Chaotic Romance

Chapter 50: NOT EDITED YET

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Despite the people clamoring about how bad Azarel's attitude was, he was still completely unbothered by them. Neither guilt nor shame can be detected from him

It comes to the point that Evren was more worried that the person in question was

Just what exactly is giving Azarel this much confidence 

As if he was not being cursed at by hundreds of people, Azarel pushed the guard aside and showed himself to the public again

"Hey, you, how much is your salary again?" Azarel asks and although the guard still has egg in his clothes, he too seems unbothered by it

"Fifteen thousand dollars, sir" the guard answered simply and the audience stared at him in shock

Fifteen thousand dollars?! His salary was actually that high? Although it might not make someone rich, that much is still more than enough for people to live their life quite freely without having a financial problem

If the person was quite good at handling money and don't recklessly spends their salary, it wouldn't be long before they can buy their own house and they could rven retire earlier than most people!

As such, after knowing his salary, the people watching this that are not rich themselves can't help but feel envious 

Not to mention a single egg, they would accept to replace the guard even if they were to be thrown a whole tray of egg every day!

"Hmm, then how about the benefits?" Azarel asks again 

"2 days off per week. Health insurance covered, hazard pay included, and meal allowance" the guard answered and the audience became even more envious

With the guard even having a meal allowance doesn't that mean that he only has to pay for lodging and his toiletries then the rest of his salary would then be up for him to use?

For ordinary people, that job is simply a dream! Not to mention a whole tray of egg, even if the ordinary people has to be slap in the cheek once a day, they would still accept this job!

"T-that! So what?! You are still treating humans like a shield! You do not respect them as people!" The egg thrower shouted again but although he might be right, the people around did not agree with him as enthusiastically as before

After all, the benefits and salary was just too envying!

"What? If I offer you the same job with the same offer, would you not accept it?" Azarel asks haughtily and the egg thrower seems to had his mouth zipped as he was unable to say anything

"Cat got your tongue? You people are easy to judge but tell me, would you really mind being used as a shield from a flying egg that a person accusing another person as blach hearted threw if you have that much salary and benefits?" Azarel asks with a sneer and the audience lowered their heads in shame

Indeed, if they were to continue agreeing with the egg thrower, wouldn't that mean that they are being completely hypocritical?

The gaze that everyone is giving to the egg thrower instantly changes and became unfriendly. How dare him make them hypocrites!

The man seems to had his face slapped but he still has another thing he can use to counterattack 

"So what? Aren't you an ungrateful son to your father? He tried convincing you to not marry that whore yet you still did. And now, you got HIV from him and you even try to paint your father as the bad guy!"

The public opinion was once again overturned but before Azarel can say anything, the phones of the people around rang, especially the reporters

Their notifications seems to have exploded and in curiosity, they checked their phones to watch a certain clip posted in the internet

The people, especially the reporters had a change in expression while the egg thrower seems to have been left in the dark

He look around him in confusion as if wondering why the others are acting weird

Fortunately, there was one 'good samaritan' that played the video and let the egg thrower watch

There was also a guard of Azarel that gave him a phone and the audience can only guess that it was the same video that they were watching

Aftee watching the video, Azarel stared at Evren with eyes filled with endless emotions 

This was the first time that Evren received such a gaze from this husband of his and his heart sped up

What's happening? Why is Azarel staring at him like that? And why is his heart beating so fast? Not to mention, he even had an urge to kiss Azarel!

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Who would have expected that Azarel's eyes can actually show that much emotions? It kind of overwhelmed Evren's heart that feels like it would burst out any moment from now

"Y-you... you cleaned my name for me?" Azarel muttered in disbelief. He seems to only saying that to Evren but since he was still close to the microphone, the audience still heard him and their eyes lit up

Indeed, it would not be surprising if it was Evren that spreads this video. After all, he was included in it

Evren was completely confused by what is happening and the next thing he knew was that his husband was already hugging him and 'Aaahhh' sounds that are heart warming rang around

The video was indeed the one that Evren accidentally captured a month ago of Azael mistreating him

With that clip, Azarel's name was once again overturned and he was not the villain anymore. The villain is now His father, Azael again!

Azarel hugs the surprised man for a bit before breaking away and facing the crowd again

His face still looks as serious and solemn as before yet those with kin eyes can see that the edge of his eyes are reddened a bit as if he was fighting the urge to cry

He looks like someone that was trying to be strong outside but was actually soft inside

"As most people already know, I am not someone that tries to maintain a good reputation. I am not the be kind to people that are bad to you"

"I am the opposite of that! I wouldn't let anyone mistreat me even if that makes people think that I am bad"

"It's fine if you all think that I am evil but you throwing an egg or insulting remarks towards me is not an act of kindness and goodness. I have always been a genuine person and as such, I would not let anyone harm me no matter what people might think about me"

Azarel gave quite a harsh speech but in the people's eyes, that's just him saying that I would not harm anyone but I wil also fight back if someone tries to harm me

The world is already filled with people that tries to make themselves look as good as possible. An angel without the slightest bit of stain

A person like Azarel that is admitting that he is not good yet also has kindness in his own way is refreshing, causing him to earn the public's affection

Azarel took the scissor prepared for the ribbon cutting and gave it to Evren

"Cut it" he said with the edge of his eyes reddening a bit, looking softer with his tough exterior

Although Evren was still confused, he still obeyed and cut the ribbon

"That would be all everyone, please do support the artists of Az Entertainment" Azarel said before he took Evren away with him with the help of the guards

However, before he walks away, the audience still had a glimpse of the tears that were about to fall from his eyes and their hearts softened

Azarel took Evren to a place with no people and the latter felt genuinely worried. He thought that being cursed at publicly like that still hurts Azarel no matter how tough of a person he was

"A-are you ok—" 

However, before Evren can even finish his words, Azarel already wiped his eyes while blowing raspberries 

"Wooh, I pinched myself to hard back there" Azarel said while fanning himself and his facial expression returned to normal again

"What did you say?" Azarel asks his husband that decided to just keep his mouth shout

Evren felt like he was a big fool. What worry?! He does not need to worry at all! Just who is Azarel? He is not someone that is tough outside and soft inside!

Azarel is tough both in the inside and outside! The hateful remarks from the crowd earlier would not bother him in the slightest 

While Evren scolds himself internally, hw saw a familiar face walking towards them and he immediately shielded his husband with his body

"Boss, go! I think that guy was trying to make trouble for you!" Evren said and the other man stared at his back

Sometimes, Evren really surprises him. Most of the time this man only cares about money yet at times like this, he would even protect Azarel using his own body

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