this fast?

"Dadddyyyy!!!" Hessy's spoiled and aggrieved voice entered Azael's ears

Every time that his daughter would be like this, there are generally only two reason

The first one which was the reason most of the time was that Hessy wants to receive another 'pocket money' from her father

However, since Azael just gave Hessy a huge sum last night, that should not be the case

Azael can only think that Hessy was running towards him like this because of the second reason - someone made his daughter aggrieved

Thinking of that, a frown appeared on Azael's face as he stood up from his seat, making sure to move as far away from his table as possible

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With how Hessy usually throws a tantrum whenever something doesn't go in her way, Azael was worried about his files

In just a matter of seconds, Hessy already threw herself at her father's embrace

"Daddy, help me!" Hessy cried out

Sure enough, someone displeases this daughter of his and since Hessy cannot do anything about it, she came running towards her father

It's just that with Hessy's personality and her family background, the number of people that can make her helpless can be counted on one hand

"What is it? What happened? Did that 'Liza Bitch' of yours gain more followers than you again?" Azael questioned

The last time that Hessy came running towards him like this was when his daughter's "Archrival" got more Instagram followers than her

Although there is no solid proof, Hessy thinks that Liza only 'won' that time all because she bought her followers

At that time, Hessy cried loudly saying that she just got slapped in her face. After all, when one's rival becomes 'better' than you at something, wasn't that the same as a slap in the face?

In Azael's mind, he was already calling his assistants to also buy even more followers for his daughter 'just like what' Lisa did

"No, it wasn't her although I still want to tear her face!! How dare people think that that bitch and I are at the same level?!" Hessy replied through gritted teeth

Just thinking about her Instagram rival made her angry

"Then what is it? Was it that Jackson that won't stop pestering you before? I already sent him abroad last year. Did he come back?" Azael ask and Hessy shook her head

"No, it also wasn't him! It was Azarel's husband! That Evren! Grrrr, just thinking about him makes me want to kill him with my own hands even though it would ruin my pretty nails!" Hessy exclaimed through gritted teeth and Azael's frown deepened

Evren... it was that Evren again. Azael recalled how angry he was this morning all because of that bastard

Azael just temporarily forgot about it since he has a lot of work to do in the company. But now that name was brought up again, Azarel became even more displeased

"What did he do this time?"

"Daddy, that evil bastard used my credit card! You don't know how many zeroes were charged on my account! I don't want to see him again, dad, make brother divorce him and kick him out of the manor!" Hessy cried out

Just thinking that she would have to live in the same house as that devil was enough for Hessy's anger meter to be fully filled with no room for more anger anymore

Hearing what his daughter wants, Azael was tempted to do that but he cannot. As such, he has to reject what his daughter wants him to do

"No, that can't do. Just wait for a bit more. I'm sure your brother would give up first" Azael said firmly, not taking no for an answer

Hessy also knows that when her father is this firm at something, Azael would almost never change his mind. But her card was still in that evil bastard's hands! Not to mention, the huge amount that was already charged at her name

"But my card, dad! My good younger brother wouldn't even compensate me for it! I just can't let that devil do whatever he wants!" Hessy complained

Money and shopping are her life. She can't accept that her 'own' money was used to buy another person's things

"I'll close that card of yours and give you a new one. I'll also compensate your loss but I wouldn't relent on your brother" Azael said

Since the root cause of this problem was money then Azarel would just throw money into it to fix it

As Hessy wouldn't lose any money with her father's interference, this outcome was already quite good

However, since she still has to live in the same house as Evren... Hessy don't think that she could survive even just a single week with that wicked man

"But daddy..." Hessy pouted, still wanting her father to just give up so that the gold digger in the manor would be kicked out right this instance

"This matter is already decided. Just endure it for a bit. I would have to go on a business trip later and who knows, before I return, your brother might have given up already. If not, after I return, I would personally deal with that Evren" Azael said dismissively

As a result, Hessy can only nod her head to agree. Anyway, although she was spoiled, she also has the least power when it comes to the 'bigger things' since she was unlike her younger brother and older siste

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