Chaotic Romance

Chapter 45: 45

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In the end, Azarel can only stare at his father's retreating back. The dirty old man is clearly in a good mood as he just dealt a fatal blow to his son. He thinks that he push Azarel one more step into giving up

Not only would Azarel be tempted to sleep with the new and handsome servants in the Manor. Azael would not even need to see his son with him on another business trip. Just like what they say, out of sight, out of mind

No matter what Azarel does, as long as Azael does not see it, he can at least endure his anger. As for Azarel, how can he make his father give up now that he would not be able to contact him anymore?

No doubt that the situation was completely reversed. It was now Azarel that can only swallow his anger while Azael was brimming with happiness

Just as Azael was about to exit the Manor, he turned his head back as he remembered something. "Oh, I almost forgot, why don't you greet your husband since you just returned from work?" Azael said playfully and he clapped his hand

Yet more servants step out holding a tied and crying Evren. He doesn't look hurt or anything like that but his eyes were soulless. It's like he had just seen his whole life falling apart in front of him

"What did you do to him?!" Azarel questioned in rage. The shameless Evren is his greatest weapon against Azarel, what can he even do with a broken weapon?

"Nothing much. In courtesy of my one and only son, I did not beat him to death. Be thankful for that" Azael replied casually and his son glared at him

"I cannot believe that you could be shameless enough to even want to receive a thank you when you did not even reach the bare minimum. What kind of father-in-law would break their son-in-law like this?!"

"I do not have a stripper and gold digger as a son-in-law!" Azael rebuked. He will never accept Evren as his son's husband. never!

"Boss...." Evren called out pitifully, his eyes still having tears in them, looking very pitiful. It feels like countless unspeakable things were done to him in just the span of a single day. He looks so wronged that even Satan himself might be concerned and feel pity for him

After saying his piece, Azael continued in his way and boarded his car, leaving only the pair of husband and husband inside along with the handsome servants

As of right now, Azarel do not have the energy to amuse himself with beauties and he just went to Evren's side

"What happened? What did he do to you?" Azarel questioned. No matter what, to people that he is not enemies with and to Evren that he has some relationship with, Azarel is not completely heartless

He still can feel concerned for this pitiful and clearly traumatized guy

"I-I'ts better if Sir sees it personally" Evren replied but Azarel shook his head

"If I have to see it personally then that would be for later" Azarel said before he glance at the men in black suits around him

"Speak, where did that demon fossil take my Duke?!" Azarel questioned, releasing his imposing aura. In his heart, although he has some care for Evren, his husband's position in his heart is still below that of his precious dog

"Sir Azael took the dog with him!" one of the men said and Azarel's eyes went wide open

Without wasting a single second, he charged towards the door but he cannot see his father's car anymore. To think that that old man can play this dirty! He was really pushing Azarel into a corner

Should Azarel just give up? I mean, he can just divorce Evren and marry anyone else. Anyway, his father is not getting any younger. Could he not just have a divorce again when his father finally died?

However, giving up would hurt his pride. Not to mention, Azael is the type of person who if given an inch would ask for a mile. Who knows what dreadful things he would do after Azarel gave up and succumb to his wants

Aside from that, Azarel glanced at his teary husband. If he were to divorce Evren then this man cannot stay in the Manor anymore and he does not need to support him anymore

Evren is clearly already used to the life of the top 1%, would this guy even survive without Azarel's support? If they divorced this early then who knows, the next time that Azarel sees Evren the latter might be homeless and penniless due to his indulgent lifestyle

With a sigh, Azarel went back to Evren's side and the latter immediately poured out his grievances. "Boss, how can you be so cruel? A dog is even more important than your loving and loyal husband?"

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With how Evren can still easily say these bullshits, Azarel starts to think that maybe, this man was actually alright. However, seeing the pitiful expression on Evren's face, Azarel cannot help but feel bad

Anyway, if the situation was reversed, Azarel would be angry and also hurt. As a result, he felt a bit guilty and decided to comfort this husband of his

"I apologize, it's my fault. Let's go, let me see what that dirty old man did to you" Azarel said in a rather gentle manner that he rarely uses but turns out that Evren is also like his father. When given an inch would ask for a mile!

"Boss, I am so traumatized. Can you carry me to your bedroom?" Evren asks with tears in his eyes. Azarel almost instinctively refuses but with how Evren currently look, he does not have the heart for that

"Fine, fine, treat this as you exchanging a whole lifetime's luck to be my husband!" Azarel said through gritted teeth and he gave the grown man a piggyback ride

As both of them are tall and quite muscular, it was not easy for Azarel to carry such a big man. Fortunately, no matter how busy he is, he still made sure to always hit the gym. Azarel cannot have an ugly body. If he does, how can he continue seducing men?

Fortunately, although it was a bit hard, Azarel can still carry his husband on his back and with much difficulty, they arrived inside Azarel's bedroom

As soon as they entered, Evren cried pitifully again. Just remembering the events that transpired in this room was enough to break his heart

The things that Azarel saw inside his room were ashes and a mountain of tattered clothes. It was as if someone has great hatred for Azarel and decided to vent it out to his things

"Boss, your father is too evil! He actually burned thousands of dollars in front of me. He even destroyed your clothes. I have never seen so much money being wasted like this. My heart is still aching just by remembering it" Evren said with an extremely pained expression and the nerves in Azarel's body can't help but twitch

After taking a deep breath, Azarel turned his head to his husband to ask a question. "So... you mean that this is what traumatizes you?"

Without hesitation, Evren nodded his head. "That's hundreds of thousands of money, boss! I can feel my heart being stabbed just by remembering it" Evren spoke in a righteous manner and Azarel immediately exploded and he gave Evren's ridiculous head a slam with his fist

"A-aww boss! T-that hurts! P-please stop!" Evren cried out as he run to dodge that demonic fist that wants to punch him again. Evren was lucky that Azael did not have people beat him to death but turns out that it was his husband that will do that

"That was it?! That was the only reason why you looked as if your entire life falls apart? Come here, I will take your life personally!" Azarel shouted angrily as he chased Evren

Give his guilt and concern back! This freaking man just does not deserve it! Azarel was thinking of various bad things that his father did to his husband while feeling guilty. However, it turns out that it was actually just Azael burning some money and ruining some clothes

What is there to act like the sky collapses?

Angry! Azarel was too angry that he felt like he could really kill Evren with his hands today!

"Boss, mercy! Mercy! Please have awww! Mercy. S-stop, aaahhhh it hurts!"

In the end, Evren was almost beaten to death by his own husband. In the bed, Azarel might be the bottom but it does not mean that he is a weak and fragile man. In fact, he was the exact opposite of that

Whether it be sexually, physically, or mentally, Azarel is a powerful man! Evren was really physically hurt after receiving his husband's beating

Evren even felt like one of those abused and battered husbands that knows the meaning of hell thanks to their wife

"Boss please stop, it really traumatizes me!" Evren defended himself but what he received was Azarel's fist again

His mind starts to think about what he could do to calm his boss down and Evren remembered something

"W-wait boss, I have something for you"

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