Chaotic Romance

Chapter 48: 48

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Hessy watch as her brother enthusiastically serves breakfast to his fake husband

This made her rub her eyes multiple times to see whether she was hallucinating or not

Just how miraculous Evren's genitals are for her brother to actually serve someone? This is unbelievable! Too unbelievable 

While Evren received world-class treatment, Azarel's sister on the other hand can only eat the foods that the chefs in the Manor prepared

It's not like those foods do not taste good. In fact, they are all delicious, enough to be served at a high-class restaurant 

The problem was that with how Azarel decorated the ones he gave to Evren, the ones in Hessy's plates look blander as a result

In the end, Hessy was not able to enjoy breakfast not only because her foods weren't as well decorated as the ones on Evren's plates, her brother and his husband was also displaying too much attention to each other as if they would die if they don't show their love to the world

Hessy only managed to take a few bites before she decided to return to her room. She was like an unwanted person in her own home as the two people with her ignored her

It's fine for Azarel to do that to him but also Evren? Betrayed! Hessy feels too betrayed. Aren't Evren and her kind of besties now? How can her friend ignore her like that?


February 20 the Year 2022

"Boss, are you really sure that you would launch your company now?" Evren asks as he helps his husband in tying his coat 

They look like a pair of newlyweds except that although Evren was fixing his husband's tie, the said husband on the other hand was focusing on the non-stop calls his phone was receiving while also doing some paper works here and there

It looks like Evren was trying his best to be a good husband but Azarel was too busy with his work

If it was any other people, they would surely feel like a neglected wife. However, Evren is different. He don't feel jealous over work as he knew that it would earn 'them' millions of dollars

"Yeah, why not?" Azarel replied casually 

Throughout this whole month, the two has a rather harmonious relationship with each other

Evren was shameless and although he made Azarel feel helpless and annoyed most of the time, he was still useful, caring (in some ways), and most importantly, very good at sex

As for Azarel, just spreading his legs alone and throwing money at Evren was already enough to make the latter be more satisfied than ever

"But you still haven't dealt with the damage in your reputation. People are already boycotting Az Entertainment even though it still wasn't launched yet. They are even speculating that you would let newcomers climb on your bed and spread STDs!"

Although it has been a bit more than a month already since the article about that son of a billionaire that was obviously pointing at Azarel was released, he still didn't do anything to clean his name

It's fine if Azarel merely lay low as, after days or a week, most people would already forget about that news

However,  Azarel just has to decide to launch his company this early. As a result, the news didn't die down and in fact, it exploded even more with people gossiping about Azarel's promiscuous lifestyle and his ungratefulness towards his 'loving' father

"Negative publicity is still publicity. Those gossips would make Az Entertainment known to even more people and it's even for free, why would I not like it?" Azarel answered with a shrug

"But boss, although you and the Az Entertainment are now famous, it was in a negative way! Did you not have many artists backing out because of this issue?" Evren said in concern and his husband chuckled at him

"Even airplanes and rockets also need momentum to rise in the sky. Public image is like a wheel, one issue can put it into the positive side and another issue can put it into the negative side. Trust your husband when I say that soon, my image would be clean and we even got free publicity for this" Azarel said confidently and Evren can only put his trust in him

Anyway, knowing Azarel, he would not be this confident without a concrete plan

"Okay, boss, I trust you!" Evren replied with a shrug before moving behind Azarel to give his shoulders a massage

"But boss, are you really taking me to the ribbon cutting and opening ceremony?" Evren asks though he was clearly sucking up to Azarel by massaging his shoulders

"You are already dressed yet you even have to ask?" Azarel answered with a sneer as his stiff shoulders soften under Evren's skillful massage

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Who would expect that aside from shamelessness and boot licking, Evren actually has another skill in his sleeve?

"Besides, whether we like it or not, we are husbands. If I don't bring my husband as my partner then who should I bring?" 

"Hehehe boss, I don't know whether you like to be my husband or not but I definitely love being your husband!" Evren said shamelessly as he kisses the other man on the cheeks

As a person that has great adaptability like a cockroach, Evren already threw the matter of his sexuality aside

Whether he is actually gay or not and he just didn't know does not matter. All he knows was that sex with Azarel was the best!

However, while Evren was acting like this,  deep inside him, he also feels really warm

Azarel might be prickly on the outside but he also has his own kind of kindness! 

Although he sometimes calls Evren a stripper or a gold digger, he did not do it in a mocking or insulting manner as most people do

Not to mention, he also treats Evren like a human no matter what his background is. How can Evren not feel warm from that?

"Tsk, you only love being my husband since you can get everything that you want" Azarel replied while pursing his lips

Evren has almost no different from a man that won the jackpot in a lottery!

"Boss, how can you say that? I genuinely love being your husband! You know how pure my heart is!" Evren said and he even hugged the other man from the back 

"What are you a five year old kid?" Azarel questioned in a tone of displeasure yet he didn't stop Evren from being this clingy

Anyway, they already did the unspeakable, why bother making a fuss over a mere hug, right?

"Tsk, boss really don't have any sweet bones" Evren complained as he take his arms back

"When will you stop calling me boss? It's not like you're a formal employee of mine. Just call me by my name. What would people even think if the reporters captured your call sign to me?"

"But calling boss by your name sounds too formal and your name is also quite long"

Azarel's face instantly turned emotionless. Just because Azarel's name has three syllables, Evren was too lazy to call him?

"Then use Az or whatever you want. But if you choose a nickname with overflowing sugar in it, prepare to have your balls pulled out from your body" 

Hearing that, Evren can't help but shudder a bit and he even covered his crotch with his hands

"Then Az it is. I won't dare think of a nickname, I still have to use my balls on you" Evren replied with a wink and Azarel can only shake his head

With the two already dressed properly for the occasion, they exited the bedroom just to see a certain woman outside wearing a dress with a slit that reaches her thigh

Her heels were taller than usual and her face was further beautified by the make up that she uses

"Hi brother hehehe" Hessy greeted with a silly laugh

"Do you have a fashion show that we do not know about?" Evren asks due to how overdress Hessy was

"Sorry to disappoint you but not only this night is my night, but I'm also better looking compared to you, and reporters will focus on me. Don't think that I don't know that you want to use my event to gain clout" Azarel said with a sneer and Hessy rolled her eyes at him

"Your image is currently already no different from the garbage. Don't you need the support of a loving sister to help clean your image a bit?" Hessy justified herself and Azarel can't help but sneer at her again

"Liza has more followers than you again and to help bridge that gap, you want to show yourself to the public thinking along the lines of 'when the reporters see me, they will be in awe of how beautiful I am and with my face shown to the public, I would gain more followers and be above my rival again', isn't that right?"

Hessy's face blush a bit as the thought in her mind was spoken out loud like that

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