Chaotic Romance

Chapter 38: 38

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January 14 the Year 2022

"I'm bored...." Evren muttered as his whole body was buried in the sun lounger

He was currently just lazing around in the lounger next to the Manor's swimming pool. The sun was quite bright but it was being blocked by the large umbrella above him

In Evren's eyes was large black shades that seems unnecessary as there is not a hint of sunlight hitting him anywhere on his body anymore

On Evren's side was a small table with bowls of fruits on top of it. He was simply living the life that other people would kill to have

All luxury has been provided to him thanks to almost all of them being available inside the Manor

The pool alone already looks like a small water park! Evren kind of wonder what kind of thoughts entered the owner's mind to build such a large swimming pool

The Manor was just heaven in Evren's eyes and he even had the ridiculous thoughts of opening it to the outside world as if it was a theme park

I mean, it has a pool, a large garden, golf course, gyms, music rooms, wine cellar, painting rooms, etc.

If he can, Evren would never move out from such a paradise as he would be stupid if he were to do so

It also kind of made him wonder if he can still go back to his poor life after he divorced his current husband

"You only eat, sleep, and play the whole day, how can you not be bored?" The woman in the adjacent sun lounger of Evren said back while rolling her eyes under her own shades

That woman is none other than Hessy that now has a like and hate relationship with Evren

Hessy might have access to almost everything but she took it for granted. Only with Evren's help did she starts enjoying the things that her home can offer

They are kind of besties now but of course, Hessy still hates Evren for always forcing her to do things that she doesn't want

"Says the person that was jobless her whole life?" Evren rebuked with an eye roll

It's not like his and Hessy's life these days are different! In fact, it was even the same!

Both of them don't have a job yet even then, they still can afford to stay in the manor with everything they need and want provided to them at a call

"I might not be working but I also have my own share of the company. I can afford not working my whole life" Hessy said cooly

She doesn't think that a time when she has to work wouldn't come. Even if the company were to be bankrupt today, her funds are still sufficient for a lifetime but only if she stops spending money as if they were just water

"I also have my salary from your brother, I can now afford to be jobless my whole life if I want to" Evren replied and the two glanced at each other before speaking at the same time

"But I also want to continue shopping my whole life..."

Hearing their words, the two laughed, their personalities are really similar in many ways

Both of them don't like working but they like spending money nonstop

"Hahahaha, shopping is your only exercise. I bet that given a bit more time, you'll turn obese" Hessy said with a laugh. Just imagining an obese version of Evren made her mood brighter than before

Evren look at his bare stomach, thinking that his abs seems fainter than usual and that gave him a sense of panic

"Oh no, I didn't think of that. What if I really get fat? How can I make Azarel cry in bed again?" Evren said out of terror

For the past week, his husband was missing in action and he don't have time to make that man unable to walk after their 'exercise' session ended

"This is not the first time that I said this but can you stop? It's my brother okay? Just thinking about you screwing my own brother makes me feel sick inside" Hessy said in disgust as she removed her shades as if she wants Evren to see just how much disgusted she was

In return, Evren removed his own shades to show that he doesn't care about how much disgusted Hessy was

The two were in a stalemate before a maid arrived and talked to Evren

"Sir Evren, Sir Azael returned and he wants to see you" the maid informed him and Hessy's eyes lit up

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"Ohooo. Finally! I'll get to see how my father will chew you out!" Hessy said excitedly

She might have become friends and bonded with Evren in some ways but she still hates him

Knowing her father's temperament, Hessy is sure that Evren wouldn't be easily let off

"I can see your brain imagining different versions of myself and sorry to disappoint you but that will not happen. I'm not stupid enough to face a tiger head on" Evren said without a hint of panic

He instead stood up from his seat and went to the flower beds decoration around the swimming pool and he took out a nag from it

"What are you planning to do?" Hessy followed Evren as she curiously stared at the bag that Evren took from the flower bed

"Escape of course. Without my shield (Azarel), why would I face the enemy that wants my death?" Evren answered in a way that Hessy feels dumb for not realizing what he planned

"What the... wait, you planned this already before it happened, right? If not, how can you have that bag with clothes and also a bit of cash?" Hessy said in surprise and Evren just smirks at him as he finally wore some clothes again

"Just how many bags like that do you have?"

"Try to guess"

"Don't tell me the whole Manor is filled with that"

"Hahahah, damn right! And of course, the cash inside came from Azarel. I also need a lifeline when facing your father! My biggest fear is being chased away while I was still naked! I might be a stripper but I also don't want to give just anyone a view of my birthday suit for free!"

Evren finally finished wearing his clothes and he took the bag of money, ready to escape now

"Hey, wait! You can't go!" Hessy cried out as she still wants this Evren to suffer

"If your father can't see me and punish me for the Manor's current state, wouldn't that mean you could help calm him down for a longer period of time?" Evren hinted and Hessy's eyes lit up

The angrier her father was, the more she could extort from him

"Fine, fine, you got me there. Money is more important than the satisfaction of seeing you dying"

"Bitch" Evren said with an eyeroll. "Anyway, I already figured out that you are the good for nothing middle child that is like a leech to the family. If you want opportunities like this to happen more often, you have to help me, alright?"

"Hey! Your words are hurtful!"

"What about it? I'm complimenting you! Most of the ignored middle children out there are desperate to gain their parent's attention but still failed in the end. I mean, everyone has a stereotypical role. The oldest one is the failure, the middle child is the ignored and unloved, while the youngest is the doted one. It's good that you didn't conform with the stereotypes!"

Once again, Hessy reminded just why she hates Evren as she gritted her teeth. "What would an orphan know about having parents and siblings?"

Evren's eyes reddened from anger as he glared back at Hessy

"You bitch"

Sparks flew between the eyes of the two but in the end, Evren was the one to break free first as he has to escape from the Manor soon

With that, Evren gave Hessy one last glare before running away while texting Azarel with his brand new phone

"Boss, SOS!" Evren sent that and when Azarel receives it, he immediately contacted his own people in the Manor

When Evren arrives at the driveway, there was also a car waiting for him and he rose on it

The driver was a woman just like all of the employees in the Manor except for the Head Butler and she immediately drove off

Knowing that he would be safe from now, Evren heaved a sigh of relief. Anyway, this is just the first instance and would catch Azael off guard. It wasn't weird that it works

However, for the next time, Evren has to think of a more clever way to escape

"Drive me to where the boss is!" Evren said to the driver and the woman nodded

Since Evren was given a chance to redeem his fragile masculinity that Azarel shattered after they slept together, he naturally would not let such a chance slip out of his fingers!

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